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      • 信阳小调初探

        王晨雨(Chenyu Wang),李艳慧(Yanhui Li) YIXIN 출판사 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.1 No.3

        信阳位于长江、淮河流域之间,是南北方文化交融的中心地带。其民歌种类繁多,分布广泛,商城县、新县、固始县、罗山县、息县、光山县、潢川县、淮滨县均有分布,其中以信阳小调最为丰富。信阳小调分为吟唱调、谣曲和时调三类,题材大多来源于人民群众的劳动生产,风俗习惯,现实生活,婚姻爱情等,有的反映了旧社会底层人民的悲惨生活,有的反映了民俗节日,有的具有较强的时代特征。以“装饰音”“节奏多变”“级进和三度跳进”“重复乐句”为基础形成的典型的旋律构成类型,使信阳小调拥有了独有的特色。 Xinyang is located between the Yangtze River and Huai River basins, and is the center of cultural integration between the north and south. Its folk songs have a wide variety and are widely distributed (including Shangcheng County, Xinxian County, Gushi County, Luoshan County, Xi County, Guangshan County, Huangchuan County, and Huaibin County), with Xinyang minor being the most abundant. Xinyang minor tunes are divided into three categories: singing tunes, folk songs, and seasonal tunes. The themes mostly come from the labor and production of the people, customs and habits, real life, love and marriage, etc. Some reflect the tragic life of the lower-class people in the old society, some reflect folk festivals, and some have strong characteristics of the times. The typical melodic composition types based on ‘decorative tone’, ‘variable rhythm’, ‘progressive and triple jump’, and ‘repetitive phrases’ give Xinyang minor unique characteristics.

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