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權寧中(Young Joong Kwon),R. L. Townsin 한국해양공학회 1993 한국해양공학회지 Vol.7 No.1
Standard values in graphic forms are presented for the ratio of added wave resistance to the sun of added wave and wind resistances in head sea for three ship types, tanker, container ship and passenger ship. The effect of ship length on the ratio defined above is investigated for the three ship types.<br/> Oblique sea added resistance is determined using wave direction reduction factor. The factor is obtained from model test results and cubic spline interpolation technique.
권영중(YOUNG-JOONG KWON) 한국해양공학회 2003 한국해양공학회지 Vol.17 No.2
Using motions (Maruo) and wave reflection resistance (the author), speed loss due to wind (van Berlekom) and ITTC standard spectrum, and various effects of weather(:such as weather intensity, ship type, ship size and draught) on ship speed performance at sea were investigated. Further, a comparison of the relative effects of weather and hull roughness on speed loss was also studied for a VLCC.
권영중(YOUNG-JOONG KWON) 한국해양공학회 2004 한국해양공학회지 Vol.18 No.3
A rational method is presented for estimating the power increase of a ship at sea. A probabilistic approach is applied to determine the weather condition at sea. A comparison is made between some full-scale data and the result of Swift's method. A comparison is also made to find differences among the results of eight kind methods for the wind added resistance of a VLCC in head wind. The mean difference between the results is 7%, in general, for a given relative wind speed.
권영중(YOUNG-JOONG KWON),김대영(DAI YOUNG KIM) 한국해양공학회 2005 한국해양공학회지 Vol.19 No.2
An improved approximate formula is presented for Series 60 forms, modifying the approximate formula, developed by the Author in 1983. The weather formula is based on interpretations of detailed calculations of speed loss, due to wind(van Berlekom), motions(Maruo), and wave reflection resistance(Kwon). Comparison is made between the result of the approximate formula and the one of detailed calculation. The result of the formula is also compared with some published full-scale data for speed loss.
서진희 ( Jin Hee Suh ),권영중 ( Young Joong Kwon ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2009 언어사실과 관점 Vol.24 No.-
There have been two arguments about the Case of There-associate. One is the nominative Case argument of Chomsky (1993). Chomsky claims that There-associate is checked as nominative Case by adjoining it to expletive there at logical form (LF). The other is the partitive Case argument of Lasnik (1993). Lasnik proposes that There-associate is checked as partitive Case by adopting Belletti`s (1988) theory that partitive Case is assigned to the complement of unaccusative verbs. Definiteness Effect(DE) is always manifested in There-construction. So we have analyzed the structure of sentences in which DE appears in various languages. We have observed that when an indefinite NP has the meaning of some of or part of a larger set, DE always appears. And we found this type of NP should be a There-associate in English. Based on this observation, We suppose that when an indefinite determiner phrase (DP) is interpreted as a nonspecific DP, the DP has expletive ``there`` in the specifier position. So we assume There-associate is the NP in the DP which has expletive ``there`` in the specifier position. According to this assumption, we propose that in There-construction, there-associate should be interpreted as a nonspecific NP and the nonspecific meaning of There-associate is manifested by expletive ``there`` which is in [Spec, DP]. And we suggest that the case feature of There-associate is checked by the chain between expletive ``there`` and There-associate. We don`t accept partitive case. We assume that in English the partitive(nonspecific) meaning of There-associate is represented by expletive ``there`` in [Spec, DP].
權寧中 울산대학교 1977 연구논문집 Vol.8 No.1
縱規則波中에서의 標準型 漁船(KIST 設計)과 高速 滑走船에 대하여 上下搖動, 縱搖動 및 그들의 聯成運動方程式의 係數들을 계산하였다. 또한 各 계수들을 Froude Number 0.30인 경우에 대하여 8가지의 서로 다른 Strip Theory에 따라 求하고, 서로를 비교검토하였다. The coefficients of equations of heave, pitch and coupled motion are computed for the small typical fishing boat with transom stern (KIST-MRC fishing Boat) and brave class planning boat in regular head sea. And the results of computations based on eight modes of strip theory are compared one another for the speed of Froude Number 0.30.