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      • KCI등재


        權勝林 한국일본학회 1999 日本學報 Vol.42 No.-

        타동사라는 카테고리에 속하는 동사를 의미적으로 분석해 보면, 다양한 의미를 나타내고, 그 다양한 의미는 몇 가지 유형으로 나뉘어짐을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는, 일본어의 타동사를 대상으로 하여, 우선 형태소를 추출하여 형태적 유형을 분류한 다음, 각 유형의 형태적·의미적 특징을 분석하였다. 다음으로, 형태적 측면에서, 타동사의 형태소중 일부는 사역의 형태소와 유사함을 제시하였다. 사역성을 띄는 타동사의 형태소는{-s, -as, -se}이다. 이는 사역문의 형태소{-(s)as, -se, (s)ase}와 유사성을 갖는다. 또한, 의미적 측면에서, 행위주의 행위의 성질과 행위와 사태성립과의 관계라는 시점에서 타동사문과 사역문의 분석을 행하였다. 타동사 중 사역성을 띄는 동사인 경우, 행위가 대상의 어떠한 성질 또는 기능에 의존함으로써 사태가 성립됨을 보여 준다. 이러한 의존관계는 사역문에 있어서의 사역주와 피사역자간의 의존관계와 유사하다. 사역과의 연속성을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 도표 타동사의 형태소가 사역의 형태소의 형태에 근접할수록, 의존관계도 사역의 의존관계에 근접하고 있음을 제시하였다. 마지막으로, 동작실현의 意味含意여부라는 관점에서, 타동사문과 사역동사문, 그리고 전형적 사역문을 분석하여, 사역문은 결과를 함의한다는 종래의 분석을 비판하고, 전형적 사역문의 경우, 동작 실현여부는 전적으로 동작주인 피사역자에 있으므로, 사역문은 곧 결과 함의문이라고 보는 것은 타당하지 못함을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        漢語動詞の使役文 : 韓国語の「-시키다」形との対照分析

        權勝林 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2011 日本硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        本稿では、韓国語の漢語動詞の使役形式「-시키다」形の派生パターンがいくつかに分類できることを提示し、基本動詞の種類によって異なる構文的特徴を見せることをまず提示した。その中から、(9)の自動詞「-되다」形の他動形式としての「-시키다」形(「-시키다」Ⅰ)と(15)の使役形式としての「-시키다」形(「-시키다」Ⅱ)の二類型を対象として、その対応する日本語の派生パターンを分類した。また、派生した使役文の特徴について、意味・用法的特徴と被使役者の特徴を中心に分析した。 本稿は、分析のスタート自体韓国語との対照分析的観点からであり、その対照分析では、基本動詞の体制と使役形式の派生との関係について考察し、使役形式と使役文の意味ㆍ用法についても考察を行った。比較分析の軸は二通りあり、それは、言語内での比較分析と、言語間の対照分析である。韓国語の場合、漢語動詞専用の使役形式「-시키다」形と一般動詞の使役形式でもある「-게 하다」形が役割分担をしていることが見られた。日本語の場合も、形態的に違いが見られなくても、その動詞の意味と使役文の意味は、韓国語と平行的な特徴を見せることが明らかになった。このことを表にまとめると次の通りである。

      • KCI등재


        권승림 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        This paper is a study about passive form in passive sentences and correlation between meaning types in passive sentences. Japanese and Korean are obviously different in how to realize grammatical meaning in grammatical form. In case of Japanese, a productive form is in chare of a grammatical category or a number of grammatical categories. Contrastively, Korean is a language that one grammatical category can realized in several forms. The table below is an organization of types of passive sentences based on classification of meaning types of Japanese passive sentences. Type of Passive Sentence Grammatical Passive Form lexical Passive Form General Verb Chinese Character Verb Direct Passive Sentence i-form − batta-form danghada-form Possesive Passive Sentence i-form − − Indirect Passive Sentence jida-form doeda-form − Korean passive sentences select different passive forms according to meaning types of passive sentence, whether the subject is animated or not, and kind of verbs. Also, passive form which has lexical meaning is variously developed. In other words, there are passive forms that represent derived, syntactic, and lexical form and they express various passive meanings.

      • KCI등재

        漢語動詞の使役文 : 「sikida·ge hada」形との対応関係を中心に

        權勝林 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        Causative construction of Chinese character verb Korean has a "sikida" form as Chinese verb-only format in addition to the form "ge hada". Furthermore, it is also derived in the form of a causative construction of general verb to "ge hada" form. In this paper, while keeping in mind the overall picture of Chinese character verb in Korean, to target the causative form of the two, practice comparative analysis of semantic feature and the establishment of each format. Further, as a result of the analysis to a double causative construction, it is possible to present the following conclusions. 1) It is divided into [A-2] type and [A-1] type by causative form of Chinese character verb "sikida", "saseru" form to become a transitive construction or causative construction. [A-2] type is subclassified to [A-2-1]type which becomes transitive verb in the corresponding spontaneous causative construction and [A-2-2] Type representing a similar meaning of "Chinese character word + suru" form "Chinese character word + saseru" form. 2) In the case of Korean "sikida" form, in [K-A-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the causative and transitive verb, "ge hada" form represents the meaning of the typical causative. The [K-A-2-1] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form represents meaning of spontaneous causative construction. The [K-A-2-2] type, "sikida" form represents the meaning of the transitive verb, and "ge hada" form becomes to make sense of the indirect event realization. 3) In case of Korean, double causative construction is established, so "sikige hada" form is established from the transitive construction [K-A-1] type, [K-A-2-1] type, and [K-A-2-2] type. 4) For Japanese, double causative is not satisfied from [J-A-1] type, "saseruyounisuru" form is derived from [J-A-2-2] type and [J-A-2-1] type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        誘導使役について -日・韓対照研究 -

        권승림 일본어문학회 2010 일본어문학 Vol.48 No.-

        本論文は使役主が直接手を下さないという意味での従来の間接性の定義 を改め、<引き起こす原因事項>と<引き起こされる事態>間の関係の間接性の度合いを分析し、使役文としての典型性を図ったものである。このような観点に立つと、誘導使役の文の方がもっとも典型的使役文として認められる。つまり、指示使役の使役行為が言語的手段で表されるのに対し、誘導使役の使役行為の方は様々な行為が可能であり、遂行される使役事態から用意に想定できない性質のものである。ここでは、誘導使役の文を分析の範囲とし、日本語の誘導使役文を分析 し、下位分類を試みた。誘導使役の文は、まず、意図的使役行為の文と非意図的使役行為の文に別れ、非意図的使役行為の方は、さらに、[+意志性]の使役行為と[-意志性]の使役行為に別れる。なお、韓国語については、使役をマークする四形式と誘導使役との関連について考察しその意味的特徴と制限について分析した。今回の考察から、韓国語の「-도록 만들다」形は誘導使役のみをマークすることがわかり、誘導使役の文の正当性が検証された。これは韓国語との対照研究の成果として認められるだろう。

      • KCI우수등재

        저온용 R502 대체 냉매의 이론 및 실험적 평가

        권승림,박윤범,정동수,김종보,강득주,Kwon, S.L.,Park, Y.B.,Jung, D.S.,Kim, C.B.,Kang, D.J. 대한설비공학회 1995 설비공학 논문집 Vol.7 No.4

        R502 has been extensively used as a working fluid in transport refrigerating vehicles and low temperature refrigerating machines but is to be phased out by the end of 1995 due to ozone layer depletion problem. In this study, both theoretical cycle analysis and experiments were carried out to examine the best substitutes for R502. Theoretical results indicate that the alternatives available in the market today may replace R502 without significant changes in the system without suction line heat exchanger(SLHX). When the system contains a SLHX, however, COPs of the alternatives increase up to approximately 15~20% than those without the SLHX. But simultaneously, the discharge temperatures of the compressor also increrease significantly with the SLHX. Actual test results obtained from the experiment with a transport vehicle's refrigerator indicate the similar trend as those of the theoretical results. Especially, HFCs and their mixtures show lower discharge temperature than those of R502, which is one of the desirable features. Further research is needed to study the effect of the SLHX on the performance of the real machine as well as on the oil return for reliability of the system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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