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        최용철,杨帆 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2019 동북아법연구 Vol.12 No.3

        2018 was a year when the situation on the Korean Peninsula shook hands and turned the corner.The situation on the Korean Peninsula has turned round, but there are also new challenges.The issue of the UN Security Council sanctions against the DPRK has attracted more and more attention from the international community, and the DPRK's dissatisfaction with the UN Security Council sanctions is becoming more and more serious.In terms of the effect of sanctions, although the sanctions of the UN Security Council have dealt a serious blow to the DPRK economy, they have not achieved the purpose of forcing the DPRK to give up nuclear weapons, which inevitably makes everyone doubt whether sanctions against the DPRK are necessary and reasonable.At present, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has reached a critical moment. The DPRK has proposed some conditions for the exchange of "abandonment of the nuclear", including the UN Security Council's gradual withdrawal of sanctions against the DPRK. However, the UN Security Council still insists on sanctions against the DPRK, and as the sanctions have prolonged, some negative factors of sanctions have gradually emerged. The UN Security Council’s sanctions resolution against the DPRK has some defects, such as the use of sanctions is influenced by political factors, the content of sanctions indirectly conflicts with the humanitarian principle, etc. In such circumstances, the UN needs to pace itself and actively bring into play its leading role in the complicated conflicts of interest, in order to gain more room for action. First, the UN should actively create conditions for the DPRK’s return to the NPT. Second, the UN should actively promote the signing of the “Peace Agreement” on the Korean Peninsula. 2018年是朝鲜半岛局势握手言和、转危为安的一年,朝鲜半岛局势出现新的转圜,但也存在新的挑战,联合国安理会对朝鲜的制裁问题越来越引起国际社会的关注,朝鲜对于联合国安理会的制裁的不满情绪日益严重。在制裁效果上,联合国安理会的制裁虽然对朝鲜经济造成严重打击,但是并没有达到迫使朝鲜放弃核武器的目的,不免使大家怀疑对朝制裁措施是否必要且合理。目前,朝鲜半岛无核化已经走到了关键时刻,朝鲜提出了一些条件作为“弃核”的交换,其中就包括联合国安理会逐步撤销对朝鲜的制裁措施。但是联合国安理会至今依然坚持对朝鲜的制裁,随着制裁时间越来越长,制裁的一些负面因素逐步显露出来。联合国安理会对朝鲜的制裁决议,存在着制裁的使用受政治因素影响、制裁内容间接抵触人道主义原则等缺陷。本文认为联合国在这样的情况下需要把控节奏,在各方复杂的利益纠葛中积极发挥主导作用,为维护东北亚地区局势稳定争取更大的行动空间。其一,要积极创造朝鲜重返NPT的条件;其二,要积极推进签订朝鲜半岛《和平协定》。

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