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        张光君,李宗兴 원광대학교 법학연구소 2018 의생명과학과 법 Vol.20 No.-

        With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, this technology has been applied to all aspects of daily life. In the medical field, it has begun to specifically provide doctors with advice in the treatment to reduce the burden on doctors. A number of medical artificial intelligence has been approved at home and abroad to be legally involved in medical practice. However, every advancement in technology will bring great challenges to the legal system. On the one hand, it must ensure that human beings enjoy the dividends brought about by technological advancement, on the other hand, they must prevent the abuse of technology and ultimately become a tool for harm. In the face of damage caused by medical artificial intelligence, it should accurately determine its legal status and establish a reasonable way of responsibility to better distribute risks. This paper combines domestic and foreign relevant legislation to analyze the problems and deficiencies of the existing system, and to clarify the status of medical artificial intelligence to establish the responsibility of the damage caused by medical artificial intelligence. In the end, some suggestions for establishing a medical artificial intelligence supporting system were put forward to build a complete medical artificial intelligence standard system. 医疗人工智能具有提高诊疗准确性、弥补人力资源不足、拓宽医疗服务领域和提高疾病预防效果等方面的优势,是中国人工智能发展战略的重点领域。就目前而言,各国对于医疗人工智能的监管主要还是适用于先前的医疗器械监管体系,借此允许医疗人工智能投入使用,而对医疗人工智能造成的医疗损害仍旧应用医疗产品损害责任。医疗人工智能的迅猛发展,已经突破了人们对于“医疗器械”这一概念的传统认知,因此,原有的法律体系也面临着极大的挑战。例如,人工智能因为可以自我编程,极有可能在投入使用时不存在问题,但是在实际使用中自我编程因而造成损害,可能导致厂商根据产品责任免责,最终导致没有任何责任承担主体;再如,在医疗人工智能参与的治疗行为中,如果仅将其视为提供辅助建议,无疑会减轻人工智能生产厂商的责任而将这种承担责任的风险过分地施加在医生身上。 应当在明确医疗人工智能在医疗法律关系中的地位之后,根据医疗人工智能在医疗行为中的参与程度和参与方式,区分其责任主体和归责原则,从而完善医疗人工智能损害责任的承担方式。具体路径是:主体上,应当主要坚持以生产商为最主要的责任承担主体,对其实行无过错责任的归责原则;对于医疗机构,则不能过多地增加其负担和风险,因为医疗人工智能技术本身就是为了缓解医疗机构的压力,确保患者得到更高水平治疗而存在的。在程序设计上,受害患者不应在医疗机构就近选择医疗机构承担产品责任,而应当直接主张生产商承担产品责任;如果医疗机构确实存在过错的,患者也可以直接要求医疗机构赔偿,或者在生产商承担产品责任后,再向医疗机构追偿。

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