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        중국 드라마 <金婚> 把자문 분석

        朴鎮秀 ( Park Jin Soo ) 중국어문학회 2022 中國語文學誌 Vol.- No.79

        Modern Chinses ‘ba’ construction is special phrase that is frequently used but difficult to acquire. This paper investigated ‘ba’ construction of in TV series < Jin Hun > of chinese and classified and statistical work on the various structures of ‘ba’ construction and the four meaning of ‘disposal’, ‘causative’, ‘affected’, ‘atypical-causative’. As a result of the survey, ‘V+complement of result’ ‘V+complement of result’ structures were used at a high rate in use the complement of ‘ba’ construction. and ‘V+le’,‘V+object’ structures were usde at a high rate in no use the complement of ‘ba’ construction. In terms of meaning, ‘disposal’ figure was 91.2% of all ‘ba’ construction, causative figure was 5.6%, affected figure was 0.7%, atypical-causative figure was 2.3%.

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