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      • KCI등재

        古蜀文化(고촉문화) 靑銅縱目人面像(청동종목인면상)의 눈과 시선의 含義(함의) 小考(소고)

        박석홍 한국중문학회 2012 中國文學硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        三星堆古蜀文化遺址發現於中國四川省廣漢市郊區.在此發現的各種多樣的遺物, 與在中原文化地區發現的文物相比具有頗爲獨特、神奇的特徵.因此 三星堆古蜀文化遺址發掘以來, 考古、歷史、古代文化等有關學界學人經過各自多方面的不斷硏究, 在各方面拿出了有意義的硏究成果. 本文特別注重靑銅縱目人面像的“縱目”, 就根據古文字學、文化學、文化人類學的理論, 還利用甲骨文、金文、納西東巴文等各種文字材料以及世界各地文化遺址中的實物材料, 對“縱目”的文化含義進行了較爲細緻的分析, 幷提出了在古代漢字硏究中利用文化材料的基本方法與前提條件.

      • KCI등재

        분얼기의 기온이 수도 생육량에 미치는 영향

        박석홍,이은웅,Seog-Hong Park,Eun-Woong Lee 한국작물학회 1973 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.14

        수도 분얼 기간의 기온의 고저 및 교차가 수도 생육에 미치는 영향을 알고저 분얼기를 활착후 10일간씩 초기, 중기, 후기로 나누어 주간 온도를 $25^{\circ}C$, $30^{\circ}C$, 야간 온도를 10,15,20,$25^{\circ}C$로 7조합을 하여 작물시험장 인공 기상실에서 시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 최고 분얼수는 조기, 중기 처리에서 많고 후기 처리에서 영향이 적었다. 2. 온도 처리 완료후의 초장$\times$경수의 적은 조, 중기에서 주간 $30^{\circ}C$, 야간$25^{\circ}C$에서 컸으며 후기 처리는 차이가 적었다. 3. R.G.R(g/g/day)는 조기 처리에서 높았다. 4. 성숙기 엽중은 조기 처리에서 가장 많고 후기 처리에서 적었다. 5. 따라서 수도 생육에 미치는 온도의 영향은 분얼 초기에 크다고 하겠다. In order to ascertain the effects of fluctuations and range of daily temperatures on the growth of rice, a pot(1/5, 000 are) experiment was conducted in the phytotron, Crop Experiment Station, in 1972. Seven treatment combinations of day-temperatures 25 and $30^{\circ}C$ with night-temperatures 10, 15, 20 and $25^{\circ}C$ were applied in three 10 days periods, in to which the tillering stage was split after rooting of the paddy, namely, early, middle and late. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. The number of tillers were maximum with the treatments of day-temperature $30^{\circ}C$ and night-temperatures 20 as well as $25^{\circ}C$ in the early and middle periods, while the effects were small in the late period. 2. Multiplying plant height and number of panicles resulted in a high figure by combining a day-temperature of $30^{\circ}C$ with night-temperatures 20 as well as $25^{\circ}C$ in the early and middle periods, and no differences in the late period. 3. The treatment in the early period yielded a high RGR(g/g/day), of which the treatment combinations of day-temperature $30^{\circ}C$ with night-temperatures 20 and $25^{\circ}C$ gave the highest figure. 4. High straw weight in ripening stage was obtained with the temperature treatments in the early period rather than those in the late period. 5. Accordingly, it seems that the effect of temperature on the emergence of tillers is the highest at the early stage of tillering.

      • 아날로그 회로의 설계 자동화 시스템

        박석홍,손영찬,유상대,김주년,박진섭 경북대학교 전자기술연구소 1995 電子技術硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Owing to the increasing complexity in integrated circuits, there is a need for CAD tools to aid in circuit design. Analog circuits, generally which take 10% area of total chip area, consume 90% design time and cost of total chip design process. In this paper, we suggest new design method and introduce an automatic design system. This system starts from a set of performance specifications, synthesizes an operational amplifier to meet its specifications, and produces a SPICE input file.

      • KCI등재

        『說文解字』 轉注 再考

        朴錫弘 한국중문학회 2021 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.84

        『說文解字』 六書 중 하나인 轉注에 대해서 지금까지 매우 다양한 異說이 존재하였다. 근본적인 원인은 전주에 대한 許愼의 정의가 소략하고 例字 역시 불충분하기 때문이다. 그럼에도 『說文解字·叙』 중의 전주에 대한 정의는 전주 연구에 있어 가장 근간이 되는 텍스트 자료임은 부정할 수 없는 사실이다. 따라서 전주를 정확히 이해하기 위해서는 무엇보다 『說文解字·叙』에서 운용된 ‘許愼의 언어’ 본연에 대한 분석이 가장 먼저 전제되어야 한다. 이에 본고에서는 『說文解字』 육서 중 전주에 대한 정의에서 許愼이 사용한 단어의 의미를 의미자질 분석법에 기반하여 심층적으로 분석해봄으로써 문자 현상으로서의 전주를 이해함에 있어 참고가 될 수 있는 가설을 제시해보았다. The Zhuanzhu(轉注) in Shuowen jiezi(說文解字) is a term referring to one of the principles or methods that reflect changes in Chinese word meaning in Chinese characters. There are many different theories about the Zhuanzhu. Up until recently, more than 200 researchers have suggested their own theories about the Zhuanzhu, and more than 100 specialized books have discussed the Zhuanzhu in detail. The underlying reason for the existence of numerous theories concerning the Zhuanzhu is that Xu, Shen(許愼) is very simple to describe the Zhuanzhu in Shuowen jiezi·Xu(說文解字·叙) and the characters given as examples are also insufficient. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that Shuowen jiezi is the most fundamental textual material in understanding the Zhuanzhu. Therefore, an accurate understanding of the Zhuanzhu requires a close analysis of the definition of the Zhuanzhu in Shuowen jiezi· Xu. This also requires an understanding of the language of Xu, Shen used in Shuowen jiezi to be the first. Thus, this paper provides a hypothesis that can be a reference to the correct understanding of the Zhuanzhu as a character phenomenon by applying semantic feature analysis to analyze in depth the meaning of important morphemes and words that make up the definition the Zhuanzhu in Shuowen jiezi.

      • KCI등재

        中國 古代 象形字의 主要表意符 考察

        박석홍 한중인문학회 2015 한중인문학연구 Vol.47 No.-

        상형자는 의미자질에 대응하는 여러 개의 형체소에 의해 구성되어 있다. 이와 같이 상형자를 구성하는 형체소 중에는 상형자의 의미와 밀접한 관련을 가지는 것이 있는데, 본고는 이러한 형체소를 ‘주요형체소’라 정의하고, 또 이 주요형체소가 포함된 상형자의 형체 일부분을‘주요표의부’라 정의하였다. 주요표의부는 주요형체소가 가지는 높은 표의 비중으로 인해 해당 상형자가 나타내는 의미를 완전하게 표시할 수도 있다. 이로 인해 고대한자에서는 주요형체소가 원래의 형체에서 분리되어 단독의 문자로 운용되거나, 혹은 합체자의 구성요소로서 해당 합체자의 표의에 적극 간여하기도 한다. 본고는 바로 이러한 주요표의부의 독자적 표의 기능에 주의하면서 주요표의부의 표의 대상·방식·특징 등에 대해 기술하고, 이것의 형체 변화와더불어 한자 역사 중의 의의에 대해 살펴보았다. The Chinese ancient pictograph consists of a number of different shape elements that correspond to semantic features and some these shape elements are closely correlated to the meaning of the Chinese ancient pictograph. In this study, the shape elements related to the meaning of the Chinese ancient pictograph are defined as the “Main Shape Element” and some of the shapes of pictograph that include the Main Shape Elements are defined as the “Main Meaning Component.” The high proportion of semantic representation in the Main Meaning Component allows the exact conveyance of the meaning that the Chinese ancient pictograph represents. Therefore, the Main Shape Element could be used as a single character separated from its original shape or actively engage in the semantic representation as an element of the compound character. This study outlines the subjects, methods, and characteristics of the Main Meaning Component while paying close attention to its semantic representation. The research also examines the changes of the Main Meaning Component and its significance in the history of Chinese characters.

      • KCI등재

        벼 침수토중 직파 재배 연구 I. 온도 및 파종 심도에 따른 출아 및 초기 생육

        박석홍,이철원,양원하,박래경,Park, Seok-Hong,Lee, Chul-Won,Yang, Won-Ha,Park, Rae-Kyeong 한국작물학회 1986 한국작물학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        The objective of this paper was to examine the response of rice seedling emergence and early growth under the different temperature (day/night, 29/21$^{\circ}C$, 17/17$^{\circ}C$, 12/12$^{\circ}C$) and the different seeding depth (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm). The trial was carried out in the phytotron and field in the Crop Experiment Station, Suwon, Korea in 1985. Calcium peroxide-coated seeds were very effctive in promoting seedling emergence, seedling establishment and eary growth of rice. Coated seeds were more effective in low temperature condition (17/17$^{\circ}C$, 12/12$^{\circ}C$) than in high temperature (29/21$^{\circ}C$) at the phytotron trial. The deeper the seeding depth, the less the emergence and seedling establishment, and the available seeding depth was I cm in the direct seeding under the flooded soil. In the field trial (seeding date, May 1) the results for the emergence and seedling establishment were similar to those in the phytotron trial. Available cultivars for the direct seeding cultivation under the flooded soil were Cheonmabyeo, Namyangbyeo, Kihobyeo, Akibare, Nakdongbyeo and Dongjinbyeo in Japonica type, and Taebaegbyeo, Samgangbyeo and Gayabyeo in Indica x Jponica type. Coefficients of variation to the emergence and seedling establishment between rice cultivars were very high. Therefore, in the direct seeding cultivation under the submerged paddy, choice of rice cultivars and improved technique for direct seeding will be more necessary.

      • 아날로그 CMOS회로의 자동 레이아웃

        박석홍,손영찬,유상대,이경탁,배종욱 경북대학교 전자기술연구소 1995 電子技術硏究誌 Vol.16 No.1

        This thesis presents a system which automatically generates physical layout for analog CMOS circuits. The system makes layout floorplan from a input file. And in this procedure, the system considers design rule and typical analog layout constraints such as device matching, symmetry, distance and crosstalk. The output of the system is a final layout floorplan of analog CMOS circuits, which is expressed as a form of CIF file or a picture on screen.

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