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        일본 장제에서 유골의 처리방식과 인식의 변화

        박전열(Park Jeon-Yull) 한국민속학회 2006 韓國民俗學 Vol.44 No.1

        일본은 인구밀도가 높은 나라로써, 특히 현대의 도회지역에서는 묘지문제의 공급부족이 원활하지 못하여 심각한 사회적 과제가 되고 있다. 이런 문제를 해결하기 위하여 근대에 들어서며 사자의 유해를 소각하는 화장이 널리 보급되었으며, 오늘날에는 대부분의 유해가 화장된다. 화장한 유회는 인연이 있는 사찰의 납골시설이나 민간의 납골시설 혹은 납골묘에 봉안하는 전통이 형성되었다. 이러한 체제는 대가족 제도가 유지되는 동안에는 잘 유지될 수 있었다. 또한 납골되어 있는 사찰이나 시설이 가족의 생활공간과 멀지 않은 경우에는 자손이 성묘하는 일은 큰 부담이 되지 않았다. 근대 이후 도시에서 위생상의 문제와 토지의 효율적 이용을 위하여 넓은 공간을 차지하는 매장방식은 유지되기 어렵게 되자, 화장의 편이성이 강조되며 화장률이 증가되었다. 화장시설이 증가되고 환경오염문제를 어느 정도 극복한 효율적인 화장방식이 전국적으로 보급되었다. 화장장의 시설은 쾌적한 환경으로 개선되고 화장의 필요성에 대한 공감대가 형성되어 100%에 가까운 화장률을 기록하게 되었다. 일부 외딴 도서지방이나 산간지방을 제외하고는 마땅히 화장한다는 인식이 정착되었다. 많은 사람들이 근년에는 도시의 지가상승과 묘지설치에 과다한 경비가 필요하다는 점에 대하여 중압감을 느끼고 있다. 나아가 모두가 제한된 국토면적을 효율적으로 이용하기 위하여 묘지의 면적은 가능한 한 축소하여야 한다는 사회적 인식이 정착되어 있다. 가족의 단위가 적어지며 핵가족화가 진척되자 이런 인식은 가속화되었다. 출생률의 감소로 소자화(少子化) 현상이 심화되고 고령화사회에 접어들자 이전과 같은 방식의 납골방식에 많은 문제점이 노출되기 시작하였다. 이런 현실은 종래의 묘지 설치 방식에 커다란 변화를 초래했다. 사원이나 전문납골시설에 납골하는 방식이 일반적이었다. 그러나 도회지역에서는 납골시설에 안치하여 제사를 모신다는 일이 경제적으로도 부담이 될 뿐만 아니라, 제사를 담당할 자손이 줄거나 차츰 단절되어 간다는 현실적인 문제 때문에, 납골시설을 보다 소형화하거나, 유해를 남기지 않으려는 경향이 강화되기 시작하였다. 이러한 경향은 사람은 죽어서 자연으로 돌아가야 한다는 자연회귀 사상과 결부된 산골(散骨)이 확대되는 현상으로 나타났다. 유해를 해양이나 산악에 혹은 수목 아래 뿌려서 제사 대상물을 남기지 않으려는 방식을 통틀어 자연장(自然葬)이라 통칭하며 이를 보급하는 사회적 운동이 일어나 일정한 호응을 얻고 있다. 자연장은 아직 다양한 방법이 시도되어 있으며 완전한 정형을 형성하지는 못하였다. 뿐만 아니라 자연장에 대한 반대 견해도 제시되어 지방자치단체에 따라서는 자연장의 실행을 금지하는 법령을 내는 등 문제점이 드러나고 있지만, 일본의 가족구성양식의 변화와 고령화를 배경으로 장법(葬法)에 커다란 변화가 시도되고 있음을 알 수 있으며, 이런 과정에 전통적인 장례민속에도 새로운 양식이 등장되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. Japan is the country where population density is very high and as for the graveyard problem, it is it for a serious social problem as advances urbanization on modern times. I cremated it, and a descendant enshrined ashes and naturally did burial or managing a graveyard and a charnel before, and it was not such a difficult matter under the big family system. The management of a graveyard did a part of everyday life while a religious life and visits to a grave that I made a graveyard in the precincts of one's villagy or a temple of a near place from the early modern times, and it was become common were unified. When they were hard to come to maintain a burial graveyard system to occupy a wide area for issue of a city hygiene and efficiency of land after modern times began, there was an effort of a policy to offer cremation, and cremation rates suddenly increased. I build a new crematory in each place and an existing crematory does improvement, and a today Japanese crematory institution solves a pollution issue almost and reaches it though it is recognized by very comfortable society institution and shows near cremation rate to 100%. Of course there is a case it is hard to carry a corpse to a crematory in a remote island and mountain interior in winter, and to bury it but, as for such example, it is very unusual. Many people feel a big burden to expense of a rise and graveyard erection of a land value of an urban region in late years. In addition, the social recognition why you must consult with about efficiency of a limited country was done generalization of. When small scale of a family unit or a nuclear family drew it into here, a declining birthrate phenomenon occurred and was able to leave in the situation that was hard to cope with aging society by a conventional cremation method and cinerarium method in spite of being entering. Such reality came to bring a big change in traditional cemetery style. A method to lay ashes in a tomb in a temple and a specialized cinerarium institution was common, but a large amount of expense was necessary after having cremated it to use a cinerarium institution of the downtown area at a limit of increase of expense and supply of an institution. Compact and simplification of a cinerarium institution was performed necessarily. Such a tendency and an interval must pay attention to that expansion of ashes scattering by people expecting a break of the descendant that it is it in the nature recurrence logic to have to return naturally when a human being dies and a religious service hand by a declining birthrate phenomenon namely increase phenomena of funeral return to nature increase. Even if funeral return to nature as new how to perform a funeral service is not yet a method accepted as universal how to perform a funeral service, I point out that I am settling as the new folk who opens a support base while repeating trial and error.

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      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        동제에 있어서 걸립의 문제

        박전열(Park Jeon-Yull) 한국민속학회 2001 韓國民俗學 Vol.34 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue concerning visiting area and aspects of Gulip, which are parts of village festival. Gulip can be defined as kinds of ritual exchange process that visitors representing divinity give ritual performances including entertainment at the places where they visit and then receive compensation. This process occurs in all kinds of Matsuri, which are village festivals of Japan, with the very similar form. Gulip is not only an important ritual process of village festival but also the performances of finance raising to make village festival get held repeatedly. According to areas, there are some cases that Gulip degraded or transformed in the process of village festival. However, Gulip as a ritual component part has an important meaning. In addition, Shamanism has ritual Gulip that Shaman visits each house. Through this ritual, the relationship between Shaman and devotee is rechecked, and a son of exchange activity between executing ritual and offering an oblation is done. The discussion about this subject leaves for future research. Gulip on village festival has a basic form. This form is to be said that a person who takes charge of the process of village festival visits each house in his own village as the mode like a ritual of appeasing a village sprite, and then the person does performances such as purity, prayer, and entertainment and finally receive compensation. He participates in a ritual as a member of the group of Gulip during village festival, while he usually does his own work. What I tty to focus on in this presentation is the issue concerning the activity area of the group of Gulip. The basic activity area is their own village. However, their neighboring village could be the activity area as the extension of village festival. Moreover, for the purpose of getting income, more broad areas could be their activity areas. Gulip done in their own village has a function as a ritual for a public aim, but Gulip done in more broad areas has a function as a ritual for a private one. In this case, the group of Gulip could be treated with strolling players.

      • KCI등재후보

        기물이 변하여 요괴가 된다는 인식의 표현방식: 쓰쿠모신(付喪神)의 성불과정을 중심으로

        박전열 ( Park Jeon Yull ) 청람사학회 2020 靑藍史學 Vol.31 No.-

        Since the Middle Ages, the folk belief that Japan has believed that the items used in the house for many years will change and become Tsukumosin a kind of Youkai. Faith like this is expressed in narratives and pictures, and has been conveyed to this day. The story of the Tsukumosin results in Buddhism’s concept that “every living being can be a Buddha.” People have a habit of throwing away old household items for a long time at the end of the year. Worked devotedly to humans, but abandoned household items get angry. Anger is what humans with sensibilities do, but anthropomorphic household items make a group and plan revenge. Inanimate The imagination of having such feelings leads to the production of various stories. The process by which the Tsukumosin takes revenge on humans was depicted in feature images. Revenge was not easy and failed due to the Buddha’s supernatural powers. The frustrated Tsukumosin have a happy ending that they will eventually become Buddha after becoming a monk. The belief that spirits dwell in things is reflected in the lifestyles of modern people. The idea that everyday objects can be Tsukumosin is an important keyword to understand the Japanese view of religion.

      • KCI등재

        일본문학(日本文學),일본학(日本學) : 라이트 노벨의 시각적 재현의 매커니즘 -맥락의 의미와 기능을 중심으로-

        박전열 ( Jeon Yull Park ),전태호 ( Tae Ho Jeon ) 한국일어일문학회 2010 日語日文學硏究 Vol.75 No.2

        最近ライトノベルという小說が日本はもちろん、韓國の10代や20代に廣く讀まれている。ライトノベルとは「light novel」卽ち輕い小說という意味で、漫畵やアニメ風のイラストが表紙と揷繪を飾るエンタ―テインメント小說を指す。本稿ではライトノベルという媒X體が持つ固有の特徵を考察しようとする。映畵やアニメなどの視覺的な再現が重視される現代社會のコンテクストに照らして、ライトノベルが持つ視覺的特性に注目したい。ライトノベルの視覺的再現體系は第一に、視覺的な快感を與える記號的敍述をする代わりに描寫の比重を減らすことであり、第二に、イラストを通じてキャラクタ―像を提示することで成り立っている。このような要素は作品の內容とは別個で一般的な小說と「何かが違う」、あるいは「漫畵みたいだ」というイメ―ジを與える要因になる。本來小說は文字を利用した「讀む」媒體であり、自由度が高くコンテクスト性は低い。しかしライトノベルは「讀む」媒體ながら「見る」媒體でもある。これはまたマンガのように描寫文を通じてキャラクタ―を頭の中に描くことができるはずであり、その役目をイラストが代わりをしているのだ。これでライトノベルのコンテクスト程度が高いという事實が分かる。したがってライトノベルの特徵をキャラクタ―のデ―タベ―スで探すより、このような媒體の固有の特徵を先に注目しなければならないことをもう一度强調したい。そして東浩紀が言ったポストモダンな社會が現代の日本社會であるなら。社會全體を支えるハイコンテクスト的な文化は崩れ、多樣化されるとも言えるだろう。代わりにそれぞれの領域(すなわちっサブカルチャ―)では彼のみの世界觀の中に固着して、ハイコンテクスト化する現像を私たちはこれから見ることができるはずだと注意深く推測してみる。

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