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        吏讀字 ‘內’의 讀法

        朴盛鍾(Park Seong-jong) 구결학회 2007 구결연구 Vol.19 No.-

        借字表記字 ‘內’의 독법에 관해서는 音借字로 본 견해, 訓借字로 본 견해, 그리고 添記的 요소 또는 指定文字로 본 견해 등이 있으나 아직 定說로 인정할 만한 것을 찾기 어렵다. 본고는 지금까지의 관련 연구들의 대강을 훑어 보고, 이 문제에 대한 해법을 찾고자 하였다. 본고는 이를 위해 먼저 麗末鮮初의 이두문에 사용된 ‘內’의 용법을 몇 가지로 나누어 고찰하 였다. 논의 과정에서 讀字로 쓰인 것은 제외하였다. 이 가운데 특히 주목한 용법은 養蚩經驗撮要와 農書輯要의 이두문에서 문종결 위치에 쓰인 ‘使內’, 그리고 准戶口의 첫머리에 기재된 문장 끝에 붙는 ‘爲內敎’ 중의 ‘爲內’, 그리고 太祖賜給芳雨土地文書(1392년)에 쓰인 ‘喫持是內敎’ 중의 ‘-是內’ 용법이며, ‘望良白內臥乎事’ 중의 ‘望良白內’도 이에 준하는 것으로 보았다. 이들은 모두 문종결의 위치에 사용되었는데, 이 용법은 매우 이른 시기로부터 존속되어 온 것으로서 명사문의 존재를 시사해 준다고 보았다. 그리고 이 경우의 ‘內’는 확인법 선어말어미와 유사한 형태소와 동명사 어미 ‘-ㄴ’이 통합된 형태를 표기한 것이라는 가설을 세워 보았다. 최근에 발굴 소개된 月城垓字木簡 제149호에 적힌 문구 맨 마지막의 ‘使內’는 이러한 가설을 충족시키는 것으로 판단하였다. 이에 따라 麗末鮮初 시기와 7세기 이전의 이두에 사용된 借字 ‘內’는 ‘안’ 정도로 읽히는 訓假字로 규명하였다. 麗末鮮初의 이두문에 사용된 ‘內’의 또 다른 용법들에 관해서도 살펴 보았다. 이 중 ‘爲白內等’은 당시의 언어를 반영하는 표현으로서 후대에 이어져 갔다고 보았는데, 이 경우의 ‘內’ 역시 ‘안’으로 읽히는 訓假字다. 본고에서의 논지가 신라와 고려 시대의 이두 자료에서 어느 정도 유효한지, 그리고 시기별로 용법상의 차이나 독법 및 문법적 기능의 변천이 있었는지의 문제는 後稿로 미루었다. It has been one of the difficult subjects that what the letter '內' can be read in Idu sentences. In order to solve this problem, we looked into many usages of Idu sentences including '內' from the period of late Goryeo dynasty and to the period of early joseon dynasty. Among the usages the most important and meaningful ones are '使內' and '爲內' which were used to bear the role of closing a sentence. Some examples of the former were found in literatures, 養?經驗撮要 and 農書輯要. And the latter examples were found in the old documents 准戶口 of those times. The usages of '使內' and '爲內' located at the last boundary of a sentence seem to have been handed down from the early old times. It is presumed that '內' included one of the prefinal endings which work for ascertaining an event or a proposition and the deverval ending '-n' which works for forming noun phrase like gerund in English. Fortunately, we found one example of the usage '使內' written at the end of a paragraph. It was written on the face of a wooden slice which comprised four sides. And the wooden slice seems to date back to the 6th century or the 7th century. So, it has come to be proved that the Idu script '內' was read ‘안’, the Korean word corresponding to Chinese letter concerned, at least at the period before the 7th century and around the 14th century and the 15th century.

      • KCI등재
      • 기계환기치료를 적용 받은 급성 호흡부전 소아 환자에서 Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) 점수의 초기 변화와 예후와의 관계

        성종 ( Seong Jong Park ),김유선 ( You Sun Kim ),김도연 ( Do Yeon Kim ),하은주 ( Eun Ju Ha ),손승국 ( Seung Kook Son ),김성국 ( Seong Guk Kim ),장원경 ( Won Kyoung Jhang ),홍수종 ( Soo Jong Hong ) 대한소아알레르기호흡기학회(구 대한소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회) 2010 소아알레르기 및 호흡기학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        목적: 기계환기치료를 시행하는 급성 호흡부전 환아에서 단순 호흡부전보다 다발성 장기부전이 동반되어 사망하는 경우가 많다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 급성 호흡부전 환아에서 입원 당시 측정한 SOFA 점수보다 초기 3일간 변화한 SOFA 점수가 예후를 예측하는데 있어 더 유용한 지표인지 조사하였다. 방법: 2008년 1월 1일 부터 2009년 5월 31일까지 17개월 동안 서울아산병원 소아중환자실에 입원하여 급성 호흡부전으로 3일 이상 기계환기치료를 적용 받은 소아 환자를 대상으로 의무 기록을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결과: 입원 당시의 SOFA 점수, PRISM III 점수, PELOD 점수, 초기 3일간의 SOFA 점수 변화 모두 사망률과 유의한 관계를 보였으나 특히 초기 3일간의 SOFA 점수 변화가 사망률과 더 밀접한 유의성을 보여주었다(P<0.05). 초기 3일간의 SOFA 점수가 증가한 군에서는 사망률이 42.9%이고 감소한 군에서는 14.5%로 유의한 상관 관계를 보여주었다. 결론: 3일 이상 기계환기치료를 시행한 급성 호흡부전 환아에서 초기 3일간의 SOFA 점수 변화는 입원 당일 측정한 SOFA 점수보다 예후를 평가하는데 있어 효용적인 지표이다. Purpose: In pediatric acute respiratory failure patients requiring mechanical ventilator support, mortality is seldom related to respiratory disease alone, but more generally to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether early changes in the SOFA score (Δ-SOFA) are more effective for predicting the outcome than a single assessment upon admission for pediatric acute respiratory failure patients requiring mechanical ventilator support. Methods: The medical records of pediatric patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilator support for more than 72 hours in the PICU of the Asan Medical Center Children`s Hospital, Seoul, Korea, between January 2008 and May 2009 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Early Δ-SOFA showed a significantly stronger correlation with patient mortality compared with the initial SOFA score, PRISM III score and PELOD score (P<0.05). When analyzing the trends in the SOFA score during the first 72 hours, the mortality rate was significantly higher in children with increased and unchanged SOFA scores 72 hours after admission than in children with a decreased SOFA score. (14.5% vs. 42.9%, P<0.05) Conclusion: Regardless of the initial SOFA score, early serial evaluation of the SOFA scores during the first 3 days of PICU admission is a better indicator of the prognosis than a single assessment obtained at admission in acute respiratory failure patients mechanically ventilated for more than 3 days. [Pediatr Allergy Respir Dis(Korea) 2010;20:277-283]

      • KCI등재

        조선 전기 이두 번역문의 문체와 어휘

        성종(Seong Jong Park) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.53 No.-

        Four works were translated from classical written Chinese into Korean idu sentences in the former period of Joseon dynasty. One of them is Nongseojibyo(農書輯要), which is knowo by a piece of handwriting copy. The original book for this copy seems to have been published in 1517 as an enlarged edition of the earlier version in the 15th century by adding han-geul translation. The concept of text is useful in idu translation. Each text usually concluded with a noun phrase. Translating procedure is thought to have gone through with four stages; (1) splitting the given text into some pails, (2) re-ordering the words of text. (3) changing the Chinese letters into the corresponding Korean free word forms, (4) tagging Korean grammatical bound forms. Idu sentences have two systems of vocabulary; loan words borrowed from classical written Chinese and Korean words represented by Chinese characters. Ida contains many kinds of Korean words; coin words reflecting Korean word order, compound words representing two Korean words, even hybrid words, and so on And pseudo-Chinese characters made in Korea are rarely found in idu sentences.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        韓國漢字의 一考察

        朴盛鍾(Park Seong Jong) 구결학회 2005 구결연구 Vol.14 No.-

        이 글은 韓國漢字의 개념을 분명히 설정하기 위한 기초작업으로서 韓國漢字의 유형을 설정하고 그 중 일부에 대하여 개략적으로 살펴 보았다. 논의에 앞서 日本을 비롯하여 국내외에서 자주 사용되는 訓讀이라는 용어에 대하여, 訓과 釋의 개념과 실제 사용 양상을 위주로 살펴 보았다. 한국한자에 대하여 國義字, 國造字, 國變字의 세 가지 유형으로 나누어 설정하였다. 國義字는 기존의 漢字와 동일하되 뜻을 달리하여 사용하는 字로서, 한자 본래의 音대로 읽는 것과 아닌 것을 나누어 同音國義字와 異音國義字로 호칭하였다. 國造字는 漢字를 바탕으로 만들었으나 漢字와 전혀 다른 字로서, 釋과 音 중의 어느 것을 표기하기 위한 자인가에 따라 表音國造字와 表意國造字로 양분하였다. 國變字는 한자와 形은 다소 다르나 상호 연관성을 가진 字 즉, 한국에서 만든 漢字의 異字라 할 만한 것이다. 國變字에는 省劃字, 略字, 符號字, 異體字, 俗字, 訛字 등이 포함된다고 보았다. 이상의 분류에 따라 『韓國漢字語辭典』에 ‘國字’로 수록된 총 179자를 대상으로 國造字 중의 表音字 및 表意字, 그리고 國變字의 세 부류로 나누어 그 특징을 간략히 살펴보았다. 이것은 表音字 및 表意字는 釋과 音중 어느 하나만이 유효하며, 國變字는 釋과 音을 모두 가진다는 점에 着眼한 것이다. Koreans learn each Chinese character by using its meaning and its sound(accurately speaking, its Koreanized sound). The meaning of a Chinese character is called s?k(釋), and the sound is called ?m(音). Nowadays most Koreans are using the word hun(訓) instead of s?k(釋), which for the most part belongs to native Korean but sometimes to word of foreign origin. Each Chinese character can have various meanings, namely many s?k(釋)s per one ?m(音). Among the various s?k(釋)s of a character there is the most typically and widely used one, which can be roughly named 'hun' (訓) of the character. S?k(釋) and hun(訓) on the whole look alike, but there exists something unlike between them So, Korean scholars are likely to prefer to use the term s?kdok(釋讀) rather than accept the term xundu-reading(訓讀), which we mean by a method of reading Chinese written texts according to one's language. Chinese characters of Korean origin can be divided into 3 groups: ① the Korean-made pseudo-Chinese characters, ② Chinese characters whose usage is somewhat different in Korea from their own usages, and ③ Chinese characters of Korean origin which are not similar to the ones of their own in shape. In Korea, pseudo-Chinese characters usually lack either their meanings or their sounds, because they had been made to represent the peculiar things of Korea or the purposed sound. One type of pseudo-Chinese characters may be called 'logo-graphs', and the other type 'phonographs'. Dictionary for Chinese characters and compound words of Korean Origin(韓國漢字語辭典) was compiled to gather 1) all the Korean-made pseudo-Chinese characters and 2) Chinese characters whose usage is somewhat different in Korea from their own usages, and 3) the compound words which had been made by Koreans with the medium of Chinese characters from the ancient times. Those characters which belong to the first group above mentioned are entitled with a mark "國字"(literally, characters made in our country). They amount to 179, and they are classified into 3 kinds of characters in this paper. These 3 kinds of characters are variants of Chinese characters, and Korean phonographs, and also Korean logographs. The last two kinds of characters are Korean-made, so are not found in China or Japan or any other countries. Two elements, namely two graphs, are united to coin one Korean phonograph. In this case the upper graph is made of an Chinese character, whose reading is bound to s?k(釋) or ?m(音) of its own, and represents the onset and also the nucleus of one syllable. But the lower graph usually consists of either Korean alphabet, Han'g?l(한글), or Korean kugyol alphabet(口訣字). The lower graph represents the coda of one syllable. We can show, for examples, @(1-631, vol.l p.63l), @(2-249), @(2-681), @, @(1-716), @@(l-l72) as Korean phonographs. Korean-made logographs usually lack their own sounds, and if they had sounds their sounds work insignificantly. Logographs are coined to represent a thing or a thought or an institution and so on which is not found in China. Thus the sound of coined logograph is originally in accord with a word or a morpheme of one's language. @(l-292) is a good example. The typical and frequent type of Korean-made logographs are coined with one phonetic graph and with one signific graph. Examples are @(4-963), @(2-1101), @(2-1116). However, more and more Korean-made phonographs and logographs ought to be gathered together.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        입사광의 단락된 정도에 따른 광학계의 색도 변화

        성종(Seong Jong Park),정창섭(Chang Sub Chung),심상현(Sang Hyun Sim) 한국안광학회 2000 한국안광학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In this paper, we use the C light which is a daylight and consider the incident beam having the Gaussian amplitude. We investigated the illuminance distributions and the variation in chromaticity of optical system having the truncated Gaussian amplitude on the focal plane and along the optical axis using the C light source. We also use the three sensitivity functions of human eye(CIE 1931) for wavelengths which are from 380㎚ to 780㎚. When the truncation grade of incident beam having Gaussian amplitude decreases, the size of central spot on the focal plane and the depth of focus along the optical axis decrease. and the variation in chromaticity on the focal plane and along the axis increases rapidly. As the illuminance on the focal plane decreases the variation in chromaticity of optical system increases rapidly, and as the depth of focus increases the variation in chromaticity of optical system decreases.

      • KCI등재

        Stiles - Crawford 효과가 결상에 미치는 영향

        성종(Seong Jong Park) 한국안광학회 2000 한국안광학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        The intensity of beam of light entering near the pupil edge is less than when it passes through the center of the pupil, this phenomenon is known as the Stiles - Crawford effect. In this paper, we investigate the variation in the shape of confusion circle when the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area is shifted to any direction by effects. The shape of confusion circle on the image surface is rotational symmetric when the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area isn`t shifted, and the shape of confusion circle on the image surface is asymmetric as ellipse when the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area is shifted. The shifted direction of the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area equals the major axis direction of confusion circle on the image surface. When the shifted direction of the real amplitude distribution of incident beam in pupil area changes from Δø to Δø + π, the intensity distributions and the shapes of confusion circle on the image surface for d equals that for Δø + π. We know from above results that the influences of Δø and Δø + π cases on the image quality of optical system equal.

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