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      • 安東斷層 東端部의 斷裂形式

        朴奉淳 慶北大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Andong fault bounding Yeongnam massif and Cretaceous veneer with direction NW-SE to E-W, one of the noticeable faults in central Korea, had been described as "Upthrust". The purpose of the present paper is to interpret the fault at eastern extremity, where is located around the Gilan area of the northern Kyeongsangbuk-do, in connection with the results of the analysis on the fracturing. With regard to the type of fracturing, joints, minor faults with or without striations and their conjugate sets have been mainly discussed. If the fault would be agreed as upthrust, Kinematic picture has been inferred two possibilities, judging from its relation to the stress distribution measured by cojugate sets and the attitudes of minor faults, joints and stratifications. One may be the uplift of Yeongnam massif, northeastern block of the fault, and the another case may be the uplift of basement complex under the Cretaceous veneer, southwestern block of the fault. Also the problems in the analysis of the tectonic facies based up in major faults in Cretaceous sub-basins are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 문화 교육을 위한 영화의 활용 연구 (영화 ‘그 시절 우리가 사랑했던 소녀’를 이용하여)

        박봉순 한국중국문화학회 2015 中國學論叢 Vol.45 No.-


      • KCI등재

        재현을 통한 포두청색(包頭靑色) 염색법 연구 -율각(栗殼)을 중심으로-

        박봉순,장인우 한복문화학회 2017 韓服文化 Vol.20 No.4

        This study is intended to present the reproducible dyeing method through dyeing of poducheongsaek(包頭靑色) which recorded in “Lyeounyeom(湅染), Jeonggongji(展功志), Imweongyeongjeji(林園經濟志).” Poducheongsaek in the record is called as ‘Deep black(深黑色),’ and it is black. Also, we can know that the material of dyeing is chestnut husk(栗殼) or lotus husk(蓮子殼), and mordant is iron powder(鐵砂), green vitrial(皁礬). However, in spite of the record of such dye and mordant, it has a difficulty for the actual dyeing, because it has not mentioned for the ratio of dye, number of repetitions, kind of mordants. In this paper, for the materials, we used silk and raw-silk, for dye, chestnut husk(栗殼),we executed in 4 ways that the 50% ratio, 100% ratio, 200% ratio, and 400% ratio of fabric weight. For the repeat numbers of dyeing, we repeated in 5 ways that 1 time(一染), 2 repeat times(二染), 3 repeat times(三染), 4 repeat times(四染),and 5 repeat times(五染), and used the iron powder and green vitrial for mordant. We attempted the amount of dye and repeat number of dyeing in various ways, so measured the color with value of color difference L*a*b* and tried to apprehend the dyeing method in accordance with tone. For the result of study, we can apprehend the correlation between amount of dye materials and repeat numbers of dyeing, as belows: In case of 5 repeat times of dyeing(五染), it shows that the more amounts of chestnut husk, the less value of L*, a*, b*. As the amount of dye is increased, it gets dark. For the deep black(深黑色) of Poducheongsaek in record, it repeats the number of dyeing from 3 repeat times dying (三染) to 5 repeat times dye (五染), for amounts of chestnut husk as more than 400% ratio of material, and we can make mordant into dark black in blending iron powder and green vitrial.

      • KCI등재후보

        4대 견책소설의 창작동기

        박봉순 한국중국소설학회 2002 中國小說論叢 Vol.16 No.-

        譴責小說流行於淸末短短十年之間, 盛極一時, 其産生量之봉, 現在難以數計, 其中以李伯元的『官場現形記』、吳견人的『二十年目睹之怪現狀』、劉악的『老殘遊記』、曾樸的『孼海花』四書表現尤爲出色, 一經問世, 卽深受世人重視, 而所獲得的學者之注意, 遠過於同時期的任何小說, 堪稱爲晩淸四大譴責小說。 譴責小說使文學與時代、社會結合在一起。從消極的意義看, 타是危機時代的警告;從積極的意義的看, 타是"社會改革的先聲"。因此, 硏究這些晩淸四大譴責小說作家爲何닉筆寫作其作品, 對於深入掌握晩淸譴責小說硏究, 具有十分重要的意義。 李伯元和吳견人一起長期在上海編小報寫小說, 依此謀生, 可以說是職業文人。劉악和曾樸各有亦官亦商的身빈, 別有所業, 當初寫小說不過是興到爲之, 好比當今的業餘作家。但李伯元創作小說皆懷有積極的目的, 不僅是應商人之托而供讀者消遣而已。李伯元有感於滿淸末葉吏治黑暗、仕途混雜而作『官場現形記』。吳견人寫『二十年目睹之怪現狀』的目的是, 生當晩淸亂世, 深切痛恨當時社會的黑暗腐敗, 遂發憤著書, 將他耳聞目睹的種種怪現狀都揭露出來, 加以敏銳攻擊:但其用心在借此警戒人們不可與那些惡行劣跡同流合汚, 以振俗救世。劉악寫作『老殘遊記』的動機, 不能說純屬爲救友人連夢靑之急, 更深的理由, 是他在新舊思潮激蕩轉型期, 寫其閱曆, 以抒其鬱悶之情, 反映他對社會的看法。曾樸寫作『孼海花』的目的, 不是描寫一個奇突的妓女, 略映著些相關的時事, 是他要以"攝影"方式, 記錄從1870年到1900年這三十年內中國發生的文化和政治的由舊到新的轉變, 而欲從政治和文化上這一時期的演變, 作整體的反思。 我們可以看出晩淸四大譴責小說作家身世經曆的差異, 使他們在寫小說的時候, 采取了不同的視覺。但他們以滿腔熱情來進行創作, 當然是有作家本身的意向、目標, 幷不僅僅是個人之好惡, 或爲了應付小說刊物的需要, 或維持自己的生計。

      • 時代末詳地層論 序說(Ⅰ) : 沃川系를 제외하고 Exclusive of OKCHEON System

        朴奉淳 慶北大學校 1972 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The age-unknown 35 formations exclusive of OKCHEON System, which were surveyed during 1924-1970 with scale 1:50,000 in South Korea, do not have their correct ages because of the following reasons; 1) Some of them are not connected with age-known formations, thus their stratigraphical relations remain uncertain. 2) Some of them have been tried to correlated with the age-known formations on the basis of stratigraphic sequence, facies, and degree of metamorphism them recieved but still the correlation could not be established. 3) Some of them are only broadly defined in their age assignment, e.g., n Era. 4) Most of them are unfossiliferous. 5) Different investigations on some metamorphosed and highly deformed formations with respect to their structural and stratigraphic relations, e.g., thrust, folding, unconformity, or abrupt facies changing. However, those 35 formations are generally suggested as the following ages; 1) Pre-Cambrian 2) Pre-PYONGAN System (Upper Carboniferous-Triassic) to Post-CHOSON System (Cambro-Ordovician) 3) Pre-DAEDONG System (Lower-Middle Jurassic) to Post-PYONGAN System 4) Pre-OKCHEON System (Age-unknown, inferred as Pre-Cambrian or Paleozoic) To establish the ages of these formations should be the basis of solving many geological problems in Korea such as to reconfirm the accepted Large-Scale hiatus between Upper Ordovician and Lower Carboniferous.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 고정구 학습 연구 영화 “그 놈 그녀를 만나다”를 활용하여

        박봉순 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2017 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.7 No.7

        In Chinese education, ‘fixed phrase(noun phrase, four-word-phrase, idiom, etc.)’ is one of the most important elements in order to make those Chinese expressions concise and polished. Therefore, fixed phrases are extensively used and its frequency is quite high. However, learning fixed phrases can be very difficult to those students who already feel difficulty in learning Chinese characters. Thus, this paper is concerned with using a variety of ‘fixed phrases’ in the movie called ‘When A Wolf Falls In Love With A Sheep’ for effective teaching and learning in the language classroom. As a result, even though there are translations of fixed phrases or instructions of the grammar from the teacher in advance, it is found to be difficult to get exact Chinese or Korean equivalents for the words all the time or to avoid the grammatical errors. Consequently, it was more effective to let the students get used to ‘fixed phrases’ in the conversation of the characters from the movie or the situation in the plot first. However, this concept seems adequate for the intermediate, and advanced students, not for the beginners. 중국어에서 고정구(명사(구), 4자구, 관용구 등)는 중국어의 표현을 간결하고 세련되게 해 주는 중요한 요소 중의 하나다. 때문에 고정구는 여러 곳에서 광범위하게 사용되며 출현빈도가 상당히 높다. 그러나 한자로 이루어져 있는 중국어 학습에 이미 어려움을 느끼는 학생들에게 고정구를 학습한다는 것은 더 큰 어려움을 갖게 하는 요인이다. 이에 본고는 고정구의 학습을 좀 더 쉽고 재미있게 하고자 하는 방편의 하나로 영화 속 고정구를 활용한 중국어 학습의 효과를 살펴보았다. 영화 ‘그 놈, 그녀를 만나다’를 활용한 연구 결과, 명사구, 4자구나 관용구 등의 해석이 있거나 교수자의 문법적 선행 설명이 있어도 한중간의 잘못된 어휘 대응이나 문법적 오류는 피하기 어렵다. 이에 영화 속 인물들 간의 대화와 상황을 통해 고정구를 익히도록 하는 것이 더욱 효과적 이었다. 이는 영화를 중국어 학습 교재로 사용 했을 경우 초급보다는 중, 고급 수준의 학생들에게 적당하다고 볼 수 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        영화를 활용한 중국어 읽기 교육

        박봉순 한국중국문화학회 2012 中國學論叢 Vol.37 No.-

        最近大学内的外国语教育倾向于阅读讲座逐渐减少。因为说话是教育的目的所以这个倾向是可以理解的。所以有必要在大学内活跃的开展阅读教育 。要研究怎么才能让不同水准的学生们更有效率的听课且让他们产生兴趣。利用少量的费用,不费力还要让不同实力的学生同时满足的教材和方法。本研究为了解决以上的问题提出的方案是利用电影的授课法。通过看电影帮助理解内容且把阅读理解成为内容的中心。当然,语言的知识在阅读是非常重要的。但是通过看电影可以让学者不仅仅依靠语法而是通过集中其内容进行阅读。电影可以激发学者的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛的同时让学者们了解其背景从而自然的让他们对内容产生兴趣。以容易集中的语言知识为阅读内容中心的接触方法是最为有效的。在利用电影进行不同语言学习的现阶段里,我们可以确认阅读学习也可以利用电影来进行。

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