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      • Leadership硏究의 理論 考察

        朴勝偉 慶北大學校 師範大學 1980 敎育硏究誌 Vol.22 No.-

        Social psychology, sociology, and other social sciences have made intensive efforts to obtain a scientific understanding of leadership phenomena. In this paper I examined four possible theories of leadership. First, the trait theory focuses on the qualities or characteristics of leaders and has explored wide variety of traits which leaders seem to have. But the present level of research shows that there is not likely to be found any common trait to account for leadership in all spheres. Second, a modification of the trait theory is the type theory or the constellation-of-trait theory. According to this approach, it is recognized that each leaders has a pattern of traits which constitute his leadership capacity. But this theory has. also the theoretical deficiency in that no given trait-cluster invariably makes the person possessing it a leader. Because effective leadership varies from situation to situation. Third, the situation theory looks upon leader behavior as the product of situation in which leaders are placed. This approach, therefore, primarily concentrate on the analysis of physical and social settings to be thought to produce leader behavior. But this perspective is apt to overlook relative changeability of situations' themselves and it readily falls into environment determinism. And the fourth point of view is the interaction theory. This is the comprehensive theory of leadership which incorporates and integrate all the major variables relating to leadership phenomena. This approach regards leadership as a function of personality, and of the social situation, and of these two in interaction. This interaction theory is the most sophiscated and powerful tool so far devised for the study of leadership.

      • 中等學校 敎師의 價値觀

        朴勝偉 경북대학교 교육대학원 1979 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the value of the secondary school teachers in Kyung Sang Buk Do Province. For efective and wide survey, a questionaire consisting of 32 items was designed and mailed to 500 secondary school teachers in July, 1979. 384 teachers (about 77 percent) made their responses and the available 365 questionaires were analyzed for this study. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Values on the teaching profession 1) Instead of the sound and desirable motive for their choice of teaching as a profession, most teachers are now dissatisfied with it. The small income, excessive amount of odd jobs, and the lack of promotion opportunity are to blame for the fact that about one half of the teachers show their intentions to give up teaching for other occupations if possible. 2) As indispensable personality traits of a teacher, responsibility wins the approval of the majority, and is followed by intelligence, impartiality and self-confidence in order. 3) Ideologically, most teachers are believed to hold the same point of view that teaching must be a holy profession, but they show skeptical attitudes about it under the present situations. 2. Values on education 1) The majority of the teachers conform to the basic idea of education: education should be carried out for future rather than past and present. 2) most teachers are believed to take modernized and reasonable attitudes toward the guidance of students' studies and everyday life. 3. Social values 1) Of all social values, money is revealed to take precedence. The others are knowledge. sincerity and affeciton in the order of the scoring scheme. 2) Most teachers are obedient and readily resigned to the elder and the superior. 3) The attitude of most teachers in public life is modernized and logical,but in private affairs the tradizional conservativeness is deep-rooted. 4. Life and difficulties of teachers 1) The students' success seems to be the greatest compensation to most teachers. Besides, they try to find their occupation worth while in enjoying hobbies, special talents and family life. 2) The excessive amount of odd jobs, the problem of their social status and treatment, economic difficulties, and the bureaucratic administration are found out to be main obstacles in following the teaching profession. 3) With conditions as to the education of their children and residence, the living standard of most teachers are assumed to be the middle class in Korea. But the level of their expectation has not been reached yet.

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