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        해인사 대장경 중복판의 인경본 조사와 시기분석

        朴光憲(Park Gwanghun) 미술사연구회 2020 미술사연구 Vol.- No.38

        The Woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana 2nd edition are an important part of Korean history. It was designated as a UNESCO Memory of the World and has been recognized for its importance in the world. The quantity of woodblocks is known to be 81,325 sheets in a recent study, and 211 duplicate plates exist. Twenty printed copies of the duplicate woodblocks were examined in 2019. The study tried to distinguish the timing of duplicate editions by comparing printed copies at different times. Duplicate woodblocks can be divided into those without lines and those with lines. A wooden board without a line can be divided into Chinese character type of Koo Yangsoon’s Style and Jo Maengbu’s Style. Another study referred to the period of woodblocks of the Chinese character type of Jo Maengbu’s Style as the period between Goryeo 1381 and the operating period of Gangyeong-dogam of King Sejo in the Joseon Dynasty. However, in this study, the period was revealed in the middle of the 15th century through Chinese character type and the engraver. And the woodblocks of the Chinese character type of Jo Maengbu’s Style may have been written by King Sejo himself. It is not certain at this time. There is such a possibility, both historically and in the Chinese character type. Based on this study, if more printed copies of the Tripitaka Koreana 2nd edition are examined, it is expected that the timing of the duplicated woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana will be clear.

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