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        绍兴市人才集聚力提升研究: 基于长三角相关地级市的比较分析

        朱甜甜,王 佳 桐,김현철 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2020 아태연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Since the competition between cities is the competition for talents, the altitude of future development for a city is determined by the strength of the city’s attraction to talents, which is in turn determined by the pros and cons of the talent environment in the city. At present, Shaoxing, relying on the strategic positioning of “full integration into the Yangtze River Delta”, is working hard to build a city of talent gathering, but many shortcomings in terms of specific implementation still exist. By constructing an evaluation system for talent gathering in the Yangtze River Delta, this paper uses the approach of factor analysis and extracts three major factors affecting regional talent gathering, namely, the prospects for urban economic development, the urban culture and education environment, and the income security situation. Based on the disparities between Shaoxing and other prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Delta in view of different factors, as well as the analysis of the current situation of the three major pressures on talent gathering in Shaoxing, namely regional location, economic dynamics and urban infrastructure, the research was carried out with the result showing: 1) By systematically sorting out the scores of the talent attraction factors of counties in Zhejiang Province, it is found that counties (municipalities) with strong talent attraction are concentrated in the regions of northern Zhejiang, Hangzhou and Ningbo municipalities. 2) Compared with other cities in the Yangtze River Delta,the comprehensive index of talent concentration in Shaoxing is lower than the average level, with the economic development prospects and urban cultural and educational environmental factors’ influential effect on talent concentration being lower than average, and slightly higher than average when it comes to income status factors. Currently, the concentration of talents in Shaoxing Municipality is under the pressure of both regional location and economic momentum. According to the results of the study, suggestions form four aspects to improve the concentration of urban talents in Shaoxing were put forward, namely, diversity in routes, integration of industry, science and education, optimization of living environment, and protection of talent income. 城市之间的竞争即是人才的竞争,人才引力的强度决定了一个城市未来发展的高度。而一个城市人才环境的优劣决定了城市的人才引力强弱。目前绍兴正依托“充分融入长三角”战略定位,努力打造人才集聚高地,但在具体实施方面还存在很多不足。通过构建长三角人才集聚力评价指标体系,并运用因子分析法提取城市经济发展前景,城市文化教育环境,收入保障情况三个影响区域人才集聚力的主要因子。结合绍兴人才集聚上存在区域位置、经济动力和城市基建三大压力的现状分析,研究表明: 1) 将浙江省县域各人才引力因子得分进行系统聚类发现,人才引力强的县(市) 多集中在浙北,杭州宁波地区。2)绍兴人才集聚力的综合指数小于平均值,城市经济发展前景和城市文化教育环境因子上对人才集聚作用低于平均水平,在收入状况因子上略高于平均水平。目前绍兴市人才集聚力存在区域位置和经济动力的双压力之下,根据研究结果,提出绍兴市可以从差异化路线、聚力产科教融合、优化居住环境和保障人才收入四个方面来提升城市人才集聚力的建议。

      • 在韩中国留学⽣免税商品购买意愿影响因素研究 - 基于SEM的分析 -

        王佳桐,朱甜甜 동중앙아시아경상학회 2018 한몽경상연구 Vol.29 No.2

        This paper takes Chinese students studying in South Korea as the objective and mainly focuses on certain factors that determine their motive and willingness to purchase South Korea duty-free products. Research data was obtained through questionnaires and was used for descriptive analysis and explorative analysis based on SPSS20.0, as well as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model (SEM) based on AMOS22.0. At last, we have reached a conclusion that sensitivity to prices, knowledge of local duty-free policies, and group influence has a significant influence over students' motive in purchasing, which in turn has a significant influence over their willingness to purchase products, while brand awareness has no significant influence over their motive.

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