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      • 農村 近代化와 그 要因의 役割 機能問題

        朱權 건국대학교 1971 學術誌 Vol.12 No.1

        1.Factors of stagnation in rural community : a.Natural, slow development pattern b.Disparitys and dcontrarinessin development tempo between advanced and underdeveloped communities c.Dispersion and individuality of rural community and agricultural management 2.The greatest impediment to the development of rural community is its traditionalism. A rationalistic solution of this problem may be obtained through the following approaches : a.Rural modernization task should begin by dealing with the very foundation of such traditionalism of rural society. b.Biological hybridization and grafting principles should be adopted in the development process. c.Effects should be directed toward urbanization, co-operative management and industrialization of rural community. 3.In directing rural modernization effort, a concentrated and project-first policy, which can expect, when successfully implemented, a broad diffusion effect, is more desirable than a generalized area-first policy. 4.Approaches to the development of rural community : a.From the viewpoint of national economy, an area development policy is often adopted as a countermeasure for problem area, as well as a parity price policy for farm products, but these policies are less effective in the underdeveloped countries than in the advanced countries. b.A more effective and needed than the above mentioned policies in the underdeveloped countries is a policy aimed at the development of agriculture itself, which entails efforts for (1) creation of foundation for development, (2) technological penetration in agriculture, and (3) provision of social facilities, etc. 5.For the development of a rural community, economic development and social development should be carried out side by side in accordance with the common desires of the community inhabitants. The surveys by the United Nations on Needs of Rural Community Residents in Underdeveloped Nations (1955), on Social Impediments to Development of Rural Community (1957), and on the Development Factors (1961) indicate many things in common and is characterized by the fact that the problem areas of various nations of the world are none other than the areas traditionally poor petty farmers. The problem of traditionalism is a matter involving human factors. Accordingly, T.W. Schultz has understandably placed more than 50% gravity on the importance of improving the capability of farming population for the rural modernization while he places less than 50% gravity on other various factors combined including the qualitative improvement of material investment. 6.For the development of rural community in Korea, Rene Dement has made the following proposals : (a) In order to absorb surplus agricultural manpower, mechanization of agriculture should not be realizd too rapidly, (b) Improvement in land utility including utilization of inclined planes, (c) Taxation policy designed to keep the price of farming land low, (d) Shifting of water tax system from the system of taxing by the size of irrigation area to a system of taxing by the amount of water used, thus economizing the irrigation water for farming, (e) Crossbreeding between imported milk cows and Korea oxen, (f) Not only the technological aspect but the economic aspect as well should be emphasized to the farmers in the agricultural guidance effort, (g) More extensive birth control practices. 7.The impending tasks for the agriculture in Korea may be summarized into the following: a.The pettiness in managerial scale should be overcome. b.It must find a way out from the existing family farming or subsistence farm scale. c.Structural changes must be made to the present system of rice-only and no-livestock farming. d.The organic component of capital must be increased in the present capital extensive and labor intensive management structure. e.The inferiority of agricultural production must be overcome. 8.The Schultz theory for the development of rural community in underdeveloped country, which advocates human development and consequently a long-iterm development method, is often not followed because of the actual need for a rapid achievement of results. Consequently, short-term projects for material development are often carried out in counter to the development principle. 9.In developing her economy, Kore a has adopted a collateral agriculture and industry development theory, It is based on H Myint's theory of achieving simultaneous agricultural and industrial development through diversification of industry and increase of agricultural productive power as well as A.O. Hirschuman's theory of industrial development. It may be said that it is a theory neutral between Schultz's agricultural fundamentalism and Dobb's industrial fundamentalism. 10.An antinomic situation underlies the development effort, particularly in the problem areas or the rural communities, involving the need for rectifying the disparity among areas and the imbalanced growth of these areas. This situation may be attributed to the following factors : a.Difficulty of proportional distribution of resources b.Disparity between economic development and social development c.Conflict in people's estimation of value during the process of development from the inactive order of the traditional society to the active order of an industrial society 11. Development efforts for the modernization of rural community may be classified into the following three major activities a.Guidance of community residents b.Community organization c.Economic development 12.Comparison of guidance effect versus organization effect in rural communities of Korea : 표삽입 원본참조 13.Lack of qualificaion and capability on the part of rural guidance specialists is the major factor attributing to the poor results of rural guidance program. Problems of rural guidance program include the following : a.Lack of qualification on the part of the leaders of rural community-the urgent need for training and distribution of professional rural guidance specialists b.Creation of favorable atmosphere for the execution of rural guiance program-in view of the fact that agriculture is being considered a declining industry c.Establishment of rural guidance development agency 14.Rural guidance efforts may be effectively carried out on the following subject areas a.Birth control and family planning b.Housing improvement c.Technological renovation of agriculture d.Modernization of agricultural management e.Formation and development of agricultural co-operative f.Training of housewives and reorganization of life g.Juvenile and youth activity h.Democracy training to community residents by instillment in them of the sense of participation 15.Rural community organization program aims at (a) cultural and social improvement of rural community inhabitants through grouping of individually isolated farming households into an urbanized group and (b) economic improvement through transformation of production system from small scale family farm or subsistence farm system to a large scale enterprising system or co-operative system. 16.Organization of agricultural co-operatives for the overall agricultural development must allow some flexibility to those households involved, such as : a.Freedom within an established limit for joining or seceding from the co-operative b.Separation of collective management of the co-operative from the individual housekeeping of participating households c.Uninterfered co-existence between co-operative farming and individual farming 17.Characteristics of community economic development : a.Collectivization and industrialization of production b.Increased investment of overhead capital c.Promotion of subsidiary development d.Functional improvement of human factors e.Survey and research activity 18.Characteristics of industrialized rural community : a.Urbanized, impersonalized community due to industrial formalization b.Expansion of resources of income c.Increase in labor productivity of rural population d.Elimination of disparity in the income of the residents of city and of rural community 19.Community development work is an undertaking which seeks to satisfy the common needs of the community residents, and the investment of social overhead capital comprises the major part of the development activity. 20.The development of underdeveloped community takes the form of subsidiary or adaptive development, adapting the community for well-advanced, urbanized and industrialized area and system. Timely and sufficient government support is essential for a rapid realization of such development. 21.In order to carry out the rural modernization program effectively, the program must begin from the training of professional rural guidance specialists. Establishment of a college curriculum for this purpose should be considered the first step toward the goal. Presently the rural communities are badly in need of qualified guidance specialists.

      • 山村 問題와 開發 方向에 관한 硏究

        朱權 건국대학교 1972 學術誌 Vol.14 No.1

        1.Essentiality of mountain/village development. a.Views on effective utilization of national territory : The current Republic of Korea territorial utilization status reflects the following : (1) Forests, woodland and fields. 67% (2) Cultivated area. 24% (3) Cities, rivers, streams, and others. 9% As the above shows the forest and fields occupy the highest percentage rate of our national teritory. Further, we maintain only approximately 60% of productive land as compared with neighboring country of Japan. b.Views on population density : (1) 295 people per Km2 vs total national territory. (2) 1,293 people per Km2 vs cultivated land. As the above reflects, the population density is the third from the top in the world. The further breakdown shows the total urban population to be 41% and rural communities' population to be 59%. The total urban population percentage as shown 50.2% at the end of 1970 is anticipated to increase more than 65% by 1980. Therefore, maintenince of a positive, realistic, and overall equilibrium in development of potential rural resources is considered essential. This conclusion is based on current urban population density and resultant increment in pollution as compared with remote agricultural and mountain village people whose living is still confined inside the cell of conventional means and ways. 2.Characteristics in mountain/village development. a.Development of mountain/villages typically represents development and emergence of under developed communities. b.As mountain/villages are so isolated from modern ways and means, a synthesized and systematic development approach is considered essential. c.Taking into consideration such factors as scantiness of mountain-village population, limited human capabilities and abilities in such areas, and the scarcity of funds, introduction of a national level development program is inevitable. d.The mountain-villages are still in the original state. Therefore, a thorough basic development survey and analysis of all facets must precede the development program. e.Agricultural development is of utmost importance in a mountain-village development program 3.Status analysis of mountain/village. a.Changing environment in mountain village communities. (1) Representation of mountain-village community environment : (a) Drainage of population. (b) Increase in merchandise circulation. (c) Change in the state of agricultural and forest products. (d) Transfiguration in family and village life. (2) Exterior forces and factors: (a) Living standard and environment differences generated by expansion and development of urban areas. (b) Manpower demand created by the second and thrift indestralization programs. (c) Influence by mass comm medias. (d) Development of communications, transportation, roads and highways. (3) Interior forces and factors: (a) Population increase. (b) Comparative decrease in forest and agricultural industry and differences in incomes. (c) Stepped-up education system and resultant intelligence level among new generation. (d) Military service requirement and increasing means and ways of human intercourse among general communities. (4) Problems associated with population drainage : Of 52 counties composed of mountain/village population that represent more than 70% of forest and woodland, only 10 counties noted population increase (19.24%) as compared with population decrement at 42 conties (80.76%). Of these, 16 counties (30.76%) noted annual population decrement of more than 2%, while 26 comties (50.00%) sustarn under 2% amuial population loss. These figures represent a sharp population loss as compared with national average. (5) Changing environment in the first step group life. The typical Korean family system is gradrally diminishing. The princippal contributing factors are : (a) Overturn of historical class consciousness by farm land reform programs. Introudction of voting rights (democracy), and military service requirement that resulted in acquirement of higher individual intelligence and capability ; individualism instilled by the new education system, and establishment of a democratic republic. (b) Advantages associated with advancement into other than forest and agricultural works enabled by industrialization and stepped-up means and ways in adoption of dual occupations. (c) Stepped-up social intercourse caused by population fluctuations. (d) Gradual penetration of urban living standard into rural areas (The transfiguration of Korean family system is caused by changing social systems added by such other factors as changing ways of thinking and accompanying individual conduct). (6) Changing environment in the second step group life. The following changes can be noted among different generations and classes within village level configurations. (a) Descending trend among classes. Until active days of the old generation, there were practically no changes in rural classes. The introduction of land ref3rm bills triggered many changes; however, today we note more drastic changes that are coming into being. (b) Extreme incompatibility among classes. The changing situation is becoming extremely incompatible in that the absolute majority is becoming minor general public. (c) Abandonment of farming. An increasing number of poor farmers abandoning their old profession can he noted. (d) De-farming trend. An increasing number of farmers are seeking and acquiring new occupation. (e) Destitute farming practiec. Introduction of land reform bills resulted in a sharp decrease of landlords ; however, the number of tenants is also in the increasing wrens. (Although the old system was diminished due to the lack of prevailing common religion the cooperative spirit among agricultural/forest/village communities is extremely vulnerable. On top of this, the prevailing confucius doctrines, superstitious habits and thinking are consistently degrading general rural communities). b. Status on farming in mountainous areas and related problems. (1) Essentially dormant dual program improvement system. Of 52 rural counties, 41 county communities noted below national average of 14.31% in realization of dual occupational system. Only 11 counties maintained above national average; however, even this meager trend was realized thru acquirement of dual occupational system by switching over individual's basic occupation to the new field. (2) Special characteristics of farming in the mountanous areas. (a) Disadvantagous conditions related to farm productions. 1.Generally, the woodland/field areas exceed 75% while cultivated land is found to be below 10%. 2.Extremely sharp slopes. 3.Utilization of flat land along river valley and areas of slight slants. 4.Many widely scattered and small lots. 5.Eroded areas, and other low productive areas that are extremely difficult to be fully developed. (No sharp differences are noted in the size of incividual farming areas. However, maximum utilization of productive man hour is estremely difficult due to unrealistic maintenance of the lots, inconsistencies associated with consolidation and distribution of the land lots, and failure in desired level of mechanization) (b) Collapsing process in maintenance of self-sustaining farming system. Cultivation of potatoes; vegetables; sericultures; fruits; poultry; and other special agricultural products may be noted. However, such trend was not realized by their own initiative; rather, this trial stage was encouraged and initiated by exterior forces, ie., the official government agencies. (c) Special characteristics related to maintenance of mountain and hillside farming. 1.Continuity of fragmental manual farm works performed by the entire able family members. 2.The nucleus objective in farm management is not provided. 3.Such factors as isolation and conditions of origin within mountain/villages prompt farmers cultivation of varied agricultural products. The variety in georgraphical conditions also contribute to such trend. 4.The factors such as geographical inclinations, narrowness of territory, scattered arable lands, etc., are also blocking nodernization of overall agricultural management. c. Life and environment. The underlying facton in various problem areas: ① Vulnerability in basic economy, ie., prevailance of low income. ② Inadequacy of general facilities related to everyday lift, ie., lack of adequate social and community funds. ③ Existence of unrealistic way of living and general conduct. ④ Non-existence of national level policies to surmount disadvantages associated with geographical conditions. (1) Problems related to medical facilities: The ubhealthy conditions existing among mountain/village are: ① Economy, ② many unfavorable conditions within social system, and ③ related natural conditions. (a) Problems: ① Inadequacy of medical facilities, ② difficulties in invitation and settlement of doctors, ③ inadequate transportation system, ④ widely scattered villages, and ⑤ lack of funds to maintain autonomy system. (b) Farmers prematurely reaching old age-this is due to calories required to perform manual farm works exceed daily calory intakces. (c) Problems in environmental hygiene. ① Inadequate home illumination, ② contaminated drinking water, ③ disposition methods of human and animal waste, and existence of parasites that should be considered as particularly harmful factors. (2) Habits and conduct in daily life. (a) Inadequacy of constructive recerational facilities Namely, libraries, movie theaters, TV, radios and so on. (b) Unbalanced and what appears to be deformed conditions in daily life as consumers. (c) By-effect related to low income groups. Silly methods in seeking pleasures, superstitions, and prevailance of faked and imitative religions are considered to be by-effects that are affecting ignorant low income groups among mountain-village people. Existence of other feudalistic habits and conditions is also creating psychologically dual social system which setting back modernization efforts. (3) Education : (a) Non-existence of under school age children's enlightenment facilities. (b) Distance to and from primary schools : substandard educational facilities and children's physical conditions : and substandard curriculum. (c) Seriousness in acquirement of qualified teachers. (d) Immediate necessity of conducting adult classes in the mountain-village area. (4) Transportation. (a) Inadequacy of rural transportation and communications systems. (b) Inactivity due to non-existence of associations with urban areas which is contributed by road and transportation concitions. (c) Low rate of investment in development and rehabilitation of rural roads. (d) Necessity of surveying all related problems associated with improvement of transportation and mountain-village development programs. 4.Directory for development realization. a.Re-directory of ill-circulating factors. (1) Resolve mutual problems and complications at the same time thru comprehensive and consolidated development programs. (2) Absolute necessity in establishment of guidance programs to provide basic and adult education to ensure promotion and cultivation of potential human capabilities and abilities. (3) Realization of penetration into rural areas by elite groups to reverse mal-management practice as exercised in management, operation, and productive fields. (4) To eliminate conditions related to geographical and territorial disadvantages introduction of modern transportation media, communications system, culture, medical facilities, industrial development and overall environment improvement should be realized. (5) Investment funds should be incorporated into the national budget. b.Secure work farce and fixation as facing today. Under current conditions where in population drainage level has approached the point of extremity, no immediate and realistic solution can be found. In anticipation of different levels between regional population groups and farming populace, some drastic measures are required. (1) Improvement in land cultivation condition and technical skill levels. (a) Generation of new farm land standar-prospect of group land cultivation program for realization of large scale industrialized farming industries (primary products being poultry, fruits, and vegetables). (b) Maintenance of existing cultivated farm land-full swing agricultural programs on slopes and hills. (c) Construction of farming routes and roads width and continuity of adequate maintenance. (d) Enforcement of dual occupational system and production, processing and forestry. (e) Program development for organized education Program fur introduction of innovatory agricultural skills to the general rural public-acquirement of capable leader groups, timely acceptance and absorbability of such guidance proposals by farmers are considered essential factors. (2) Improvement of modern daily life environment. (a) Formulation of regional and collective configurations (bodies). (b) Transportation facilities to urban areas (liasion routes). (c) Proper guidance in home improvement, electrification, and acceptance of innovatory theory and principals. (3) Approach to mountain-village problems. (a) Conception of model mountain-villages.. (b) Theoretical study and improvement in model mountain/village problem analysis. (c) Emphasis on humanism in the course of reasearch study on mountain/village subject.

      • 地域社會開發過程에서의 農民意識變容에 關한 硏究

        朱權 건국대학교 1980 學術誌 Vol.24 No.1

        1.The three most outstanding features that Korean agriculture and farming villages have witnessed in recent years are first, that through the Land Reform the feudalistic hereditary institution of landlord system has been abolished and thus materialized the "principle that farmland belongs to the cultivator;" second, that farmers have undergone a considerable hardship in their effort to bring about agricultural cooperation and industrialization by removing the causes of hindrance to such which come from the pettiness of individual farming ; and third, that the structural changes of economic and social fields resulting from the high economic growth and rapid industrialization process have brought a great impact upon the agribusiness and the conceptual pattern of farmers. 2.Farmers' conventional concept of home is fading away. As demands for cash money grows higher among younger farmers, their migration out of rural villages becomes inevitable. The aged inherit their properties to their first sons but their dependence after retirement is not necessarily on them. Yet, the dependence of the aged on their sons and daughters is much higher in rural villages than any other sectors. The question of old population in farming villages is becoming a rather serious social problem. 3.With the pursuit of fast cash money by young farmers and the resulting migration out of rural community of working hands, the stability of agribusiness is being threatened and the agricultural cooperation and industrialization is becoming an ever serious issue. The rapid and wide dissemination of durable consumer goods in rural community is accelerating the phenomenon of rural urbanization. The most serious problem that Korean agriculture has been that it has not yet been able to free itself from the letters of the conventional Asiatic petty farming. One way to overcome such economic weakness coming from individual petty farming is to increase income from sources outside the farming. Success or failure of such an effort depends on the availability of such non-farming jobs for the farmers. The effort to increase formers' income by providing them with side jobs has begun in earnest since 1977. As for consuming trend in farming villages ill the wake of an accelerated dissemination of durable consumer goods, 42.6% are those who may be categorized either as "fashion-pursuing type" or the opposite "suffer-but-save type" while "moderate-and-sound type" who would purchase goods when needed but limit it to the minimum extent occupies 57.4%. 4.The political consciousness may be defined as that which responds to a fixed social and political situation and is formed by an individual's conscious and mental inclination. The derision-making process in a traditional farming society used to be that a) it is made by a unanimous consent of all constituent members, b) a person of influence in the community sometimes exercised his behind-the-scene power to bring about a unanimous consent, and c) when the consented numbered 7 or 8 out of the total of 10, then in due time the 3 or 2 who initially objected would abandon their claims to support the majority decision. But such compassionate democratic process unique to the traditional Korean farming community is rapidly changing into a heartless Western style process of making a decision on a simple majority vote. The political consciousness of farmers is evident in their expression of interest and concern about overall day to day political events, and when such interest and concern is attracted to a specific political party it becomes a political power. 44.3% of the farming population showed active interest in politics and 25.6% showed no interest while 30.2% assumed a neutral attitude. As fur the question of accommodating a new system, 48% in 1969 and 42.8% in 1979 showed Heating, non-commital attitude, suggesting that nearly a half of the farming population preferred withholding their positions on the issue while preparing themselves to follow the general trend. Such a large percentage of the floating class is attributed to the farmers' realization that they, the farmers in Korea, still have little power of their own. Class consciousness of farmers is not yet an issue to be discussed in Korean rural community today. 5.Historically, Korean farmers have for long time been obsessed by the concept of oxonoration. The grass roots farmers have often taken refuge in religious prayers and Shamanism rituals in seek of their exoneration from grief and regret. The government-sponsored Saemaul Movement in recent years, however, has induced various changes in the visible surroundings of the rural community. As such changes and other improvements continue to be made to farming communities thanes to the stimulation corning from outside economy in the course of national industrialization, the Korean style community development is likely to provide an opportunity fur conceptual revolution among Korean farmers.

      • 韓國 地域社會開發의 理論定立에 관한 硏究

        朱權 건국대학교 1977 學術誌 Vol.21 No.1

        The Saemaul-Undone (New Village Movement) is a Korean version of community development movement. Successful execution of the 1st through 3rd Five Year Economic Development Plans in Korea has produced, along with many impressive achievements, the following side effects : 1. Increased disparity among geographic regions, industries and human classes 2. Social irregularities and discontent on the part of less developed communities 3. South-North confrontation and ensuing tension Saemaul-Undong is indispensable as a means of rectifying various negative side effects of modernization process. Unlike the items 1 and 2 above which are common in other developing nations, the item 3 above is unique in Korea, and for this very reason the Saemaul-Undong needs to be carried out as a full scale nation-wide campaign aimed at developing communities at a more rapid tempo than in other countries. And here arises inevitably the question of a modified democracy tolerant of a certain degree of coercion and the question of inducing to the maximum extent positive functioning of community inhabitants through vigorous persuation by movement leaders. Leaders' role in exercising coercion and inducing positive functioning of inhabitants is important in community development movements of other countries but it is much more so in the Saemaul-Undong in Korea. The emphasis of Saemaul-Undong is on the development of less developed agricultural, fishery, and mountainous villages. While the Saemaul-Undong in cities, private companies, government offices and private homes, etc. should be primarily concerned with spiritual aspects of the people involved, the same movement in agricultural, fishery and mountainous villages should take the typical pattern of community development, implementing side by side the project for increasing material income and the project for promoting spirtitual human function through education and training. Saemaul-Undong should be converted gradually from a government oriented downward movement of the initial stage to a voluntary upward movement with the initiative of development originating from the community inhavitants. Eventually, the Saemaul Movement should become an activity of, for and by the inhavitants themselves. Saemaul-Undong is not only a process in which principles of democracy are put into practice but a campaign to reform human being involved, and therefore it entails many difficulties. These difficulties, however, must be overcome in order to bring about maximum efficiency and rationalization. Saemaul-Undong is a finishing touch to the process of national modernization in Korea. Successful completion of the movement is therefore essential to that of this nation's modernization program.

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