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        도시 농촌간 의료이용 수준의 비교분석

        주경식,김한중,이선희,민혜영,Joo, Kyung-Shik,Kim, Han-Joong,Lee, Sun-Hee,Min, Hye-Young 대한예방의학회 1996 예방의학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        This study was designed to compare the level of medical utilization between the urban and rural areas of Korea and to explain the differences between the two regions. Data from the National Health Interview Survey performed by the Korean Institute of Health & Social Affairs in 1992 were used for this study utilizing a sample size of 21,841 people. The level of medical utilization such as the number of physician visits and the number of hospital admissions was compared between the regions with ANOVA. Various determinants for medical use were also compared by univariate analysis. Statistical models which included enabling factors, predisposing factors, need factors and region were constructed for bivariate analysis in order to further elucidate the level of medical utilization. The results were as follows: 1. There was greater medical use, both in terms of physician visits and inpatient care in the rural areas in spite of insufficient health resources. The particular reasons for higher medical utilization in rural areas were attributed to a higher number of initial physician visits as well as a longer the length of stay per hospital admission. Therefore, indicators representing the degree of met need (utilization/need) showed no significant difference between rural and urban areas in spite of the fact that the medical need is larger in rural areas. 2. Use of public health facilities received a significant portion of physician visits in the rural area. The government's effort to enhance primary health care through health centers, health subcenters and the nurse practitioner's post in rural areas has contributed to the increase of access to medical care in the rural areas. 3. There were some differences in the socio-demographic characteristics between two regions ; There were more elderly people over the age of 65: unstable marital status, less education and lower incomes also characterized the rural areas. Therefore, among rural people, there were more predisposing factors for medical use. Additionaly, need factors such as poor self-reported health status and high morbidity level were also high in the rural area. 4. In contrast it was learned that, the supply of health resources was mostly concentrated in the urban areas except for public health facilities. Therefore, geographical access to medical care was lower in the rural area both in terms travel time and travel cost. 5. The coefficient of the region variable was insignificant in the regression model which controlled the supply factor only. However, utilization was significantly higher in urban areas if the model included predisposing factors and need factors in addition to the supply factor. The results were interpreted as rural people have greater medical needs.

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        요젭 로트의 『엉터리 저울추』에 나타난 종교성

        주경식 한국헤세학회 2013 헤세연구 Vol.30 No.-

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch gemacht, das falsche Gewicht, eins von Joseph Roths Spätwerken, unter dem Aspekt der Religiosität zu untersuchen. In den bisherigen Interpretationen hat das Thema Religion oder Religiosität keine herausragende Rolle gespielt. Das ist umso überraschender, da Roth bereits früh, schon vor 1920 als ein religiös, ja christlich motivierter Autor angesehen werden kann. Der mit der Zeile ‘Die Geschichte eines Eichmeisters’ untertitelte Roman verweist, ähnlich wie Hiob(1930), schon im Titel auf die Welt des Alten Testaments. Auf Wunsch seiner Frau Regina hat Anselm Eibenschütz die Armee verlassen und einen Posten als Eichmeister übernommen. Aber er fühlt sich einsam mit seiner untreuen Frau und dem unehelichen Neugeborenen. Dennoch geht alles seinen alten Lauf, bis die Begegnung mit der Zigeunerin Euphemia in ihm emotionale Rauscherlebnisse ausgelöst hat. Das beharrlich wiederholte Bild von ihren klingenden Ohrringen symbolisiert die anhaltende ästhetisch-sinnliche Verzauberung des Eichmeisters. Femmes fatales wie diese Euphemia haben in den Werken von Joseph Roth die Aufgabe, die Unmöglichkeit zu reflektieren, in einem Menschen Halt und Geborgenheit zu finden. Jeder Versuch, der das zum Ziel hat, ist zum Scheitern verurteilt und endet in der Enttäuschung und Desillusionierung des Helden. Als der Langzeitgeliebte von Euphemia, der Maronibrater Sameschkin zurückkehrt, verliert der Eichmeister nicht nur Euphemias Gunst, sprich das Vorrecht, mit ihr zu schlafen, sondern auch seine Langmut gegenüber den Händlern im Bezirk. Es zeigt sich nun, dass Eibenschütz in eine Liebesfalle getappt ist. Eibenschütz wird aus Rache mit Stein erschlagen und erlebt im Sterben liegend eine Szene, die als eine Art Jüngstes Gericht erscheint, so wie der Große Eichmeister über ihn richtet. Eibenschütz wird in dieser Stelle visionär gerichtet, so wie er zuvor gerichtet hat. Anders gesagt, er wird mit dem Maß gemessen, mit dem er zuvor gemessen hat, wie es bei Matthäus heißt, wo die Anmaßung menschlichen Richtens grundsätzlich gerügt wird(Mt 7,1-5). Die Sünde liegt vor allem in dem zu hoch gehängten Maßstab. Da er viele Menschenschicksale auf dem Gewissen hat-auch das des gottesfürchtigsten aller Menschen, Mendel Singer-, erscheint ihm am Ende das Gericht des Großen Eichmeisters, von dem er zugleich verurteilt und freigesprochen wird. Der Eichmeister fühlt sich schuldig, weil er nur mit menschlichem Maß messen kann. Es gibt aber kein menschliches Maß, das die absolute Gültigkeit haben kann. Perfektion und tadelfreies Verhalten können vom Menschen nicht verlangt werden. Vor der absoluten Gewalt Gottes kann es makelloses und vollkommenes Verhalten nicht geben, so lautet Roths Bilanz.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생 학업성취도의 공간적 분포에 관한 연구: 성남시를 사례로

        주경식,정효선 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2012 敎員敎育 Vol.28 No.3

        Sujeong and Jungweon-Gu of the old urban residential districts and the Bundang-Gu of the new urban residential district show the separated urban structure in Seongnam city. Which was constructed in the developmental processes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial relationships between the scores of high school students' academic achievement test(SHSSAAT) and the geographical, educational, and environmantal characteristics which affect educational attainment. For the purpose, 399 students of 12 high schools in Seongnam city were selected as the samples by Dong. The questionnaire surveys were conducted in March 2010. The SHSSAAT was excuted by the National Union of Assessment and Evaluation and the results from SHSSAAT were collected by Dongs in old and new urban residential districts of Seongnam city. Surveys have identified the factors that affects on the academic achievement and analyzed the spatial relationships among the scores and the socio-economic characteristics by Dongs. Spatial distribution patterns of SHSSAAT by Dongs showed a significant difference. Spatial relationships between academic achievement scores of mathematics and the parents' schooling background, father's job, and amount of the private educational cost which surrogate variables of the socio-economic characteristics showed the significantly high spatial relationships. But the explored spatial relationships between old and new residential districts of Dongs and the SHSSAAT of social studies were showed the contrasted the spatial relationships and distribution patterns with mathematics. However, spatial relationships between the cultural characteristics and the spatial pattern of SHSSAAT showed the significantly different spatial distribution patterns. Therefore, the measures to reduce the gaps and difference in residential districts of Dongs between the old and new urban residential districts in Seongnam city should be fully provided. 본 연구의 목적은 도시발달과정에서 구시가지인 수정·중원구의 주거지와 신시가지인 분당구의 주거지로 양분되어 나타나는 성남시의 도시구조가 학생들의 학업성취도와 어떤 관련성을 가지고 있는지를 밝히는 데 있다. 이를 위해, 성남 시내 12개 인문계 고등학교 1학년 학생들을 표본으로 선정하여 전국연합학력평가의 수리영역과 사회탐구영역의 점수를 성남시 전체의 동별로 파악하였다. 그리고 표본으로 선정된 학생들에게 설문조사를 실시하여, 학업성취도에 영향을 주는 요인들을 동별로 파악하여 공간적 관련성을 분석하고, 해석․기술하였다. 연구 결과 학업성취도 점수의 공간적 분포는 과목별, 지역별로 큰 차이를 보였는데, 사회-경제적 특성과 수리영역 점수는 신시가지역의 동들이 대체로 높게 나타났고, 관련성도 높았다. 그러나 사회탐구영역의 점수는 오히려 구시가지의 동들이 높은 경우가 많아서 대조적이었다. 또한, 문화적 특성과 학업성취도와의 관련성은 경제적 특성처럼 대조적인 공간적 분포 패턴을 보이지는 않았다. 그러나 신·구시가지역 간의 교육 격차를 줄이기 위한 사회적, 공간적인 대책이 마련되어야 하며, 특히 사회-경제적 특성의 영향을 많이 받는 과목에 대한 대책마련이 시급하다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한 · 미 대도시의 중심업무지구 변화에 관한 지리학적 비교연구 : 서울과 뉴욕을 사례로 A Case of Seoul and New York

        주경식 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1999 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to manifest the structure of the central business districts(CBDs) and their changes in Seoul and New York. In the era of information and service industry, CBDs are experiencing the great changes in their structure and functions. After the industrial revolution, the cities are experienced the rapid growth due to the cumulation of the manufacturing plants and commercial shops and service functions because larger cities usually provided well-equipped and better infrastructures along the Fordist's principle that encouraged the mass production and consumption, which made maximum profit by minimizing the production cost. Central place functions are also cumulated toward the central business district to get the maximum demands from inside and outside of the city. But in the post-industrial era, most of the manufacturing plants in the larger cities are closed because the increase of the production cost and circulation or transportation cost due to the over cumulation. Development of the high technologies in transportation and communication, reshape the cities with multi-subcenters in the larger metropolis by the overcome the friction of distance. Lots of residents in the central cities are seeking the amenity and good environment and moned then residence by the car oriented suburbanization. Because lots of high-class and rich consumers live in the suburbs, the manufacturing plants, retail shops, and service workers also decentralized to get more demand and labor pool to follow the suburbanized population. So the remainders in the central cities are usually poor and less-skilled labor force in the Western countries. Among the central functions, the office functions in which specialists deal the information processing and analyzing, the decision-makers groups, and the class engaged managing the institutions are concentrating into the CBD's new rebuilt buildings to access the information and capital in the world cities. New high technologies in communication and computer, transportation, and production which make the restructuring of economic activities and urban structures. Another critical changes in the society relating the urban restructuring, cultural and political activities of the cities are largely increased and become more important. In this study, the CBDs of Seoul and New York were delimited and compared with the size, function, and changes in the structure. The results of the restructuring of the CBDs were also compared between two cities to make clear the differences in cross-cultural and by the developmental stage along time serial axis. The main results of the study could be summarized as follows: 1. Both of the CBDs in Seoul and New York expand their geographical boundaries a little bit. The expansion were very small to compare the growth of the cities. Because two cities are developed as the multi-subcentered metropolitan area. In the CBDs in Seoul and New York, many highrise and intelligent buildings are newly constructed along the redevelopment process and in the suburbs, lots of suburban cities and communities are also constructed many post-modem styled buildings along the suburbanization process. Those processes are absorbed the increase of demand for the office space and the expansion of boundaries of CBDs. 2. Seoul is at the initial stage of construction of highrise buildings as the redeveloping process lately. Growth rate of CBD in Seoul was constrained by the urban planning law to prevent the over cumulation into Seoul, and the induced development of Gangnam(the Southern part of Han river), and Yeoeudo business district. The construction of the new buildings in CBD is the adjusting process for the demand of building space in the process of information and service industrialization. But in contrast to Seoul, Manhattan experienced the serious decrease jobs in manufacturing and retailing due to the decentralization and closure of work places along the process of service industrialization and also along the suburbanization. Recently, the employment in service industries increase due to the restructuring process in Manhattan to get the excellency in competition. The increase of service industries in Manhattan is distinct by most of ZIP code areas, and the range of the CBD is expanding to the Northern district. 3. The most cases of redevelopment in the CBDs of Seoul and Manhattan are executed by the large scale multi-national corporations because they have the great power of capital in competitive market. But the position of Seoul in the world urban system marks the third tier of centers, so the cumulating amount of capital not so good after the period of IMF aid. Also the policy for equalizing development in the center and periphery, and the preventing policy or over-cumulation in Seoul exerts the constraint factors to redevelopment the CBD. But in Manhattan, many large scale multi-national corporations take part in the redevelopment extensively and they collect enormous large capital, information, and labor force to Manhattan which interact with the redevelopment internal CBD of New York. Those processes of restructuring make the clear-cut contrast in the upper and the lower classes in the central area of the cities. That is one of the side effect of restructuring of cities by the foreign capitals and labor forces. The results from restructuring of CBD in Manhattan make up two nucleations of CBD, the one is Downtown CBD and the other is Midtown CBD, which was developed only one in the 1950s. This breakage of the CBD is the outcome of the specialization of urban functions and the weakening the connecting districts due to the plants and shops closure during the 1960-1970s in the process of decentralization and the service-industrialization. 4. Trends of spatial changes in the two cities show the increase of information and service related industries and the decrease of the commercial shops and manufacturing plants. But in the suburbs of Seoul, the bedroom communities rapidly increase yet. In contrast with that, in the suburbs of Manhattan were constructed lot of business centers and edge cities competing with CBD. 5. The increasing urban functions are mainly economic functions such as office, information and service related ones in Seoul's CBD after reconstruction. But in Manhattan, the economic functions such as office, financial, bank, insurance companies, and cultural and social functions such as movie, theater, music, film, convention centers are rapidly increased. Economic functions are mainly increased in the Downtown CBD, but the cultural, social, and service functions are increasing in the Midtown CBD respectively. Those are the signs of the recovering in the central cityls economic condition and the restructuring outocmes from the decay of the CBD. The future of Manhattan's CBD will show the more specialied central functional distircts to control the world urban system. 6. During the 1970-1990s, the geographical range of CBD in Seoul show a little expansion along the radial roads toward the Southern and Western directions. But in Manhattan CBD shows also a little expansion to the northern direction during 1950-1990s, by the effects of the increase of the service and information companies and foreign capital and immigrants.

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