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        1920년대 경북 청도인의 민족운동

        조규태 한국민족운동사학회 2007 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.53

        ■국문요약 1920년대 경북 청도인의 민족운동 1. 조규태 경북지역 청도인들은 3ㆍ1운동 후 문화운동의 추세에 맞추어 청년단체를 만들고 청년운동을 전개하였다. 청도인들은 1920년 화양면 청도청년회를 만들고, 1924년 풍각면 송서동에 풍각수양단을 만들었다가 풍각청년회로 발전시켰다. 그리고 1927년 대성면에서는 대성청년회를 설립하였다. 이 청년회에서는 주로 강연에 의한 계몽운동을 전개하였다. 그런데 사회주의의 확산과 아울러 청도지역의 청년단체들은 점차 그 구성원과 운영체제와 활동내용이 변화되었다. 먼저 청도지역의 청년들은 1925년 경 운영체제를 회장ㆍ간사제에서 위원회제로 바뀌었다. 그리고 회원의 가입연령을 낮추었다. 이에 따라서 청도지역의 청년단체들은 지역 유지들의 의견에 의하여 운영되던 데에서 청년회원의 주장에 따라 운영되게 되었다. 그리고 청도지역의 청년단체들은 민족협동전선운동이 전개되던 흐름에 맞추어 1928년 청도청년동맹을 조직하였다. 청도청년동맹은 청년에 대한 계몽활동에 머무르지 않고 경북청년연맹과 연계하여 청년대중의 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ민족적 권리를 획득하는 활동을 전개하려고 하였다. 그러나 경북청년연맹의 간부들이 ML당사건으로 검거된 후, 청도청년동맹에 대한 일제당국의 제제가 강화되자 청도청년동맹은 활동을 전개하기가 여의치 않았다. 그 후 청도청년동맹의 청년들은 신간회 청도지회에 참여하여 민족협동전선운동을 전개하였다. 또한 청도인들은 1924년 사상단체인 의우단을 만들고 사회사상을 학습하였다. 그리고 청도인들은 이 의우단을 통하여 사회주의사상을 수용하고, 소외되고 차별받은 이웃을 위한 형평운동, 소년운동, 농민조합운동 등을 전개하였다. 그리고 이 의우단은 1927년 이후 신간회운동에 적극적으로 참여하였다. 청도인들은 1927년 전국적으로 신간회 지회가 만들어지자 준비에 착수하여 그 다음해 신간회 청도지회를 조직하였다. 신간회 청도지회는 계몽운동과 아울러 민족문제의 해결, 민족단일당의 촉성을 위한 활동을 전개하였다. 청도인들은 청도지역 내에서 문화운동, 사회운동, 신간회운동 등 합법적인 민족운동을 전개하는 것에 국한되지 않고, 국내와 국외에서 독립운동을 전개하였다. 매전면 온막동에 거주하던 李庭禧는 서로군정서 국내파견원 金元植과 연계를 맺고 대구와 청송 등지에서 군자금을 모집하다가 체포되어 옥고를 치렀다. 이서면 서원동 출신인 강수영은 서간도에서 대한독립단과 통의부의 독립군으로 활동하였고, 이 활동으로 일경에 체포되어 옥고를 치렀다. 그리고 각남면 예리봉 출신의 이월봉은 1920년대 중후반 대구에서 사회주의계 비밀결사인 혁우동맹 등에 간여하여 활동하다가 체포되어 옥고를 치렀다. 이외에 최태욱은 대한민국임시정부에 군자금을 보내는 활동을 전개하였다고 한다. 1930ㆍ40년대에 일부의 청도인들은 동진회 등의 비밀결사를 조직하고, 철로를 파괴하는 등 일본의 전쟁수행을 방해하였다. 또한 1940년대 대구에 유학한 학생 가운데에는 대구지역의 학생비밀결사에 참여하여 민족의식을 고취하는 활동을 전개하였다. 그리고 몇몇의 청도인들은 1940년대 중국의 관내에서 광복군에 참여하여 독립운동을 전개하였으며, 일제의 전시동원체제에 저항하다가 체포되어 옥고를 치르기도 하였다. ■Abstract The National Activities of Cheongdo Peoples of Kyungsangbukdo in 1920s. Cho, Kyu Tae Cheongdo young men, who were teachers, officers, wealthy persons, and etc, established Cheongdo Young Men Association, Poonggak Young Men Association, Daesung Young Men Association, and Yoochun Young Men Association in 1920s. They did enlightenment movement by educations, lectures, speeches, and sports. At first, the members of them were composed of the wealthy and the powerful, but they were changed gradually to journalists and men of progressive thought younger than the early days. Hence they converted the method of administration from manager system to committee system. And they did peasant movements, equilibrium movement, and nation cooperation movement by the solidarity of mass of people. For the unification of activities, they organized Cheongdo Young Men Union in 1928. By the way, men of progressive organized Euiwoodan(義友團). The members of it studied socialism and did a lot of activities for the poor and the weak. And they organized the Cheongdo Branch of Singanhoe(新幹會). The Constituents of Cheongdo Branch did enlighten movements, activities for supporting Cheongdo peoples and Korean. And they worked like a horse to organize the national party of Korea. Some of Cheongdo peoples did independent movements. They gathered money from the wealthy men and gave it to the patriot groups that were Seorogoonjungseo(西路軍政署) and a provisional government by example. In 1930s and 1940s, a few of Cheongdo peoples made a secret group or a secret organization like Dongjinhoe. They made activities of destroying rail of train, disturbing of supplying goods. Key Words : Cheongdo Young Men Association, Poonggak Young Men Association, Daesung Young Men Association, Yoochun Young Men Association, Cheongdo Young Men Union, Euiwoodan(義友團), the Cheongdo Branch of Singanhoe.

      • KCI등재

        Heterogeneous growth of the triploid Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas created by chemical inhibition of polar body release

        조규태,한종철,허영백,변순규,문태석 한국패류학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.30 No.4

        Triploids have several potential advantages over diploids in aquaculture, drawing an elevated commercial reaction into the realistic application of the techniques despite we are still in the early stage of triploid industry for the Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. We traced the growth performance of the triploid C. gigas for over a year from hatchery spats, which was created by manipulations of chemicals (Cytochalasin B, CB or 6-Dimethylaminopurine, 6-DMAP). The growth was clearly marked by an initial longer dormancy and following a great magnitude of heterogeneity. The dormancy was almost 9 to 10-month long or even longer and was considered as a downside of the creation. The heterogeneity was magnified by appearance of extraordinarily growing oysters in part during summer season, which could be a representative upside of the triploids. Overall, however, the results were not as positive as were expected. The longer dormancy and following heterogeneity observed in our practice could be marked as an additional negative sign of the chemical use. The present study, thus, might be highly indicative in the introduction of biological cross between tetraploid and diploid to produce natural triploid embryos.

      • KCI등재

        Potential Influence of Climate Change on Shellfish Aquaculture System in the Temperate Region

        조규태,허영백,조기채,전창영,이덕찬 한국패류학회 2012 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.28 No.3

        Aquaculture is challenged by a number of constraints with future efforts towards sustainable production. Global climate change has a potential damage to the sustainability by changing environmental surroundings unfavorably. The damaging parameters identified are water temperature, sea level, surface physical energy, precipitation, solar radiation, ocean acidification, and so on. Of them, temperature, mostly temperature elevation, occupies significant concern among marine ecologists and aquaculturists. Ocean acidification particularly draws shellfish aquaculturists’ attention as it alters the marine chemistry, shifting the equilibrium towards more dissolved CO2 and hydrogen ions (H+) and thus influencing signaling pathways on shell formation, immune system, and other biological processes. Temperature elevation by climate change is of double-sidedness: it can be an opportunistic parameter besides being a generally known damaging parameter in aquaculture. It can provide better environments for faster and longer growth for aquaculture species. It is also somehow advantageous for alleviation of aquaculture expansion pressure in a given location by opening a gate for new species and aquaculture zone expansion northward in the northern hemisphere, otherwise unavailable due to temperature limit. But in the science of climate change, the ways of influence on aquaculture are complex and ambiguous, and hence are still hard to identify and quantify. At the same time considerable parts of our knowledge on climate change effects on aquaculture are from the estimates from data of fisheries and agriculture. The consequences may be different from what they really are, particularly in the temperature region. In reality, bivalves and tunicates hung or caged in the longline system are often exposed to temperatures higher than those they encounter in Nature, locally driving the farmed shellfish into an upper tolerable temperature extreme. We review recent climate change and following environment changes which can be factors or potential factors affecting shellfish aquaculture production in the temperate region.

      • 현장시험시공을 통한 개질아스팔트의 시공성과 공용성 평가

        조규태,권혁문 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 2002 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        Asphalt pavement have serious problems of permanent deformation caused by the growth of heavy traffic and high temperature in summer. Modified asphalt have been used for the purpose of decrease and the permanent deformation. The examine are going to apply modified asphalt mixture and evaluate performance of pavement through site test constructions for SBS(Styrene Butadiene Styrene) PMA(Polymer Modified Asphalt), PSMA(Polymer Stone Mastic Asphalt) and dense-graded asphalt pavements. The results of laboratory tests and performance evaluation about SBS PMA and PMA pavement show better than dense-graded asphalt. The, next study is the long term performance, the short term tests, considering about life cycle cost(LCC) of pavement and comparison od econmic parement sections.

      • 아스팔트포장 시공시 소성변형 및 균열 영향 분석

        조규태,권혁문 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 2002 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        Type of damage on asphalt pavement is almost fatigue crack and rutting. The purpose of finding the reason of pavement damages, lab tests try for mechanical behaviour characteristic and to study the specific property of asphalt mixture, the relationship of load-deformation and to analysis stress distribution. This paper is analysis of asphalt mixture by the compression strength test, the indirect tensile strength test and the shear strength test. Their tests make a facsimile real the outer stress of passing wheel load and inner stress of asphalt pavements. And the results of stress specific property analyzed asphalt binder content. A change asphalt binder content followed the influence of the shear stress on rutting deformation. A change asphalt binder content have not influence on the result of tensile strength test.

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