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        李奎報 文學論에 있어서 六朝 文論의 수용 양상

        승용 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2002 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.12

        Lee Gyubo(李奎報, 1168~1241) was a famous poet in Korea(918~1392). He was also called ‘White cloud Buddhist devotee(白雲居士)’. He has been praised as writing the earliest criticism of poetry(白雲小說) and great collection of works(東國李相國集). His eassy on poetry is considered to have been influenced by Chinese works, Wei Dynasty(魏代) Cao Pi's(曹丕) Lun Wen(論文) in his Dian Lun(典論), Jin Dynasty(晉代) Lu Ji`s(陸機) Wen Fu(文賦), Liang Dynasty(梁代) Liu Xie's(劉勰) Wen Xin Diao Long(文心雕龍), Chong Rong's(鍾嶸) Shi Pin(詩品) and so on. Wen Xuan(文選) was the most influential of all medieval anthologies of verse and prose. It was also compiled to provide an anthology of tradional prose and verse in accient Korea. ‘The Eassay of Literature’, Cao Pi's Lun Wen and Lu Ji's Wen Fu was preserved in Wen Xuan. From Silla Dynasty(新羅) Wen Xuan had been a text on Goverment Examination(科擧). Applicants for Goverment Examination had a desire to study Wen Xuan. In Lun Wen Cao Pi put forward his theory of Qi(氣, vital force) in literary works. The quality of the work is a reflection of the ‘vital force’ of its writer. This concept(文氣說) had remained important in Lee Gyubo's poetry criticism. After this Lu Ji's Wen Fu was more important to Lee Gyubo. Wen Fu explained the preparing, planning, and writting process at work. The writer should be well-educated, for Lu Ji this means familiarity with book knowledge, together with an awareness of nature(詩緣情說). When a writer is about to write, he should try and respond to nature, because poetry is essentially a product of the meeting of individual sensitivity with the subtleties of nature. This is essentially a psychological account of the writting process. Lee Gyubo also considered the most imporant skills that could be used in writting. He was strongly influenced by Lun Wen and Wen Fu's literary theory.

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      • KCI등재후보

        謝靈運 山水詩 淵源 考

        文承勇 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2003 中國硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        A Study of Xi Lngyn Landscape Poetry's OriginsXie Lingyun(謝靈運, 385~443) was known as Duke of Kangle(康樂), mighty poet of Yuanjia period(元嘉之雄), the father of landscape poetry(山水詩之開祖). But he was not the first Chinese poet to make landscape a major vehicle to express his feelings. He carried on Xuanyan Shi(玄言詩), Laozi(老子) and Zhuangzi(莊子)'s idea of Dongjin's peorid(東晋代), summarized his landscape poetries in order to forget his political misfortune.His characteristic of landscape poetry was striving for facile extravagance (逸蕩), diffuseness(繁蕪), antithesis(對仗) and rhyme(押韻) of Fu(賦)'s attributes. Therefore his landscape poetry acted on establishing of Tang(唐)'s modren style poetry(近體詩).On the contrary, his landscape poetry also had simple and natural factors(風流自然). therefore his name was able to enter inter Zhong Rong(鍾嶸) Shipin(詩品)'s first class(上品). In its aspect he made a greater contribution to history of Chinese poetry.

      • KCI등재

        고대 중국에 있어서 修辭意識의 형성과 발전 그리고 자연물의 상관관계 고찰

        승용 한국중국언어문화연구회 2014 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.35

        The Chinese rhetoric started in The Shang Dynasty. The Shang Dynasty started to write their thoughts. The Chinese invented the writing system known as the inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces. The priests using the inscriptions divined what would happen the future. The inscriptions were not the vehicle of human thought, were the supreme authority of the Lord on High. It came from respect of all things in nature, and was imitated the nature and the principle of nature. The Western Zhou Dynasty tried to deny The Shang Dynasty’s theocratic rule. It means the start of humanities times in ancient China. Through making a lecture and writing on their thought, ‘all philosophers and scholars’ were to awaken the true meaning of all things in the universe. It was the beginning of rhetoric in the ancient China. The rhetorical origin took rise in 『Zhouyi』said “use a flowery style, must be in the right frame of mind.(修辭立其誠)”. They generally used water as a rhetorical device, and the source of all things in the universe. For example, Confucius said “Some people like mountains while others like water.(樂山樂水)”, Lao-tzu said “Water`s virtue is the highest goodness.(上善若水)”. They utilized the chief element of water. The Period of Wei, Jin and Northern & Southern Dynasties was a kind of the Renaissance period in Chinese art and literature. Especially Luji’s 『Wenfu』, Liuxie`s 『The literary mind and the craving of dragons』and Zhongrong`s 『Shipin』made many meaningful arguments about shaping and developing of rhetorical device, and the correlation of natural object during the ancient China. The nature and the principle of nature played an important role on the shaping and developing of the Chinese rhetoric.

      • KCI등재

        선진(先秦) 제자백가(諸子百家)의 수사의식(修辭意識)과 물[水] 개념 고찰

        승용 ( Seung Yong Moon ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2011 中國硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        "All philosophers and scholars(諸子百家)", it is a term used to refer to the various schools thought and their exponents during the pre-Qin times(先秦). Their learning was a comprehensive reference to the philosophers of the Chinese schools during the ancient China. Confucius, Lao-tzu, Xunzi and Hanfeizi were representative of the All philosophers and scholars. Through making a lecture and writing on their thought, they were to awaken the true meaning of all things in the universes. It was the beginning of rhetoric in the ancient China. They generally understood water as the source of all things and frequently used water as a rhetorical device. Confucius said "Some people like mountains while others like water.(樂山樂水), Lao-tzu said "Water`s virtue is the highest goodness.(上善若水)". Xunzi used this idea to think about his social and political doctrine, and said "Water can bear up and can also capsize it.(水則載舟, 水則覆舟.)" Hanfeizi understood that maintaining level is the chief element of water, and devised a method of constitutionalism. It is that due rewards and punishments will be meted out without fail(信賞必罰). All philosophers and scholars during the pre-Qin times studied the philosophy of a matter, but concentrated their energy on making a application of the political reality and public expectations. I am sure that it was caused by the hieroglyphic` element of inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces(甲骨文字), and had a bad effect upon logical thinking of ancient Chinese Sinology.

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      • KCI등재

        南朝 文論에 나타난 比興 수사법의 演變 考

        승용(Moon Seungyong) 한국수사학회 2008 수사학 Vol.0 No.8

        This paper aims at investigating rhetorical origins and traditions of ancient China, which will be divided into three historical periods. Ancient rhetoric of ancient China was born in Chun Qiu(春秋: 722 B.C.~481 B.C.) 0 Zhan Guo(戰國: 403 B.C. ~221 BoC.) Dynasty. Confucius(孔子), Lao-tzu (老子), Hanfeizi (韓非子) and the various schools of thought(諸子百家) made the most of rhetorical method to prove their ideas convincing and persuasive. But during Han(漢) Dynasty rhetoric--in the second period of ancient China--was in decline. Han Dynasty proscribed all non-Confucian schools of thought(罷黜百家) and espoused only Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology(獨尊儒術). Therefore, literary activities were stagnant. Nan Chao Dynasties(南朝), the third period of ancient China, was a kind of the Renaissance period. The art and literature were prosperous. Especially Liu Xie(劉?)'s The literary mind and the craving of dragons and Zhong Rong(鍾嶸)'s Shi Pin(詩品) made many meaningful arguments about Bi Xing' theory(比興論). They were in substantial agreement with each other. But there were two differences between them. Liu Xie took a serious view of the function for social enlightenment of Bi Xing' theory. and Zhong Rong scaled up functions in pure art and literature. Liu Xie considered the beginning in its functions of Bi Xing' theory, and Zhong Rong approved the end functions of Bi Xing' theory. Their Bi Xing' theories were of great worth in art and literature of the ancient China.

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