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        우리나라 學校保健事業에 關한 硏究

        徐聖濟 대한보건협회 1985 대한보건연구 Vol.11 No.1

        Aiming to appraise school health services in Korea, a review on the school health program from administrative and technical aspects, critical analysis of the health status of the pupils and productive recommendation of a school lunch program were discussed in this study. The main findings are as follows: 1. The concept and scope of the school health program is still not recognized and accepted satisfactorily in Korea; therefore it is emphasized that recognition of the unique role and position of the school health program be accepted by the nation as whole. 2. The current weak governmental organization of school health program at the centrallevel including manpower and structure of the program should be strengthened in order to implement an effective and consistent program and development. 3. Cooperation and understanding is emphasized between school and community health professionals in order to implement and effective school health program. For such purpose, the School Health Committee in the Ministry of Education was organized in the last decade; however, the committee has become weak. 4. The School Health Center of Seoul City Board of Education is the only independent health institute in the Ministry of Education. However, at least one institute in each city and province should be established for the better health of the school population. 5. Only 25.1% of schools employ school nurses even though they are the frontier workers in the school health services. However, at least one school nurse should be employed in each school not only by the school health law but also for the better health of the pupils. Worse, at present the school nurses do not participate in the planning of school health services; therefore legal and administrative procedures should be provided for nursing activitiesin schools for better usage of the professional skills of the school nurse. 6. School in the doctorless areas find it difficult to obtain part-time school physicians. Also even in the areas where doctors exist, still some schools cannot find a school physician because they cannot provide adequate payment for the doctor. Contrarily, in these days changing disease patterns with a high prevalence of chronic disease call for attention to early diagnosis for prevention in the young population. In order to cope with this situation, employment of at least two part-time physicians in each school should be. 7. Some existing laws and regulations suffer from a conflict in consistency or unavailability which do not match with their original intention. 8. Health apppraisal for school populations is the most important program in the school health service; however, at present the appraisal is being carried out without correct measures or physicial examination check-up. 9. Results of health appraisal of abnormal pupils are not followed-up nor is there any application for feed-back in planning and implementing of school health program. 10. The school lunch program has many defects such as unsatisfactory budget, lack of understanding of the program by school personnel as well as parents of the pupils. However, there is no doubt that the school lunch program should be carried out effectively for better health especially the growth and development of the pupil.

      • KCI등재

        국민학생들의 흡연예방교육 개입효과에 관한 연구 : centering on the change of knowledge and attitude 흡연에 대한 지식 및 태도 변화를 중심으로

        강윤주,서성제 韓國學校保健學會 1995 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of smoking prevention program on changing the knowledge and attitude about smoking behavior of elementary school students. In September 1993, as a pretest, a total of 1492 students from 4 elementary schools in Seoul weere assessed with self-completing questionnaire pertaining to knowledge and attitude about smoking. Among them, 704 students from 2 schools were assigned to intervention group and 788 students from other 2 schools were assigned to control group. Smoking prevention program was implemented in intervention group for about six months. In September 1994, as a posttest, all students were reassessed with the same questionnaire. The overall experimental smoking rate of students in the study was 8.0%; 13.4% in males and 2.9% in females. The baseline smoking knowldge score of intervention group and control group was 12.3 and 12.0, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups. But each score collected after one year interval was 15.3 and 13.0, respectively, which were significantly different(P<0.01). The main items of attitude, such as 'future intentiion to smoke', were not significantly changed by the intervention. Important predictors of 'future intention to smoke' in males were past history of experimental smoking, paternal smoking and knowledge about smoking.In females, past history of experimental smoking and knowledge about smoking weere important predictors.

      • KCI등재
      • 濟州道地域의 葬禮制度에 關한 調査硏究

        徐聖濟 서울大學校保健大學院 1972 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.9 No.2

        In order to contribute to the formulation of a general pubic health plan, survey were conducted on 1,478 households in Cheju Province during the 15-day period from August 1 to 15, 1972 concerning funeral systems. The following results have been obtained: 1) By area, 47.6 per cent of urban pollees preferred cremation, a slightly greater proportion than 41.5 per cent of rural polles who preferred it. 2) The greatest proportion or 55.1 percent of pollees wished to be cremated in the age group of 20 to 29 years while the lowest rate, 35.5 per cent, wished it in the age age group of 60 or more years. 3) By education, 65.3 per cent of college graduates wished to be cremated, showing the highest percentage, while 21.5 per cent of uneducated pollees wished it, indicating the lowest proportion. 4) No significant differences were noted among religions regarding toward cremation. 5) The greatest proportion, 39.9 per cent, desired to be buried in family cemetery while 9.4 per cent wanted to be buried at whatever places as may be determined by geomancer. 6) The average disired area of each gravard was 4.6 p'yong (1p'yong is 36 square feet) in urban areas and 5.4 p'yong in rural areas. 7) In the event of death from either acute or chronic infectious disease, 91.5 per cent of college graduate would obtain medical diagnosis, showing the highest rate of positive answers, while 35.6 per cent of uneducated pollees gave negative answers. 8) In the event of death from infectious disease, 65.3 per cent of college graduates preferred cremation, indicating a higher rate than 40.2 per cent of uneducated pollees who chose it. 9) As for attitude toward death registration, 91.9 per cent of college graduates gave positive answers, showing the highest rate, while no significant differences were noted among age groups. 10) Funeral expenses ranged extensively from \20,000 to \1,500,000, indicating a median figure of \93,900. 11) Regarding the necessity of parkland cemetery, 77.0 per cent or urban pollees gave positive answers, a high rate than that of rural pollees, 70.9 per cent. By education, 82.6 per cent or the highest rate of positive answers was given by college graduates while the lowest rate, 54.7 per cent, was indicated by uneducated pollees.

      • KCI등재

        學校保健制度 開發에 關한 硏究 : 제1부 학생건강관리제도 Part 1: Health Management System of School Children

        박인화,정연강,장창곡,서성제 韓國學校保健學會 1993 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.6 No.2

        To develop new health management system for the school children in korea, we have made a descriptive study in two phases. The first phase was to find out the situation and the problems of current school management system. The second phase was to propose a new system based on the findings through literature review. We found that the health screening examination was carried out inefficiently in many aspects, i.e. procedure, items and methods of screening. We proposed a new health management system which was more efficient, less expensive, and more reliable.

      • KCI등재

        청소년 흡연과 관련된 요인 : 서울시 일부 남녀 고등학생을 대상으로

        강윤주,서성제 韓國保健敎育學會 1996 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        The prupose of this study is to examine the associated risk factors for adolescent cigarette smoking. In February 1995, a total of 1793 students from 17 general high schools in Seoul were assessed with a self-completing questionnaire pertainnig current smoking status and school·family·peer environmental factors. The results are as follows; 1. The overall proportion of current smoker among students in the study was 17.3%; 27.7% in males and 6.6% in females. 2. There was significant association between smoking status and all school environmental factors (ranks at school, satisfaction at school, study hours after school, extracurricular activity) examined. 3. Siblings smoking in males and family structure in females were significantly associated with the smoking status of students. 4. Functional aspect of family environmental factors, such as APGAR score, parental supervision, attachment to father or to mother were related to smoking staus of students. 5. Association with friends who smoke was significantly associated with smoking status of students. 6. In males, association with friends who smoke, ranks at school, siblings smoking were significant positive predictors and APGAR score, parental supervision, attchment to mother were significant negative predictors. In females, association with friends whosmoke, ranks at school, satisfaction at school were significant positive predictors and parental supervision, attchment to father were significant negative predictors. These findings suggest that strategies that strategies that influence smoking behavior need to be directed not only to the individual student but also to their peer group, family and school environment.

      • KCI등재

        國民保健制度 開發에 關한 硏究 : 제2부 학교보건교육의 발전과정과 향후 과제 Part II: Developmental Process and Foremost Tasks of School Health Education

        서성제,장창곡,정연강,박인화 韓國學校保健學會 1994 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.7 No.1

        This study is designed to shed light on the current status of school health education in Korea and identify its problems. The findings of this study among other things pointed out that health education should be awarded the status on an independent subject in a bid to activate school health eudcation and cope with its problems. Thus far efforts focused on the needs for establishing health education as an independent course as well as for enhancing the awareness of its importance. At this stage further efforts are needed to develop in-depth discussions and add greater variety to the curriculum. Firstly efforts should be made to recognize the health status of students at all levels, i.d., from kindergarten through university. Particulary at this stage when the entire society is going through changes in the types of health problems and disease pattern, the outcome of analyses on the types in the types of health problems and health-related behavior can be used as basic data for framing the contents of school health education. Secondly more active efforts are required to single out the contents of health education and develop health curricula assessment based on the findings of surveys on that of health education needs. Thirdly the development of school health education curriculum should be accompanied by that of more effective educational methods and materials. In particular, further efforts should be made to develop educational methods designed to make wider use of audio-visual equipments or apply behavior modification techniques so that school health education will be adapted to changed education environment and the characteristics of health education. Fourthly and most importantly the training and production competent health education teachers is needed. This should be preceeded by the amendment of relevant laws and administrative systems.

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