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      • 李善熙 小說 硏究 : 人物의 三角構造와 象徵을 中心으로 Centering on Symbols and Triangular Structure of Characters

        徐正子 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1985 원우논총 Vol.3 No.-

        Lee Sun-Hee (1911-1949?) was a female writer who made her debut in the later years of the 1930's and produced works till the 1940's. Beginning her literary career as a magazine reporter, Lee produced 16 novels and 40 essays and miscellanies, but there still has been no serious studies on her literary world. Just some fragmentary records are found of her life with no detailed description, and the year of her death is not yet identified. With the growth of pure literature under the social and literary conditions of the 1930's, Lee developed her literary world in the position of pure literature. Her literary achievement deserves an important position in the history of Korean literature for her characteristics of sensitivity and aestheticism; in fact, however, being a female writer, she is not yet regarded as a major writer worthy of serious research. This thesis tries to analyse her world view through examining the structure and symbol of her works. Theories of mythological criticism, psychological criticism, and principles of symbol and image are employed for the analysis. The following are the conclusions of the approach. 1. The structure of characters in Lee Sun-Hee's novels is triangular. It is the repetitive representation of the structure of Whan-woong, Woong-nye (Bear-woman), and Ho (Tiger) of the Dan-Kun myth. 2. Woong-nye is an archetype of adaptation, perseverance, sincerity, and restored self-identity, making a good contrast with the negative, dissipated, and insincere tiger-type which fails to resume its self-identity. 3. The characters of Lee's novels reveals the confrontation of these two archetypal characters through the oppositional structure, in which the tiger-type women are the protagonists. 4. It is one of Lee's literary features that, contrary to the old novels with the Woong-nye type women-protagonists as good characters, the characters are round-characters of the tiger-type. 5. It is remarkable that female characters of the tiger-type represent so-called New Women, and it can also be understood as a reflexion of the consciousness (and the characteristic) of the time. 6. The Woong-nye type women are Old Women (antagonists) and they suffer hardships and make their home their sole world. The tiger-type women, the New Women (Protagonists), regard home as a place of repression and conflicts and escape from it like tigers. 7. It is to the sea and darkness that the tiger-type women get coming out of their home. The sea and darkness symbolize death, which means that their attempt to escape from home cannot overcome the moral limit of the age. Here is revealed the tragic vision of the literary world of Lee Sun-Hee.

      • KCI등재후보

        콜론타이즘의 이입과 신여성기획 ― ‘지식인여성노동자’ 등장과 ‘주의자연애’를 중심으로 ―

        서정자 한국여성문학학회 2004 여성문학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Kollontaism, along with the theory of Ellen Key, is one of the most influential thoughts to women in the way that it created a new identity of liberated women. The works and influences of Ellen Key often have been subjects to be studied in many fields in academia such as social science and literature while the ones of Kollontai never received the same degree of attention. Kollontaism which is recently imported and introduced in Korea supports the idea of Free Love. The media, especially newspapers and magazines, magnified only one aspect of Free Love. From what the media conceived Free Love states merely 'Love making is a private affair. Without considering charms women should feel free to be sexually engaged with men,' with the 'Red Love.' This incomplete presentation ruthlessly hid her idea of 'The New Women' which also affected Korean literature as significantly as the Free Love. However Korean writers who came in touch with the socialism and Kollontaism during their stays in Japan as students or workers, being influenced by Kollontai's philosophy, created many intelligent female proletarian characters in their novels under proletarian literature. Also, deeply affected by Free Love they promoted socialist love to major motive in their works. I investigated the roles of female intellectual proletarians and 'socialist love' in Korean literature. From what I found via researching on two novels, 'Homeland' by Kiyoung Lee and 'Dawn of the North Country' by Hwasung Park was that both authors are heavily influenced by the ideals of Kollontai, 'The New Women' and 'Free Love.' Finally I came to the conclusion that her works have laid considerable effects on Korean literature as far as women's roles are concerned. A thorough analysis of Kollontai's works is our job ahead to do and the 'new women' from above novels are not the same as the 'new women' relating to old Korean literature. They are imported from western culture. I felt that more in depth analysis should be done about the novels focusing on the fact that female characters are created from men's 콜론타이즘은 엘렌케이사상과 함께 근대 우리 신여성의 의식에 큰 영향을 미친 여성해방사상이다. 엘렌케이의 영향에 대한 연구는 문학, 사회학 등 여러 면에 걸쳐 진척이 있었던데 반하여 콜론타이의 사상과 그 영향에 대해서는 별로 밝혀진 바 없다. 우리 나라에 이입 소개되는 콜론타이즘은 『붉은 사랑』과 함께 “연애는 사사다. 매력을 감하면 서로 육체적으로 결합되는 것은 자유”라는 성해방론으로 이해하는 것이 신문 잡지들이 보여준 통념이었으나 이는 콜론타이 연애유희론의 일면만이 부각된 것이고 연애유희론과 함께 우리문학에 큰 영향을 미친 콜론타이의 신여성론은 잘 알려지지 않았다는 문제가 있었다. 그러나 유학 등으로 일본에서 사회주의 사상과 더불어 콜론타이의 사상을 접한 작가들이 콜론타이의 신여성 기획에 영향을 받아 지식인여성노동자를 프롤레타리아문학 여성주인공으로 작품에 형상화하고 연애유희론의 영향으로 주의자연애를 프로문학의 주요모티프로 등장시키는 등 콜론타이의 사상은 우리 문학에 미친 바 영향이 적지 않았다. 본고는 이기영의 장편 『고향』과 박화성의 장편 『북국의 여명』을 중심으로 ‘지식인 여성노동자’ 등장과 ‘주의자 연애’를 살펴보았는데 이 과정에서 이기영과 박화성 두 작가가 콜론타이즘의 영향을 받았음을 논증해 볼 수 있었으며 동시에 콜론타이의 신여성론과 연애유희론이 우리 문학에 미친 영향이 다대하다는 결론을 이끌어낼 수 있었다. 이의 보다 광범위한 고찰은 앞으로 남은 문제이며 동시에 이 두 작품의 예를 보더라도 이 신여성은 밑으로부터 올라오는 신여성은 아니었다는 점, 즉 근대 서구사상의 이입에 의해 형성된 인물이라는 점에서 남자의 시선이요, 남성적 세계의 인물이라는 점 역시 심도 있는 분석이 요청되는 부분이라 여겨졌다. 즉 여성노동자로 성장하는 갑숙이나 투사적 인물의 성장을 보여주는 박화성의 『북국의 여명』의 효순은 역시 콜론타이의 사상을 밑그림으로 하여 자신의 세계를 그려간 이중적 타자의 존재인 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • 姜敬愛硏究 : 새로운 評價를 위한 試考 A Revaluational Approach to her Works

        徐正子 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1983 원우논총 Vol.1 No.-

        Ⅰ. 序言 Ⅱ. 問題接近을 위한 豫備考察 A. 旣存의 視角 B. 時代와 生涯 Ⅲ. 姜敬愛文學의 主題思想 A. 現實과 作家의 世界觀 1. 作家意識의 形成 2. 作家意識과 創作方法問題 B. 作品에 나타난 휴머니즘 1. <어머니와 딸> 2. <人間問題> 3. <同情> 其他 Ⅳ. 結語 The 1930's in the Korean Literary history is the age which was facing such problems as the acceptance of realism, the choice of a world view (Marxian view of the world) and especially that of poverty as its most important matter of concern. The writer Kang-Kyung Ae started her writing in this literary environment. In almost all the studies of her works, great emphasis has been placed on the aspect of her technique of attaining realism and social characteristics. However, I think the very substance of her works lies in her concern in humanism. This article attempts to illuminate the theme of her works from the standpoint of humanism, resulting in the following conclusions; 1) Her literature on poverty is radically different from the others, i.e, her works are based on the spirit of humanism, while those of Choi Seo Hae are not. 2) The works of the latter have tendency to Marxian Ideology. As she criticized the blind following of the Marxian world view prevailing among her contemporaries, we cannot conclude that her works belong to Tendency Literature. But a sort of sturdiness is implicit in these works, which has resulted from her imitation of "Methodology on writing" (創作方法論) of proletarian Literature. 3) But this sturdiness became diluted and disappeard when she began to unfold humanism, it means that collective unconsciousness of rescuring her contemporary society, which had been her matter of concern in literature, was replaced by individual consciousness of relieving human nature. It is through this replacement that her literature reached its peak of sublimation. 4) She described realistically the tragedy of the up-rooted who lost their homes and were compelled to leave for Kan-do(間島). I regard a revaluation of her literary works, proper and objective, as a needed task given to us.

      • <아름다운 노을>攷 : 白信愛文學의 志向點探究

        徐正子 숙명여자대학교 문리과대학 국어국문학과 1984 靑坡文學 Vol.14 No.-

        어떤 작가의 작품도 그 작품을 쓴 인물에 대한 지식없이는, 또 이 인물이 등장하게 된 배경으로서의 삶과 삶의 환경에 대한 지식이 없이는 이해될 수 없다는 실증주의의 입장에서 백신애(1908~1939)의 작품을 볼 때 그의 작품들은 전기적 사실에서 볼 수 있는 작가의 체험적측면이 거의 드러나지 않는 것처럼 보인다. 그의 전기적 사실에서 눈에 띠이는 대목을 적어 본다면 ① 16歲에 대구사범강습과의 입학하기까지 향교에 나가는 등 전통적 가정교육을 받았다는 점, ② 1년반 정도의 교원생활후 상경하여 「女性同友會」「여자청년동맹」등의 단체를 통해 사회활동을 했던점, ③ 이 시기에 울라디보스톡에 다녀왔으나 그 목적이 무엇이었는지 밝혀지지 않은 점, ④ 교원시절의 실감이 원인이었는지 알 수 없으나 줄곧 결혼을 거부하여 부친과 마찰이 잦았으며, ⑤ 일본에 건너가 일대 예술과에 적을 두고 연극에 경도했던 시기 약 2년, ⑥ 늦은 결혼, 2년만의 이혼, ⑦ 38년에 오빠와 함께 상해에 갔다가 1개월만에 귀구, ⑧ 39년 6월 25일 췌장암으로 서울대 부속병원에서 운명한 사실 등을 들 수 있다. 짧은 생애였으나 여성으로서는 특수하게 사회와 폭넓은 접촉을 했던 것으로 보이는 그였지만 그의 작품세계에는 사회의식이나 시대적 삶의 모습이 거의 보이지 않고 있는 것이다.

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