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      • 功能对等视角下《哪吒之魔童降世》的字幕维译研究

        张立博(Libo Zhang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.2 No.1

        优秀的电影字幕翻译是电影传播的关键所在,奈达主张的功能对等理论强调译文对原文的再现。本文以《哪吒之魔童降世》的维吾尔语翻译版为例,在词汇、句法和语音三个层面从功能对等理论的视角对其字幕维译进行探赜,例举了译文存在的问题并提出了相应的对策。研究发现功能对等理论能够较为全面地分析电影字幕维吾尔语翻译,为译者提高翻译水平提供参考。 The secret to effective film communication is excellent film subtitle translation. The reproduction of the original text is emphasized by Eugene A. Nida’s functional equivalence theory. This paper explores the movie subtitle translation from the standpoint of functional equivalence theory at the lexical, syntactic, and phonetic levels, using the Uyghur translation of “Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child” as an example. It then illustrates the issues with the translation and suggests solutions. The study found that functional equivalence theory can examine the Uyghur translation of movie subtitles thoroughly and offer guidelines for translators to raise the quality of their work.

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