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      • Europe統合에 있어서의 EEC의 役割

        崔義永 건국대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        The idea of European Integration was already originated in the 14th century, but it had been nothing but an ideal and unreal pursuit untill the 20th century, in which real pursuit for integration has been activated. Many politians and thinkers have been interested in presenting their theories of integration. Some represent active people of them are Henry IV, Sully, Saint Saimon, Proudhon, Kalergi, Briand and Schuman. Western Europe began to see their economic failure and collapse of political order during the two world warts, and lost their dominant position in the world. And from that time on their have been struggling between the two powers, the United States and Russia. This unexpected downfall was realy disgraceful to their gloriousness in the past. They looted back upon internal and external accidents which had brought about their downfall, and self-examined their causes. And they had to united and spurt together in order to regain the glorious position of the past. Doing this, they have found a natural motivation in searching for a substantial European Integration. EEC was activited as an effort to achieve European Integration, just as ECSC, EDC, EPC, etc., but much more concret and substantial expression, EEC, although motivated as an economic integration in the begining, but in the light of its aim of set-up, common politics and process of working, was a step for its final object of achiving a political integration and securing an advanced position in the world economy, EEC has, on the one hand, carried on steadily its partial with some fruitful outcome. But, on the other hand, it has not progressed to much in the problems requiring political agreements. Therefore, today's EEC has come to limitation in which situation more development cannot be expected without political agreements. In addition, it has many difficulties in the way of approaching 1980's, such as internal conflicts, external initiative enhancement, relation which the U.S. some required agreements in the admission of England, including the energy crisis. Some chief elements blocking European Integration are utility diplomacy of each stats, lack of necessary external stimulus, delay in settling the problems causes when a new member centers, and so on. In this respect, it is highly desired that European try to develop EEC, by settling such obstacles, in more affirmative aspects rather than negative ones, in which the only possible way would be to break up, for more successful achievement of European Interation. They rather should do this, if they want to live on as they like to, in today's world Situation. In other words, Europeans, any way, have contributed to achieving of settling new problems, maximizing spilt-over effects, through their common participation in developing EEC, it can be staid with assurance that European Integration will be carried on favorably.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma Diagnosed with Multislice CT Scan with 3D Reconstruction

        최의영,윤영원,권혁문,김동수,박병은,홍유선,구자승,김태훈,김현승 연세대학교의과대학 2004 Yonsei medical journal Vol.45 No.SUP

        Pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma is a rare highly lethal disease, with additional retrograde extension to pulmonic valve and right ventricle being an extremely rare condition. It is frequently mistaken for pulmonary thromboembolism. We report a case of 64-year-old woman with progressive dyspnea initially suspected and treated for pulmonary thromboembolism. Her helical chest CT scan with 3 dimensional (3D) reconstruction combined with echocardiography revealed a compacting main pulmonary artery mass extending to the right ventricular outflow tract and the right pulmonary artery. After excision of the mass, the patient's condition improved dramatically, and the pathologic findings revealed pulmonary intimal sarcoma. This report emphasizes that helical chest CT with 3D reconstruction can be an important tool to differentiate the characteristics of pulmonary artery lesions, such as intimal sarcoma and thromboembolism.

      • KCI등재

        자기 공명 영상을 이용한 허혈성 승모판폐쇄 부전증의 원인기전 규명.

        최의영,고영국,장양수,심원흠,임세중,정남식,조승연,유경종,최병욱 대한심장학회 2004 Korean Circulation Journal Vol.34 No.6

        Background and Objectives:To evaluate the 3 dimensional geometric changes and the effect of revascularizationin patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR), using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Subjects and Methods:Twenty-three patients with IMR, 10 with dilated cardiomyopathy with MR (DCMMR)and 7 control subjects were enrolled. Hemodynamic indices, severity of MR, geometric parameters ofmitral apparatus and myocardial viability were evaluated in all patients, and re-evaluated in the IMR patients6 months after the revascularization. Results:The mitral tenting area (TAA) (334.1±111.7 mm2 vs. 222.9±123.0 mm2, p=0.16) and the sum of the tenting angles (TA) (72.9±12.9°vs. 51.5±11.1°, p<0.001) at the mid-systolicphase were increased in the IMR compared to the DCM-MR patients. In the IMR patients, the MR severitywas positively correlated with the sum of the tethering lengths (r=0.522, p=0.011), LVESV (r=0.551, p=0.006), TAA (r=0.613, p=0.002) and TA (r=0.713, p<0.001). Of the 10 patients with viable myocardium, who hadbeen revascularized without surgical repair of the mitral apparatus, the MR severity was decreased (28.3±10.4%vs. 16.5±7.6%, p=0.009) in 7 patients, with decreases in the sum of the tethering distances (51.2±13.9 mm vs.40.2±9.1 mm, p=0.034), tenting area (299.2±93.8 mm2 vs. 215.0±63.6 mm2, p=0.036) and sum of the tenting angles(72.9±12.9° vs. 56.2±14.8°, p=0.015) 6 months after the revascularization. Conclusion:IMR was relatedwith the geometric change in the mitral apparatus. Cardiac MRI can be an effective tool for evaluating thesegeometric changes and when formulating a treatment plan. 배경 및 목적:승모판 폐쇄부전증은 심근경색증 환자의 19%에서 관찰되는 허혈성 심장질환의 흔한 합병증이며, 좌심실의과부하와 폐동맥 고혈압을 초래하여 좌심실 부전을 악화시키는 불량한 예후 인자이다. 심장 자기공명영상은영상의 해상도와 3차원적으로 심구조 및 기능의 평가가심초음파 보다 우월한 것으로 알려져 있어 본 연구에서는 허혈성 심질환으로 인한 승모판 폐쇄부전증 환자에서, 자기공명영상을 이용하여 승모판 폐쇄부전증의 정확한 원인기전을 밝히고, 재개통 후의 변화를 관찰함으로써 정확한 치료방법을 제시하고자 하였다.방 법:관동맥조영술을 시행 받은 환자 중 50% 이상의 관동맥 협착소견을 보이고 심초음파 소견상 좌심실의 국소적 또는 전체적 심실벽운동의 이상을 동반한 경우로 다른 판막의 이상 없이 Ⅱ-Ⅳ도의 승모판 폐쇄부전을 나타내나 승모판의 형태는 정상인 환자 23명과 기능적 승모판 폐쇄부전증을 동반한 확장성 심근병증 환자 10명,심기능이나 구조적 심질환이 없었던 환자 7명을 대상으로 심장 자기공명영상을 시행하여, 좌심실의 내경과 용적 측정 및 수축기 기능, 유두근 기시부를 포함한 좌심실벽의 국소 운동, 좌심실의 생존력을 평가 하였다. 3차원 기하학적 관계로 승모판륜-유두근 첨부거리, 승모판륜의 면적, 승모판엽과 승모판륜이 이루는 면적(tentingarea), 각도(tenting angle)와 승모판 역류의 양과의 관련성을 조사하였다. 또한 허혈성 승모판 폐쇄 부전증 환자에서, 재개통 혹은 수술적, 내과적 치료 6개월 후의 승모판 역류 정도와 기하학적 인자의 변화를 관찰하였다. 결 과: 허혈성 승모판 폐쇄부전증 환자군은 확장성 심근병증에 의한 승모판 폐쇄 부전증 환자군에 비해 좌심실의 비대칭적 확장 및 유두근의 전위로 인해, 승모판륜과 소엽에 의해 이 루어 지는 중수축기 tenting 각도의 합(72.9±12.9°vs. 51.5±11.1°, p<0.001)과 tenting 면적(334.1±111.7 mm2 vs. 222.9±123.0 mm2, p=0.16)의 증가와 좌심 실 구형지수의 감소(1.24±0.17 vs. 1.54±0.22, p< 0.001)를 관찰할 수 있었다. 허혈성 승모판 폐쇄 부전 증 환자군내에서는 승모판 역류분획이 전승모판륜-유 두첨부 거리의 합(r=0.522, p=0.011), 수축기말 좌심 실 용적(r=0.551, p=0.006), tenting 면적(r=0.613, p=0.002), tenting 각도의 합(r=0.713, p<0.001)과 비 례하여 증가함을 관찰할 수 있었으며, 단순 승모판륜 면 적과는 비례하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 자기공명영상에 서 유두근 기시부위의 생존력이 있던 환자 10명 중 7 명은 재개통 후 승모판 폐쇄부전의 호전을 관찰할 수 있 었으며, 이들은 모두 승모판 부속기관의 기하학적 인자 의 호전을 통해 이루어짐을 알 수 있었다. 결 론: 허혈성 심질환에 동반되는 승모판 폐쇄 부전증은, 유 두근 기시부를 포함한 좌심실 벽의 국소운동장애 및 재 형성에 의한 승모판 부속기관의 기하학적 인자 변화로 나타남을 알 수 있었으며, 심장 자기공명영상은 이러한 변화뿐 아니라 심근의 생존력까지 분석이 가능하여 치 료방법의 결정에 큰 도움이 됨을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        Serum Levels of Advanced Glycation End Products Are Associated with In-Stent Restenosis in Diabetic Patients

        최의영,권혁문,안철우,이근택,정보영,홍범기,윤영원,김동수,변기현,강태수,윤세정,권성우,이성주,박정관,김현승 연세대학교의과대학 2005 Yonsei medical journal Vol.46 No.1

        The formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), in various tissues has been known to enhance immunoinflammatory reactions and local oxidant stresses in long standing diabetes. Recently, AGEs have been reported to play a role in neointimal formation in animal models of arterial injury. We attempted to determine whether the serum levels of AGEs are associated with coronary restenosis in diabetic patients. Blood samples were collected from diabetic patients with coronary artery disease undergoing stent implantation and the serum levels of AGEs were analyzed by the fluorescent intensity method. The development of in-stent restenosis (ISR) was evaluated by a 6-month follow-up coronary angiography. A total of 263 target lesions were evaluated, in 203 patients. The ISR rate in the high-AGE (>170U/ml) group (40.1%) was significantly higher than in the low-AGE group (≤170 U/ml) (19.6%) (p<0.001). Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that a high level of serum AGEs is an independent risk factor for the development of ISR (odds ratio, 2.659; 95% CI, 1.431-4.940; p=0.002). The serum levels of AGEs constitute an excellent predictive factor for ISR, and should be one of the guidelines for medical therapy and interventional strategy to prevent ISR in diabetic patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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