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        馬韓 - 硏究現況과 課題

        최몽룡(Choi, Mong-Lyong) 원광대학교 마한백제문화연구소 2013 馬韓, 百濟文化 Vol.22 No.-

        마한의 始原은 한반도에서 기원전 1500년부터 토착사회를 이루던 지석묘사회가 해체되기 시작하는 철기시대 전기(기원전 400년-기원전 1년) 기원전 3세기-기원전 2세기까지 올라가지만 한국선사고고학의 입장보다는 시간적으로 삼국시대 전기(철기시대 후기: 서기 1년-서기 300년)에 그 중심을 두고 역사 고고학적인 측면에서 연구되는 것이 보다 바람직하다. 이는 마한의 연구는 백제와의 역사적 관계 속에서 중심지의 변천 및 54국과의 관계 등을 항시 고려하면서 진행되어야하기 때문이다. 다시 말해 백제의 역사와 문화가 영역의 확장 및 도읍의 변천에 따라 漢城→熊津(公州)→泗 (扶餘)의 세 시기로 구분되듯이 마한의 경우도 백제의 영향 하에 이루어진 중심지의 이동 및 변천에 따라 天安→益山→羅州의 세 시기로 구분해 고려되어야 할 것이다. 百濟國은 기원전 3세기-기원전 2세기에 성립된 馬韓의 바탕 위에 기원전 18년에 성립되었다. 이는 물론『三國史記』초기의 백제 기록을 믿고 또 최근 조사된 적석총의 연대가 기원전 2세기-기원전1세기로 올라간다는 것을 인정한다는 전제에 따른 것이다. 마한으로부터 臨津江과 漢江유역의 영역을 할양받으면서 점차 정치적 국가체로 발전할 수 있었던 백제는 초기의 문화적 양상이 마한의 것과 거의 다르지 않았을 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 흔적은 백제시대의 무덤과 유구에서 찾을 수있는데 積石塚, 土壙墓, 甕棺墓, 馬韓土室의 변형인 福주머니 형태의 지하저장고 등이 해당된다. 이 가운데 積石塚은 高句麗이주 세력의 분묘로 백제 초기의 지배세력에 의해 축조되었으며, 당시 백제의 성격을 이해하는데 매우 유용한 자료이다. 적석총이 축조되던 시기는 기원전 2세기-기원전 1세기경으로 韓國考古學編年上鐵器時代前期(기원전 400년-기원전 1년) 末이며 이를 통해 百濟의 建國이 형성되고 三國時代前期(서기 1년-서기 300년)에로 進入하게된다. 그리고 마한 54국으로 표출된 크고 작은 여러 족장사회(族長社會, chiefdom society)로 시작된 마한은 백제가 그 영역을 확장하는 과정에서 그 영역이 축소 개편되었다. 그 과정에서 각각의 족장사회는 通商圈(Interaction Sphere)을 형성하면서 복합족장사회(complex chiefdoms)로 발전되었고, 마지막 단계에 이르러 目支國이라는 국가 체제(state)로 성장했던 것으로 여겨진다. 『三國史記』에 보이는 마한의 신라 및 백제와의 관계기사를 고려해 볼 때, 늦어도 기원전 1세기경에는 馬韓이 국가사회로 성장했던 것으로 추정되는데, 물론 이 과정이 고고학적으로 밝혀져야 한다. 그리고 마한과 백제는 그들의 국가형성과 성장에는 주위의 孫吳/東吳(서기 222년-서기 280년), 晋(서기 265-서기 316년), 南朝중 梁(서기 502년-서기 557년), 衛滿朝鮮(기원전 194년-기원전108년), 高句麗(기원전 37년-서기 668년) 뿐만 아니라 沃沮, 東沃沮, 濊/東濊, 弁辰, 北沃沮(團結), 婁와 같은 족장사회와의 국제 관계도 고려해야 한다. Mahan(馬韓), which was established in the Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do provinces around 3 cen. B.C. - 2 cen. B.C. about 1-2 centuries earlier than the Baekje state formation in 18 B.C on the territory of Mahan, has been annihilated and annexed by the Baekje dynasty later between the late of 5 cen. A.D. and the early of 6 cen. A.D. according to the expansion of territory and the transfer of the final capital to Buyeo(538 A,D.- 660 A,D.) from Gongju of Baekje dynasty(475 A.D.-538 A.D.) in 538 A.D. We can say that the chronology of Mahan is based mainly upon between the period of the Iron Age(400 B.C. - 1 B.C.)/Former Three Kingdoms period(1 A.D.- 300 A.D) and Later Three Kingdoms Period(300 A.D.- 660/668 A.D.) according to the Korean Archaeological Chronology, and it can be divided into three periods to the movement of its socio-political center(capital). They are as follows: Cheonan(天安)/稷山(Jiksan)/成歡(Seonghwan), Iksan(益山) and Naju(羅州) Period. The transfer of Mahan s socio-political center is closely related to the military power and territorial expansion of the Baekje dynasty(18 B.C. - 660 A.D.). Mahan and Baekje had coexisted for a about 5-600 years long, and the recent increase of archaeological evidence made it possible for both Korean archaeologists and ancient historians together to begin Mahan study with full-scale. Mahan culture is characterized such archaeological traits as deep subterranean pit house named Tosil (土室), whose bottom can be reached by ladder from the moundshaped ceiling with entrance similar to the flat roofed building of Çatal Hüyük of Anatolia, Turkey in addition to the Jugumyo(周溝墓) burial site with moat around it, wooden building with post holes stuck into the ground(堀立柱, 四柱式建物), sawteethed wheel designs on the surface of pottery(鋸齒文) and bird s footprint designs(鳥足文). Chinese Historical books(『後漢書』, 『三國志』魏志東夷傳韓傳) tell us the religious aspect of the Mahan society in which Sodo(蘇塗) with its apex of Cheongun(天君) religious leader, was the ancient asylum as a culmination of Mahan people s shamanism and ancestor worship religions indicating separating between state and religious center of Sodo forming a theocracy during the Iron Age(400 B.C. - 1 B.C.). Their secular leaders as chiefs of Samhan(三韓) chiefdom society based upon clan and hierarchy are Geosu(渠帥), Sinji(臣智), Geomcheuk(險側), Beonye(樊濊), Salgye(殺奚), and finally Eupcha(邑借) as orders in terms of each status and territory controlled. We believe that all the names of Samno(三老) of Okjeo(沃沮), Jangsu (將帥) of Dongokjeo (東沃沮), Hu(侯), Eupgun(邑君), Samno(三老) of Ye(濊)/東濊(Dongye), Daein(大人) of Eupnu( 婁), and Gunjang(君長) of Suksin(肅愼) did as same status of chief in their chiefdoms as in Samhan(三韓). Korean academic circles came to realize that comprehensive understanding of Mahan(馬韓) society, one of the Three Han(三韓: 馬韓, 弁韓, 辰韓) Society was to be more than essential in the study of Baekje. According to historical records and archaeological data, Mahan Society represented by Mokjiguk(目支國) ruled by King Jin(辰王) has been located in the middle and southwestern parts of the Korean peninsula from the 3 cen. B.C. or 2 cen. B.C. to the end of the 5 cen. A.D. or early 6 cen. A.D. Mahan had already occupied central portion of the Korean peninsula, including the Han River Valley when King Onjo(溫祚) first set up the capital of Baekje Kingdom at Wiryeseong(慰禮城), considered to be the Pungnap-dong toseong(風納土城, historical site no.11) near Han River Valley.

      • KCI등재
      • Korean Archaeology for the 21st Century: From Prehistory to State Formation

        최몽룡 ( Choi Mong-lyong ),리송내 ( Rhee Song-nai ) 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2001 Seoul journal of Korean studies Vol.14 No.-

        Since the 1950s American archaeologists have focused particularly on the origins and evolution of cities, civilization, and state formation. Concurrently, origin of agriculture became the subject of intense scholarly interests. But, the current status of Korean archaeology, with its emphasis on typology and chronology which are the two main topics of the traditional archaeology, may be considered to not yet have elevated the level of the Classificatory-Historical Period of American archaeology. To overcome this predicament, a number of scholars have sought to introduce as well as to apply to Korean archaeology modem archaeological approaches of the new and post-processual archaeology of West. In terms of future prospect for the 21st century Korean archaeology, it is expected that from the new evolutionary perspectives, the primary attention will be given to the emergence of kinship(clan)-based hierarchical chiefdom societies for dolmen builders during the Bronze Age (15th - 4th century BC) and their evolution into highly stratified and more advanced ancient state of the Wiman-Giosǒn (194 - 108 BC during the Former Iron Age (Iron Age I, 300 - 1 BC)in the Korean peninsula. Along with the increasing emphasis in socio-cultural developments, a new chronological framework will also be established. In this regard, an increasing attention will be given to regional archaeology and to the chronology of socio-cultural developments at various regional levels. This will un1oubtedly modify the uniform. chronology hitherto applied to the whole Korean peninsula. While it is still within the realm of hypothesis, it appears that the evolution of Korean culture was multi-linear and highly complex, and unlocking the complexity will become the task of the 21st century Korean archaeology. In the emergence of early states in Korea, Chinese influence, politically, economically, socially, and culturally, played a salient role. Discovery of Chinese coins Wu-shu-Chien, Panliang-Chien and Ming-Tao-Chien throughout the Korean peninsula suggests an existence of interaction sphere between the Chinese and local Korean polities during the dynamic iron age. Particularly, Korean interaction with Chinese commanderies in the northwest, a small China within Korea with all of Chinese cultural elements, greatly enhanced increasing socio- cultural complexity among local Korean polities in all walks of life including introduction of Chinese writing. In this paper the traditional chronology of Korean bronze and iron age is revised as follows: 300 BC for the lower limit of the bronze age; 300 BC - 1 BC for the Former Iron Age (Iron Age I); AD 1 - AD 300 for the later Iron Ages (Iron Age II or Early Three Kingdoms Period). This revision reflects recent archeological investigations and also simplifies the traditional chronology for 300 BC - AD 600. Underlying this revision is the hope to overcome and further refine chronological differences resulting from the on-going regional studies. Also presented here is a chronology of Korean prehistory to be standardized for the 21st century Korean archaeology: · Paleolithic Period: Currently, there is too much controversy regarding the upper limit, all the way from 700,000 BP to 200,000 BP. This problem is yet to be resolved. · Neolithic Period: from 8,000 - 10,000 BC to 2,000 - 1,500 BC. · Bronze Age: 1,500 BC - 300 BC (available date common throughout the whole Korean Peninsula) · Former Iron Age (Iron Age I: 300 BC - 1 BC, formerly Early Iron Age). · Later Iron Age (Iron Age II/Early Three Kingdoms: AD 1 - AD 300 (formerly, Proto-Three Kingdoms Period or Sam Han Period). And finally Korean archaeology, deeply involved in salvage archaeology up to now, must strive for quality in terms of scientific analyses and interpretations. 1his calls for efficient and effective utilization of laboratory methods already used in natural science.

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