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        이자규제의 역사적 고찰 및 개정 이자제한법의 방향

        윤상(Sang-duck Yun) 한국법학회 2011 법학연구 Vol.44 No.-

        인류의 역사를 통하여 볼 때 이자(利子)의 규제는 시대에 따라 크게 변천되어 왔으며, 고대에는 이자를 취득하는 것은 도덕과 종교에 의하여 금지되었으므로 법적규제는 매우 소극적이었다. 그러나 근대 자본주의의 발달은 계약자유의 원칙아래서 고리화(高利貸)툴 더욱 성행하게 하였으며 그 폐단도 매우 크게 나타났다. 결국 이러한 폐단을 시정하기 위해 법에 의하여 이자의 규제가 있게 되었지만 그 실효성에는 한계가 있었다. 우리나라의 경우 고리의 폐단으로 인해 1962년부터 이자제한법을 제정ㆍ시행하여 왔으나, 1997년 닥쳐온 금융위기는 IMF의 지원 없이 외환문제를 해결할 수 없었던 정부가 결국 IMF의 요구를 받아들여 폐지하게 되었다. 그 후 이자제한법 부활에 대한 논란이 꾸준히 제기되어 왔으며, 급기야 2007년 6월 30일부터 이 법이 부활 시행되기에 이르렀다지만 법률상의 문제와 실효성의 한계로 새로이 법률개정이 이루어지게 되었다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이자(利子)규제의 역사적 고찰과 현행 이자제한법에 대한 분석을 통하여, 2011년 6월 29일 개정된 이자제한법의 실효성을 파악하여 이 법의 제정 목적처럼 국민경제생활의 안정과 경제정의의 실현을 위한 올바른 방향을 제시 하였다. Seen throughout the history of mankind, the regulations of interest have been greatly changed according to times. In ancient times people banned the collection of interest itself rather than the prohibition of high interest. The cause of such a ban dates back to morality and religion, when acquiring interest was an immoral act or a non-religious act and was naturally prohibited, therefore, its legal regulation was very negative. However, the development of modem capitalism took away the ground of the former thought banning human act to acquire the interest, and made it a principle to leave the act to the free will of the party based on the principle of freedom of contract. Making the most of this chance, the conventional high interest became more prevalent, and evil practices thereby grew. At length, the regulations of interest by the laws came out to correct such evil practices. Historically in Korea as well as in the East-West world the restriction of interest was executed in the Goryeo dynasty and the Yi dynasty, but the effectiveness had its limitation. As the evils of high interest continued also in modem society, the government enacted the Interest Restriction Act in 1962 and put it in force, but going beyond the legal restriction became generalized, which didn’t achieve a great effectiveness. The Interest Restriction Act keeping alive so, met the crisis of its existence with IMF Crisis in 1997. With the Financial Crisis rushing in 1997, the government which couldn’t solve the foreign currency problem without the support of IMF, finally accepted the request of IMF and abolished the Interest Restriction Act in 1997. From then on, the argument over the revival of the Interest Restriction Act was raised constantly, after all, the law came to revive from June 30, 2007. As shown in pros-con controversy in time of the revival, a number of problems occurred for 4 years after its revival, thus the amendment of the law was made. Therefore, in this research, first, we conducted a comparative analysis on the effectiveness of amended Interest Restriction Act through the historical review of the regulations of interest. Second, we figured out the problems of Korean Interest Restriction Act, and checked if this Act really fulfilled its performance fully for the restriction of high interest. Finally, we attempted to grasp the effectiveness of the Interest Restriction Act amended on June 29, 2011 and suggest a right direction for the stability of national economic life and the realization of economic justice like the purpose of enactment of the Interest Restriction Act.

      • 戶主制度 廢止에 따른 家族制度의 變化와 展望에 대한 法的考察

        윤상 淸州大學敎 學術硏究所 2005 淸大學術論集 Vol.6 No.-

        Our current Householder System has been maintained as a vestige of the previous Japanese colonial rule. However it infringes the basic principle of the constitution, fosters the sexual discrimination, and forces bitter pain and inhuman practices to the great number of the Koreans. As we cannot reverse the powerful downstream of a great river, the main council of the National Assembly passed as of March 2, 2005 a revised civil law concerning the Householder System. As its result the System will disappear in the history after two year's delay, that is, from January 1, 2008. Yet there still remain various serious problems and conflicts that the System's abolishment and its newly forming family system cause. In fact, the System has been abolished. Therefore, this paper will try to propose a more rational ground for the opposing party against the System's abolishment. Furthermore this paper will suggest a more persuasive alternative for the people through a legal study on the change and prospect of the family system following the System's abolishment.

      • 戶主制度 廢止의 當爲性과 改善方案에 대한 考察

        尹相德 청주대학교 학술연구소 2004 淸大學術論集 Vol.4 No.-

        The current householder system is not only to run counter to the constitution, but also to strengthen sexual discrimination. Furthermore, as a vestige of Japanese colonial rule, it is too different from our traditions. So, it should be abolished as soon as possible because it triggers so many problems. The constitution of the Republic of Korea gives a definition at the Article XI Clause 1 as follow; "Men are all equal before the law". The sexual discrimination must be prohibited in all fields including political?economic?social?cultural fields and others. However, the current householder system submits an abstract family having gap to the real living community. It consists of householder and family and it is made of the family that a householder is centered on the formation and succession of the family. Also, man is given the right of priority of succeeding to the status of householder in the current law of family. Though a large amount of portions of householder power are weakened, it still involves various problems including sexual discrimination and man and wife inequality. If it is believed that the laws and customs lead and control the consciousness of all social members, the householder system is a vicious habit or an old law that makes it undemocratic and unreasonable against this age. Therefore, it is an urgent task to abolish householder system in order to lead our society to the reasonable and democratic society because the abolishment of householder system can archive a real sexual equality. The government party and the opposition party consented to abolish householder system during special session of the national assembly in February. So, this thesis attempts to present reasonable justification of the abolishment of householder system to people against it, and make an alternative idea which is familiar with the public emotion, after the abolishment of it.

      • 鷄林路 14號墓의 築造年代와 被葬者의 性格

        尹相悳 ( Yoon Sang-deok ) 국립중앙박물관 2011 고고학지 Vol.17 No.-

        鷄林路 14號墓는 細長方形의 積石木槨墓이다. 木槨의 크기는 동서 3.5m, 남북 1.15~1.35m로 비교적 작은 무덤에 속한다. 비록 무덤의 규모는 작지만 여기서 출토된 유물은 신라의 최상 위 무덤에 필적한다. 특히 보검은 국내뿐만 아니라 국외에서도 큰 주목을 받았던 유물이다. 무덤의 築造年代는 土器와 逆心葉形 銙板, 細環耳飾으로 6세기초로 추정하였다. 특히 역심엽형 과판과 세환이식은 백제 武寧王의 장신구와 비교 가능하였고 武寧王陵의 연대(525년)를 下限으로 설정하였다. 被葬者는 남성 2명으로 신장은 150~160cm, 나이는 成年(20~39세)이며, 신분 상 최상위층은 아니나 상당이 높은 계층에 속한 인물로 추정할 수 있었다. 남성 2명이 동시에 묻히는 경우는 殉葬이 되었을 가능성이 있으나 두 명의 피장자가 나란히 놓여 있어 主從의 관계를 설정할 수 없어 순장으로 보기는 어렵다. 아울러 거의 동일한 형태의 이식을 착장하고 있고 모두 검과 대도를 차고 있는 등 같은 계층의 사람일 가능성이 크다. 여기에 묻힌 인물을 구 체적으로 추정한다는 것은 불가능한 일이지만 어떤 상황에서 어떤 인물이 묻힐 수 있음을 추 정할 수는 있다. 예를 들면 전쟁에서 사망한 軍人이었을 가능성이 있다. 이 시기는 각종 전투가 빈번했고 이러한 전투에서 상당히 높은 집안의 형제가 함께 戰死했을 수 있다. 또는 傳染病에 의한 것일 수도 있고, 여러 가지 경우를 생각해 볼 수 있다. 우리 학계에서는 두 명이 매장된 경우, 또는 瓢形墳인 경우 夫婦가 매장된 것으로 간주하고 연구하는 경향이 있는데 이는 합리적인 추론이라고 하기 어려울 것이다. Tomb No. 14 in Gyerim-ro is a long, thin, wood-lined chamber tomb with stone mound. In spite of the small scale of the chamber, whose dimensions are 3.5m in length by 1.15~1.35m in width, the quantity and quality of the grave goods contained in this grave are comparable with those of other contemporary high-ranking burials. Specifically, the precious sword uncovered from the tomb became the focus of attention both in and out of the country. It is estimated that the tomb was built in the early 6th century based on the typological studies of pottery, girdle pendants and solid, thin earrings. The girdle pendants and earrings are comparable to items unearthed from the Royal Tomb of King Muryeong of Baekje. The tomb held the remains of two males (Height: 150~160cm / Age: 20-39) whom it is supposed occupied a considerably high, if not a top, position. The two bodies were laid side by side, which rules out the possibility that one of them was a case of human sacrifice. The two are likely to have belonged to the same social position, as they wore earrings of a similar shape and were armed with a sword and dagger. It is possible that they (perhaps being brothers) were killed in combat as there were many conflicts during that period; or they might have died in an epidemic. Korean scholars tend to regard the discovery of two persons buried together in a gourd-shaped tomb as a married couple, which I think is not an accurate assumption in this case.

      • KCI등재

        6∼7세기 신라토기 相對編年 試論

        윤상(Sangdeok Yoon) 한국고고학회 2001 한국고고학보 Vol.45 No.-

        6∼7세기의 신라사회에 대한 고고학적 연구는 경주지역을 포함한 토기 편년이 제대로 마련되지 않아 큰 진척이 이루어지지 못하였다. 6∼7세기 신라토기 변화의 양상을 파악하기 위한 相對編年案 설정을 위해, 신라 중심지역의 단일 고분군이자 다량의 완형유물이 출토된 芳內里古墳群을 분석하였다. 분석에서는 먼저 토기의 형태를 구성하는 각종 속성을 수치화하여 기종 및 세부기종을 분류하고, 편년을 가장 잘 반영하는 것으로 판단되는 型式을 설정하였다. 이어 설정된 형식을 기준으로 공반관계를 통한 順序配列法을 실시하여 형식분류안의 타당성을 검증한 후, 이 시기 방내리고분군 출토 토기상을 크게 7단계로 나누어 보았다. 방내리고분군 출토토기의 중요한 특징으로 기존 형식의 소멸과 새로운 형식의 발생을 들 수 있다. 전자에 속하는 기종은 유개식고배Ⅰ아류, 무개식고배, 복자형뚜껑, 대부직구호Ⅰ아류, 부가구연대부장경호이고, 후자는 단각고배(유개식고배 ⅡC․D), 입자형뚜껑, 대부직구호Ⅱ아류, 대부완, 대부병이다. 대각단부 형태를 보면 전자에 속하는 기종에서는 늦게까지 이른 시기의 속성상태인 b형 단부형태가 고수되는 데 반해, 동일 시기임에도 불구하고 후자에 속하는 기종들은 새롭게 출현하는 c, d형 단부를 보다 일찍 채택하고 있다. 이는 형식발전의 마지막 단계에 이른 기종과 새롭게 출현하는 기종 사이에 양식 채택 과정에 차이가 있다고 해석할 수 있어, 형태의 변화가 모든 기종에 걸쳐 동시에 진행되는 것이 아님을 알 수 있다. 또한 기형과 인화문과의 관계에서도 동일한 인화문형식(수적형문)이 기종에 따라 채택시기를 달리하고 있고, 인화문의 존속기간이 기형의 변화에 비해 매우 길다는 점이 확인되었다. 따라서, 이 시기 토기편년에서는 ‘인화문’이라는 단일 변수만이 아니라 기형에도 관심을 기울여야 할 것이다. This dissertation proposes a relative chronology of the Shilla pottery of the sixth and seventh centuries. To eliminate spatially sensitive factors and to consider only time-sensitive factors, only assemblage from the Bangnaeri burials, from which a great number of complete vessels have been found, in the Gyeongju area is selected for analysis. Before the analysis, I critically re-examined the existing chronological schemes that only focused on so-called the ‘stamped decoration (印花文) , and proposed that the vessel shape be the primary factor in chronology. In the analysis, 501 vessels from 60 burials were classified into type groups through statistical analysis of quantified formal attributes. Then, on the basis of association between type groups, seriation of burials was conducted not only to evaluate the appropriateness of my typology and but also to establish a relative chronology. The analysis shows that the vessels are divided into 8 type groups and the burials are divided into seven phases. An important characteristic is that vessels in the last stage of life cycle tend to keep their original style, whereas newly appearing vessel types adopt new styles, indicating that changes in formal attributes of one type group do not explain those of other type groups. The analysis also shows that the timing of application of the stamped decoration varies with type groups, and that the duration of the stamped decoration is longer than that of vessel shapes.

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