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      • Mathematica를 이용한 대학 물리교육의 새로운 학습도구 개발

        윤희중 목원대학교 자연과학연구소 2001 自然科學 硏究論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        Mathematica를 이용하여 추상적이고 난해한 물리학의 개념들을 가시화하고 강의 현장에서 insitu로 확인할 수 있는 학습도구(courseware)를 개발하였다. 물리학과의 학부 과정에서 강의만으로는 이해하거나 실험실에서 직접적으로 실험해 보기 곤란한 물리현상들을 결정하고 이들을 학습현장에 적용할 수 있는 프로그램을 제작하였다. 본 논문에서는 양자역학의 energy eigenvalue를 계산하고 그래프를 구하는 문제를 Mathematica 4.0에서 작성하고 교수학습 현장에 적용하는 과정을 제시하였다. Mathematica를 교수학습현장에 도입함으로서 좀 더 역동적인 교수학습이 이루어지고 물리학도들이 쉽게 컴퓨터 프로그램 기법을 익히는 데에 도움이 되어 지식정보화 시대의 새로운 courseware가 될 수 있음을 확인하였다. A Mathematica courseware illustrating the complicated physics concepts of the angular momentum problems in quantum mechanics is presented. We have shown the calculation and visualization of the energy level of a rigid rotator having a Hamiltonian aL_x^2+bL_y^2+L_z^2. We found that it is very useful to integrate Mathematica into physics class of improving the teaching and learning of physics in the undergraduate curriculum and to enhance the computer programming skills for students.

      • 두개강내압 상승환자에 Mannitol 및 Steroid투여에 관한 임상적 실험연구

        윤희중 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1981 충남의대잡지 Vol.8 No.2

        A total of 28 adult patients who had increased intracranial pressure were studied for changes of vital sign, urine and bood between single injection of manitol and injections of manitol and steroid simultaneously. Author divided all patients into two main groups, in the first group(18 patients), 20% mannitol was administered alone intravenously, in second group(10 patients), 20% mannitol and 15mg dexamethasone were intravenous administered simultaneously. The dose of mannitol infusion was 1.5gm to 2.0gm per kilogram of body weight. Before one hour of injection of drugs, blood pressure and pulserate were checked, and also samplings of urine and blood were performed. After injection of drugs, author had observed changes of blood pressure and pulse rate, urine output, urine specific gravity and urine osmolarity at 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, 240 minutes, 360 minutes, and changes of CBC, serum osmolarity and serum electrolytesat 120 minutes, 240 minutes and 360 minutes. The results of present trials are summarized follows: 1. Blood pressure was decreased 11-13mmHg in mean systolic pressure during first 60 minutes after injection of drugs. Pulse rate was increased 8-9 times/min during first 15 minutes. But after that, significant change was not observed in pulse rate. 2. Mean urine output within 6 hours were 1270cc in first group, 1990cc in second group. The majority of which were excreted within 2-4 hours. 3. The value of urine specific gravity was lowest at 15 minutes after injection of drugs and raising slowly from one hour to 6 hours in first group, but in second group, peak value was at 2-4 hours, After that, decreased slowly toward normal value. 4. Changes of urine osmolarity was similar to changes of urine specific gravity but serum osmolarity was not significantly changed. 5. Concentration of serum Na was 130mEg/L before mannitol infusion, 138mEg.L after infusion.

      • KCI등재후보

        근대 일본의 경찰조직에 관한 역사적 고찰 : 1860~1945

        윤희중 원광대학교 경찰학연구소 2009 경찰학논총 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 근대 일본의 경찰조직 변화과정을 역사적으로 고찰하여 특성을 분석하는데 있다. 근대시기(1860~1945)는 사무라이 세력의 권력획득과 좌절에 주목하여 메이지(明治)유신 시기, 다이쇼(大正)데모크라시 시기, 그 이후의 시기로 나누었고 각 시기별로 나타난 치안환경과 경찰조직의 특성을 분석했다. 그 결과, 근대 일본의 경찰조직 특성을 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 사무라이세력과 반대세력의 경합에 따른 경찰조직의 변화 둘째, 군국주의 실현을 지원하기 위한 시민불복종 저지와 정치경찰의 확대 셋째, 파벌정치의 지속화를 위한 중앙집권적 경찰조직 시스템 등이다. 패전 후, 일본경찰은 근대적 이미지를 극복할 수 있는 기회가 있었지만, 수동적으로 대응하여 분권적 조직개혁을 실현하지 못했다.

      • 클랩(Clap)과 노말(Normal) 스케이트 착용에 따른 남ㆍ여 스피드 스케이트 출발 구간의 운동학적 분석

        윤희중,나윤수,최재용,김태삼 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the kinematic characteristics of starting phase of players weared clap and normal skate in speed skating. The subjects of this study were current members of high ranked skaters in university. The Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordination of 22 joint points. Butter-worth low-pass filtering method was used to data smoothing at cut-off frequency of 7.4Hz. From the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn; 1.At the of landing, male athlete showed slightly fast time in the first left-step and they also showed take-off by fast swing motion during gliding. 2.To get propel acceleration, female athlete showed large tranverse displacement and, on the other hand, male athlete showed large horizontal displacement. According to this results, COG showed steep change of motion in the high position during starting. 3.In the velocity of COG, both male an female athlete show a gradual rise-pattern of the velocity rate, In the velocity of skate front blade, they showed the swift change of the velocity during the second and third phase. 4.In the front angle of trunk, both and female athlete showed the big motion of trunk by the change of angle. In the angle of lower-segments, the better record athlete have, the faster motion of flexion and extention. Especially, female athlete showed the flexion of the angle-change and do not fast swing. In the knee, male athlete show take-off motion as increasing angle of left knee during starting, On the other hand, female athlete showed unnecessary pre-motion by decreasing knee angle and increasing it again.

      • fPTEX-0.4/한글 LATEX-0.991의 PDFLATEX에서 과학기술 연구논문에 그림파일을 삽입하는 방법

        윤희중,김종희,한완수 목원대학교 자연과학연구소 2000 自然科學 硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        이 논문은 fpT_EX-0.4/한글L^AT_EX-0.991을 설치하여 L^AT_EX-2ε에서 작성된 논문에 그림화일을 포함시키는 방법에 대하여 기술하였다. 목원대 자연과학 연구논문집이 제8권 2호부터 L^AT_EX기반으로 한 minsT_EX으로 출판됨으로서 미려하고 완벽한 수식편집 환경이 우수한 것은 확인되었으나, minsT_EX이 기본으로 채택한 KPST_EX98(L^AT_EX-2.09)에서 그림파일을 논문에 삽입하는 것은 거의 불가능하였었다. 그리하여 우리는 최신 발표된 fpT_eX-0.4(00/10/3)버전으로 시스템을 업그레이드하고 UHC폰트도 사용할 수 있게 한글L^AT_EX-0.991을 인스톨하여 강력하고 안정된 L^AT_EX-2ε환경을 구축함으로서 좀 더 미려한 문서를 작성할 수 있었다. 특히 여기에서는 Windows의 그림판(WMF), Grapher(GRF), Photoshop(EPS, JPG, PSD, GIF), Origin(OPJ), SmartDraw(SDR), Mathematica(EPS)그림파일들을 EPS로 변환하고 문서에 삽입하는 방법을 예시와 함께 자세히 설명하였다. 이 문서는 2000년 12월 27일 현재, L^AT_EX-2ε 기반의 fpT_EX-0.4/한글L^AT_EX-0.991에서 PDFL^AT_EX으로 작성되고 시험되었으며, 자연과학연구소 연구논문집 제9권 2호의 모든 논문은 이 시스템에 의하여 제작되었다. This article described how to include graphic files in the page of your L^AT_EXdocument. We showed that the L^AT_EXenvironment is excellent in typesetting layout, but has revealed the poor compatibility with graphic files in the L^AT_EXsystem of version 2.09. It has been upgraded the L^AT_EX2εsystem with new version of fpT_EX-0.4/한글L^AT_EX-0.991and have checked the compatibility with various graphic packages. We showed that the graphic files such as PS, EPS, PDF, JPG, GIF could be included in the L^AT_EX2εdocument more easily than previous version of L^AT_EXsystem. This article is produced in the fpT_EX-0.4/한글L^AT_EX-0.991system, also all the article of Journal of Mokwon Institute of Natural Science Vol 9, No.2 are produced successfully in this system.

      • KCI등재

        매스메티카 시스템에서 벡터해석및 역동적인 좌표계운용

        윤희중 한국물리학회 2005 새물리 Vol.50 No.3

        Vector analysis in a coordinate system is a main component of the physics curriculum in undergraduate school. Because physical systems exhibits structures with special symmetries and singularities that make particular coordinate system especially useful, it is essential to choose a proper coordinate system in which the physical system can be more easily analyzed. Obviously,curvilinear coordinate systems are appropriate for natural physical systems while the Cartesian rectangular coordinate system is more appropriate for continued objects. We have presented the capability of Mathematica for use in vector analysis and in manipulating the 14-coordinate systems.

      • 廣告 System의 Communication 戰略

        尹嬉重 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1976 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        Advertising is often referred to as matter of communication, and its primary job is to deliver a sales message that ultimately leads to action. Although the ultimate purpose of most advertising is to make a sale, its immediate purpose is a more limited one that can best be defined in terms of communication. More specifically, the purpose is to communicate a message to a particuiar audience. Advertising depends greatly on the communication system, and is influenced by many variables that are difficult to quantify and that interact in unforeseen ways. Because advertising is so complex, an advertiser can profitably use the basic principles, if not the mathematical trappings, of the most modern of all scientific methods known by such terms as "systems engineering," "the total systems concept," and "the systems approach" The reason for applying the systems approach to the communication strategies of advertising is that the basic principles of the systems approach can help the system designer of advertising to set better long-term goals, make better plans for achieving them and work more effectively with potential customers. Essentially, a "system" consists of various inputs that go into any kind of process or operation and results in a measurable output. The measurement is used to adjust the inputs of the process in order to produce the desired results. To describe this procedure of measurement and adjustment, systems engineers have borrowed the term feedback from electronics. The greatest contribution of the ststems approach to the communications strategies is the compulsion that it imposes to think in precise terms, to state problems in precise forms, and base decisions on accurately gathered information. Advertising, like all business activities, profits from the systems approach to planning and organization. Having developed products or services to meet identified customer needs, the corporation must then communicate their existence to potential customers. This communication is accomplished through two channels: (1) advertising and sales promotion, including every medium that reaches potential customers en masse, and (2) the sales force, which communicates to prospects primarily on a one-to-one basis. The three ingredients necessary for successful advertising are information, rational stimulus, and emphasis. Information is the simplest ingredient. If the message contains news, the advertising skills brought to bear on it are not critical to the ad's success since the nature of the information itself nearly always guarantees success. The rational stimulus is the ingredient which provokes the consumer to evaluate, judge, and reach a decision. Involvement with the message is a prelude to, a substitute for, or a supplement to contacts with the salesmen and stores. The third ingredient, emphasis, is a more complex element. When the consumer is less interested in the advertising and is more likely to screen it out, the advertiser is more likely to emphasize a single theme or one aspect of the product. Also, the advertiser repeats frequently to gain attention and make his message familiar to the public. This study is an attempt to present, in organized form, an overview of the communication strategies adopted from the advertising systems approach. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce several theories which indicate the obstacles encountered in the process of advertising communications. Also, at the same time, the thesis seeks to propose a theory for measuing the effectiveness of advertising communication by applying the various communication models designed by Lasswell, Schramm, Shannon, Osgood and Heimstra-Ellingstad. The thesis is presented in six parts. The first part, which is introductory, aims to explain why this sort of work should be undertaken. The second part is devoted to the theory of the advertising system with the purpose of outlining the contemporary systems approach used in the advertising field. The third part presents the marketing theory and considers marketing systems approach. One of the most fruitful ways to approach the study of advertising is in terms of the advertiser's marketing program. Marketing is the total of all activities needed to convert consumer purchasing power into effective demand. The major communications aspects of marketing include advertising, promotion, and personal selling. Advertising is only one facter of many marketing elements and, specifically, its contribution is to communicate a message from the advertiser to the potential consumer, not only to expose people to a message but to deliver a message that may contribute to action. In the fourth part, the thesis mainly deals with communication processes of advertising and marketing and the ways in which they are interrelated. The application of basic communication theory and techniques are outlined. The core of the communication program is the message itself. This message is composed of two parts, the visual and the verbal. These are the two means the communicator uses to symbolize what he has to say. The ultimate effectiveness of any advertisement will depend on how well the elements are created and arranged. This writer outines a marketing communication spectrum ranging from an unawareness of the product to awareness, comprehension, conviction and action, in successive steps. The emphasis in marketing is on sales, and the emphasis in advertising communication is on the transmission of a message that may contribute to sales. The fifth part is an attempt to describe and discuss the major strategies of advertising communication, and, at the same time, to analyze the communication research methodology presented by several scholars. The writer here moves on to the study of research methods as applied to some of the specific problems met in advertising communication. There is much research being done and to be done on the criteria for evaluating reach, frequency, and continuity in a given situation. People go through several stages in learning about, and in adopting, new ideas. These stages may be classified as awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption, Mass media make their greatest impact in the awareness and in the interest stages. To be effective in this process one must know what techniques to use at the different stages and how to mobilize them effectively. Finally, the sixth part presents the method of measuring the effectiveness of advertising communication processes. The importance of accuracy in the measurement of advertising can not be overestimated, and, yet, it is very difficult to measure the exact effectives of any advertisement. Through the methods presented in this thesis one can measure with a fair degree of accuracy the effectiveness of the communication process in advertising. The emphasis on advertising will depend upon the advertising communication mix itself, the type of copy needed, the frequency of insertions, and the media used. In order to be most effective, an advertiser should know how to use all of the communications channels available to him. Finally, in the attempt to speed up the process of acceptance of new ideas and practices one must be aware of the total process and the sequence of influences at different points in this process. Interspersed throughout this thesis are 11 charts which illustrate various type of advertising communication systems and models.

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