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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        재조합 단백질을 이용한 HPV 6b와 16감염의 혈청학적 진단

        윤희식,박순희,최용경,권두한,김재화,최인성,정태화,박종섭,정노팔 대한바이러스학회 1994 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.24 No.1

        Recently the investigation of the immune responses to Human papillomavirus(HPV) infection has been employed to identify serological markers that are associated with anogenital malignancies and/or disease progression. We investigated serological responses in sera from Korean women with or without a history of cervical carcinoma. We used bacterially derived trpE fusion proteins as antigens for Western blot assays. Among women with cancer, 16/32(50%) and 20/32(63%) were positive for antibodies to at leat one of gene products of HPV 16 in the sera of cervical cancer patients were 47% (15/32; E4), 19%(6/32; E6), 38%(12/32; E7), 22% (7/32; Ll), and 6%(2/32; L2), respectively, while none for E4, E6 and L2, 2/20 for E7(10%), and 1/20 for Ll(5%) among the cancer-free individuals. The detection rate of antibodies to the HPV 16 appeared to be higher in the cervical carcinomas, implying the correlation between HPV 16 and cervical carcinoma, although the stastical significance of this interpretation should wait for the analysis of more cases.

      • KCI등재

        帶下(冷症)의 發生機轉과 病的帶下에서 볼 수 있는 量 質 臭味 等에 의한 臨床的 價値에 대한 文獻的 考察

        李光揆,尹喜植 대한동의병리학회 1999 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        帶下는 정상적인 女子가 靑春期부터 子宮의 陰道내에서 粘稠한 小量의 白色이나 혹은 無色투명하고 無臭한 液體가 流出되어 子宮의 表面을 潤滑하게 하고 外邪의 侵襲으로부터 防禦, 保護作用하는 것으로 月經前後, 혹은 月經期 또 排卵期, 姙娠期 중에 量이 많은 편이나 나머지 期間 중에는 소량으로 나오는 것을 生理的 대하라고 하고, 外感邪에 의해 陰津의 形成과 관계가 깊은 脾, 腎 ,肝 등 三臟의 機能失調나, 任脈 帶脈의 機能異常, 病蟲에 의한 直接的인 陰道損傷時 外關상으로 볼 때 生理的 帶下와는 비슷하나 量이 많거나, 帶下의 色, 냄새, 形態 등이 正常的이지 못하며, 陰道의 瘙痒感, 灼熱感 등이 同伴되면 이것을 病的인 帶下 또는 冷症이라고 한다. 이와 같은 이유로 子宮에서 分泌되는 分泌物을 가지고 生理的 혹은 病理的 分泌物인지를 區別하는 能力을 기르고 또 病的인 分泌物에 대해서는 原因이 무엇인가를 糾明하고자 臨床家에서 널리 使用되고 있는 文獻들 중에서 重要하다고 생각되는 것을 選定 考察하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of physiological leukorrhea and pathological leukorrhea, and reasons which caused pathological leukorrhea through examination on leukorrhea's period, amount, color, quality and shape. The results were followed: 1. The difference of physiological leukorrhea and pathological leukorrhea; physiological leukorrhea was a little amount, white or transparent color, a little sticky liquid, no smell. pathological leukorrhea was symptoms to differ from physiological leukorrhea. 2. lmbalance of Zang-organ(臟) and Fu-organ(腑) causing leukorrhea.:; (1) A deficiency of Yang of Spleen(脾陽虛) was connected with leukorrhea which had a large amount, white color, thin and clear-sometimes thick-quality. (2) A deficient of Yang of Kidney(腎陽虛) was connected with leukorrhea which had a large amount, white color, clear and loose quality like water. (3) A severe spermatorrhea(滑精) caused by a deficiency of Kidney was connected with leukorrhea which had a large amount, white or transparent color like egg white. (4) An internal excess of fever due to deficiency(虛熱內盛) was connected with leukorrhea which had red and fresh color, thick and turbid quility (5) A deficiency of consolidating and governing action due to insufficiency of qi connected with leukorrhea which had light-red color, thin and clear quality, no smell. 3. External pathogenic factor causing leukorrhea.: (1) The Phlegm and Dampness was connected with leukorrhea which had white color, thick and turbid quality, fishy smell. (2) An internal excess of Cold and Dampness was connected with leukorrhea which had white color, thin and clear quality like water. (3) The downward flow of Dampness and Fire was connected with leukorrhea which had large amount, yellow color, thick quality, bad smell. (4) The downward flow of Dampness and Fire to Liver channel was connected with leukorrhea which had a large amount, yellow-green color like pus, thick quality, bad smell. (5) The Dampness Poison(濕毒) ,which was severe symptom, was connected with leukorrhea which had a large amount, yellow-green color like pus, or thrbid color like frothy rice water(미감) or red color like mixed blood, thick quality, bad smell. (6) The dampness-fire of Liver channel was connected with leukorrhea which had a red-white mixed color. (7) The internal stagnation of dampness-fire was connected with leukorrhea which had red-yellow mixed color, turbid quality, bad smell. 4. The dampness-fire or deficiency of Yin in Kidney were connected with leukorrhea which had pruritus and ardor in vagina.

      • KCI등재

        傷寒論에 나타난 汗出에 대한 文獻 考察

        尹喜植,卞德市,鄭한솔,李光揆,陸相元,李相龍 대한동의병리학회 1999 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        傷寒論 六經病證의 治法은 總括的으로 祛邪와 扶正의 두가지 방법으로 요약되며, '扶陽氣'와 '存陰液'의 原則으로 邪去正安하고자 하는 것이 目標로서, 汗出은 氣와 津液이 結合하여 밖으로 드러나는 것이므로 陽氣와 陰液의 두 가지 요소를 모두 살펴볼수 있으므로 汗出의 樣態를 살펴서 疾病의 部位, 豫後, 治法등을 밝혀낼 수 있는 要素가 된다. 이에 본인은 傷寒論중에 言及된 汗出에 대한 考察을 통해서 六經證治의 바탕으로 삼고자 病因, 病機와 豫後등을 살펴보았다. To study literaturally the cause and pathogenesis of perspiration expressed in Sang han non with division of six channel, the result of this study are summarized as follows. 1. There are perspirations in tai-yang disease because of wind, wind-warm, wind-damp, internal heat changed from evil heat induced by wrong treatment such as being diarrhaed in the stage of tai-yang disease, yang insufficient with chest discomfort, internal deficit and harmony ying with wei during self recovery. 2. There are spontaneous perspirations in yang-ming disease in the case of yang-ming channel's heat(this perspiration's quantity is very much), yang-ming bu's heat(this perspiration's quantity is little), jaundice induced wrong treatment and so on. 3. There are perspirations in shao-yang disease with yang-ming bu's excess, internal water, recovery from disease and taking the shi ho tang in shi ho tang's syndrome. 4. There is no perspiration in Yin syndrome except three case of shao-yin's collapse of yang. 1) perspiration and throat pain; Gamgiltang 2) perspiration and vomiting: Gamchogungangtang 3) perspiration and feeling cool in hands and feet; Sayeuktang These cases caused from wi yang's insufficient based on kidney yang's deficit and these perspiration are cool, never stopping, and so the body become very dangerous stage. 5. There is two cases in jue-yin disease's perspiration. 1) Recovery of yang and heating; will recure 2) Yin-cold enter deeply and Yang-qi become very week.

      • KCI등재

        月經의 發生 機轉과 月經病證에서 볼 수 있는 異常症狀을 周期ㆍ量ㆍ質ㆍ色등에 의한 臨床的 價値에 대한 文獻的 考察

        李基商,尹喜植,李光揆,金鎭洙,陸相元,卞德市 대한동의병리학회 1999 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        月經은 天癸의 作用下에 衝任脈과 胞宮과의 相關關係에 의해서 分泌되는 周期的인 出血로써, 女性發育의 成熟標志중의 하나로 孕育能力이 있음을 나타내주는 것이다. 때문에 어떤 發病因子로 因하여 天癸나 任督脈 혹은 胞宮의 機能異常을 招來하면 量, 周期, 色, 質, 등에 있어서 非正常的인 狀態의 月經이 나오게 된다. 非正常的인 月經의 狀態를 把握하여 原因을 糾明하고자, 여러 臨床 文獻들을 토대로 文獻考察을 하여 知見을 얻었기에 報告하는 바이다. The period, color. amount and quality of menstruation should be considered of checking whether menstruation in nomal or abnormal, for they are related to the diseases of menstration. The results of diseases study are as fallowes. 1. period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- advanced menstrual period period ------------------------------------------------------------------------- blood fever stagnation of the deficiency deficiency heat due to liver of yin-deficiency of blood of qi becone heat syndrome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- menorrhagia 0 0 0 0 0 amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- scanty 0 0 0 menstruation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loosness 0 quality------------------------------------------------------------------------- thickness 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- light color 0 color -------------------------------------------------------------------------- puple color 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delayed menstrual period irregular menstrual penod period-------------------------------------------------------------------------- deficiency cold and cold in stagnation stagnation stagnation weekness blood of deficiency blood of the of of the liver of Chong and of Chong stagnancy liver of phlegmand and insuffi- heart Ren and Ren of cold become heat dampness ciency and channals channels syndrome kidney spleen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- menorr- 0 0 hagia amo----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -unt scantly 0 0 0 0 0 0 menstr- uation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loosness 0 0 qual---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ity thickness 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- light 0 0 0 0 color color--------------------------------------------------------------------------- puple color 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. color ?? 3. amount ?? 4. quality ?? The above result are correlated with each other in the process of menstration, therefore they can be used for the differential diagnosis on the symptoms of abnormal menstration and clinical treatment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국인 자궁경부암 조직에서 분리한 HPV16형 E6 유전자의 대장균에서의 발현

        이영희,진승원,윤희식,박병철,임종석,이희구,정현호,최인성,박순희 대한바이러스학회 1995 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.25 No.2

        Human papillomaviruses, especially type 16 and 18, have been reported to be closely associated with human cervical lesions and carcinoma. One of the open reading frames, E6 has been identified as a transforming gene. We have isolated the HPV16 E6 oncogene from Korean cervical carcinoma tissues, subcloned into an expression plasmid pET-3a, and produced 16E6 proteins in E. coli under the control of T7 promoter. Recombinat E6 protein was successfully produced in high level upto 30% of total proteins and specifically recognized by anti-16E6 polyclonal antibodies produced by rabbit immunized with TrpE-16E6 fusion protein. 16E6 protein was produced in insoluble form. Currently we are establishing purification procedure of solubilized E6 protein.

      • 藿香正氣散과 少陰人藿香正氣散의 效能에 關한 實驗的 比較硏究

        柳基遠,柳逢夏,尹喜植,朴東源 慶熙大學校韓醫科大學韓醫學硏究所 1998 慶熙韓醫大論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        To evaluate and compare the effects of Kwakhyangjeonggisan and Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan, the effect on the extracted organ, on the ulceration, on the gastric secretion, on the intestinal movement, on the diarrehea and on the temperature were studied using mouse administered with herbal extract. The results are as follows. 1. In the effect on the extracted organs, both two prescriptions showed concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on the constriction of extracted intestines and stomach. 2. In the effect on the ulceration, Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan showed inhibitory effect on the ulcer induced by tying pylorus, while both two prescription showed inhibitory effect on the ulcer induced by Indomethacin. 3. In the effect on the gastric secretion, two prescriptions showed no significant effect on the secretion of gastric juice, while in the effect on pH, both two prescriptions showed significant inhibitory effect on the secretion of gastric acid. And in the effect on Pepsin secretion, only Kwakhyangjeonggisan inhibited Pepsin secretion with statistical significance. 4. In the effect on the movement of small intestine, Kwakhyangjeonggisan decreased the movement of small intestine, while Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan increased the movement of small intestine. And in the effect on the movement of large intestine, both two prescriptions showed inhibitory effect on the movement of large intestine. 5. In the effect on the diarrhea induced by Castor oil, both Kwakhyangjeonggisan and Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan showed inhibitory effect. 6. In the effect on the temperature, Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan showed anti-decreasing effect on normal temperature with statistical significance, while both two prescriptions showed antipyretic effect on mouse fever with statistical significance. Based on these results, it cannot be counted that Kwakhyangjeonggisan has better effect on Oegam(influenza or upper respiratory infectious deisease) than Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan. And in the light of the result that Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan showed better anti-decreasing effect on the normal temperature than Kwakhyangjeonggisan, significant stimulatory effect on the movement of small intestine, old classics discription that Souminkwakhyangjeonggisan has the effect of OnWuGangYin (warming gastrointestinal organs and descending Yin) is reconfirmed in this experimental study.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • 뇌낭미충증으로 진단된 반신무력 및 경련 화자 1례에 대한 보고

        장인수,손동혁,이영구,윤희식,변덕시,강현철 대한한방성인병학회 2000 韓方成人病學會誌 Vol.6 No.1

        The authors report neurocysticercosis with seizure and mild hemiplegia. Neurocysticercosis is a pleomorphic parasitic disease that may confused with almost any other condition affecting the central nervous system. Therefore it needs more attention to diagnose this disease distinguished from others. Neurocysticercosis is occured by infection of pork tapeworm, Taenia Solium. and then there was some mentions "tapeworm caused by raw meat of pork and beef' in Kumkueyoryak [금궤요약], an old chinese medical literature in AD 2C-3C, maybe it must be one of the oldest records.

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