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      • KCI등재

        주택저당증권(MBS)의 현실과 MBS법제의 개선

        호신(Song, Ho-Shin) 한양법학회 2018 漢陽法學 Vol.29 No.1

        Housing and other real estate problems are the most difficult problems for any government. This is because, when the housing market falls, or when overheats, both of them because a great social side effect. Since 2016, Apartment Prices have risen, especially in the reconstruction market in Gangnam, and this phenomenon has become a crisis that will spread all over Seoul. The new government, which entered the summer of 2017, started with the 6.19 measures and the 8.2 measures poured almost all of the policies related to real estate regulation. But, It is doubtful whether the current government`s policies will be effective even though the policy reasons are reasonable. Rather, I am afraid that it will only bring back the adverse effect of causing barriers to housing transactions and even cutting off the funding sources of ordinary people who want to buy a house. Through the loans and long-term and low-interest mortgage loans, the purchase of the house to pay for a lifetime is effective. In order to do this, it is essential to form financial capital that will enable long-term housing loans. MBS is a financing-based housing financing product that enables a long-term and stable supply of housing funds by expanding the financial base. Through the securitization of home mortgage bonds or related rights - that is, the combination of housing assets and securities, or the securitization of rights related to housing - to increase the financing of housing finance. In recent years, the MBS has been in a slump, rather than a social demand and potential demand for real estate finance capital. And the attention should be paid to the function of the MBS, and at the same time improvement of the MBS related laws in the housing and real estate transaction market should be made. In order to expand and revitalize MBS supply in Korea, it is necessary to improve the conditions of home mortgage bonds which become MBS basic assets. First, there should be a legal framework to increase the demand for long-term, low-interest fixed-rate installment. If MBS investors increase their investment limits on MBS and MBB, they can increase investment demand of MBS. In addition, deduction of the income tax for the year on the interest repayment of the long-term home mortgage loan can also improve the conditions of the home mortgage bond. In addition, housing that is subject to securitization should be expanded. Next, the issuer of MBS is Korea Housing Finance Corporation, but the private MBS conditions by private capital should be prepared and the subject of issuance diversified. To this end, it is necessary to re-establish the “Housing Mortgage Securitization Securitization Company Act” abolished in 2015. Types of MBS include MPTS, MBB, MPTB, and CMO. The structure and system of these MBS types need to be improved. Risk of early forward exchange risk (risk of repayment before maturity) and risk of default and interest rate risk.is occurred. For example, you might consider redesigning the borrower to impose a penalty or a modest redemption fee. In addition, the price evaluation system should be improved to secure the reliability of the price evaluation of MBS, and monitoring of mortgage loans and risk management should be strengthened.

      • KCI등재

        성별 차이가 근로소득 과세표준에 미치는 분위 효과 분석

        호신 국회예산정책처 2022 예산정책연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This paper analyzes the quantile effect of gender differences on the labor income tax base by estimating the counterfactual distribution proposed by Chernozhukov et al.(2013). The counterfactual distribution is the hypothetical distribution which is obtained when male taxpayers are subject to the conditional distribution of the tax base of female taxpayers given the same covariate vector. The quantile effect is decomposed into two types of quantile effects. The first type of the quantile effect is due to the difference between the distribution of male taxpayer’s tax base and the male taxpayer’s counterfactual distribution. It reflects the structural difference of tax base determination, which is due to the gender difference in spite of the same characteristics. The second type of the quantile effect is due to the difference in the distribution of the covariate vector by gender when the conditional distribution of the tax base given covariate vector is the same to both male and female taxpayers. The estimation results show that the quantile effect is mainly due to the second type of quantile effect. The second type of quantile effect was found to have statistically significant positive effects at every quantile, which implies that the male taxpayer’s tax base is larger than the female taxpayer’s because of the discrepency between male and female distributions of covariate vector. On the other hand, the estimation results show that the first type of the quantile effect was non-positive except for a few quantiles. This suggests that the male taxpayer’s tax base is mostly smaller than that of the female taxpayer’s when male and female taxpayers have the same covariate vector. The first type of the quantile effect is found to have statistically negative significance only at low and middle quantiles, specifically less than 10th percentile and between 40th and 50th percentiles. It means that the male taxpayer’s tax base would increase if the male taxpayer at the low and middle quantiles is subject to the female taxpayer’s conditional distribution of the tax base given the same covariates.

      • KCI등재

        연구개발 정부지원금이 민간기업의 연구개발활동에 미치는 효과

        호신 ( Ho Sin Song ) 한국재정학회(구 한국재정공공경제학회) 2012 재정학연구 Vol.5 No.3

        본고에서는 한국과학기술기획평가원(KISTEP)에서 매년 수행하고 있는 『연구개발활동조사보고』의 2003년∼2007년 자료를 이용하여 정부의 연구개발지원의 효과에 관한 실증분석을 수행하였다. 여기서 연구개발 정부지원금의 효과라 함은 정부로부터 연구개발지 원금의 수령 여부가 민간기업의 자체 연구개발투자에 주는 효과를 말한다. 본고에서는 특히 민간기업에 대한 정부의 연구개발지원금 결정과정과 그에 입각한 정부지원금의 수혜 효과를동시에 고려하는 실증 모형을 제시하였다. 본고에서는 내생적인 더미 변수 문제를 통제함수(control function)를 이용하여 해결하는 방안을 제시하였다. 본고에서 제안한 추정방법은 3단계로 구성되는데 1단계에서는 정부지원금의 결정과정을, 2단계에서는 1단계의 결과를 활용하여 정부지원금 수령의 효과를 얻는다. 3단계에서는 추정치를 설명변수로 사용하면서 얻어지는 표준오차를 부츠트랩(bootstrap)을 이용하여 수정한다. 실증분석 결과 정부의 연구개발지원금은 민간기업의 자체연구개발투자를 축소시키는 방향으로 작용한 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 연구개발지원금 결정과 관련하여 과거 연구개발지원금 수혜를 받은 기업이 계속 받을가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 기업들의 매출액이 적을수록 정부의 연구개발지원금 수령가능성이 높아지는 경향을 보였는데, 이러한 현상은 특히 벤처기업에서 강하게 나타났다. In this paper, I propose to estimate the effect of the government`s R&D subsidy on the private R&D investment of corporations via control function approach. In particular, I focus on the determination process where which type of corporation usually attains a government subsidy effect and what is the resulting effect of the attainment on the private R&D activity. According to the estimation results using KISTEP(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning) data during 2003-2007, I found that the government R&D subsidy has crowded out private R&D investments. Moreover, I found that the government tends to help venture such as ITfocused corporations with R&D subsidy when those firms are undergoing recessions.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 사회적 책임(CSR)에 대한 입법적 구현

        호신(Song, Ho-Shin) 한국재산법학회 2012 재산법연구 Vol.28 No.4

        최근 CSR은 전세계적인 이슈가 되고 있으며, 법적인 문제로 적극 다루어지게 되었다. 우리나라에서도 정부와 학계를 중심으로 CSR의 법제화에 대한 논의가 수면 위로 떠오르고 있다. 그러나 이러한 논의는 주로 대기업을 중심으로 전개되었다. 특히 2004년 전경련이 100인의 CEO에게 시행한 조사에 따르면 응답자의 80%가 CSR이 기업경쟁력 제고의 핵심요소 가운데 하나라고 답할 만큼 대기업들은 자율적 참여의 방향으로 나아가고 있다. 반면에 대다수 중소기업들은 CSR에 대한 인식이 매우 부족하며 CSR 추진에 대해서도 소극적이고 부정적이다. 그렇지만 2005년 화성소재 D공장의 타이 여성노동자들의 다발성 신경장애 발병 방치 사건이나 해외진출 한국기업의 임금착취와 감금노동 등 착취공장(sweatshop) 사례가 발생하면서 우리나라 중소기업들 역시 CSR을 요구받게 되었다. 2010년 11월에 국제표준화기구(International Organization for Standardization : ISO)는「ISO 26000(SR: Social Responsibility)」이라는 CSR 국제표준을 발표하였는데, 이에 따라 CSR 문제는 국제입찰이나 계약상의 무역장벽과 연계될 것이 예상되어 우리나라 중소기업들에게 발등의 불로 다가올 전망이다. 중소기업청은 2008년 8월에 ‘중소기업 사회적 책임경영 전략방안’을 마련하여 중소기업의 CSR 인식확산과 인프라 구축 지원사업 등을 추진하고 있다. 2010년 12월 29일「중소기업의 CSR 법제」를 마련하고자 홍일표 의원 등 12인은 국회 지식경제위원회에「중소기업진흥에 관한 법률 일부개정법률안」(의안번호 1810422)을 발의하였다. 또한 2011년 6월 30일「중소기업기본법 일부개정법률안」(의안번호 1812469)이 국회에서 상정ㆍ가결되었으며, 동년 7월 15일 정부에 이송되어, 동월 25일 공포되었다. 동 법은 중소기업 CSR에 대한 최초의 입법이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 ‘… 기업의 사회적 책임 …’이라는 용어를 사용하지만 그 내용이 무엇인지에 대해 규정하고 있지 아니하기 때문에 중소기업의 사회적 책임에 대한 근거를 삼기에는 한계가 있다. 현재 국회 지식경제위원회 에 계류 중인「중소기업진흥에 관한 법률 일부개정법률안」의 입법이 이루어질 때에 중소기업 CSR법제의 의미가 살아날 수 있다. 동 법률안에는 “사회적 책임경영”의 개념을 정의하면서 사회적 책임경영에 대한 중소기업의 노력과 국가ㆍ지방자치단체의 지원, 그리고 사회적 책임경영활동 중소기업 육성기본계획의 수립ㆍ시행과 사회적 책임경영 지원센터의 지정에 대한 규정을 신설하고 있다. 인증제도의 도입에 신중을 기해야 하는데, 그 이유는 국제표준화기구(ISO)와 국제사회가 사회적 책임에 대한 인증을 반대한 때문이다. 그러나 인증제도 대신에 중소기업이 사회적으로 책임을 이행하는데 필요한 실천지(Guidance)만으로 그 방향을 잡아가야 할 것에는 한계가 있다고 사료된다. 또한 향후 국가인증의 가능성은 남아 있다고 할 것이다. 이와 함께 대기업이나 다국적기업의 요구에 의한 공급사슬(Supply Chain)의 활성화 및 CSR 추진 중소기업에 대한 판매와 경영 및 조세 등의 지원 제도 등이 마련되어야 할 것이다. Developed countries including the United States, Germany already since 1930 began a discussion on CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility). For decades, the discussion of the pros and cons that have been made active. In recent years, significant problems in foreign countries as CSR is seen as positive, and legal issues in our country has emerged as one. In 1990, Nike and GAP turned out to be unethical corporate management, worldwide boycott took place. Texaco Inc. as the disclosure of the tape on the racist conversation suffered imposed fines of $ 176,000,000. Especially the U.S. in 2002, Enron's and WorldCom's accounting scandals, the law was enacted due to the Sabanes-Oxley Act. The global trend since the company's contribution as a member of the civil service and beyond the practice of CSR, including environmental and social performance and the legal level of assessment is being developed to increase the levels. In contrast, a hostile atmosphere in the country and the corporate social conflict deepened, and social integration of this resolution as a way to elicit discussion on CSR has been materialized. However, these discussions took place mainly focused on large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises in the CSR discussion was negligible. Located on Hwaseong, women from Thailand who was working for D factory workers was onset of multiple neurological disorders. But companies were left to their. Among foreign companies operating in Korea, and the exploitation of wage labor to the confinement, there are cases. Therefore CSR for small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea and has become an opportunity to be asked. And on November 2010, the International Organization for Standardization is presented to international standards. It was called 「ISO 26000」. Accordingly, CSR on the international tenders or contracts in connection with trade barriers is expected to get stronger. Majority of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in promoting CSR is a very passive. And Even perception of CSR is not enough. However, the economic status of the account when considering Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, if there is a proliferation of CSR, it is thought to be impossible to realize. The CSR for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in order to effect major changes in corporate laws of the movement should take place. A direction that the legislation of CSR is regulated. To this end, the Commercial Code and the Act on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is to establish general provisions for the CSR. Also, if you are using the internal control system can achieve the effectiveness of CSR. Another way to promote CSR in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, assist and support are provided in the legislation. Support for the legislation has to do with the social responsible investment(SRI) and Donations accepted for such as a political contributions. And the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to promote CSR management support and funding for the national and public lands leased and the various tax reductions, and is supported through social insurance. Currently, CSR policies and legislation of the legislative is in its early stages. The purpose of pursue the protection of corporate profit and the interests of the entire community is responsible for corporate purposes is the question of whether and how to reconcile.

      • 기관투자자의 의결권행사에 대한 외국의 입법과 동향

        호신 한국교통대학교 2019 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.54 No.-

        as well as an advanced capital market, and its influence is gradually strengthening. In our society, the exercise of voting rights by institutional investors, especially the national pension, has become a major issue. In Korea, institutional investors have been very passive and non-aggressive in exercising their voting rights as shareholders. Due to the 2008 financial crisis in the US, the social atmosphere began to change in order to strengthen institutional investors' voting rights. On December 16, 2016, the Principles on Trustee Responsibilities of Institutional Investors were enacted and the application of 「the Korean Stewardship Code」was specified. As the argument for strengthening the exercise of voting rights by the National Pension has been strengthened, the debate over the exercise of voting rights by institutional investors is heating up. Then, an in-depth study is needed on what it means to further strengthen the voting rights of institutional investors, what consequences will result, and whether the direction being discussed now is the right direction for the NPS to pursue. Only reinforcement is emphasized without legal discussion and elucidation of concrete content, raising uncertainty and questioning. To address these uncertainties and questions, in II, the meaning and characteristics of shareholder activism, such as the exercise of voting rights of institutional investors, and the behavior of shareholder activism and the exercise of voting rights of institutional investors. III looked at foreign legislation, including legislation related to voting rights for institutional investment and various guidelines. IV addressed foreign trends, including the development of institutional investor voting rights and the attitudes of major foreign institutional investors to voting rights. The last V introduced research and controversy on the exercise of voting rights of foreign institutional investors.

      • 상법 제622조의 問題點과 그 改善方案

        호신 한국재산법학회 2003 재산법연구 Vol.20 No.1

        Remarkable progress has been made in Korean economy for many years, has witnessed the rapid growth of corporations. Simultaneously with the rise of the great development in social-economic circumstances the many serious illegal acts are increasing, there has evolved an significant social harm. The corporate officers committed to the illegal practices against their corporation, shareholders. consumers, workers, competitors, and so on. Their violations of law was called Corporate Crime. The concept of Corporate Crime was developed to distinguish a body of criminal acts. It IS only natural that it should often be confused with the broader area of crime. Actually it is organizational crime occurring in the context of complex relationships and expectations among boards of directors, executives. and managers. on the one hand. and among parent corporations, corporate divisions. and subsidiaries, on the other. Interestingly, however, Corporate Crime has not been subjected to the same scrutiny or concern by the public or by criminologists as have ordinary crime. And victims of corporate crimes are often unaware that they have been taken. Practically, the Supreme Court did not concerned about the Penal Provision in Commercial Act. And the Supreme Court does not apply these cases to the Provisions. The reason is that they thought be the Criminal Law and Other Special Act better than the Commercial Act. After ail remains of the Provision is its frame. Under the present Provision in Commercial Act is not in order and unprepared. Therefore it make up for the weak points in the current the Provision. Above all, it is necessary to analyze the cause of failure. The Provision discriminate between retaining clauses and abolition clauses. And then investigated revising items. This thesis aim at studying on Corporate Crime in Commercial Act to illegal behavior of wrongdoing officers or corporation in the company. It must be reborn to materialization, standardization and practicality. According to a point of these view, construction of this article. It deals with the problem and improvement to breach of trust or faith. Firstly, examine close1y, breach of trust in Commercial Law distinguished from Criminal Law. Commercial Law concentrate on breach of faith to top managers or officers. In other words, officers must fulfill the requirement of the fiduciary duty. the duty is beyond the trustee in general. Therefore the present Provision in Commercial Act § 622 is wrong. Actors in Commercial Act § 622 must be exclude incorporator. director. liquidator. Reversely. de facto director(Commercial Act § 401-2) should be include. The punishment must aggravate. It is natural that Corporate Crime correct an abuse.

      • KCI등재후보

        해상화물운송장에 대한 법적고찰

        호신(Song Ho-Shin) 한국재산법학회 2007 재산법연구 Vol.23 No.3

          For many years, the Bill of Lading has been used to shipping documents supported by legal systems, maritime laws and customs of commercial law practice. According to developing carriage of goods by sea, the ship arrived the port of destination before reached transport documents to consignee. We called it the matter on the Bill of Lading Crisis or the Fast Ships Problem. One side, the consignee had a long wait for documents, which to obtain delivery of cargo. The other side, the sea carrier was in trouble with the risk of compensation for damages, because he did not exchange for shipping document.<BR>  Therefore, Sea Waybill will be proposed an alternative method which has the use of solving this matter. Nowadays, frequently, the carrier has increased issuing Sea Waybill as a transport documents, because it is a non-negotiable document and the consignee does not need to present and interchange to carrier for delivery of goods. That is a point of the solving the problem which the Bill of Lading Crisis.<BR>  This article is made up of eight chapter. The second chapter is background of Sea Waybill, which of the utility and usefulness. And deal with International Convention as Hague Rules 1924, Hamburg Rules 1992, CMI Uniform Rules for Sea Waybill 1990 and so on. The third chapter is debate on the enactment proposal of Sea Waybill include a revised bill of Commercial Law 2006. Discussing the object of the legislation, structure and contents. The fourth chapter is defined about the Sea Waybill. Look around term and character of the Sea Waybill. The fifth chapter is argue on the issue of Sea Waybill. Account for issuer and condition of issue, mentioned items. Add to explain about issue of the Electronic Sea Waybill. The sixth chapter is treat of the legal effect of Sea Waybill. Watching for effects of description of the Good, responsibilities of the carrier and delivery of the goods, Right of Control, a party capacity of conginee and so forth. The seventh chapter is explain to relation with Sea Waybill to a Letter of Credit. Finally suggesting, it is important that Sea Waybill is applied to International Convention and enactment of the revision of the Commercial Law.

      • KCI등재후보

        시세조종행위에 대한 손해배상청구와 제재조치

        호신 한국경제법학회 2009 경제법연구 Vol.8 No.2

        From 2009 February 4th, Korea was enforced the Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act. It was made to prepare an opportunity to development of capital and the financial money market. When it accomplishes this, must protect the investor, and raise a trust in capital market. But our country occurs frequently to the unjust act such as a manipulation that injures the market. The manipulation interferes intentionally in the current price of the financial goods and in order it fabricates a price artificially and the others to transact business, it is an act which it lures. Like this act is forbidden with the establishment by the Securities and Exchange Act 1962. And the new manipulation provision came to make it which connects the spots and the futures in the Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act. The manipulation disrupts the formation of the fair market price. It disturbs a capital market, gives a loss to the investor. The manipulation is one type of unfair trade act like a fraud act. And the sanction on the manipulation is three such as the claim for compensation, criminal punishment, administrative penalties. In the Capital Market and Financial Investment Business Act section 177, provides a compensation responsibility on the damage, it which is caused by with the manipulation. In this case, must give existence of the act, proof a causality between damage and the act. Even other than claim for compensation, there is a criminal punishment. This is a most powerful sanction which strengthens more to make. The administrative penalties is not a current law. But there is regulation to about the workers of securities business. Also the plan which does with an administrative sanction must be considered actively in about the general investors. 우리나라는 자본과 금융시장의 선진화라는 거대한 목표를 가지고 자본시장에서의 금융혁신과 경쟁력을 촉진하여 아시아 금융시장의 중심으로 성장하고자 한다. 이를 실현하기 위해서는 투자자 보호를 선진화하고 자본시장에 대한 신뢰를 높여야 하지만 자본과 금융시장의 현실은 건전한 시장질서를 해치는 시세조종행위 등 불공정거래의 행위가 빈발한다. 시세조종행위는 자본시장에서 수요와 공급의 원칙에 따라 자유롭게 형성되어야 할 금융투자상품의 시세에 의도적으로 간섭하여 인위적으로 가격을 조작함으로써 타인들이 거래를 하도록 유인하는 행위이다. 이러한 행위는 1962년 증권거래법의 제정과 함께 금지되었으며, 우수한 IT기술을 바탕으로 한 신종의 불공정거래 유형에 선제적으로 대응하기 위하여 자본시장법 제176조 제4항에 현선연계에 의한 시세조종행위를 새롭게 규제하였다. 시세조종행위는 공정한 시장가격의 형성을 방해하고 자본시장을 교란하며, 투자자에게는 손실을 입히는 결과를 낳게 한다. 이와 같은 시세조종행위의 규제를 위반한 행위에 대한 제재조치는 민사상 손해배상과 형사처벌 그리고 행정적 제재방법을 들 수 있는데, 자본시장법에서는 시세조종행위를 일종의 사기적 행동에 해당하는 불법행위로 보고 금지한다(자본시장법 제176조). 자본시장법 제177조는 시세조종행위로 인한 손해에 대해 배상할 책임이 있다고 정하고 있는데, 이 경우 손해배상청구를 하기 위해서는 시세조종행위의 존재와 그리고 손해와 시세조종행위 사이에 인과관계를 입증해야 하는 문제가 발생한다. 민사상의 손해배상청구 이외에도 유인목적이라는 시세조종의 의사가 명백하게 나타난 경우에 형사처벌이라는 제재를 가한다. 이는 가장 강력한 제재조치가 되고 있는데, 시세조종의 행위의 위험성이 매우 크다는 점에서 더욱 강화시킬 필요가 있다. 행정적 제재의 경우 일반투자자들을 상대로 하는 제재는 현행 자본시장법상에서는 이루어지고 있지 못하다. 다만 증권의 관련업무를 수행하는 종사자들을 대상으로 하는 경우에는 행정적 제재가 이루어질 수 있지만 매우 제한적으로 적용될 뿐이다. 일반투자자들을 상대로 하는 행정적 제재를 규정하고 있지 아니하다. 때문에 일반투자자들은 자본과 금융시장을 교란하는 행위는 형사처벌을 받을 정도의 사안이 아니라고 한다면, 어떠한 제재도 받지 않는다. 일반투자자들의 시세조종 위반행위에 대해 행정적 제재를 과하는 방안도 적극적으로 고려되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        전자식 해상적하보험증권에 대한 법이론의 검토

        호신(Song, Ho-Shin) 한국재산법학회 2011 재산법연구 Vol.28 No.1

        전자식 해상적하보험증권은 전자통신 기술의 발전에 따라 국제무역에서 컴퓨터와 EDI 그리고 E-mail 등 인터넷을 이용한 전자상거래가 출현하였고, 그로 인해 전자무역이 확대되었음을 그 배경으로 들 수 있다. 해상운송에서 국제무역의 전자화와 관련된 주요 3대 업무는 운송과 금융 및 보험의 세가지 분야로 나누어 볼 수 있는데, 운송과 금융과 관련된 전자화와 함께 보험분야에서 전자식 보험계약에 따라 발행되는 보험증권이다. 전자무역에는 화물을 운송하는 중에 발생할지도 모르는 위험에 따르는 손해를 대비하기 위한 보험업무를 필요로 하는데, 손해보험사 등은 전자식 해상적하보험증권을 발행함으로써 보험업무를 전자화하고 있다. 전자식 해상적하보험증권은 해상운송에서 적하보험계약의 내용을 전자적으로 기록하고, 보험자가 전자서명하여 보험계약자에게 전자식으로 교부함으로써 성립하는 보험증권이라고 정의할 수 있다. 즉 보험회사는 보험계약이 성립된 때 혹은 보험계약의 성립 이후에 보험계약자의 청약내용을 확인하는 등 청약서를 심사하고 보험요율을 적용한 후에, 전자식 해상적하보험증권을 발급하여 전자서명을 한 다음 EDI로 전자증권 발급통지서를 보험전산망을 통하여 무역망으로 송신한다. 무역망에서는 해당 보험사의 메일박스에 저장하여 수신처를 확인하고, 해상적하보험증권을 보험계약자에게 송신함으로써 발급한다. 전자식 해상적하보험증권은 종이 해상적하보험증권의 성질과 마찬가지로 요식증권성 · 면책증권성 · 증거증권성 · 상환증권성 · 유인증권성 · 유가증권성 등의 성질을 갖는다고 볼 수 있다. 이에 따라 종래 종이식 해상적하보험증권이 갖는 법적 지위를 인정할 수 있다고 본다. 종이식 해상적하보험증권의 경우와 마찬자기로 전자식 해상적하보험증권의 발행은 전자식 해상적하보험계약의 성립요건은 아니다. 또한 전자식 해상적하보험증권은 그 증거성이 인정되고, 보험증권의 문서성이 인정되어 원본서류와 같이 취급된다고 볼 때에 그 양도성도 인정된다고 보아야 한다. 다만 전자식 배서를 통하여 보험계약상의 권리가 이전되는 효력이 발생하는지와 자격수여적 효력을 인정할 것인지에 대해 명문의 규정이 없다. 우리나라는 그 동안 IT분야의 발전과 전자화에 적응할 수 있도록 여러 분야 법제도의 개편과 정비를 진행하여 왔다. 즉 2007년 상법 개정시에 상법 제862조 전자선하증권과 제863조 해상화물운송장의 발행이 신설되면서 운송서류의 전자화 입법이 단행되었다. 그러나 보험증권의 전자화 부분에서 대해서는 2008년 상법 보험편 개정안에서도 침묵하고 있다. 전자식 해상적하보험증권에 대해서도 유사한 전자화 입법이 필요하다고 본다. 그 위치는 상법 제4편 보험편 제2장 손해보험 제4절 해상보험 제695조 해상보험증권」의 규정 내에 전자화에 대한 명시적 근거 조항을 신설하는 것이 가능하다. Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy is related on the issue of the electronic securities to the insurance contract. In the era of Electronic Trade, the axis of the three kinds of electronic trading are maritime document, electronic funds transfer, and insurance. In 2007, to support this, revised to Commercial Act, that regulated on the electronic bill of lading provisions under the article 863, and the electronic sea waybill provisions under the article 864(1). However, for Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy was no legislative provision. Then, has not yet received legal support. Therefore, using EDI Marine Cargo Insurance Policy if the contract was signed that applies to general insurance contract law regulations of Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy that can be applied as a matter may be. Explicit regulations on Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy is necessary to prepare. And it is need to contain needs to the Validity of electronic insurance contract,the evidence and authentication, and marine cargo insurance policy and more specific regulations on the transfer of responsibilities and so on. Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy in the nature of the securities that can be granted only through legislation is effective. Electronic Marine Cargo Insurance Policy in the maritime transport policy to replace the paper one of the electronic document has been our strong belief that, to the opposite opinion about the legal effect is almost difficult to find. Nextly, understanding the coordination and agreement of the parties to ensure the fairness of the system to decide the law as a mandatory provision for the maintenance of support should be required by law. Such as maritime transport documents can be regarded as similar legislation. However, the provision is located, in the 「Commercial Code Part 4(Insurance Contract) Chapter 2(liability insurance Marine) Section 4(Insurance Policy Marine Insurance) article 695」 will be regarded as desirable.

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