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      • 5-Fluorouracil이 腸粘膜에 미치는 病理組織學的 變化에 對한 實驗 硏究

        宋達孝 충남대학교 대학원 1975 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The histopathological changes in the intestinal mucosa after 5-Fluorouracil, 200㎎/㎏ body weight, intraperitoneal injection were investigated, and the results obtained were as follows. 1. The retrogressive changes in the glandular and surface epithelium were most prominent at 3rd and 4th day after the drug administration. 2. The decrease of the goblet cells in the intestinal mucosa was in peak after 3rd and 4th experimental day, and the cells were completely disappeared from the mucosa. 3 The atrophic changes of the villi of the small intestine were more marked in the 3-4 day after drug administration. 4. The mitotic figures in the intestinal cryptal cells were significantly increased in numbers after 3 days in the colon and 6 days in the small intestine, respectively. 5. The dysplastic changes in the intestinal mucosa were appeared from 3rd to 7th experimental day and thereafter disappeared.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        중.고등학생(中.高等學生)의 체격(體格)에 관(關)한 회귀분석(回歸分析)

        송달,Song, Dal-Hyo 대한예방의학회 1974 예방의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        대구시내 중고등학교에 재학중인 12세에서 17세 사이의 남학생 360명을 대상으로 체격을 측정하여 체격의 대표치라고 할 수 있는 신장을 독립변수로 하고 년령 증가에 따라 변화가 뚜렷한 11가지의 체격치 (체중, 흉위, 좌고, 하지장, 대퇴장, 대퇴위, 하퇴장, 상지장, 상박장, 전박위 및 피부두겹두께)를 각각 종속변수로 하여 회귀분석을 하고 결정 계수를 산출 하였다. 회귀분석의 결과를 보면 회귀계수는 신장에 대한 체중의 회귀계수가 0.90으로 가장컸으며 피부 두겹 두께의 회귀계수가 0.09로서 가장 작았다. 대개 측정치가 크면 회귀계수도 컸으나 그 관계가 꼭 일정하지는 않았다. 직선이나 곡선의 회귀관계에서 두 변량의 관계 표현의 적합도를 나타내는 결정계수는 대퇴장과 피부 두겹 두께의 경우를 제외하면 거의 모두 1에 가까워서 이들은 직선의 회귀방정식으로서도 두 체격치사이의 관계를 무리없이 표현할수 있었으며 특히 피부두겹두께의 경우에는 측정과정에서 일어나는 오차가 전체에 미치는 영향이 상당히 커서 일차회귀로서는 표현이 아무래도 미흡함을 알수 있었다. The physical status (standing height, body weight, chest girth, sitting height, length of leg, length of thigh, thigh girth, length of crus, length of arm, brachial length, antebrachial girth and skinfold thickness) of 360 healthy middle and high school boys aged between 12 and 17 years in Taegu area was measured and evaluated by means of dispersion. For regression equation and coefficient ofidetermination of each status against standing height were computed. The growth progress of physical status had a tendency to be exponential and, generally, between 13 and 14 years of age the fastest progress was observed. The regression coefficient of body weight against standing height (0.90) was largest and that of skinfold thickness against standing height (0.09) was smallest. In general, the dimension of the regression coefficient was accordant with the dimension of respective physical status. Except in length of thigh and skinfold thickness, coefficient of determination of each physical status against standing height was almost 1 and the regression line could express the relation between standing height and each physical status very satisfactorily. But the regression curve was more desirable for the elucidation of the relation between standing height and skinfold thickness.

      • 5-Fluorouracil이 腸粘膜에 미치는 病理組織學的 變化에 對한 實驗 硏究

        宋達孝,李泰淑 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1974 충남의대잡지 Vol.1 No.1

        The histopathological changes in the intestinal mucosa after 5-Fluorouracil 200mg/kg body weight intraperitoneal injection were investigated, and the results obtained were as follows: 1. The retrogressive changes in the glandular and surface epithelium were most prominent at 3rd and 4th day after the drug admininistration. 2. The decrease of the goblet cells in the intestinal mucosa was in peak after 3rd and 4th experimenal day, and the cells were completely disappeared from the mucosa. 3. The atrophic changes of the villi of the small intestine were more marked in the 3-4 day after drug administration 4. The mitotic figures in the intestinal cryptal cells were significantly increased in numbers after 3 days in the colon and 6 days in the small intestine, respectively. 5. The dysplastic changes in the intestinal mucosa were appeared from 3rd to 7th experimental day and thereafter disappeared.

      • KCI등재
      • 적혈구 농축제재에서 HBV DNA의 노출정도

        송달,김정숙,이채훈 영남대학교 의과대학 1995 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.12 No.2

        수혈 후 B형 간염 바이러스의 전파를 감소시키기 위한 방법으로 현재 적십자 혈액원에서 공급되는 적혈구 농축제재를 대상으로 HBV DNA, HBsAg, anti-HBs 및 anti-HBs를 측정하여 수혈자에서 HBV DNA의 노출정도와 HBV DNA 와 B형 바이러스 간염의 혈청학적 표지자와의 관련성을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 대구 적십자 혈액원에서 공급되는 적혈구 농축제재에서는 HBsAg이 검출되지 않았으며, HBV DNA는 0.6%에서 검출되었는데, 모두 anti-HBc 만 양성인 경우였다. Anti-HBc양성률은 37%였으며, 이들중 65.8%에서 anti-HBc도 양성으로 나타나 anti-HBc만 양성인 경우는 공혈혈액의 13.0% 정도로 추정되었다. 따라서, 우리나라와 같이 anti-HBc양성률이 높은 지역에서는 anti-HBs를 추가하는 경우 13%의 혈액제제만을 폐기함으로써 HBV DNA의 전파를 차단시킬수 있으리라 생각되며 현재 실시하고 있는 검사보다 예민도와 특이도가 높은 선별검사의 개발이 필요한 것으로 생각된다. Assays for HBsAg, HBV DNA, anti-HBc and anti-HBs of 285 units of packed red blood cells supplied by Taegu Red Cross Blood Center were performed to evaluate the correlation between the prevalence of HBV DNA and serologic markers for hepatitis B virus. None of 285 plasma samples was positive for HBsAg, however, HBV DNA were detected by polymerase chain reaction in 2 samples which both presented only with anti-HBc positivity. Of 204 samples tested for anti-HBs, 96 samples(47.1%) were positive and among 216 samples tested for anti-HBc, 80(41.1%) were all negative and 48(24.9%) were positive on both tests. Those samples which showed positivity only to anti-HBc were 25(13.0%). Considering the above results, transfusion-transmitted hepatitis B virus infection could be prevented by discarding anti-HBc positive blood, however, that may bring insufficient supply of donor bloods in the country like Korea where the prevalence of anti-HBc is high. Anti-HBc positive blood unequivocally positive for anti-HBs should be considered noninfectious for HBV and should be allowed to be transfused. It would reduce the amount of discarding donor blood as the routine blood as the routine blood donor screening tests presently used at Korea Red Cross Blood Center supplemented by anti-HBs and anti-HBc testing.

      • Phenobarbital 前處置가 Dimethylnitrosamine의 白鼠 肝의 中毒性 病變에 미치는 影響에 關한 硏究

        宋達孝 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1977 충남의대잡지 Vol.4 No.2

        Dimethylnitrosamine, potent hepatotoxic and carcinogenic agent, is metabolized mainly in the liver, and its hepatotoxic action is influenced by the administration of phenobarbital which is inducer of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme. In an effort to gather pathological data of the above, intraperitioneal injections of phenobarbital(l00mg/kg, for 3 successive days) were given daily to male albino rats and then 60 mg, 50 mg, 40 mg, and 30 mg of dimethylnitrosarmine in physiologic saline solution intraperitoneally. The mortality and hepatotoxicity in the experimental groups were as follows: 1. Mortality in 60 mg, 50 mg, 40 mg, and 30 mg-injected rats indicated 80%, 50%, 40%, and 15%, whereas phenobarbital pretreated rats in corresponding group sustained 25%, 25%, 15%, and 5% of death rate, respectively. 2. The rats given 60 mg and 50 mg of DMN, cause acute massive hemorrhagic necrosis in the liver, and the necrotic changes were more extensive and intensive in the early experimental days, and progressed with lessened thereafter. The phenobarbital pretreated groups were less intensive in their lesion and fastened their recovery than DMN-injected groups. 3. Necrotic changes in the 40 mg and 30 mg of DMN-injected groups developed mild to moderate degree in the first experimental day and got worse successive 1∼2 days, whereas in phenobarbital pretreated group the lesions were more mild and shortened their course than those in DMN-injected groups. 4. Hepatic fibrosis in both DMN-injected and phenobarbital pretreated groups developed around the date when necrotic changes were subsiding, but in phenobarbital pretreated groups were less intensive and shorter course than each corresponding DMN-injected group.

      • 保健所機能 標準化作業 및 保健所와 支所의 均衡있는 開發策 : 農村保健所를 中心으로

        李性寬,宋達孝 최신의학사 1977 最新醫學 Vol.20 No.7

        Since the commencement of the activities of the health centers there have been many problems inherent in the system. Namely health centers have excluded the medical care function from -their list of activities and it is this function which is most eagerly desired by the community at large. So the function has not been sufficient to solve the health needs of communities in our country. Therefore, the health center has not been able to really take roots in the community in our, country. Even though the health centers have conducted public health measures for the prevention of diseases the community has never appreciated these endeavors due to a lack of -understanding about health in general. The health center should accordingly be renewed from :its old stagnant activities and be reactivated to perform new tasks including medical care. Indeed the government has changed the health center with performing these tasks including providing medical care to low. income persons beginning this year. The duties and responsibilities of the health center are therefore of very great importance. The function of the health center should be based on community needs. It is highly desirable then to establish new functions and strengthen old functions of the health center in order to fulfill the health needs of the community. Also it would be desirable to create a local community .organization to inform the people that the health center is their own agency and that would act for their own health maintenance and promotion. The function of the health center should include: 1. Medical care 2. Local health planning -based on health needs of the community 3. Community health organization including participation of residents 4. Health organization in coordination with outside health facilities 5. Supervision, guidance and training for health workers at health sub-center 6. Functions concerning environmental sanitation including food sanitation 7. Evaluation The function of the health sub-center should be: 1. Primary medical care, patient case finding and referral to high level facilities 2. Comprehensive health services based on household unit 3. Collection of vital statistics to evaluate the project programs 4. Cooperating with local residents 5. Guidance concerning health matters in every day life To improve the function of the health center it would be desirable to provide a competent staffs, a sufficient financial support, installation of modern equipments and unification of the administrative channels. To improve the efficiency of personal health services to the community at the health sub center it would be desirable to establish a place where health care could be easily delivered to the community.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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