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      • KCI등재

        日本語學習者の現場指示の 習得に關する硏究

        安龍洙 한국일본근대학회 2007 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.18

        This paper examines the acquisition of spatial demonstratives in Korean learners of Japanese (KL) and Chinese learners of Japanese (CL). The study showed the following results: (1) Both KL and CL learn spatial demonstrative usages that translate directly in their own languages easier, but CL experience great difficulties when they face a discrepancy. (2) When relating to a question, used by the other interlocutor, both KL and CL, having different demonstrative systems in their languages, tend to use demonstratives of the so‐type instead of ko and a types, and a‐type instead of so‐type. (3) If we try to arrange spatial demonstratives from easier to harder to acquire we will get ko=a>so for KL and ko>so≧a for CL, which shows that KL encounter greatest difference with spatial demonstratives of the so‐type and CL with demonstratives of the a‐type. (4) An overall comparison shows that KL tend to use more a‐type demonstratives, while CL use more demonstratives of the ko‐type. Besides, as they improve, KL tend to use less sotype demonstratives, while CL use more. (5) From a second‐language acquisition point of you the study showed that even if experiencing certain first‐language interference both KL and CL actively accumulate skill in the second language while encountering the same troubles on the way, or developing learner‐specific incomplete systems.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人の対日観に関する一考察 : 個人別態度構造分析法(PAC分析法)を用いて

        安龍洙 아시아유럽미래학회 2008 유라시아연구 Vol.5 No.3

        근년 일본 사회에서는 매년 외국 국적 주민이 증가하여 일본인과 외국인의 다문화 공생 사 회의 실현이 절실히 요구되고 있으며, 각 행정 기관과 교육 기관에서는 외국인과 유학생의 생활 및 의식 에 관한 실태 조사를 활발히 실시되고 있다. 외국인의 대일관에 대해서는 지금까지 여러 가지 관점에서 조사를 실시하였지만, 양적인 조사가 많았기 때문에, 개인이 일본 사회와 일본인을 어떻게 접하고, 일본 사회를 어떻게 이해하고 평가하는가에 대한 문제에 대해서는 밝혀지지 않은 점이 많다. 그러나 외국인의 대일관과 같이 질적으로 크게 변화하는 현상이나 다양한 문화 배경과 개인 배경을 가진 외국인의 대일 관을 분석하기 위해서는 개인의 내면 세계를 분석할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. 설문지 조사법은 다수의 피험자 데이터에 대한 평균치를 분석 하는 연구 수법이지만, 특정한 개인의 심 층 구조와 그 메카니즘을 분석하는 것이 아니다. 또한, 개인의 문화 배경이 다양한 외국인의 데이터를 평균치로 분석하면, 개인의 독자성이 잔차성분(殘差成分)으로서 제외되어, 표층적인 공통 부분의 분석에 머물 수밖에 없기 때문에 질적 변화를 일으키는 요인과 메카니즘의 해명은 어렵다. 본 연구에서 사용한 개인별 태도 구조 분석법(Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct: PAC 분석법)은 나이토(内藤)가 개발한 것으로, 1) 해당 테마에 대한 자유 연상, 2) 연상 항목간의 유사도 거리 행렬에 의한 클러스터 분석, 3) 피험자의 클러스터 구조의 해석을 통한 개인별 태도 구조를 분석하는 수법이다. PAC 분석법은 피험자가 자발적으로 항목을 만들어 내어 그것을 토대로 피험자 자신이 반응을 하기 때 문에, 피험자의 자발성·자율성이 최대한 존중되며, 비교적 간단한 절차로 개인의 내면 세계를 인지적·정 의적(情意的) 측면에서 분석할 수 있다. 사회심리학과 일본어교육학 관련 분야에서 PAC 분석법을 사용한 선행 연구로서는, 安 등(1995, 2004), 渡辺 등(1994), 藤田 등(1996), 内藤(2000), 八若 등(2005), 八若(2006) 등을 들 수 있다. 이들 선행 연구의 결과 에서 PAC분석법이 피험자 개인의 내면 세계를 분석하는데 유효하다 것, 피험자 개인의 데이터 를 교육 현장에 대한 컨설테이션(Consultation)으로 활용할 수 있다는 것을 알았다. 최근에는 이문화간교육 분야에서도 외국인의 대일관 분석에도 PAC 분석법이 사용되고 있다. 본 연구와 같이 외국인의 대일관에 대해서 .藤(2000, 2004)는, 일본 대학에 재학중인 외국인 유학생을 대상으로 PAC분석법을 사용하여, 이문화 적응 문제에 대한 조사를 실시하여 유학생의 이문화 이해에 대한 요인 을 분석하였다. 安(2008)은 한국인을 대상으로 일본 체재 1년 후와 그로부터 2년 반이 지난 시점에서 각 각 대일관을 분석하였고, 安(인쇄중)에서는 교환 유학생으로서 일본 대학에 유학을 하여, 약 반년에서 1 년간 배운 한국인 단기 유학생 4명을 대상으로 대일관을 분석하였다. 그 결과 한국인의 대일관에는 피험 자 간에 공통점도 있지만 서로 다른 점도 많기 때문에, 같은 사례를 늘려서 검토할 필요가 있다는 것을 알았다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 약 1개월간 일본에서 직원 연수를 받은 후에 귀국한 한국의 대학 직원을 대상으로 그들의 대일관에 대한 조사를 실시하여 선행 연구와 비교해 보았다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 피험자 전원이 관념적인 일본인관을 가지고 있으며, 구체적인 경험과 객관 적인 정보나 증명에 근거하기보다는, 막연한 이미지나 관념적인 언어에 의한 대일관.일본인관의 경향 이 강하다. (2) 피험자 전원이 복잡한 대일관을 가지고 있으며, 일본과 일본인에 대해 좋은 점을 인정하 면서도, 부정적이고 엄격한 평가를 하는 부분도 적지 않은 것을 볼 때, 상당히 복잡한 대일관을 엿볼 수 있다. (3) 한국인의 대일관에는 긍정적인 측면과 부정적인 측면이 함께 나타나며, 이 두 가지 대일관가 양립하고 있다. (4) 전체적으로 일본인의 외모, 양국의 관계, 역사 문제와 같이, 한국인이 일반적으로 가 지고 있는 스테레오타이프화 된 대일관이 많다. (5) 선행 연구와 같이 피험자 전원이 일본인에 대한 신 뢰감, 성격, 대인관계와 같은 일본인의 성격이나 정의적(情意的)인 부분에 많은 관심을 가지고 있다. (6) 그 외의 특징적인 대일관으로서는 선행 연구와 같이, 집단 속에서 룰을 중시하지만 프라이버시에서는 개 인주의적인 행동을 선호하는 일본인상, 성(性)에 대해서 개방적인 일본인상, 남에게 폐를 끼치지 않고 남과 거리를 두는 일본인상 등이 나타나고 있으며, 이것에 대해서 부정적인 평가를 하는 경향이 있다. (7)긍정적인 대일관도 적지 않지만, 이것은 일본에서 받은 연수의 영향이 크다고 생각된다. 선행 연구(安: 2008, 인쇄중)와 공통점으로서는 일본인의 대인관계나 일본인의 성격에 대한 관심이 많 고, 일본인의 본심을 알 지 못하기 때문에 친하기 어렵다고 느낀 점, 대일관을 한국과 비교하는 경향이 강한 점, 대일관에 대해 긍정적인 점과 부정적인 점이라는 서로 모순된 태도가 양립하고 있다는 점 등을 들 수 있다. 그리고 선행 연구와 다른 점으로서는 이번 연구에서는 일본인의 외모에 대한 언급이 많았던 점, 역사 문제, 정치 문제, 양국의 현안 문제 등에 대한 언급이 많았던 점, 일본인의 외모, 일본인의 생활 스타일, 일본 사회에 대한 견해 등 한국에서 스테레오타이프화 된 대일관이 많이 나타난 점, 선행 연구 (安:2008, 인쇄중)에서는 일본인, 일본인의 행동 등 개인 레벨의 일본인관이 많았지만, 이번 조사에서는 양국 관계에 관련된 사항 등 국가 차원의 대일관이 비교적 많이 나타난 점 등을 들 수 있다. 선행 연구에서는 피험자가 한 명을 제외하고는 모두 학생이고, 체재 기간도 반년부터 4년 이상으로 일본 사회와 일본인을 접할 기회가 비교적 많았지만, 본 연구의 피험자는 전원이 사회인이고 체재 기간도 1개 월 정도로 그다지 길지 않으며 접촉한 일본인도 한정되어 있다. 이러한 피험자의 속성과 체재 기간의 차 이가 한국인의 대일관의 형성에 어떤 영향을 끼치는지에 대해서는 추적 조사가 필요할 것이다. 금후 체 재 기간, 피험자의 연령과 직업, 체재 스타일, 체재 장소의 생활 환경, 체재 장소에서 접촉하는 일본인의 계층이 한국인의 대일관 형성에 어떤 영향을 주며, 그 대일관이 그 후 어떻게 변용(變容)되는지에 대해 서도 검토할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. With the increase in the number of foreign residents in Japan, the creation of a multicultural society becomes a major objective, making local authorities and educational institutions to carry various surveys on living conditions and attitudes of foreign students in the country. Notwithstanding the great number of surveys on foreigners’ attitudes toward Japanese people, most of them have a quantitative approach that cannot give much insight into the way each individual interacts with the Japanese society and people, or how he or she sees and appreciates the Japanese society. We, however, believe that in order to understand foreigners’ attitude toward Japanese people, characterized by ever-changing qualitative traits and his or her complex cultural and personal background, it is important to turn our eyes to the internal structure of the individual’s personality. The questionnaire approach has an objective to collect and analyze a great number of averaged data and is not preoccupied with individuals’ deeper personality. Further, when numerous averaged data are processed, deviations resulting form respondents’ cultural backgrounds are routinely ignored, focusing only on superficial common traits, which makes it extremely difficult to define factors and mechanisms that cause qualitative change. This research utilizes the Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) method, developed by Naito, which includes 1) free associations related to the topic, 2) cluster analysis based on the distance between association items, 3) respondents’ comments on the extracted cluster structure, aimed at the understanding of the attitude structure of each individual respondent. In the PAC method, respondents are free to create items of their own and show their reactions to the items, which takes into account their individuality, thus allowing the researcher to grasp, while using a comparatively simple method, the cognitive and emotional aspects of respondents’ inner world. Previous socio-psychological research utilizing the PAC method includes An et al.(1995, 2004), Watanabe et al.(1994), Fujita et al.(1996), Naito(2000), Hachiwaka et al.(2005), Hachiwaka(2006) as well as others. The results show that the PAC method is efficient for elaborating on each individual’s inner world and that such data can be a helpful resource for counseling in an educational environment. The PAC method has recently often been used in intercultural education research for exploring foreigners’ attitudes toward Japanese people. Not unlike this paper, Naito(2000, 2004) uses the method to examine the attitude toward Japanese people of foreign students enrolled in Japanese universities, bringing up aspects of their intercultural adaptation and intercultural understanding factors. In An(2008) we compared Koreans’ attitudes toward Japanese people 1 year after their arrival in Japan and again 2.5 years later, and in An(2008) (in press) we examined the attitudes of 4 Korean exchange students studying in a Japanese university between a half a year and 1 year. However, in this research of ours, together with some similarities in attitudes toward Japanese people we came upon some differences which convinced us that it is important to examine the same topic while increasing the number of respondents. The present research is centered on Korean university employees participating in a 1 month training course in Japan and compares their attitudes toward Japanese people with findings of previous research. Our survey showed the following results: (1) All respondents have a concept about the Japanese, their attitude toward Japan and its people being rather a vague conceptual image, then a concrete one, based upon experience and objective information, (2) All respondents have a complex attitude about Japanese people, acknowledging their positive traits while being critical to what they perceive as negative, (3) Respondents perceive in Japanese people both positive and negative traits, (4) Koreans’ stereotypes remain strong about Japanese people’s looks, bilateral problems and history, and influence their attitude, (5) Just like in previous research, respondents show interest in Japanese people’s personal and emotional aspects like reliability, character, interpersonal relations, etc., (6) Concerning other aspects of Japanese personality the findings are similar to previous research: respondents perceive Japanese as people respecting group rules but individualistic in their private lives, with a liberal sex-attitude, reluctant to disturb others and keeping their distance, all these traits seen rater as being negative, (7) Respondents do perceive positive traits but in this they are hardly influenced by their training in Japan. A finding that resembles previous research (An(2008) (in press)) is the fact that respondents show strong interest in the Japanese character, that they find it difficult to tell the difference between what the Japanese say and what they really mean, that they like to compare their perception of Japanese and Korean people, and that they perceive contradicting positive and negative traits at the same time. What is different from previous research is the fact that respondents tended to touch upon the looks of the Japanese as well as problems of history, politics, and bilateral issues, and the fact that perception of Japanese looks, living-style and society was based on stereotypes. Further, in An ((2008)(in press)) respondents’ attitudes were concerned with individual behavior of Japanese people, while in this survey the attitude derived rather from bilateral issues, etc., dealing with relations between countries rather then individuals. In previous research all respondents but one were students, residing in Japan from half a year up to more than 4 years, thus having supple chances to communicate with Japanese people, but the respondents of the present survey were all working people, staying in Japan for a period as short as 1 month, having rather scarce contacts with Japanese people. We find it necessary to carry this research further in order to find how background and residence history are influencing their attitude toward Japanese people. It will be crucial to make clear how factors like residence history, age, occupation, residence environment and contacts with the Japanese influence formation of attitude toward the Japanese in Koreans, and how this attitude changes as time goes.

      • KCI등재

        An Examination of Koreans` Attitude toward Japanese: Using Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct (PAC Analysis)

        안룡수 ( Yong Su An ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2008 유라시아연구 Vol.5 No.3

        With the increase in the number of foreign residents in Japan, the creation of a multicultural society becomes a major objective, making local authorities and educational institutions to carry various surveys on living conditions and attitudes of foreign students in the country. Notwithstanding the great number of surveys on foreigners` attitudes toward Japanese people, most of them have a quantitative approach that cannot give much insight into the way each individual interacts with the Japanese society and people, or how he or she sees and appreciates the Japanese society. We, however, believe that in order to understand foreigners` attitude toward Japanese people, characterized by ever-changing qualitative traits and his or her complex cultural and personal background, it is important to turn our eyes to the internal structure of the individual`s personality. The questionnaire approach has an objective to collect and analyze a great number of averaged data and is not preoccupied with individuals` deeper personality. Further, when numerous averaged data are processed, deviations resulting form respondents` cultural backgrounds are routinely ignored, focusing only on superficial common traits, which makes it extremely difficult to define factors and mechanisms that cause qualitative change. This research utilizes the Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) method, developed by Naito, which includes 1) free associations related to the topic, 2) cluster analysis based on the distance between association items, 3) respondents` comments on the extracted cluster structure, aimed at the understanding of the attitude structure of each individual respondent. In the PAC method, respondents are free to create items of their own and show their reactions to the items, which takes into account their individuality, thus allowing the researcher to grasp, while using a comparatively simple method, the cognitive and emotional aspects of respondents` inner world. Previous socio-psychological research utilizing the PAC method includes An et al.(1995, 2004), Watanabe et al.(1994), Fujita et al.(1996), Naito(2000), Hachiwaka et al.(2005), Hachiwaka(2006) as well as others. The results show that the PAC method is efficient for elaborating on each individual`s inner world and that such data can be a helpful resource for counseling in an educational environment. The PAC method has recently often been used in intercultural education research for exploring foreigners` attitudes toward Japanese people. Not unlike this paper, Naito(2000, 2004) uses the method to examine the attitude toward Japanese people of foreign students enrolled in Japanese universities, bringing up aspects of their intercultural adaptation and intercultural understanding factors. In An(2008) we compared Koreans` attitudes toward Japanese people 1 year after their arrival in Japan and again 2.5 years later, and in An(2008) (in press) we examined the attitudes of 4 Korean exchange students studying in a Japanese university between a half a year and 1 year. However, in this research of ours, together with some similarities in attitudes toward Japanese people we came upon some differences which convinced us that it is important to examine the same topic while increasing the number of respondents. The present research is centered on Korean university employees participating in a 1 month training course in Japan and compares their attitudes toward Japanese people with findings of previous research. Our survey showed the following results: (1) All respondents have a concept about the Japanese, their attitude toward Japan and its people being rather a vague conceptual image, then a concrete one, based upon experience and objective information, (2) All respondents have a complex attitude about Japanese people, acknowledging their positive traits while being critical to what they perceive as negative, (3) Respondents perceive in Japanese people both positive and negative traits, (4) Koreans’ stereotypes remain strong about Japanese people’s looks, bilateral problems and history, and influence their attitude, (5) Just like in previous research, respondents show interest in Japanese people’s personal and emotional aspects like reliability, character, interpersonal relations, etc., (6) Concerning other aspects of Japanese personality the findings are similar to previous research: respondents perceive Japanese as people respecting group rules but individualistic in their private lives, with a liberal sex-attitude, reluctant to disturb others and keeping their distance, all these traits seen rater as being negative, (7) Respondents do perceive positive traits but in this they are hardly influenced by their training in Japan. A finding that resembles previous research (An(2008) (in press)) is the fact that respondents show strong interest in the Japanese character, that they find it difficult to tell the difference between what the Japanese say and what they really mean, that they like to compare their perception of Japanese and Korean people, and that they perceive contradicting positive and negative traits at the same time. What is different from previous research is the fact that respondents tended to touch upon the looks of the Japanese as well as problems of history, politics, and bilateral issues, and the fact that perception of Japanese looks, living-style and society was based on stereotypes. Further, in An ((2008)(in press)) respondents` attitudes were concerned with individual behavior of Japanese people, while in this survey the attitude derived rather from bilateral issues, etc., dealing with relations between countries rather then individuals. In previous research all respondents but one were students, residing in Japan from half a year up to more than 4 years, thus having supple chances to communicate with Japanese people, but the respondents of the present survey were all working people, staying in Japan for a period as short as 1 month, having rather scarce contacts with Japanese people. We find it necessary to carry this research further in order to find how background and residence history are influencing their attitude toward Japanese people. It will be crucial to make clear how factors like residence history, age, occupation, residence environment and contacts with the Japanese influence formation of attitude toward the Japanese in Koreans, and how this attitude changes as time goes.

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