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      • 호우와 대설 주의보 및 경보의 새로운 기준치 선정

        정용승,봉종헌 한국교원대학교 환경과학연구소 1996 환경연구논문집 Vol.- No.3

        The present criteria (threshold values) for weather advisories and warnings are being used at the Korea Meteorological Administration for a long period. These values are being used without a scientific basis. We have observed that the threshold values are chosen too high and there is a need for the selection of new criteria. Those values are also being used in the Tokyo-Osaka region of Japan. It is found that to the atmospheric and surface conditions in the Japanese region are quite different from those conditions in Korea. In the present study, an overview on the threshold values of Canada, Japan and U.S.A. is made for the selection of new values in the weather warnings of Korea. It i recommended that the new threshold values for heavy rainfall advisory and warning are 60mm and 120mm per 24 hours, respectively. Also, the new values for heavy snowfall watch and warning are generally 5-15 cm for a large city and 10-60 cm for the other area. It is suggested that these criteria should be revised every 3-5 years for the better service of meteorological warnings.

      • 한국연안의 표면해수와 대기간의 열교환

        봉종헌,Bong, Jong Hon 한국해양학회 1976 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        The annual nariation of surface heat exchange at ten selected station in the Korean coastal seas was studied using data of monthly mean surface temperature and meteorological parameters averaged for many years. Through heat exchange between the sea and the atmosphere, the surfaces in the Korean coastal seas are warmed by accepting heat from the atmosphere during march to September in the west coast sea, during Aprill to August in the south coast sea which includes the Ulleung-do coast sea and during April to September in the east coast sea. The periods which are cooled by losing heat to the atmosphere correspond to residual months excepting the above warming periods. Maximum total heat exchange during the warming period at each station shows the distribution of 320-720cal/ $\textrm{cm}^2$ day in June to July and during the cooling period shows the distribution of -260∼-940 cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$ day in November to January. The annual average total heat exchange shows warming of 100-240 Cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$ day in the west coast sea, cooling of -90∼-150 Cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$ day in the south coast sea and the Ulleung-do coast sea, and slight warming or cooling of -15∼65 Cal/$\textrm{cm}^2$ day in the east coast sea. Maxima or minima of the surface temperature in the Korean coastal seas appear in the month that the warming or cooling period is ended. The evaporation rate is highest during October to next January with the distribution of 5∼12mm/day.

      • 인천항부근 수로의 조류

        봉종헌,Bong, Jong Hon 한국해양학회 1978 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.13 No.1

        인천항 부근해역은 우리나라 연안에서 가장 조차가 큰 천해역으로서 연안 및 섬주위로 간석지가 매우 잘 발달되어 있다. 따라서 동 해역은 오래전부터 큰 조차를 이용한 조력발전 후보지로 인정되어 왔고 앞으로의 개발전망이 밝을 뿐 아니라 광대한 간석지를 개발하기 위한 간척사업 후보지로 각광을 받고 있다. 이와 같은 개발계획의 대상으로 인정되는 해역에 있어서의 조류에 대한 정확한 조사연구는 중요한 일이라 생각된다. 인천항 부근해역의 조류에 관해서는 이(1963), 강(1972) 및 이(1972)등의 조사보고가 있는데 이들 조사관측 및 국내에서 실시되어 온 일반적인 조류관측은 거의 대부분이 동시관측에 의한 것이 아닐뿐더러 각 조기별 즉, 대조, 중조, 소조,기별로 실시된 것이 아니므로 각 조기별로 또한 각 지역별로 동시에 나타나는 조류의 특성을 비교하는 데에는 문제점이 있었다 하겠다. 우리나라 남해안이나 특히 서해안과 같이 조석이 큰 해역에서는 각 조기별로 조류의 특성이 매우 다르기 때문에 이를 비교파악 하기 위한 여러 지점에서의 조기별 동시 조류관측은 매우 어렵지만 의미있는 일이라 생각된다. 본조사에 있어서는 특히 이러한 점을 최대한으로 고려하여 실시되었다.

      • 진해만의 해수유동에 관하여

        이종화,봉종헌,한상준,Lee, Jong Wha,Bong, Jong-Han,Han, Sang Joon 한국해양학회 1974 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.9 No.1

        Current observations were carried out in Jinhae Bay area during the period of January to February 1974. The data were synthetically analyzed and the characteristics of the water movement in Jinhae Bay were studied. The water movement in Jinhae Bay area is a reversing tidal current type and the Semi- diurnal tidal current is predominant. The ebb current begins at about high water time and the strongest current occurs at about 3 hour after high water. The flood current begins at 0.2-1.0 hour before low water and the strongest current occurs at about 3-4 hour after low water. The main ebb current flows to SE direction with the maximum welocity, about 100cm/sec and the lood flows to NW with the maximum velocity, about 70cm/sec. Generally, the ebb current in Jinhae Bay is more predominat than the flood current except at the west and the north coast area of Gadeog-do where the flood current is more predominant.

      • 댐건설에 따른 국지기후의 변화실태

        이종범,봉종헌,조하만 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1990 環境硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        Local climatic change due to the artificial lakes formed by dams was studied for 5 areas in Korea. At the lake side station there were remarkable increase of frequency of fog and decreases of sunshine du-ration and summertime air temperature. At the down stream area of dam. for frequency was increased while sunshine duration was decreased as those at the lake side. Analysis of hourly solar radiation and cloud amount data shows that at Chunchon. amount of solar radiation is less and cloud amount is more than those at the iniand areas in the morning time in autumn. The reason for these considered to be due to the evaporation from the relatively warm water surface discharged from the Lake soyang in autumn.

      • KCI등재

        황해 저층냉수의 특성과 남하에 대한 재조명

        윤용훈,박용향,봉종헌 한국지구과학회 1991 한국지구과학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Based on a precise analysis of the long-term(1971-1984) hydrographic and wintertime air temperature data gathered in the middle and southern yellow Sea, and together with other supplimentary data from Gteratures, water characteristics of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water(YSBCW) and its southward extension are reexamined ; the influence of the wintertime air temperature on the YSBCW temperature and on its spatial distribution also discussed. It was found that the hitherto defined water characteristics (T, S) of the YSBCW restrict especially the upper limit of salinity to too lower values compared to the real situation, so they are not adequate to describe the spatial distribution of the water and its southward extension phenomenon. From the present study, the southward extention of the YSBCW through the cold water through west off Chejudo from spring to summer is found highly possible ; it is strongest is April and it can be detected until August. In consequence of such a southward advection of the bottom cold water, the water temperature at 50m depth in the cold water through west off Chejudo shows its lowest values in April, with a mean temperature increase by 0.4℃ only from April to August(compared to 4℃ increase near the axis of the Yellow Sea embayment). The frequently observed cold water mass from the west to the southwest(near 32°N, 126°E)off the island during spring and summer is connected with and influenced profoundly by the bottom cold water from the southern Yellow Sea, showing almost same water. characteristics as those of the latter ; it preserves quite well its wintertime water characteristics until summer. Therefore it seems to be quite reasonable to include this cold water mass(found west to southwest off Chejudo) in the definition of the YSBCW. Here, we have suggested a new definition of the YSBCW : T$lt;12℃, 32.2$lt;S$lt;33.5‰ With this new definition, the spatial distribution of the YSBCW from the offshore of the Shandong peninsula to the southwestern area off Chejudo as well as its southward extension from spring to summer can be adequately described. The wintertime air temperature is one of the most important meteorological factors, controlling the summertime water temperature of the YSBCW and its spatial distribution. In other words, the bottom cold water formed during a severe cold winter exhibits in summer lower temperatures and also wider spatial distribution toward the coasts and to the south than that formed during a mild winter.

      • KCI등재

        대기중 CO2 농도 증가에 따른 기후변화가 농업기후자원, 식생의 순 1차 생산력 및 벼 수량에 미치는 영향

        李㳎雨,申辰澈,奉鍾憲 韓國作物學會 1991 한국작물학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is ever-increasing and expected to reach about 600 ppmv some time during next century. Such an increase of CO2 may cause a warming of the earth's surface of 1.5 to 4.5~circC , resulting in great changes in natural and agricultural ecosystems. The climatic scenario under doubled CO2 projected by general circulation model of Goddard Institute for Space Studies(GISS) was adopted to evaluate the potential impact of climate change on agroclimatic resources, net primary productivity and rice productivity in Korea. The annual mean temperature was expected to rise by 3.5 to 4.0~circC and the annual precipitation to vary by -5 to 20% as compared to current normal climate (1951 to 1980), resulting in the increase of possible duration of crop growth(days above 15~circC in daily mean temperature) by 30 to 50 days and of effective accumulated temperature(EAT=∑Ti, Ti~geq 10~circC ) by 1200 to 1500~circC . day which roughly corresponds to the shift of its isopleth northward by 300 to 400 km and by 600 to 700 m in altitude. The hydrological condition evaluated by radiative dryness index (RDI =Rn/ ~ell P) is presumed to change slightly. The net primary productivity under the 2~times CO2 climate was estimated to decrease by 3 to 4% when calculated without considering the photosynthesis stimulation due to CO2 enrichment. Empirical crop-weather model was constructed for national rice yield prediction. The rice yields predicted by this model under 2 ~times CO2 climatic scenario at the technological level of 1987 were lower by 34-43% than those under current normal climate. The parameters of MACROS, a dynamic simulation model from IRRI, were modified to simulate the growth and development of Korean rice cultivars under current and doubled CO2 climatic condition. When simulated starting seedling emergence of May 10, the rice yield of Hwaseongbyeo(medium maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate in Suwon showed 37% reduction compared to that under current normal climate. The yield reduction was ascribable mainly to the shortening of vegetative and ripening period due to accelerated development by higher temperature. Any simulated yields when shifted emergence date from April 10 to July 10 with Hwaseongbyeo (medium maturity) and Palgeum (late maturity) under 2 ~times CO2 climate did not exceed the yield of Hwaseongbyeo simulated at seedling emergence on May 10 under current climate. The imaginary variety, having the same characteristics as those of Hwaseongbyeo except growth duration of 100 days from seedling emergence to heading, showed 4% increase in yield when simulated at seedling emergence on May 25 producing the highest yield. The simulation revealed that grain yields of rice increase to a greater

      • KCI등재

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