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      • 韩国媒体中的“动态清零”韩译研究

        唐颖聪(Yingcong Tang),赵顺花(Shunhua Zhao) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.2 No.3

        The “Dynamic Zero COVID” policy was created to control the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve social zeroing. This policy term also frequently appears on major news websites, and our country’s foreign propaganda media have also analyzed and reported on it. Major Korean media have also reported and interpreted this “Dynamic Zero COVID” policy with Chinese characteristics. This paper takes the Korean translations related to “Dynamic Zero COVID” in various Korean media as the research object, and analyzes the composition and translation methods of Korean translations in detail from the perspective of linguistics and translation studies, evaluates its appropriateness and screens out some inappropriate expressions that appear in the translation process. It is hoped that this study will clarify the impact of different translations on the effectiveness of our country’s foreign propaganda, in order to convey the superiority of my country’s epidemic prevention policies and the concept of governing the country with people and life first in a better way. “动态清零”政策是为了控制新冠疫情,实现社会面清零而产生。这一政策术语也经常出现在各大新闻网站中,我国外宣媒体对此也做出了解析并报道了相关内容。韩国的各大媒体也对这一具有中国特色的“动态清零”政策进行报道和解读。本文以韩国各媒体中与“动态清零”相关的韩译表达为研究对象,从语言学和翻译学的角度详细分析韩译表达的构成方式与翻译方法,评价其恰当性并筛选出翻译过程中出现的一些不恰当的表达。希望通过此研究厘清不同的翻译对我国对外宣传效果的影响,以期通过更好的方式传递我国防疫政策的优越性以及坚持以人民至上、生命至上的治国理念。

      • 大学韩语课程思政的跨学科拓展路径探究

        孟梦(Meng Meng),唐颖聪(Yingcong Tang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.6

        作为通识类外语课程的大学韩语课程,由于课程设置、学生特点、教学方式等原因,课程思政并未很好地融入到目前的大学韩语课程教学之中,在课程思政的相关研究中,大学韩语课程相关研究也处于被边缘化的尴尬境地。从目前的大学韩语课程思政现状进行分析,存在思政育人的意识欠缺、思政育人的内容角度单一浅易、思政育人的教学方式单一等问题。本文将立足于大学韩语课程,打破学科自身局限,将不同学科知识有机融合,以培养跨学科视野和能力的复合型人才为目标,探索思政内容跨学科拓展的路径及方向。 As a general foreign language course of College Korean language course, due to the curriculum, student characteristics, teaching methods and other reasons, the ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’ has not been well integrated into the teaching of College Korean language course, and in the research related to the ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’, the research related to the College Korean language course is in the embarrassing situation of being marginalized. Analyzing the current situation of ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’ in the College Korean language course, there are problems such as the lack of awareness of the ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’, a single and shallow angle of the content of the ‘Ke- Cheng Si-Zheng’, and a single teaching method of the ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’. This paper will break the limitations of the discipline itself, integrate the knowledge of different disciplines organically, and explore the path and direction of the interdisciplinary expansion of the contents of the ‘Ke-Cheng Si-Zheng’ with the goal of cultivating compound talents with interdisciplinary vision and ability based on the College Korean language course.

      • 『시진핑 국정운영을 말하다』에 관한 번역수사학적 연구

        李安慧(Anhui Li),唐颖聪(Yingcong Tang) YIXIN 출판사 2024 Journal of Language and Literature Studies Vol.1 No.1

        국가 간의 교류가 갈수록 빈번하게 되면서 대외 홍보의 중요성도 부각되고 있다. 대외 홍보를 위해서는 무엇보다도 번역의 역할이 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 『시진핑 국정운영을 말하다』을 연구 대상으로 삼아 수사학 관점에서 정치 텍스트가 한국어로 어떻게 번역되었는지 분석하고자 했다. 이로써『시진핑 국정운영을 말하다』에서 사용된 수사을 인용법, 비유법, 대구법, 설의법으로 나누어 분석한 결과, 역자가 주로 직역, 의역, 번안, 한자 표기, 첨가, 의미풀이, 생략 등 방법을 취한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 한역본을 분석하면서 적절하지 않은 표현을 발견하였고, 이에 대해 수정 의견도 함께 제시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 앞으로 『시진핑 국정운영을 말하다』를 비롯한 다른 정치 텍스트 번역이나 대외 홍보 번역의 작업에 도움이 되기를 바란다. As interaction between countries becomes increasingly frequent, the importance of foreign publicity becomes evident. Among them, the role of translation is very crucial in foreign publicity. This study aimed to analyze how political texts were translated into Korean based on the perspective of rhetoric, with Xi Jinping: The Governance of China as the research subject. Through this, it was found that the rhetorical methods used in Xi Jinping: The Governance of China are divided into quotation, metaphor, parallelism, and antithesis, and as a result of based on these analyses, it was found that the translator mainly used methods such as literal translation, free translation, adaptation, Chinese character notation, addition, semantic interpretation, omission, etc. Also, inappropriate expressions were found while analyzing the Korean translation. At the same time, opinions were also presented to correct these. Through this study, it is hoped that it will help in conducting translation or foreign publicity projects of other political texts including “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China” in the future.

      • 国际传播背景下韩国语课程思政教学模式的探索与实践

        张会梅(Huimei Zhang),唐颖聪(Yingcong Tang) YIXIN 출판사 2023 教育教学研究论丛 Vol.1 No.5

        立德树人是高校的根本任务,课程思政是落实立德树人的重要举措。随着中国文化“走出去”战略的提出,各大高校肩负起了非通用语种人才培养的重任,非通用语种的课程思政建设也显得尤为必要。在国际传播的大背景下,韩国语作为非通用语之一,也在课程思政建设方面取得了一定的成绩,但又面临着诸多问题和挑战。本研究以第二外语(韩国语)课程为例,调查其课程思政建设的现状,并挖掘课程中的思政元素,通过具体教学案例,探究第二外语(韩国语)课程思政建设的路径以及对课程思政建设的思考。为培养外语复合型人才,加强中韩两国文化交流和中国国际传播能力建设建言献策。 Cultivating talents with moral characters is the fundamental task of Chinese higher educational institutions (CHEIs), and curriculum-based ideological and political education is a key to accomplishing such a task. To help in implementing the national strategy of Chinese culture “going global”, CHEIs not only cultivate non-universal language talents but also make it mandatory to incorporate ideological and political construction into non-universal language courses. Notably, some achievements in ideological and political construction have been achieved in the teaching of the Korean language, a non-universal language for international communication. However, there are problems and challenges. Accordingly, this research takes the second foreign language (Korean) course as an example to investigate the current situation of ideological and political construction in its curriculum and explore the ideological and political elements in the course. Drawing on specific teaching cases, this study examines and reflects on how ideological and political construction is implemented in the second foreign language (Korean) course. The research findings of the study provide valuable implications for cultivating versatile talents in foreign languages, strengthening cultural exchanges between China and South Korea, and building China's international communication capabilities.

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