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      • 基于语料库的美国媒体报道台湾问题的批判性话语分析

        吴琼 상명대학교 한중문화정보연구소 2021 中國地域文化硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        This research is a corpus-based critical discourse analysis of the U.S. news reporting on the Taiwan issues, with the objects as follows: 1) to explore the prospect of the application of Corpus Linguistics into CDA; 2) to analyze the underlying ideological meanings of the Taiwan issues in different American media; 3) to demonstrate the dialectical relationship between discourse and ideology as proved by this issue. From a critical perspective, this paper analyzes online news discourse in terms of Taiwan issues in three U.S. news websites. All the works the author offered in this paper are concerning on two questions: 1) What ideological meanings can be identified in the application of linguistic strategies? 2) Is there a stereotyped discourse model featuring the political news reports regarding the Taiwan issues in the American news websites? If there is, what are the common characteristics? If there is not, what characteristics displayed respectively? In this paper, the author follows the guideline of building three mini-corpora with the data extracted from three U.S. online news texts on the Taiwan issues during a certain period of time. It should be noted that the chosen texts need to be ensured as clean texts. Considering the integrity, reputation, the public influence of the news agency, and the depth and breadth of their coverage of the issue, the author chooses the time span as 2020 to March, 2021. And the three official websites are: http://edition.cnn.com/ -- CNN; http://www.nytimes.com/ -- NYT; http://www.washingtonpost.com/ -- WPC. With regard of the news reporting foci and density, the author extracts the texts in terms of politics on Taiwan issues rather than selecting all the news texts. As it raises the problem that the raw corpora are not suitable for analysis, the corpus tool Gotagger will be applied to tag the data. The tagged data will be put separately for various investigating objects. And the Oxford WordSmith Tool V4 will be applied to generate the keyword list and extract the concordance lines for analysis. From the foregoing investigation, it is clearly that CL can help the CDA in many aspects. Of course, there are many points of its role left for further analysis. It opens a door for linguistic researchers to apply CL into CDA. Firstly, the key wordlists and the concordance lines of specific search words give a good starting point for thematic analysis. It can be seen that a complete lexical and semantic network is summarized by this means. Secondly, taking the corpus-based approach with the help of functional grammar can form a better semantic analytical model – word driven pattern – to consider chunks and sentences as the analytical units, and then the paragraphs or even the whole text as reference contexts. Once taken this method, it is much easier to carry on the quantitative and qualitative, macro- and micro-level analysis simultaneously. Among different U.S. news websites, there is not a consistent discourse model on the Taiwan issues. Indeed, the three American news agencies have their own characteristics: CNN enjoys the most heterogeneous lexical choices for conveying the ideological meanings; and it likes to express the interpersonal meanings. While NYT and WPC tend to be more homogeneous in lexical choices, and their reporting tones are more neutral as well. In addition, more speaking rights are given to various distinguishing communities and groups for constructing interpersonal meanings. All in all, with the help of different linguistic devices, CDA gains a site for power struggle among different governments, parties, and communities concerns. Thus the dialectical relationship between language and ideology can be preserved.

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