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      • 舊韓末 近代學校의 歷史的 意義

        余龍云 진주교육대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The historical significances of the establishment of modern school can be investigated from two angles. 1) The Aim of the modern education is the movement for national salvation. 2) The change of educational system from old educational system. The domestic situation was in great confusion in the early period of the Introduction of modern education in Korea: caused by the reasons like the intervention by Ching in Korean national affairs, the ambition Japanese clove toward the Asian Continent, and Russian seeking for nonfreezing port in the South, especially in korea. The Incumbent Korean Government was placed in great disruption within the Government there were the various factors like pro-Japanese, Pro-chinese, and pro-czarist Russia to maintain statesquo. Under such circumstances the popular uprising took place in every part of the country. The corruption add wrong administration in the local and centrol were prevalent. The national situation was being worsened by the confusions misfortune. 10 remedy the nation reconatruct the nation. There happened the epoch-making event, so called the Kabo Renewal. The modernization of the nation had been applied in the all, socio-palitical aspects including educational system. In that period. King realized the blest war to reconstruct nation through the modernization of educational system. To quicken the educational promotion, he put emphasis on the education of the gifted. The educational leadership was provided by the government, the missionaries and newly cultivated national loaders, The offical govermment-run educational institution wan founded by the Government, private schools by the national interlectural leaders and the mission schools by the missionaries, The awakening of the national leaders made fruits through the establishment of the Bae-Jae and Ye-Wha school in 1886. However the modern-school education couldn't be so successful because of the shortage of the national wealth and the lack of understanding by the general populace. By the time of Ueol-Sa protectrate Treaty with Japan. The educational system become Japanese and the education was being used for the colonialization of the country by Japan. Under such transition in educational pavement from patriotic aspect to the colonialized educational system. People hated to Bee the governmental school, and people turned toward the private school to achieve the educational expectation through the private school. That was a main reason why the private schools became so popular within the country. Many recognizable national loaders were anxious to see the private school being established. The new educational system, colonial-type education aimed to suppress anti- Japanese feeling, (by revising the textbook along the colonial purpose) Because of such opprssion the private school pursued their way to promote independent feeling. However, even though those purpose could not be fulley realized through the private education. The educational efforts on a means of national independence by the private institutions had to be high evaluated. The old chinese-confusion oriented educational system had been changed to achieve the modernization through liberation by im-practical metaphysical theory of education by the adaption of the western style of educational system in modern korea especially in the Introduction by the western missionaries.

      • 學習에 있어서 體罰은 必要한 것인가?

        余龍云 진주교육대학교 1975 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The corporal punishment will not be a desirable for study. It is wrong to expect the same effect to all the children with the leading of only one method, because. they have the difference in their personality one another. Even the twins who have the greatest resemblance is not the very same except the type of blood. It is unreasonable that the means applicable to one can be effective to another, and so the leading to disregard their difference makes them inadaptable. The behaviour of inadaptability in schooll is not the responsibility of them, but it means that the guiding principles of the teachers are bad. Teachers should do their best to make a drilling ground named school study happily. School must not be recognized as the place which is terrible, unwilling to go, and bored. As teachers can net lose their temper because children is fever or taken ill with tonsillits, so they should not fly into a passion because they did a behaviour of inadaptability. Because there is some reasons to be cared in the back of the inadaptability, We must acknowledge that, excluding the exception of small minority, the preceding generations including teachers form conservative power than anyother socially, and the younger generations, progressive. We arc occasionally inclined to think that the younger generations underestimate their ability in search for value and decision of their opinion. They are the negative existences who are unwilling to listen to our lessons so far as the valuation is concerned. Moreover; it is one of the important matters we must acknowledge that they are living in the society to be transformed rapidly. The reality of Society to be transformed rapidly has a great effect on even the world of the impressible children. If their attitude, as it is resistent, appeared to be against us in appearance, it is proper that are should lead them wish affection and persuasion. Why do we inflict the corporal punsihment? Firstly we often use it for the purpose of the motivation of study. Children shoud not reproach badly themselves for their failure, but they should find out where the cause of the failure is, and endeavour so that they may meet the opportunity for success. The corporal punishment may bring about the effect of other evil reaction. Since it is not purpose of the directions and advice for the future, but the way to prohibit them from evil doing by hatred and stimulation, occasionally; it may bring about the effect to lose their will from the great discouragement. Seconldy: Teachers often inflict the corporal punishment for the sake of their excessive desire. As man is an animal which have the difference in their individual characters, an children can not satisfy the expectation to be desired by the teachers, and so the teachers must avoid the way to get the efficiency by inflicting the corporal punishment to the feeble-headed children or these not to be able to gain the level in comparison with their own pains taking, but we must mate more efforts to understand and help them. Not only the teachers must not discourage and restrain from their deeds by means of the corporal punishment, but also scold too much for their failure. It is the method to be taken by the wise techers to make out sympathetic, the cause of their failures, make them experience the opportunity to succeed, and lead them to it. Thirdly; we are often apt to inflict the corporal punishment to correct the wrong attitude in their life. In the period of children, particularly, when they are farming their peer-group, they have the strong feeling belonging to the group members. In this period, with sprouting the mental state trying to he independent of their teachers or parents, the anti-social and resistant altitude appears on the them. And also this state is the characteristic of this period. Therefore the teachers or parents meat not try to correct their behaviour of inadaptability by means of the corporal punishment, but lead them to the desirable way by understanding and teaching them affectionately. Generally the more experience that the children are discourged, fail, and meet with a calamity from thier parents, teachers, and community they have, the more appears the attitude of inadaptability. By the other reasons, the behaviour of the corporal punishment is being taken by the teachers. According to the research of many scholars up to the present, it is said that the corporal punishment is not desirable method. Eventually the corporal punishment will be the coure to bring about a rebellious spirit, a fear complex, a shame, a hostile feeling, and inferiority complex to be children. The fear complex causes them to decline their ability and loss their self-confidence. and when they are afraid of others' ridicule, or have a hostile feeling against others, the effects of various type are apt to happen to them. A competent teacher can develop the level of their true conduct into a high degree, unless he does not give the children in class or group in charge any rebellious spirit, fear complex, shame, hostile feeling, contempt, and inferiority complex. There fore the corporal punishment can never the method to promote the effect of study.

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