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      • KCI등재

        「お葬式川柳」に見る語彙表現の 特徵と心象風景の一斷面

        伊藤貴雄(Ito, Takao) 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2016 일본연구 Vol.25 No.-

        Most people are reluctant to talk about funerals or death, and therefore it is difficult to determine one’s real thoughts. But in senryu poetry, such thoughts or funeral scenes are astonishingly expressed in an explicit manner. This research thus plans to analyze the characteristics of vocabulary expression in senryu works written with funeral topics and, at the same time, highlight a part of the imagined scenery described through the semantic characteristics and expressions included in such vocabulary expression. At first glance, senryu verse seems to have a simple list of works on various topics. But when they are analyzed from the aspect of vocabulary and the contents of works collected with a common topic, it is clear that they have multiple common features and diverse tendencies, and it can also be seen that they communicate both imagined scenery and people’s common awareness. Therefore, this research plans to achieve the above goals through analyzing processes of categorization and typology by focusing on the vocabulary expression and contents of senryu poetry

      • KCI등재

        「大阪弁川柳」に見る語彙表現と 心象風景の一断面

        伊藤貴雄(Ito, Takao) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2018 일본연구 Vol.29 No.-

        本稿は、1997年から公募·発表されてきた「大阪弁川柳」を対象として、「方 言」「語彙」「主題」という観点から特徴を分析し、作品に表れた心象風景の一端を 観察することを目的としている。 まず、方言という観点では、まず、一般的な話し言葉の現状よりも、いわば「方言 らしい」表現が多用されていた。しかし、ひとつひとつの表現をつぶさに検討する と、共通語や大阪以外の方言からの影響が見られるほか、同じ表現であっても、省 略、短音化、長音化など、様々な面で異なる方式があることが確認された。 次に、語彙という観点では、まず「母」「妻」「私」など、多くの公募川柳で多 数を占めた語彙があまり用いられず、代わりに「あほ」が最も多く登場するなど、ほ かの公募川柳には見られない傾向を示していた。また、それ自体は方言ではない語彙 が、大阪の生活文化圏においては特定の意味を持つ事例や、二人称「あんた」が指す 対象が「若者」「政治家」のほか、「神」や「惑星」にまで及ぶという、興味深い 事例も確認された。 そして、主題という観点では、「政治·行政」の話題が最も多く取り上げられ、政 治家の不正などを鋭く穿った作品が見られたほか、その時期に話題となった出来事や 人物、生き方など、実に多様な広がりを示していた。 以上のように、5·7·5という定型化された作品を、様々な観点から分析する ことにより、辞書的な解釈のみでは理解することができない、生き生きとした言語文 化の多様性と、個性溢れる地域文化の特色の一端を観察することができた。 In this study, I intend to analyze the characteristics of the Osaka dialect sen-ryu (a seventeen‐syllable poem) , which has been the subject of open competition, with submissions being published, since 1997, focusing on their vernacular, vocabulary and topics, along with examining the mental imagery of the poems. First, from the viewpoint of vernacular, I initially found that dialect-like ex-pressions were used more than practical vernacular. However, when I looked into the poems more carefully, I confirmed that the vernacular employed was quite diverse and included expressions influenced by other dialects along with ones whose sounds had been omitted, shortened, or lengthened, as well as standard words. Next, from the perspective of vocabulary, I discovered that the everyday senryu uses, for example, mother, wife, and I, which are often found in open senryu competitions, were not that common. Instead, idiot was the most fre-quently used word, unlike in other open senryu contests. In addition, my study found that such words and phrases are not actually dialect, but instead held specific meanings particular to the Osaka region. Furthermore, you, the term for the second person, was used for young lad, politician, and even god or planet. When I reviewed the topics chosen, I discovered that the poems mostly dealt with such topics as politics and administration, often focused on political corruption. Yet they also included a wide range of topics, for example per-sons or events that were the talk of the town or stories about their lives and values. After analyzing the typical senryu structure of 5·7·5’ from different angles, I could perceive a vivid linguistic culture, which I could never have understood only from a lexical analysis based on dictionary definitions, as well as some aspects of the mental imagery of the people living in the region.

      • KCI등재


        伊藤貴雄(Ito, Takao) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        This study is aimed at highlighting an aspect of the images of vocabulary expressions found in “Konkatsu Senryu” that is closer to the actuality that is exchanged in daily life linguistic space rather than being limited to the category of fixated interpretation such as those in dictionary through “Konkatsu Senryu.” As the result of the study, there was a trend that can be predicted under the themes of “Konkatsu Senryu” including 〈Konkatsu〉, 〈Red string of fate〉 and 〈Encounter〉, etc. in the survey for frequency of occurrence of vocabulary. However, when viewed from other perspective, it can be deemed that this characterizes this Senryu. In addition, due to abundance of works that used the same vocabulary, it is possible to compare a diverse range of cases for the significances and images contained in the vocabulary. Furthermore, as the result of observing the meanings in works with focus on the frequency of occurrence of vocabulary, diversified and multifaceted images were highlighted. Although some of the limited vocabulary was analyzed in this study due to the limited space, I am planning to pursue research on greater number of cases in the future.

      • KCI등재


        伊藤貴雄(Takao Ito) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2021 日本 硏究 Vol.- No.54

        This study aims to highlight the nuances and imagery in each term by analyzing the vocabulary of the expression, “Syu-katsu Senryu,” one of Senryus’ the public model. First, in the survey of frequent vocabulary terms, we identified the following word as being frequently used: “syukatsu (end of life planning)”, and its related terms such as “will”, “portrait of the deceased person”, and “grave”, as well as vocabulary related to family, such as “wife”, “husband”, and “grandchild.” Next, as a result of observing the meaning in the expression focusing on the most common terms, various and multi-faceted imagery emerged. For example, “syukatsu” is typically interpreted as a “preparatory activity to face the last chapter of one’s life.” However, some people describe “syukatsu” as being a “search for oneself”, while others describe it as a “Fighting Spirit Prize sent to oneself.” In addition, in the case of the “wife”, the unique characteristics of ‘syukatsu senryu’ were identified, such as providing different impressions from the imagery used in other public models of Senryu and the like. Through these results, it was possible to analyze rich and diverse imagery of each term which is difficult to identify through dictionary interpretation alone.

      • KCI등재

        「オタク川柳」 に見る語彙表現と心象風景の一斷面

        伊藤貴雄 ( Ito Takao ) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 (구 고려대학교 일본연구센터) 2017 일본연구 Vol.27 No.-

        「オタク」とは「ある趣味などに凝っていて、他の物事に無關心な若者をいう俗語」とされ、80年代初頭から使われ始また用語である。以後「おたく」は「社會的ステレオタイプの一つ」として、ネガティブなイメ一ジで語られることが多かったが、現在では「日本のサブカルチャ一を代表するキ一ワ一ド」として廣く知られるようになった。 學術の領域においても、96年に東京大學で「オタク學講座」が開講されたのをはじめ、社會學や心理學、日本語敎育學の分野でも硏究對象となっている。 オタクの言語表現の場は、電子揭示板やSNSなど、ネット上の空間である。そこでは、キ一ボ一ド入力特有の誤變換の意圖的な使用など、樣?なネットスラングが多用される。誰でもアクセスできるという点ではオ一プンな場であるが、一般の人?には理解しづらい內容という点では閉鎖的な場とも言えよう。 しかし、近年では、電子揭示板やSNSでの隱語が、他のサイトやメディア等でも使用される場合が見受けられる。その意味で、言語表現という領域においても、オタクは獨特な文化を生み出すと同時に、現代日本語にも一定の影響を及ぼしている。 ただし、電子揭示板の言說は膨大な量であり、前後の文脈を見なければ理解しづらいものも多い。そこで本硏究では、形式が五·七·五に統一され、前後の文脈を知らずとも讀み解くことが可能な「オタク川柳」を對象として分析し、オタク文化の表出としての語彙表現と、そこから浮かび上がる彼らの心象風景の一斷面を分析し、その特徵を探ろうとした。 その結果、一見すると、ただ多樣な川柳の作品が幷んでいるように思えるが、その語彙や主題には、一定の傾向性が見られることが明らかとなった。まず語彙表現という側面では、アニメやアイドル、インタ一ネットなど、「オタク」の關心對象となる樣?な分野の用語が使用されているほか、顔文字やインタ一ネットスラングや、旣存の語彙に異なる意味が託されて隱語として使われるなど、それぞれの分野に關する背景知識がなければ讀み解くことが困難な事例も見られた。 一方、主題という面では、オタクの日常生活や戀愛觀、一般の人?の視線を氣にする樣子など、普段は明かされることの少ない赤裸?な姿や、心象風景の一斷面が、從來の川柳の範疇に收まらない樣?な表現方法で、生き生きと描き出されていた。 Otaku is a slang term for a young man who is deeply consumed by a hobby and has become indifferent to other things. It has been used since late 1980s. Since then, otaku has become a social stereotype and has been frequently mentioned negatively. Today however, otaku has become famous as a main keyword to represent Japanese subculture. As a field of academic study, otaku studies was established at Tokyo University in 1996. The field is also being studied in sociology, psychology, and Japanese language education. Primarily, the otaku people`s lingual expression stage is internet boards like `2 channel,` Social network services, and other internet spaces. These spaces have various and specialized internet slang terms and are open to everyone. However, they are not spaces that everyone can understand. Recently, however, you can find cases where the words used in internet bulletin boards or SNS are used in other spaces or media. In this sense, otaku people are creating a unique culture in the area of language expression, as well as having a certain influence on modern Japanese language. However, the amount of words recorded on the internet is quite enormous, and often difficult to understand without context. Therefore, in this study, I will analyze otaku senryu, which is unified with 5-7-5 syllables and can be read without context. With this, I will try to analyze and characterize the vocabulary expressions of otaku culture as well as their imagery. As a result, at a first glance, it seems that senryu works are just being displayed, but there are some common tendencies in their vocabulary and titles. In the aspect of vocabulary expressions, subjects in which otaku people are interested, such as animation and idol girls, were used often. Likewise, emoticons and internet slang were observed in this space. Additionally, there was patter that already existed, but with new meanings that would be difficult to understand without prior knowledge. On the other hand, in the aspect of titles of the works, there were various ways of expression that cannot be captured by the existing senryu categories such as their everyday lives, their perspectives on love, and the way they pay attention to other people`s eyes.

      • KCI등재

        「オタク川柳」に見る語彙表現と心 彙表現と心

        伊藤貴雄(Ito Takao) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2017 일본연구 Vol.27 No.-

        オタクとはある趣味などに凝っていて、他の物事に無関心な若者をいう俗語とされ、80年代初頭から使われ始また用語である。以後おたくは社会的ステレオタイプの一つとして、ネガティブなイメージで語られることが多かったが、現在では日本のサブカルチャーを代表するキーワードとして広く知られるようになった。学術の領域においても、96年に東京大学でオタク学講座が開講されたのをはじめ、社会学や心理学、日本語教育学の分野でも研究対象となっている。オタクの言語表現の場は、電子掲示板やSNSなど、ネット上の空間である。そこでは、キーボード入力特有の誤変換の意図的な使用など、様々なネットスラングが多用される。誰でもアクセスできるという点ではオープンな場であるが、一般の人々には理解しづらい内容という点では閉鎖的な場とも言えよう。しかし、近年では、電子掲示板やSNSでの隠語が、他のサイトやメディア等でも使用される場合が見受けられる。その意味で、言語表現という領域においても、オタクは独特な文化を生み出すと同時に、現代日本語にも一定の影響を及ぼしている。ただし、電子掲示板の言説は膨大な量であり、前後の文脈を見なければ理解しづらいものも多い。そこで本研究では、形式が五七五に統一され、前後の文脈を知らずとも読み解くことが可能なオタク川柳を対象として分析し、オタク文化の表出としての語彙表現と、そこから浮かび上がる彼らの心象風景の一断面を分析し、その特徴を探ろうとした。その結果、一見すると、ただ多様な川柳の作品が並んでいるように思えるが、その語彙や主題には、一定の傾向性が見られることが明らかとなった。まず語彙表現という側面では、アニメやアイドル、インターネットなど、オタクの関心対象となる様々な分野の用語が使用されているほか、顔文字やインターネットスラングや、既存の語彙に異なる意味が託されて隠語として使われるなど、それぞれの分野に関する背景知識がなければ読み解くことが困難な事例も見られた。一方、主題という面では、オタクの日常生活や恋愛観、一般の人々の視線を気にする様子など、普段は明かされることの少ない赤裸々な姿や、心象風景の一断面が、従来の川柳の範疇に収まらない様々な表現方法で、生き生きと描き出されていた。 Otaku is a slang term for a young man who is deeply consumed by a hobby and has become indifferent to other things. It has been used since late 1980s. Since then, otaku has become a social stereotype and has been frequently mentioned negatively. Today however, otaku has become famous as a main keyword to represent Japanese subculture. As a field of academic study, otaku studies was established at Tokyo University in 1996. The field is also being studied in sociology, psychology, and Japanese language education. Primarily, the otaku people’s lingual expression stage is internet boards like ‘2 channel,’ Social network services, and other internet spaces. These spaces have various and specialized internet slang terms and are open to everyone. However, they are not spaces that everyone can understand. Recently, however, you can find cases where the words used in internet bulletin boards or SNS are used in other spaces or media. In this sense, otaku people are creating a unique culture in the area of language expression, as well as having a certain influence on modern Japanese language. However, the amount of words recorded on the internet is quite enormous, and often difficult to understand without context. Therefore, in this study, I will analyze otaku senryu, which is unified with 5-7-5 syllables and can be read without context. With this, I will try to analyze and characterize the vocabulary expressions of otaku culture as well as their imagery. As a result, at a first glance, it seems that senryu works are just being displayed, but there are some common tendencies in their vocabulary and titles. In the aspect of vocabulary expressions, subjects in which otaku people are interested, such as animation and idol girls, were used often. Likewise, emoticons and internet slang were observed in this space. Additionally, there was patter that already existed, but with new meanings that would be difficult to understand without prior knowledge. On the other hand, in the aspect of titles of the works, there were various ways of expression that cannot be captured by the existing senryu categories such as their everyday lives, their perspectives on love, and the way they pay attention to other people s eyes.

      • KCI등재


        이토 타카오(Ito Takao)(伊藤貴雄) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.65

        현대 일본에서는 여성들의 사회진출이 현저하다. 이에 따라 수많은 여성들이 여러분야에서 활약하는 것은 물론 소비문화나 새로운 유행을 창출하고 이끌어가는 여성의 존재감은 항상 주목의 대상이며, ‘초식남’과 ‘육식녀’라는 유행어는 바로 이와 같은 상황을 상징하고 있다. 그런데 이렇게 주목을 받는 여성들이 평소에 무엇을 생각하면서 일을 하고 생활을 영위하고 있는지, 그 본심을 알 수 있는 기회는 드물다. 각종 설문조사 등의 결과만으로는 피상적인 이해에 그칠 수밖에 없고, 그렇다고 개인의 블로그 등은 단편적이며 자료 수집에 한계가 있다. 이때 유용한 자료가 바로 센류다. 센류는 에도시대부터 지금까지 5·7·5라는 형식으로 간결하면서도 좀처럼 겉으로 드러나지 않는 본심이 읉어진 귀중한 자료이다. 따라서 이 연구에서는 일반 여성들이 그 본심을 담은 센류 작품집인 ‘여자회 센류’를 대상으로 분석을 시도하려고 하였다. Women's advancement in society is prominent in this era of modem Japan. Therefore endless women actively play important roles in variety of departments; their existence is always in the center of attention as women create consumer cultures and new trends. Vocabularies like 'Herbivore men' and 'Carnivore women' symbolize such phenomenon. However there are hardly any opportunities to know the real thoughts of these women who attract public attention-what they think about when they work, in daily lives, and what kind of life they are living. Surveys are superficial and personal blogs only share fragment and limited data. That is when the useful tool, Senryu comes along. Senryu is a precious material that has passed down since the Edo Period. With 5·7·5 format, it is simple but sings one's real intention at heart that almost never shows outside. This research is going to do an analysis with the collection of Senryu work, 'Girls' Night Out Senryu,' which includes the heart of general women.

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