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        戦後日本と小林勝 ‒ 「フォード・一九二七年」の場所の構成と戦争認識 ‒

        井上幸子 한국일본근대학회 2015 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.50

        This article is to study the novel “Ford-1927” by Kobayashi Masaru, focusing on the protagonist’s perception changes about war. This novel, published in 1956, is the first work for Kobayashi Masaru to write about the colonised Chosun dynasty, and it is considered as a turning point for the author. With the main background of the story being post-1945 Jinan, China, there appear various settings such as the colonised Chosun in the 1930s, Tokyo in the 1940s, and the colonised Chosun in 1944. The background of the story changes as the protagonist reminisces about the past, who is a remnant of the lost war. The changes in the setting could be considered as representation of his growth. However, the growth occurs in parallel with the 15-year-war, thus the growth process of the main character could be transferred as his perception transformation of the war. In this article, we focused on the changes in the settings and researched the meanings of each backdrop that is recalled by the main character. Our research revealed that each setting is not merely the protagonist’s memory. Rather, they are closely related to the main character’s perception of the war.

      • KCI등재


        井上幸子 ( Inoue Sachiko ) 한국일본근대학회 2017 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        本稿は、小林勝の『斷層地帶』における主人公の戰後の戰爭認識についての變移を考察するものである。この小說の初版は1958年に發表されその後3回刊行されているが、小林勝作品の中では唯一の長編作品である。しかし小林勝の作品の中ではあまり注目されてこなかった作品である。 この小說は1952年の朝鮮戰爭反對デモを中心として構成されており、主人公の北原が朝鮮戰爭反對鬪爭に關わっていく過程を描いている。植民者二世であり復員兵の主人公は〈朝鮮への負債〉を返すために日本共産黨に入黨した。主人公の行動は戰後日本の朝鮮認識と連結しており、主人公の目を通して見る戰後日本は、朝鮮問題をなおざりにして發展していく日本の姿であった。この問題は現在にも連結しており、一般的ではない主人公の戰後を考察することは、これからの日韓關係を考える上でも重要なことだと考える。 本稿では小林勝の『斷層地帶』を通して、戰後の戰爭認識について考察していくものである。特に敗戰後、共産黨活動時期、逮捕後に分類し〈朝鮮への負債〉の變化を考察することにする。すると、〈朝鮮への負債〉を返すことが小林勝の戰後に一貫した認識であったにも關わらず『斷層地帶』に描かれている戰後日本空間を見ると〈朝鮮への負債〉にわずかな變化が起きたことが見えてきた。 This article is to analyze the transformation of pre- and post-war perception about the war seen from the protagonist in Kobayashi Masaru`s "fault area". The first edition of the novel was announced in 1958 and was reprinted three times. This novel is the only full-length novel from Kobayashi Masaru. However, it did not receive great attention from the audience. This novel focuses on the anti-war demomstration for the Korean war in 1952, describing the process of how the protagonist, Kitahara, got involved in the anti-war demomstration. He, a second generation of the colony and a returned soldier, joined Japanese communist because he wanted to repay the "debt from Chosun". His decision is linked to the Japan`s post-war perception about Chosun, and the protagonist viewed Japan`s development is partially achieved by neglecting Chosun`s problems. This issue could be found in modern Japanese society, and analyzing the abnormal perception of the protagonist is thought to be important for considering future relationship between Korea and Japan. This article is to analyze the post-war perception about war through Kobayashi Masaru`s novel "fault area". Especially, this article will describe the transformation of perception regarding "the debt for Chosun" in three phase; after the defeat, during the activity of communism, and after the arrest. Despite the consistency, Kobayashi Masaru`s `indebted` perception for Chosun was found to be slightly transformed in the description from the novel "fault area".

      • KCI등재

        小林勝の『断層地帯』のテキストの変化 - 1958年版と1966年版の比較による1952年の描写変化-

        井上幸子(Inoue, Sachiko) 일본어문학회 2018 일본어문학 Vol.82 No.-

        本論文は小林勝の[断層地帯]について1958年と1966年に出版されたテキストを比較し、変化の様子にについて考察するものである。[断層地帯]は1950年代前半の戦後日本の姿が描かれている作品であるが、これまで失敗作という評価が一般的であったため、先行研究でもほとんど注目されて こなかった作品である。しかしこの小説は1958年に初版本が出版され、8 年後の1966年に改訂版が出版された小林勝の全作品の中で唯一再出版された作品である。そこで2つの作品を比較した結果、1966年版では1958年版から400ページが削除されていた。この量的な削除に注目して内容を人物面と出来事面に分類して小説を整理してみたところ、同じ作品でありながら1958年版と1966年改訂版では小説の登場人物と彼等を取り巻く時代と 社会構造の描写に変化が生じていた。そしてこの変化によって小説の時間軸である1952年という時代が浮き彫りになり、小林勝が描きたかった小説の主題がより明確になった物語へと生まれ変っていたである In this article, we analyze the texts of Dansou Chitai, written by Masaru Kobayashi, through comparison between the 1958 edition and the 1966 edition. Dansou Chitai depicts the post-war Japan in the first half of the 1950s. This literary work has not been positively evaluated, and it has thus received little attention in previous studies. This novel, however, is distinctive in that in all of Masaru Kobayashi’s works, only this novel was revised; the first edition was published in 1958, followed by the second edition in 1966. Comparing these two editions, we reveal that a vast amount of pages (400 pages) in the 1958 edition was removed in the 1966 edition. In analyzing this quantitative change, we distinguish between the characterrelated aspect of the novel and the incident-related aspect, and observe discrepancies between the two editions in terms of the descriptions of the era during which the characters lived and the social structure of the era. These discrepancies shed light on various aspects of the year 1952, a temporal pivot of the novel, and also explicated the theme of the novel intended by the author.

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