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      • 藏语安多方言田野调查研究

        于洪志 한국어정보학회 2008 한국어정보학 Vol.10 No.1

        The Tibetan sound field investigation is the basic work of Tibetan phonetics study. According to contemporary phonetics theory, this article uses advanced equipment and instrument in studying native language. It has expatiated the meaning of the Tibetan Ando dialect field investigation. It has explaining the ways and processes of the Tibetan Ando dialect field investigation from laying down investigation outline, collecting related information, fixing pronouncing partnership, making investigation notice and depiction. It has elaborated recording operation flow, recording environment and hardware and software instrument and the ways to arrange audioinformation. It has analyzed the results of the Tibetan Ando dialect field investigation.

      • 基于短时能频值的藏语语音端点检测的研究

        武光利,于洪志 한국어정보학회 2008 한국어정보학 Vol.10 No.1

        The speech endpoints detection will decide the speech recognition rate. A new method using Energy‐Frequency‐Value(EFV) which studied in speech endpoints dectection, had improved more accurate rate in speech endpoints dectection than conventional method which only integrated shortterm energy and zero‐crossing rate.

      • 基于LPCC和MFCC的藏语语音端点检测算法

        李洪波,于洪志 한국어정보학회 2008 한국어정보학 Vol.10 No.1

        Endpoint detection is the first essential technology which speech recognition system meets in pre‐processing stage. This algorithm which based Tibetan vowel/consonant frequency spectrum characteristic, separately is processed again through the pronunciation signal minute high/low‐frequency band, conforms to Tibetan pronunciation clear/muddy opposition information distribution characteristic, then separately withdraws but actually is scored the cepstral coefficient to take the endpoint detection characteristic, because the cepstral coefficient actually scores the information which the characteristic contains compared to other parameters many, can attribute the better attribute pronunciation signal, the pronunciation quality is good, the recognition accuracy is high; When examination adopt the auto‐adapted noise parameter to estimate that, decided beginning/end vertex according to ceptrum distantce, the simulation result indicated its superiority.

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