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        現代中國語 外來語法 分析 : 王蒙의 《春之聲》을 중심으로

        羅敏球 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 中國硏究所 1999 中國硏究 Vol.23 No.-

        Ⅰ. 序論 Ⅱ. 意識流: 疑聲語 "晄" Ⅲ. 外國語, 外來語,外來記號 Ⅳ. 是字文 Ⅴ. 接續詐 "和" Ⅵ. 不定數量詞 "一個" "一種" Ⅶ. 修飾語 複雜化 Ⅷ. 基他 Ⅸ. 結論

      • KCI등재후보

        중국영화 제목,자막 번역 연구

        羅敏球 한국중국언어학회 2002 중국언어연구 Vol.14 No.-

        It is popular practice among language education institutes to use movies as means of teaching Chinese such as 'Screen Chinese'. Translating and analyzing titles and captions of newly-released Chinese movies, videos, DVDs, and so on, heightens the interest of those who want to learn Chinese. Nonetheless, existing movie titles are translated as they are, and thus, only a few titles are meaningful to viewers. Translating Chinese by just what they mean, wrong translation and poor pronunciation marking should be avoided, and translating Chinese into something meaningful and interesting to Koreans should be encouraged. Luckily, such original movie titles such as 'Chaeksang seolab ssok eui donghwa 책상서랍 속의 동화 A Fairy Tale in Desk Drawers' is a positive phenomenon. Because movies are not novels, one should be careful not to use descriptive expressions, but rather use vivid colloquialism. Movies can be elegantly translated by learning and employing metaphorical phrases. Although the suggestions made in this paper are not fully developed, their intent is to emphasize the importance of Chinese translation, and to encourage a more accurate understanding of China, its culture and language. It is the writer's wish to advance the aesthetic appreciation of Chinese movies by promoting a more accurate, aesthetic, and persuasive theoretical infrastructure of translation.

      • KCI등재후보


        羅敏球 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2003 中國硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        Some Problems on the Translation of Chinese MoviesIt has already been popular among educational institutes to use movies as means of teaching Chinese such as 'Screen Chinese'. By translating and analyzing from titles to captions of newly-released Chinese movies, videos, DVDs, and so on, this will heighten the interest of those who are already learning Chinese.Nonetheless, existing movie titles are translated as they are, and thus, only a few titles are meaningful to viewers. Translating Chinese by just what they mean or reading erroneous ways of reading should be avoided, and translating Chinese into something meaningful and interesting to Koreans should be practiced. Luckily, originating movie titles such as 'Chaeksang seolab ssokui donghwa 책상서랍 속의 동화 A Fairy Tale in Desk Drawers' is a good phenomenon to see.Because movies are not novels, one should be careful not to use descriptive expressions, but rather use vivid colloquial ones. Movie can be elegantly translated by picking up and employing metaphorical phrases.Although the suggestions of this essay are not fully developed, their meaning are to make people aware of importance of Chinese translation, and help see China more accurately. It is the writer's wish to advance the aesthetic appreciation of Chinese movies by making the theoretical infra-structure of translation more accurate, aesthetic, and persuasive.

      • KCI등재


        羅敏球(나민구),薑夢(강몽) 한국수사학회 2015 수사학 Vol.0 No.22

        한국의 박근혜 대통령은 2012년 12월 19일 중국을 방문하여 청화대학에서 중국어를 곁들인 한국어 연설을 통하여 한중 양국의 우호증진과 상호 발전 차원에서 호평을 받았고 동시에 중국국민들에게 좋은 인상을 심어주었다. 본고는 수사학적 방법론을 적용하여 그 연설 텍스트의 내용을 분석하였다. 즉 착상, 배열, 표현, 암기, 발표의 수사학 5대 중점 영역과 아리스토텔레스가 제안한 수사학 3대 설득요소 에토스, 로고스, 파토스를 기준으로 어떠한 설득적 양상을 내포하고 있는 지 도출하였다. 착상 부분에서 여성 지도자로서 독특한 매력과 상당한 중국어 실력을 발휘하였다. 특히 중국의 꿈과 한국의 꿈이라는 논거를 채택하여 각국의 발전을 향한 이상적인 포부와 과제를 논리적으로 제안하였다. 배열 차원에서 볼 때 연설의 들머리에서 미소와 부드러운 태도로써 청중의 호감을 샀고 현지언어 중국어를 구사하여 연사와 청중간의 거리를 좁혔으며 동 아시아인으로서 갖고 있는 공통의 철학사상을 강조함으로써 전하고자 하는 내용의 이해를 도왔다. 본론에서는 중국풍과 한류를 예시를 통하여 증명하였고 또한 삼단논법을 논리 전개에 활용하였다. 연설의 마무리에서는 중국문화를 이해하는 친밀감을 표시하였고 가슴과 가슴으로 전하는 유대감을 이끌어냄으로써 청중을 감동시켰다. 표현 부분에서는 인용, 대비, 반복, 비유 등의 수사법을 적절히 구사하였고 전달에서는 들머리와 마찬가지로 중국어를 유효적절하게 사용하여 현지인의 공감을 일으켰으며 예의 바른 복장과 몸짓을 통하여 청중들에게 신뢰감을 주고 따뜻한 인상을 전했다. 한 마디로 아리스토텔레스가 제안한 연설의 3대 설득요소; 에토스 (Ethos), 로고스 (Logos), 파토스 (Pathos)가 조화롭게 어우러진 연설이었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        張梁(Zhang, Liang),羅敏球(Na, Min-Gu) 중국문화연구학회 2020 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.50

        This paper analyzes and discusses the history and present situation of visual language led by meme (emoticon) in Chinese network, the composition of the 3rd generation memes influence and development trend prediction. The focus is on the analysis of two main components of the 3rd generation memes: pictures and texts. This was not particularly involved in other previous studies. The paper argues that the main features of the pictures are the randomness of composition, low resolution of picture quality, and lack of system. And the main features of texts are irregular words (including pronunciation, form, and meaning), humorous content, and hotspot tracking. Based on the characteristics and functions of pictures and texts, this paper draws the following opinions and predictions for the whole of the third generation’ memes: First, the shift of ideographic proportion. From the analysis of the combination of graphic and graphic expression package, the overall expressive channel of expression package is gradually transferred from picture to text. Second, emoticon packages are popular on social networking platforms due to the time-saving and labor-saving of generation and use, accurate expression of intentions and images, rapid updates and hotspot tracking Thirdly, there are many problems with the visual language of the Internet, such as harsh language, misuse of language materials and so on. Fourth: the future development trend of emoticon package is expected to continue to reduce storage capacity and enrich content.

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