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      • KCI등재

        신생아 소생술

        (Robinson JC) 대한산부인과학회 1962 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.5 No.3

        The chief aim of the modern ostetrician when faced with the care of a pregnant woman is that all his activities be directed to obtaining a healthy mother and a healthy boby. However, until only recently has the second part of this aim come into any prominence. If one looks at the current textbooks of Obstetrics one will find many pages devoted to the mother and only a few devoted to the care of the infant. Incontrast if one reads the current literature one will findmany articles on perinatal mortality, the care of the newborn, physiology of the newborn, and studies on the causes of death. Perhaps the most significant idea in the last ten years has been the introducion of the term perinatal mortality which means all infant deaths, above 1000 grams, which occur before delivery, during delivery, and during the first 28 days of lift. This term emphasized the important fact that the later part of pregnancy, labor and the early days of life are all related and in order to reduce fetal wastage there must be cooperation between the obstetrician, the pediatrician, the anesthesiologist, the nurse, the pathologist, and the public health officer because all are involved in this perinatal period.

      • KCI등재

        한국부인 분만시간에 관한 통계적 분석 관찰

        정형오(SO Chung),(JC Robinson),곽현모(HM Kwak) 대한산부인과학회 1963 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.6 No.4

        Introduction For many years the teaditional method of characterizing labor has been to record the length of the first, second and third stages. However, many obstetricians have felt that this was not completely accurate and was not a useful method of studying various factors such as pelvic size, analgesia, and anesthesia, so other methods have been devised. Calkins et al, used a method which studied cervical resistance. Koller and Abt. used cervical-dilatation time function to demonstrate the effect of ruptured membraned. Others have used other schemes. Friedman devised a method which would be more adaptable to statistical evaluation and the Friedman curve resulted. By carefully recording the amount of dilatation against time Friedman was able draw a curve. This curve was broken down into major areas which could then be measured. The following phases were used. The latent phase, the acceleration phase, the phase of the maximum slope, the deceleration phase and the second stage. With the exception of the phase of the maximum slope all of the phases were recorded in terms of time. The maximum slope was recorded in terms of centimeters per hour and this isa true rare. Material In this paper we have selected from the Department of Ob. & Gyn. of the Severance Hospital and the Yonsei University College of Medicine prmigravidae and multigravidae patients and have drawn labor curves for each one. There are 150 primigravida and 130 multigravida and seperate composite curves are drawn for both. In addition to these two curves a group of 80 selected noraml and ideal primigra-vida patients were selected and the curve drawn. With this basic data the variation in each phase was calculated and compared with those reported by Dr. Friedman. In almost all cases our results are similar to his and thus indicate that Korean women have much the same labor pattern that American women have. Results In the below article the various labor curves can be seen as well as the contrast with the information reported by Dr. Friedman. To further demonstrate the usefulness of this method of analysing labor special curves were drawn in which such factors as early rupture of the membranes, heavy sedation, occiput posterior, position mid-forceps delivery, uterine dysfunction and C.P.D. in general were kept constant. The data from these special curves clearly shows the influence of such factors on labor. The material collected was also analysed in another manner. This time the eases were selected by picking those cases which were found at the extremes of the various phases. For examplc those cases which had a prolonged latent phase were selected and then the various types of complicatious in this group were analysed. These sesults can be seen in the below article. Conclusions: From this study one can see that American and Korean women have much the same labor pattern. It can also be seen that this method of analysis is useful for recording the type of labor as well as the influence of various factors on labor. It is recomended that medical students and practicing obstetricians become familiae with this curve and amke use of it when following a specific patient.

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