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      • KCI등재

        تفسير المستعار من اللفظ التركي في اللغة العربية

        Alzanahreh,Ghazi Khader Ali 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2021 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.25 No.3

        من يعرف شيئا من اللغة التركية، أو يزور تركيا من العرب أو ممن يعرف العربية يلحظ بسهولة كثرة الألفاظ العربية التي استعارتها اللغة التركية من العربية، لكن في المقابل قد يسأل، هل استعارت العربية ألفاظا من التركية؟ قد يظن ظانّ أن حركة الاستعارة كانت في اتجاه واحد، أي من العربية إلى التركية فقط. وهذا البحث يحاول أن يرى إلى الاتجاه الآخر، أي أن يدرس حركة الاستعارة من التركية في العربية، ويحدد بدايات الاحتكاك بين العرب والأتراك، ويثبت اقتراض اللغة العربية من التركية، ويقدم أمثلة على المجالات والحقول الدلالية التي كثرت فيها الاستعارة، ويكشف عن الأصول اللغوية التي جاءت منها الألفاظ المستعارة وتفسيرها، ويرصد تأثير التركية في العربية. bic to Turkish only. This research attempts to see to the other direction, that is, to study the movement of borrowing from Turkish in Arabic, and identifies the beginnings of friction between Arabs and Turks, proves the borrowing of the Arabic language from Turkish, provides examples of the semantic fields and fields in which borrowing abounded, and reveals the linguistic origins that came including borrowed words and their interpretation, and monitors the influence of Turkish in Arabic.

      • KCI등재

        Levels of Pragmatic Lexicon: Search in Semantic Devlopment Discourse, in the Travels of Ibn Battutah

        Alzanahreh Ghazi 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2017 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper studies the semantic devlopment in the Travels of Ibn Battutah, in an attempt to make for the shortcomings in the study of the Arabic language history, especially in connection with the devolpment of semantics in the light of Modern Linguistics findings and laws that control the relationship between language and society. It enumerates the aspect and reasons of semantic development, and shows the factors that guide the new meanings of words that emerge out of it. This paper also shows the stages of the semantic development of some words through their usage in Ibn Battutah’s Travels versus the traditional Arabic lexican, and lashes at the semantic development that took place beyond Ibn Battutah’s time. This paper also tries to relate the semantic development as manifested in Ibn Battutah’s Travels to the political, religious and social conditions that entailed them, and tries to show how the linguistic dominance of Persian in India at that time influenced the semantic change of some words.

      • KCI등재

        Idiomatic Patterns in Modern Standard Arabic and Their Role in Translation and Teaching Arabic as a Second Language

        ( Alzanahreh Ghazi ) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2018 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.22 No.3

        The Idiomatic patterns of the proposed research are those that contain certain fixed words and particles as well as slots for inserting other words (including nouns and verbs) all of which comprise the skeletons for complex sentence constructions. Such sentential structures are not only frequent in both spoken and written Arabic but also are so significant for indicating discourse cohesion, because they serve as discourse markers connecting sentences together. Such constructions exist in other languages such as constructions (1)-(2) below in English: (1) […] had no sooner […] than […] (2) […] not only […] but also […] In both constructions (1)-(2), the words represent the fixed words and particles while the dots (in square brackets) represent the slots within which words (i.e., verbs or nouns) can be inserted. Idiomatic constructions are subject to morphological and syntactic rules that are learnable once their use and contexts are sufficiently understood and explained. Arabic contains a good number of idiomatic constructions that aid the Arabic speaker to express himself/herself in both spoken and written media. Since such construction are essential for the native speaker, they are equally so for the foreign language learner.

      • KCI등재

        Sections of The Three Radical Verbs Between Classical Arabic And Classical Ancient Arabic Dialects

        Alzanahreh, Ghazi Khader Ali 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2021 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.25 No.1

        This research aims to discuss a thorny issue of morphology in which there is a lot of confusion and conflicting opinions, which is the issue of the sections of the three radical verbs. Is it nine as the rational division requires it to be? Or is it four, as Sibawayh mentioned, or five, as others said? In order to achieve this goal, the research presented the six section of the three radical verbs, and elicited the opinions of some grammarians. The research discussed the basis on which the idea of the three verb categories division was based, and stopped at the idea of the necessity of a contradiction among the vocalizations of the second radical in the past tense and the present tense form, which was the decisive factor in determining the steady and anomalous analogy of the derivation. The research also stopped at the dialectical overlapping theory with which Ibn Jinni dealt with this topic.

      • KCI등재

        Place, History, and Tongue; A Study on the Geographical Names in Ibn Battuta’s Journey

        ( Ghazi Alzanahreh ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2020 중동연구 Vol.39 No.2

        This research traces geographical nouns, especially non-Arabic nouns of countries, cities and places, in Ibn Battuta’s journey. The research attempts to study the approach of Ibn Battuta in verification of the nouns of geographical places through his journey. I try to study some of the nouns that changed after documenting the trip. It is an attempt to explain this change in terms of phonetics and linguistics. The research reveals the effect of phoneme similarity in changing some of the nouns of geographical places mentioned in Ibn Battuta 's journey and the way he changes it. I found that he followed an ingenious method of writing the country’s names, that this way goes in two directions: placing appropriate vowels on the nouns, and this is accompanied by describing the words according to what was prevailing in the fourteenth century AD. Ibn Battuta was not satisfied with the spelling description, but he sometimes mentioned the morphological structure related to the noun of the place, the city or the person to make it clearer to the reader, and he provides a translation or an explanation wherever the information is available to him. That was great linguistic value.

      • KCI등재

        الحروف المعقودة بين الرسم الإم .ئي وأصوات

        غازيخضرعليالزناهرة ( Ghazi Alzanahreh ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2021 중동연구 Vol.40 No.1

        This research aims to discuss a phonological issue of spelling, known as dialectical and foreign letters. This issue arose from the presence of Arabic words that contain unparalleled sounds in classical Arabic, and the size of this problem was increased by the Arabicized words that were borrowed from foreign languages that contain foreign letters. When the scribes and writers wanted to write it, they did not find a match for it in the Arabic alphabet, so they tried to solve the problem by describing the letter and phonetically describing it at times, and by writing it with the closest letters as a way out to it another time, or with two solutions together at a third time. But these solutions did not fulfill the purpose and did not solve the problem, because these letters were known only by listening and oral tradition, so the problem remained in Arabic and another problem arose out of it, which is the multiplicity of the written form of words that contain unparalleled letters in classical Arabic, whether these words are of Arabic origin or Arabicized.

      • KCI등재

        الاشتقاق في الصرف العرب

        غ,ا,ز,ي,خ,ض,ر,ع,ل,ي,ا,ل,ز,ن,ا,ه,ر,ة,(Alzanahreh, Ghazi) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.2

        استقر في الدراسات اللغوية في العربية أن أنواع الاشتقاق أربعة؛ الاشتقاق العام والكبير والأكبر والاشتقاق الكُبّار أو النحت، وأن اثنين من هذه الأنواع؛ الكبير والأكبر، غير منتجين، أي أنه ، بتعبير السيوطي، لا يمكن أن يستنبط بهما اشتقاق في لغة العرب، وليسا معتمدين في اللغة. وأن النوعين الآخرين؛ الاشتقاق العام والاشتقاق الكُبَّار أو النحت هما المعتمدان في توليد الألفاظ العربية. لقد حفلت كتب اللغويين والنحويين العرب القدامى منهم والمحدثين بمناقشة قضية أصل الاشتقاق، وقد اعتمد كل من الفريقين على المنهج الكلامي المتأثر بالمنطق العقلي في إثبات صحة رأيه وبطلان رأي الطرف الآخر. وقد ثبت أن البحث في أصل الاشتقاق غير مجد على العربية ولا على البحث اللغوي في العربية. تؤكد الدرا This research sheds light on the phenomenon of derivation in Arabic morphology and discusses the opinions put forward by grammarians and linguists concerning its origin. The phenomenon has long been a subject of dispute. The research discusses the existing view on the origin and branch and proves that such view is incorrect. According to this research, the linguistic reality supports the claim that neither the verbal noun nor the verb is the origin of the derivatives. The research also displays various types of derivation in Arabic and explains the value each type has in enriching Arabic by providing the vocabulary and linguistic elements required to keep up with the times and adapt accordingly. The research concludes that derivatives originate from linguistic elements and the three consonants. The consonants themselves are meaningless but combining a tense gives them a specific meaning.

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