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      • 동일한 국제예후지표(International Prognostic Index)를 나타내는 미만성 대형 B-세포 림프종에서 Bcl-2와 p16의 임상적 중요성

        박상은,박수진,곽승근,박남숙,천재민,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용,김진만 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        In Korea, malignant lymphoma is a common cancer, comprising about 2.7% of all malignant neoplasm. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is the most common lymphoma, representing about 50% of all Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is usually considered as heterogeneous group of neoplasms rather than a single clinicopathological entity. Clinical prognostic systems, including the International Prognostic Index (IPI), although useful to assess overall prognosis, embrace patients with heterogeneous prognoses. But International Prognostic Index scoring system is not sufficiently predict the prognosis. It is likely that the prognostic assessment of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphomamight be improved by using biological features. Bcl-2 protein and p16 protein expression is recognized as useful biologic markers predicting the prognosis of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. To determine the clinical significance and prognostic value of bcl-2 and p16 proteins expression patterns, we studied 18 patients with de novo DLBL, whose archival pathology specimen were available for immunohistochemistry studies, atChungnam National University Hospital from September 1992 to December 2000. Archival specimens from each patient were immunostained with respective antibodies for bcl-2, p16. The results are as follows; 1) The median age was 54(rage : 37-69). There were 12 male patients(66.7%) and 6 female patients(33.3%) The 'B' symptom was abscentin all patients. The stages were as follows : Ⅰ, 2 patient(11.1%), Ⅱ, 10 patient(55.6%), Ⅲ, 4patient(22.2%) and Ⅳ, 2patient(11.1%). 3 patients(16.8%) had the elevated LDH level, 14 patients(77.8%) had the normal LDH level and 1 patients(5.6%) was not identified the LDH level. 2 patients(11.1%) had the bulky disease and 16 patients(88.7%) had no bulky diease. The distribution of ECOG status were O, 2 patients(11.1%c), 1, 14patients(77.8%) and 2, 2patients(11.1%). 2) Theimmunohistochemistry results are as follows bcl-2:+,10 patients(55.6%), bcl-2:-, 8patinets(44.4%), p16:+,3 patients(16.7%), p16:-, 15patients(83.3%) 3) After a median follow UP durations of 67 months, the median survival time was 57 months with a rage of 7-100+ months. 5-years overall survival rates was 44% by Kaplan-Meier method. 4) Reduced overall survival was demonstrated in the patients who expressed bcl-2 protein(P=0.0174). 5-year overall survivial rate was 12%(bcl-2 expression) versus 88%(no bcl-2 expression) 5) Among diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with IPI score 0-1, reduced overall survival was demonstrated with bcl-2 expression(P=0.023). 5-year overall survival rate was 18%(bcl-2 expression group) versus 100%(no bcl-2 expressiongroup) 6) Median survival durtation of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients negative for p16 expression was 57 months whereas p16 postive patients' median survival duration was not reached(P=0.4478). In diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients with identical IPI scores, bcl-2 expression had additional prognostic value.

      • KCI등재

        복합레진 색상의 측정 기기에 따른 차이

        박수정,노은영,조현구,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2009 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구에서는 동일한 수광 방식을 사용하는 2종의 이동형과 고정형 spectrophotometer인 MiniScan XE plus (Model 4000S, Hunter Lab, USA)와 CM-3500d (Minolta, Japan), 그리고 다른 수광 방식을 사용하는 miniature VIS reflection spectrometer인 Specbos 2100(JETI Technische Instrumente GmbH, Germany)를 이용하여 직경 15 mm, 두께 4 mm의 디스크로 제작한 광중합 복합레진의 색상을 측정하였다. Spcebos 2100은 분광 특성을 측정하는 기기이지만 주문에 의해 제조사에서 측색이 가능한 형태로 제공하였다. 3종의 측색 기기를 사용한 측색 결과를 분석한 결과, 동일한 수광 방식, 광원 및 관찰자 각도를 적용한 2종의 기기 간에도 동일 색상에서 2.4-7.8까지의 색차(ΔE^(*))를 보였으나, L^(*),a^(*), b^(*) 값은 기기 간에 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 서로 다른 수광 방식을 사용하는 기기 간에는 약 20정도의 큰 색차(ΔE^(*))를 보이며, 측정된 각 값 간에도 낮은 상관관계를 보였다. 이상의 결과는 반투명의 치과용 수복 재료나 치아의 측색 시 측색 기기간에도 색차가 나타날 수 있음을 시사하며, 이는 기기에 대해 측정된 색상을 절대적인 색상으로 적용하기 보다는 상대적인 측정치로 이용하는 것이 바람직하리라 사료된다. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of color measuring instrument by measuring the color of dental composite resins. Nine shade light cured composite resin disks were prepared (diameter : 15 mm, thickness : 4 mm). CIE L^(*)a^(*)b^(*) color scale of each disk was measured with 3 different types of spectrophotometer 〔MiniScan XE plus (Model 4000S, Hunter Lab, USA), CM-3500d (Minolta, Japan) and Specbos 2100 Miniature VIS Reflection spectrometer (Serial No: 319416, JETI Technishe VIS Instrumentic GmbH, Germany)〕. Miniscan XE Plus and CM-3500d using identical measuiing geometry with different size of viewing aperture. But Specbos 2100 using different measuring geometry. Within the limitation of this study, there were color difference (ΔE^*) from 2.4 to 7.8 between Miniscan XE Plus and CM-3500d, but L^(*), a^(*), b^(*) values showed the high correlation. However, there were great color difference(ΔE^*) in the extent of about 20 between instruments with the different measuring geometry. Therefore, color scale measured by color measuhng instrument should be used as a relative value rather than an absolute value in the field of dentistry.

      • 관엽식물의 잎모양, 크기, 수형에 따른 시각적 인식이 뇌파변화 및 이미지 평가에 미치는 영향

        송종은,엄수진,김수연,손기철,이종섭 충북대학교 첨단원예기술개발연구센터 1999 연구보고서 Vol.4 No.-

        실내 환경내에서 관엽식물의 보다 효과적인 이용과 시각, 심리환경 스트레스 경감을 목적으로 관엽식물의 형태적 특성이 인간의 정신생리와 심리에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 잎모양이 다른 아로우카리아(Araucaria excelsa)와 벤자민고무나무(Ficus benjamina), 잎크기가 다른 네프로네피스(Nephrolephis exaltata)와 스킨답서스(Scindapsus aureas), 그리고 수형이 다른 관음죽(Rhapis humilis)과 아레카야자(Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)를 선정하여 각 식물당 남녀 24명 총 72명을 대상으로 뇌파(Computerized EEG)검사, 혈압, 맥박, 시각이미지 평가를 시행하였다. 각 식물에 따른 뇌파를 비교한 결과 뚜렷한 차이를 보이지 않아 관엽식물의 관상에서 잎의 모양, 크기 및 수형이 있는 상태에서 모두 유의한 감소를 보여 스트레스 감소 효과와 안정 효과를 보인 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 각 식물간에는 유의한 차이는 없었다. 이러한 사실은 기존 연구에서 보여준 결과인 식물의 녹색에 대한 정신생리적 반응과 녹(綠)면적에 의한 뇌파변화는 인정되었지만 식물종류에 따른 반응은 중요하게 작용하지 않는 것으로 보여진다. 관엽식물에 대한 이미지는 평가는 4개의 요인 심미성, 청량감, 안정성, 질감성 인자로 구성되었다. 각 인자에 대한 식물종류간에 차이를 조사한 결과 서로 다른 특성을 보였으나 4인자인 질감성 차원에서는 차이가 없었다 이는 의식적으로 인식되는 시각적 이미지 평가요소에서 제 1인자인 심미성과 제 2인자인 청량성이 더 중요하게 작용되는 것으로 판단되었다. 앞으로 보다 명확한 효과를 검정하기 위해 녹시율(綠視率)과 여러 식물 종류를 조합한 좀 더 세밀한 비교와 함께 시간흐름에 따른 뇌파비교를 동시에 조사 분석하는 것이 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리 나라 보건관리대행서비스 평가 연구

        하은희,조수헌,김선민,주영수,한상환,하미나,권호장,홍윤철,김창엽 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Group occupational health service programme started in 1990 is one of the measures to cope with limited human and financial resources in occupational health. The programme has expanded rapidly to include 52 institutions, private as well as public, all over the country. In spite of its potential impact on health of employees and practice of occupational health in small and medium sized industries, comprehensive evaluation in terms of quality has not been tried. This study has aims to develop the criteria to assess the quality of newly developed group occupational health service programme, and to investigate the quality of institutions, and finally to develop policies for the quality improvement. 1) Criteria development : By defining occupational health services, in particular for small and medium sized industries, as one of the primary health care, followings are included as core elements of qualitative occupational health programme; accessibility, continuity, comprehensiveness, technical quality, intersectoral collaboration, emphasis on preventive services, community participation, and adequacy. Again each element is divided into five major components of national health system infrastructure developed by the World Health Organization; development of health resources, organized arrangement of resources, delivery of health care, economic support, and management. In turn, each component is categorized into three aspects of quality assessment, structure, process and outcome. Expert panel selected several criteria for each category to evaluate the programme. Criteria were modified according to each group of interviewees, to produce two sets of questionnaire, one for chief operating officer and another for nurses in the institutions, and the chief operating officer and workers in the workplace. 2) Subject : Of all 52 institutions, 25 voluntarily participated in the survey. At individual institution, chief operating officer and practicing nurses were interviewed in depth. After intensive education for interviewees, every interviewees, every interview was performed with standardized guideline and questionnaire. The quality of the 'Group occupational health service programme' was found to be lower than expected. Especially in continuity, comprehensiveness, technical quality, community participation and adequacy, lower quality in structural aspect was commonly identified throughout all the institutions,. Quality in terms of accessibility and continuity highly varied among institutions., To improve quality of the programme, more comprehensive and systematic programme such as accreditation has to be introduced. In addition, human resources, governmental fund and information systems for individual workers are to be developed. As a long range plan, integration of occupational health services into the national health systems and pooling of financial resources and planned allocation should be considered.

      • 입원 환자 영양검색 전산 프로그램 개발

        안수미,윤기영,신연명,최경현,임근승,장문경,송윤미,공은희 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.2

        Background : About 30% of patients in the hospital are under nourishment. A large portion of people are undernourished when they are admitted to the hospital and in the majority of these, undernutrition develops further while in hospital. Patient-Generated subjective global assessment(PG-SGA), a method of nutritional assessment based on clinical judgment, has been widely used to assess the nutritional status of adults for both clinical and research purposes. Modified PG-SGA can be used as a nutrition screening tool, and a comprehensive nutrition assessment is desirable for those who are malnourished. The purpose of this study is to develop a simple, reliable and valid nutrition screening program(NSP). Methods : We applied the nutrition screening program(NSP) to adult inpatients who are at risk of malnutrition using the Modified Patient-Generated subjective global assessment(PG-SGA) and objective assessment(electrical medical record data). Results : Therefore simple and beneficial NSP is developed for patients with severe malnutrition. Using NSP. nutritional information of the severe malnutrition patient should be shared with the physicians and they should be taken care of by clinical dietitians to improve their nutritional status. Conclusion : The Modified PG-SGA and nutrition screening tool are simple, reliable and valid nutrition screening program(NSP).

      • 원예치료가 만성정신분열증 환자의 자아존중감 및 사회성 향상에 미치는 영향

        손기철,엄수진,김수연,송종은,백기엽 충북대학교 첨단원예기술개발연구센터 2000 연구보고서 Vol.5 No.-

        만성정신분열증 환자들은 장기간의 치료를 필요로 하고, 지금까지는 대부분의 환자들이 약물치료나 전통적인 정신치료에만 의존해왔다. 최근에는 정신분열증 환자치료에 있어서 여러 가지 사회 재활 프로그램이 도입되고 있는 실정이나 원예치료프로그램의 적용사례는 미비한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 원예치료가 만성정신분열증 환자의 자아존중감 및 사회성 향상에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위하여 음성 꽃동네 정신분열증 환자 남녀 대조군 20명, 치료군 남녀 25명을 선정하여 실험을 실시하였다. 대조군 20명에게는 원예치료를 실시하지 않았으나, 치료군 25명에게는 주 2회씩 2000년 4월 13일부터 9월 7일까지 원예치료를 실시하였다. 치료효과 검증을 위해 원예활동 평가표(evaluation of horticultural activity), 사회행동척도(social behavior scale), 자아존중감척도(self-esteem Scale), 인간관계측정지, 간이정신건강진단지(SCL-90-R) 등을 치료 전후로 시행하여 비교하였다. 자아존중감과 인간관계측정지에서는 대조군에서는 유의한 결과가 보이지 않은 반면, 치료군에서는 향상된 결과를 볼 수 있었다. 사회행동척도에서는 언어적인면보다 비언어적인면, 대화의 내용에서 치료군만 유의하게 향상된 결과를 보였다. 간이정신건강진단지 평가는 불안, 우울, 대인예민성 부분에서 역시 치료군만 유의하게 호전된 효과를 볼 수 있었다. 또한 신체화, 강박증, 적대감, 공포불안, 편집증 등이 호전된 것으로 보여졌으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 원예활동평가에서는 참여성과 자아개념 및 주체성에서 유의한 차이를 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 원예치료프로그램은 우울ㆍ폐쇄적인 대인관계를 보이는 정신분열증 환자들에게 심리ㆍ정서면과 사회성 향상에 효과적이라 판단된다. 또한 원예치료프로그램을 치료적인 목적뿐만 아니라 직업재활의 한 방면으로 이용가능 할 것이라 판단된다.

      • 평양 남정리 53호분 출토 토제칠기의 보존 및 제작기법 연구 : 토제칠이배, 토제칠반, 토제칠안

        황현성,임수경,김희진,이태진,고민정,윤은영 국립중앙박물관 2013 고고학지 Vol.19 No.-

        본고는 일제 강점기 조사 미등록 유물 정리사업의 일환으로 수행한 평양 남정리 53호분 출토 토제칠이배, 토제칠반, 토제칠안에 관한 연구이다. 남정리 출토 유물은 소지가 목심이 아닌 토제라는 것과 칠이배와 칠반을 얹은 칠안이 함께 출토되었다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. 토제칠이배 및 칠반 그리고 칠안의 보존처리를 통해 이들의 형태와 문양 등에 대해 알 수 있었다. 또한 칠기에 사용된 붉은색 안료의 성분을 분석하여 안료의 주성분이 진사(HgS)였음을 확인하였다. 이번 연구에서 기존에 잘 알려지지 않았던 한반도 내 위치한 낙랑의 토제칠기에 관해 살펴볼 수 있었으며 이러한 제작방법이 한나라 고유의 문화인지 아니면 재지세력이 한나라의 영향을 받아 현지화한 문화의 산물인지에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있는 기회라 생각된다. This research paper examines the lacquered pottery cup, plate and table unearthed from Tomb No. 53 at Namjeong-ri in Pyongyang, which were under conservation treatment as a part of the Project of Unregistered Artefacts Uncovered in the Japanese Colonial Era. It is very rare to have a lacquered pottery cup and plate, lying on a lacquered pottery table, as a set of grave goods. In particular, they are not wooden but pottery items. Through conservation treatment for lacquered pottery cup, plate and table, it was possible to find out their shapes and decoration patterns. The resulting analysis of the red pigment used indicates that cinnabar (HgS) is the main element. This research is significant because it examines lacquered pottery wares produced in Lelang, which has rarely been conducted. Further research will need to prove whether their production techniques were in the unique Chinese Han style or were produced by indigenous craftsmen who adopted the Chinese Han technique.

      • KCI등재

        황사의 확산예측을 위한 기상정보의 시간해상도에 관한 수치연구

        이순환,곽은영,류찬수,문윤섭 한국환경과학회 2004 한국환경과학회지 Vol.13 No.10

        In order to predict air pollution and Yellow-sand dispersion precisely, it is necessary to clarify the sensitivity of meteorological field input interval. Therefore numerical experiment by atmospheric dynamic model(RAMS) and atmospheric dispersion model(PDAS) was performed for evaluating the effect of temporal and spatial resolution of meteorological data on particle dispersion. The results are as follows: 1) Base on the result of RAMS simulation, surface wind direction and speed can either synchronize upper wind or not. If surface wind and upper wind do not synchronize, precise prediction of Yellow-sand dispersion is strongly associated with upwelling process of sand of particle. 2) There is no significant discrepance in distribution of particle under usage of difference temporal resolution of meteorological information at early time of simulation. but the difference of distribution of particles become large as time goes by. 3) There is little difference between calculated particles distributions in dispersion experiments with high temporal resolution of meteorological data. On the other hand, low resolution of meteorological data occur the quantitative difference of particle density and there is strong tendency to the quantitative difference.

      • 多樣한 黃芩藥鍼製劑의 安全性 및 效能에 關한 硏究

        김호경,마진열,전원경,윤수영,강은정,주혜정,고병섭 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        In order to detect the safety and effect of various aqua-acupunctures from Scutellariae Radix, the modifications of boiling, filtration and dilution were employed for the manufacture of aqua-acupunctures. We injected 0.2cc of aqua-acupunctures into Joksamri(足三里) of rat, repeatedly. we compared subacute toxicity of them with saline group, distilled water(D.W.) group, acupuncture group and control group. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The groups were all healthy and alive, and there was no special abnormality in physical condition and autopsy. And there were not any toxic symptoms in repeating application of aqua-acupunctures to the rat, including changes of body weight, organ weight, haematological examination and serum biochemical test. 2. There was slight change of body weight in acupuncture group : We could see significance after 3 days (p<0.05) and after 7 days (p<0.001) in body weight loss. After 9 days, all tested groups were suppressed in body weight increment. 3. Result of organ weight: In Palking aqua-acupuncture(D-2 group), saline group and acupuncture group there were some statistical significance. Especially, acupuncture group revealed significant result in liver and spleen than aqua-acupunctures. From this result, we could suggest that the efficacy of acupuncture was preceded herbal medicine. 4. In serum biochemical test, we examined glucose(GLU), triglyceride(TG) and cholesterol(CHOL). In comparison with control group, the diluted 10 times of hwanggum aqua-acupuncture (× 10 group) was recognized significant decrease of glucose, but the diluted 100 times of Hwanggum aqua-acupuncture (× 100 group), D-2 group, saline group were confirmed significant increment. There was not any meaningful change of CHOL in all of tested group, excepting the acupuncture group was exhibited statistically significant decrease(p<0.05). In TG level all tested group except complex injection of standard compound (CPA group) and HG, there were significant value in statistically. The diluted solution was more significant decrease than Hwanggaum aqua-acupuncture(HG). The mutual relationship of components of aqua-acupuncture tended to decrease level of TG, regardless of its concentration. In acupuncture group, we gained some interesting result in meaningful decrease in TG. 5. Haematological examination showed significant increment of gramulocytes(GR) in all tested groups except Hwanggum aqua-acupuncture. And the diluted solutions of HG expressed very high increment of them(p<0.001). The GR and Mean Corpuscular Volume(MCV) of acupuncture group showed statistical significance.

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