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      • 沖庵金淨의 <濟州風土錄> 硏究

        조정윤(Jo, Jeong-yun) 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2018 충청문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본고는 沖庵 金淨(1486~1521)이 제주 유배 중에 지은 <濟州風土錄>의 내용 및 문체적 특징을 검토하여 김정 문학의 일면모를 밝혀보고자 한 것이다. 김정은 탁월한 文才를 바탕으로 22세 되던 해 文科別試에서 장원급제하여 환로에 들어섰다. 순창군수 재직 시 朴祥과 함께 廢妃愼氏의 복위를 청하는 상소를 올렸다가 유배되기도 하였지만, 다시 復官되어 中宗의 두터운 신임을 받아 빠르게 승진하며 도학적 이상 정치의 실현을 위해 소격서의 革罷, 鄕約의 간행, 현량과 실시 등 여러 개혁 정치를 시도하였다. 그러나 신진 사림들의 정치 개혁 시행 및 僞勳削除 요구 등에 위기의식을 느낀 훈구공신들이 일으킨 己卯士禍에 휘말려 錦山및 珍島를 거쳐 제주도로 유배되었다가 1521년 10월 제주에서 賜死되었다. 궁행실천의 도학적 학문자세를 지녔던 김정은 유배객이 되어서도 濟州民을 위해 풍속을 교화하고자 노력하였으며, 제주 유배시기 작품에는 좌절과 고독, 슬픔의 감정 등이 나타나기도 하지만, 자연의 섭리를 이해하고 천명에 순응하고자 하는 모습이 나타난다. 이러한 실천적 학문성향과 작품 경향은 <제주풍토록>에서도 발견된다. <제주풍토록>은 제주의 이색적 풍토에 대해 비평적인 소개로, 미개한 풍속에 대한 실천적 도학자의 교화와 개혁의 시각이 담겨있다. 김정은 제주의 기후와 풍속, 지리, 산물 등, 제주의 환경과 사회상을 상세하게 기록하면서 그 원인과 개선점에 대해서도 지적하였다. 또한 제주도의 지리적 환경 및 謫所의 주변을 서술한 부분에서는 유배자의 고독과 비애의 감정을 드러내기도 하지만 원망이나 불평이 아닌 천명에 순응하는 달관의 경지를 보여주어 비장미를 표출하였다. 한편, 김정의 산문은 ‘西漢風’을 추구하였던 것으로 평가받았다. <제주풍토록> 역시 제주의 물산을 나열적으로 서술하고, 내용의 범위와 규모가 넓은 면에서 <子虛賦>와 비견된다. 수록내용이 풍부하면서도 세부적인 수식이나 자잘한 묘사를 생략하고 축약적인 4자구를 多用하고 있으며 虛字와 典故의 사용이 적어서 호방하면서도 간결한 효과를 보여준다. 곧 <제주풍토록>은 김정의 ‘修己治人’의 학문적 경향에 의해 저술된 것으로, 제주 환경에 대한 敍事와 유배생활의 정서에 대한 抒情이 조화를 이룬 작품이다. This thesis is designed to examine the contents and the characteristic of the style of Record of Jeju Customs (濟州風土錄) that Chuangam Kim Jeong wrote during his Jeju exile, and to reveal an aspect of Kim Jeong"s literature. Kim Jeong won the first place in the special civil service examination and entered government service on the basis of his excellent literary talent when he was 22 years old. While holding the office of Sunchang county governor, Kim jeong filed an appeal to ask the restoration of Ms Shin, a retired queen with Park Sang and was exiled, but was restored to his office and then was promoted with the deep confidence of Jungjong tried to perform various political reformations for the realization of the ideal politics of Confucianism, such as the reformation of Sokyeokseo (昭格署), the publication of Hyangyak (鄕約), and the establishment of Hyunlyang department (賢良科), etc. But Kim Jeong was swept away by the Literati Purge raised by the meritorious elite threaten by the political reformation and enforcement of the Neo-Confucian Literati, the requirement of the deletion of the memorial service, etc. and was exiled to Eunsan, Jindo, and Jeju Island, poisoned into death October, 1521. Although Kim Jeong who had a Confucian attitude to practice in person was an exile, he tried to educate the residents of Jeju Island regarding their customs. Even though the works during the Jeju exile show such emotions as desperation, solitude, sorrow, he tried to understand the providence of nature and to conform to Heaven"s will. Such tendency of practical studies and works is found even in Record of Jeju Customs (濟州風土錄). Record of Jeju Customs (濟州風土錄) is a critical introduction of Jeju"s exotic customs, containing the viewpoint of a practical Confucian"s educating and reforming uncivilized customs. Kim Jeong recorded Jeju"s environment and society such as its climate, customs, geometry, products, etc. in detail, pointing out the cause and improvement. In addition, although he shows an exile"s solitude and sorrow in the part describing the geological environment and the place of exile, he shows not resentment or complaint, but a far-sighted view conforming to Heaven"s will. Meanwhile, Kim Jeong"s prose was estimated as pursuing ‘Seohanpung’ (西漢風). Record of Jeju Customs (濟州風土錄) also describes Jeju"s products, similar to Jaheobu (子虛賦) in that the range and scale of the contents are wide. The recorded contents are rich, detailed modification or petty description are omitted, a number of abbreviated four-letter phrases are used, Huhja (虛字) and reference episodes are rare, which show a broad and brief effect. Thus Record of Jeju Customs (濟州風土錄) was written by Kim Jeong"s cultivating himself and ruling other people, harmonious between the description of Jeju"s environment and the sentiment of his exile life.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Partial Sequence Analysis of Puumala Virus M Segment from Bats in Korea

        Yun, Bo-Kyoung,Yoon, Jeong-Joong,Lee, Yun-Tai The Korean Society of Virology 1999 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.29 No.1

        Hantavirus is a genus of the Bunyaviridae family causing two serious diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Puumala virus is a member of hantavirus originally found in Europe, and its natural reservoir is Clethrionomys glareolus. It is also associated with the human disease nephropathia epidemica, a milder form of HFRS. To identify the hantaviruses in bats, bats were collected from Jeong-Sun, Won-Joo, Chung-Ju and Hwa-Cheon area in Korea, and nested RT-PCR was performed with serotype specific primer from M segment. Interestingly, Puumala virus was detected in bats (Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum) only from Won-Joo. The 327 bp nested RT-PCR product, was sequenced. The sequence database search indicates that the sequence is homologous to the published sequence of Puumala viruses. The sequence similarities were ranged from 71% to 97%. The highest sequence similarity was 97% with Puumala virus Vranicam strain, and the lowest was 71% with Puumala virus K27 isolate. Puumala virus Vranicam strain was isolated from a bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Bosnia-Hercegovina. Puumala virus K27 was isolated from human in Russia. This analysis confirms that bats (Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum) in Korea are natural reservoir of Puumala virus.

      • A Study on Small Business Development and Support Policies

        Yun,Jeong-keun,Jeong,Eun-hye 한국유통과학회 2011 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.-

        The number of small businesses being founded in the nation is constantly increasing and various kinds of aggressive efforts are being made to have competitiveness. As such, political support by the government with regards to small businesses that has productivity and competitiveness needs to increase. Foundation of small businesses is being promoted by the Government to boost the economy, and interest in foundation of the business is high amongst not only college students but even general workers. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine problems regarding foundation of small businesses and to give new businesses competitive edge by presenting political answers to these problems. After analysing status and current issues of foundation of small business, the paper suggested positive policy alternatives. Existing studies on small businesses were focused on promotion of small and medium distributors, and studies on policy alternatives aimed directly at promoting the businesses are insufficient. Further studies are needed to examine political alternatives from point of view of roles and support of non-profit organizations that the Government is responsible for support of small business.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Detection of Puumala and Hantaan Virus among Bats in Korea by Nested RT - PCR

        Yun Tai Lee,Bo Kyoung Yun,Jeong Joong Yoon 대한바이러스학회 1998 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.28 No.2

        Hantavirus is a genus of the Bunyaviridae family consisting following serotype groups: Hantaan, Seoul, Puumala, Prospect Hill, Thailand, Belgrade, Thotta palayam, Sin Nombre. Most of Hantavirus group have been associated with many clinically similar disease known collectively as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Hantaan virus is the prototype of the genus hantavirus, originally isolated from Apodemus agrarius. Bat was found as a natural host for Hantaan virus in Lee's lab for the first time. Then, Hantaan-like virus was isolated Hantaan-like virus from bat. To identify hantaviruses that are present in Korea among bats, bats were collected from Jeong-Sun, Won-Joo, Chung-Ju and Hwa-Cheon area, RNA was isolated from lung and serum. RT-PCR was performed with a universal primer from M segment. Nested RT- PCR was carried out to differentiate Hantaan, Seoul and Puumala virus using serotype specific primers. As we expected, Hantaan viruses were detected in bats and Seoul virus was not detected. Interestingly, Puumala viruses were also detected in bats from Won-Ju, but not in other areas. Puumala virus is originally isolated from Clethrinomys glareolus, and cause light HFRS. Recently, Paradoxomis webbiana, a wild bird turn out to be a reservoir for Puumala virus in Korea. These data indicate that bat is a new natural reservoir of Puumala virus.

      • KCI등재

        Deconstructive reading and double-frontedness of transnationalism

        ( Yun¸ Yeon-jeong ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2011 영어권문화연구 Vol.4 No.1

        In this paper I will analyse the emerging functional definitions of diaspora against the policy-based indicators that help set its boundaries within the field of policy practice. My objective is to understand how diaspora is framed as a migration policy actor, and the EU case serves as an example. The migration and development agendas have been only recently drawn together in the European policy context. The new components of the comprehensive European immigration policy, traditionally associated with restrictive measures, include a number of elements linked to the development agenda, such as mobility partnerships and circular migration, in which diaspora plays an important role. It remains to be determined, however, which policy actors are needed to meet the policy ends, and thus how diaspora is defined. As such, this chapter will look into exemplary documents produced by international and supranational organisations to see how they frame the actors of development policy. My discussion will focus on different uses of the terms ‘transnational community’ and ‘diaspora’. I will also examine several European Community documents pertaining to the subject and analyse the role that diasporas have in the European comprehensive migration policy.

      • KCI등재

        Guru Dutt’s experiments and its influence

        ( Yun¸ Yeon-jeong ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2010 영어권문화연구 Vol.3 No.1

        This paper addresses Guru Dutt and his experimental cinematography displayed in his movies; Baazi (1951), Pyaasa (1957) and Kaagaz ke Phool (1959). As a leading figure of the Golden Age of Bollywood film industry, Guru Dutt represents the social problems and his critical perspectives in fifties and sixties of India, by using unique camera angles and film techniques as well as the plot and tones. As his earliest of these three movies, Baazi reveals Dutt's response to his contemporaries' blind pursuit of materialism. Mixing gaze with light in song-dance sequences, Dutt sensually reveals the inner tensions and conflicts between characters. Pyaasa suggests his feelings toward social inequality and materialism as well as his problematization regarding loss of morality and humanity in his time. Also, in Kaagaz ke Phool, he depicts the impermanence and futility of the film industry, delivering his aestheticism to the audiences with the use of light. However, Dutt has failed to fulfill his audiences' expectations due to his undeveloped perspective. As posterities of Guru Dutt, Ram Gopal Varma and Sanjay Leela Bhansali also employ innovative and experimental cinematography in their movies; Sarka Raj (2008); Saawariya (2007) and Khamoshi: the Musical (1996) respectively. They develop cinematic techniques for visualization and imagery in the scenes, which also incorporate the social issues concerning class and prostitutes. However, these two directors do not fully develop their critical perspectives and social consciousnesses enough to surpass Guru Dutt.

      • KCI등재

        Representing Totality and Building the Public Sphere in Hope Leslie

        ( Yun¸ Yeon-jeong ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2009 영어권문화연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This essay investigates the unstable reputation of Catherine Maria Sedgwick, in respect to the fluctuating standards for the literary canon of the early nineteenth century. The dominant characteristics of canon, which excludes femininity and women writers, is to construct the ideology of a new America thus influencing the evaluation of Sedgwick and her novel Hope Leslie. Until recently, most critics dominantly regarded Sedgwick as a literary domestic and focused on her womanhood. However, novels of her time attracted both male and female readers, and acted as a method to examine the total reflection of social and political situations and discussions. By accurately revealing the social mood, a novel moves beyond recreational reading. Therefore, it is necessary to regard Hope Leslie as a text where Sedgwick reflects the totality of her time through her perspective, and simultaneously creates the public sphere which sparks dialogue and discussion among the readers and general public, pertaining to issues highlighted by her. In this process, Sedgwick uses interesting literary devices such as petitioning and disguising in Hope Leslie as well as parodying and breaking the traditional customs and social value system. This assessment will broaden the current evaluations which confine Sedgwick and her novel to womanhood, appropriately positioning her in the context of social and political discourse.

      • KCI등재

        A thousand Acres with Double Articulation

        ( Yun¸ Yeon-jeong ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2008 영어권문화연구 Vol.1 No.-

        It is well-known that Jane Smiley wrote A thousand Acres comparing and contrasting with King Lear. Then, what does her homage represent? Reimagining a text is not only the repetition of the original writing or text based on the same plot, but it is also the process of the making differences between originals and revision based on this repetition. This article suggests that the familiar structure of A thousand Acres has undergone the difference and repetitions divided by two time-plans, the past and present/future being the principal axis. The past familiar structure of the Cooks was oppressive and patriarchal in structure, but in the present, this structure comes to be deconstructed and begins to build the new alternative familial structure. Even though in the past they experienced sexual harassment by their father, their land was irrigated ruthlessly and their bodies are now suffering cancer and miscarriage, in the present time in the A Thousand Acres, they come to recognize their body experiences and through this process they reconstruct their relationship between them and their bodies. And these new relationships work as the basis for severing their connections with preexistent bonds and for rebuilding their own world and future.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Detection of Puumala and Hantaan Viruses among Bats in Korea by Nested RT-PCR

        Lee, Yun-Tai,Yun, Bo-Kyoung,Yoon, Jeong-Joong The Korean Society of Virology 1998 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.28 No.2

        Hantavirus is a genus of the Bunyaviridae family consisting following serotype groups: Hantaan, Seoul, Puumala, Prospect Hill, Thailand, Belgrade, Thotta palayam, Sin Nombre. Most of Hantavirus group have been associated with many clinically similar disease known collectively as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). Hantaan virus is the prototype of the genus hantavirus, originally isolated from Apodemus agrarius. Bat was found as a natural host for Hantaan virus in Lee's lab for the first time. Then, Hantaan-like virus was isolated Hantaan-like virus from bat. To identify hantaviruses that are present in Korea among bats, bats were collected from Jeong-Sun, Won-Joo, Chung-Ju and Hwa-Cheon area, RNA was isolated from lung and serum. RT-PCR was performed with a universal primer from M segment. Nested RT-PCR was carried out to differentiate Hantaan, Seoul and Puumala virus using serotype specific primers. As we expected, Hantaan viruses were detected in bats and Seoul virus was not detected. Interestingly, Puumala viruses were also detected in bats from Won-Ju, but not in other areas. Puumala virus is originally isolated from Clethrinomys glareolus, and cause light HFRS. Recently, Paradoxomis webbiana, a wild bird turn out to be a reservoir for Puumala virus in Korea. These data indicate that bat is a new natural reservoir of Puumala virus.

      • 보존적 치료로 회복된 망경색에 의한 급성복증 1예

        김정념,이숭환,김정식,김진호,배윤오,박성규,윤상정,한현영,이헌영 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Omental infarction, the end result of impaired perfusion to the greater omentum, is a rare benign self-limiting clinical entity. The main clinical symptom is non-specific localized abdominal pain with a moderately raised white blood cell and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. These findings often mimic an abdominal surgical emergency. This condition is often misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or cholecystitis. The characteristic feature of CT scan and ultrasonography provide non-invasive diagnosis in most patients with omental infarction. We report a case of patient whose CT scan showed the characteristic finding of omental infarction. The patient was improved spontaneously only with conservative care.

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