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        Inhibition of mouse SP2/0 myeloma cell growth by the B7-H4 protein vaccine

        ( Nan Mu ),( Nannan Liu ),( Qiang Hao ),( Yujin Xu ),( Jialin Li ),( Weina Li ),( Shouzhen Wu ),( Cun Zhang ),( Haichuan Su ) 생화학분자생물학회(구 한국생화학분자생물학회) 2014 BMB Reports Vol.47 No.7

        B7-H4 is a member of B7 family of co-inhibitory molecules and B7-H4 protein is found to be overexpressed in many human cancers and which is usually associated with poor survival. In this study, we developed a therapeutic vaccine made from a fusion protein composed of a tetanus toxoid (TT) T-helper cell epitope and human B7-H4IgV domain (TT-rhB7-H4IgV). We investigated the anti-tumor effect of the TT-rhB7-H4IgV vaccine in BALB/c mice and SP2/0 myeloma growth was significantly suppressed in mice. The TT-rhB7-H4IgV vaccine induced high-titer specific antibodies in mice. Further, the antibodies induced by TT-rhB7-H4IgV vaccine were capable of depleting SP2/0 cells through complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) in vitro. On the other hand, the poor cellular immune response was irrelevant to the therapeutic efficacy. These results indicate that the recombinant TT-rhB7-H4IgV vaccine might be a useful candidate of immunotherapy for the treatment of some tumors associated with abnormal expression of B7-H4. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(7): 399-404]


        Overdensity of submillimeter galaxies around the <i>z</i> ≃ 2.3 MAMMOTH-1 nebula : The environment and powering of an enormous Lyman-<i>α</i> nebula

        Arrigoni Battaia, F.,Chen, Chian-Chou,Fumagalli, M.,Cai, Zheng,Calistro Rivera, G.,Xu, Jiachuan,Smail, I.,Prochaska, J. X.,Yang, Yujin,De Breuck, C. Springer-Verlag 2018 Astronomy and astrophysics Vol.620 No.-

        <P>In the hierarchical model of structure formation, giant elliptical galaxies form through merging processes within the highest density peaks known as protoclusters. While high-redshift radio galaxies usually pinpoint the location of these environments, we have recently discovered at <I>z</I> ∼ 2−3 three enormous (> 200 kpc) Lyman-<I>α</I> nebulae (ELANe) that host multiple active galactic nuclei (AGN) and that are surrounded by overdensities of Lyman-<I>α</I> emitters (LAE). These regions are prime candidates for massive protoclusters in the early stages of assembly. To characterize the star-forming activity within these rare structures - both on ELAN and protocluster scales - we have initiated an observational campaign with the <I>James Clerk Maxwell</I> Telescope (JCMT) and the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescopes. In this paper we report on sensitive SCUBA-2/JCMT 850 and 450 <I>μ</I>m observations of a ∼128 arcmin<SUP>2</SUP> field comprising the ELAN MAMMOTH-1, together with the peak of the hosting BOSS1441 LAE overdensity at <I>z</I> = 2.32. These observations unveil 4.0 ± 1.3 times higher source counts at 850 <I>μ</I>m with respect to blank fields, likely confirming the presence of an overdensity also in obscured tracers. We find a strong detection at 850 <I>μ</I>m associated with the continuum source embedded within the ELAN MAMMOTH-1, which - together with the available data from the literature - allow us to constrain the spectral energy distribution of this source to be of an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) with a far-infrared luminosity of LFIR<SUP>SF</SUP> = 2.4−2.1<SUP>+7.4</SUP>×10<SUP>12</SUP><I>L</I>⊙, and hosting an obscured AGN. Such a source is thus able to power a hard photoionization plus outflow scenario to explain the extended Lyman-<I>α</I>, He II<I>λ</I>1640, and C IV<I>λ</I>1549 emission, and their kinematics. In addition, the two brightest detections at 850 <I>μ</I>m (<I>f</I>850 > 18 mJy) sit at the density peak of the LAEs’ overdensity, likely pinpointing the core of the protocluster. Future multiwavelength and spectroscopic datasets targeting the full extent of the BOSS1441 overdensity have the potential to firmly characterize a cosmic nursery of giant elliptical galaxies, and ultimately of a massive cluster.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Biosorption of Lead(II) by Arthrobacter sp. 25: Process Optimization and Mechanism

        ( Yu Jin ),( Xin Wang ),( Tingting Zang ),( Yang Hu ),( Xiaojing Hu ),( Guangming Ren ),( Xiuhong Xu ),( Juanjuan Qu ) 한국미생물 · 생명공학회 2016 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.26 No.8

        In the present work, Arthrobacter sp. 25, a lead-tolerant bacterium, was assayed to remove lead(II) from aqueous solution. The biosorption process was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM) based on the Box-Behnken design. The relationships between dependent and independent variables were quantitatively determined by second-order polynomial equation and 3D response surface plots. The biosorption mechanism was explored by characterization of the biosorbent before and after biosorption using atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity of 9.6 mg/g was obtained at the initial lead ion concentration of 108.79 mg/l, pH value of 5.75, and biosorbent dosage of 9.9 g/l (fresh weight), which was close to the theoretically expected value of 9.88 mg/g. Arthrobacter sp. 25 is an ellipsoidalshaped bacterium covered with extracellular polymeric substances. The biosorption mechanism involved physical adsorption and microprecipitation as well as ion exchange, and functional groups such as phosphoryl, hydroxyl, amino, amide, carbonyl, and phosphate groups played vital roles in adsorption. The results indicate that Arthrobacter sp. 25 may be potentially used as a biosorbent for low-concentration lead(II) removal from wastewater.

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