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        두부외상의 치료에 대한 최신 지견

        박윤관 대한신경외과학회 1993 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.22 No.7

        Recently advanced treatment of head injury has substantially improved result. Aggressive and intensive treatment has not only saved lives but has also reduced morbidity. This article elucidates the problems that must be dealt with in the management of severe head injury patients and develops guidlines in basic principles of modern treatment of head injury in making surgical decision. The rapid evacuation of adequate ventilation and circulation is the first step. Nest is followed by rapid evacuation of space-occupying mass lesions. Intensive monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure is important. Finally deteriorating secondary injuries should be avoided. Many drugs have been claimed to be beneficial in animal studies, including lipid peroxidation inhibitors, free radical scavengers, NMDA receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, monosialic gangliosides, and polyamine. New agents with efficacy either in lowering raised ICP or protecting the nervous system are introduced, and the results of their application are to be included.


        백서 허혈성 국소 뇌경색에서의 소뇌 실정핵 자극 효과

        박윤관,김대환,정흥섭,이기찬,주정화,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.3

        Elecrical stimulation of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus(FN) increases cerebral blood flow(CBF) and reduces brain damage after focal cerebral ischemia. The authors studied whether the neuroprotection elicited from electrical stimulation of the cerebellar FN is attibutable to the elevation in regional CBF(rCBF) or reduction in release of excitatory amino acid. Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized with a mixture of halothane(3% for the induction and 1% for maintenance) and oxygen, and artificially ventilated through a tracheal cannula. Arterial pressure, blood gases and body temperature were monitored. The middle cerebral artery(MCA) was occluded distal to the lenticulostriate branches. The FN was then stimulated for 1 hour(100uA : 50Hz : 1sec on/1sec off). The changes in rCBF were measured by hydrogen clearance method for 2 hours, over the regions corresponding to the ischemic core and penumbra. Postischemic release of glutamate and aspartate were measured by microdialysis for 2 hours at the same site of measurement of rCBF. Infarct volume was determined 8 hours later in 2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride(TTC)-stained sections. FN stimulation(n=12) increased mean arterial pressure by 28±16mmHg. In nonstimulated control rats(n=12), mean AP was not changed significantly during the experimental procedures. Compared with nonstimulated animal, stimulation of FN for 1 hour following MCA occlusion significantly increased rCBF in ischemic core and penumbra by 53.6% and 67.6% respectively. And the volume of infarction decreased by 42% at 8 hours after MCA occlusion. The concentration of glutamate and aspartate in ischemic core after MCA occlusion increased both in the control group(to 12.2±3.3 folds and 10.4±4.1 folds, respectively) and in the stimulation group(10.5±2.8 and 11.2±4.1 folds, respectively). The concentration of glutamate and aspartate in penumbra did change significantly neither in the control group(to 2.5±1.3 folds and 1.8±0.6 folds, respectively) nor in the stimulation group(1.9±0.5 folds and 2.1±0.4 folds, respectively). There was no significant difference between the two groups. These data indicate that neuroprotection elicited from electrical stimulation of the erebellar FN is attributable to the elevation in rCBF but no to the reduction in release of excitatory amino acid.


        Masserman 방법에 의한 뇌척수액 생성률 측정의 새로운 변형

        박윤관,정용구,정흥섭,서중근,이훈갑,주정화,이기찬 대한신경외과학회 1992 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.21 No.8

        Two modifications of the Masserman method for the measurement of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) formation have been designed and compared with the Pappenheimer technique, the Masserman method and its old form of modification in animal experiment. Among the theoretical limitations of the Masserman method, resorption of CSF during the period of measurement was taken into account with two modifications of its integration in this study. The first one was calculated by reduced formula for a simple integration and the second one was produced by Simpson's formula of integration. Twenty adult cats were used for the experiment. Mean CSF production rate calculated by the Pappenheimer method, the Masserman method, the modified Masserman method and newly designed two modifications were 0.0207±0.0018㎖/min, 0.0128±0.0031㎖/min, 0.0166±0.0027㎖/min, 0.0183±0.003㎖/min and 0.0197±0.0033㎖/min respectively. When compared with the Pappenheimer method, data obtained from the Masserman method were significantly underestimated(p<0.01). All modifications have well correlated with the Pappenheimer method, and newly modified Masserman methods showed better cerrespondence.


        지주막하출혈 환자의 Atrial Natriuretic Factor와 심전도 이상 소견에 대한 연구

        박윤관,정흥섭,이기찬,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1994 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.23 No.11

        Atrial natriuretic factor(ANF) is a diuretic natriuretic peptide hormone produced by both the heart and brain. It has been postulated to play a role in the hemodynamic and sodium (EKG) abnormalities is known to occur frequently after cerebrovascular accident, specidly subarachnoid hemorrhage. A prospective study was undertaken to evaluate the relation between the changes of ANF and EKG findings and clinical findings. Thirtyfive nonselected patients with SAH were followed with serial measurements of plasma ANF, plasma antidiuretic hormone (ADH), serum sodium, serum osmolarity, and electrocardiography(EKG) at 2nd 5th, and 7th day after hemorrhage. Mean plasma ANF valeus at 2nd 5th, and 7th day of hemorrhage were 202.3& 109.6ppJm1, 134.6+ 83.5ppJml, and 1233+ 69.9pghl, respectively. Mean plasma ADH values were within normal limits(32-4.4pg/d). At a later stage, 9 patients showed hyponatremia and hypoosmolarity, among whom 8 patients had elevated ANF and 1 patient elevated ADH. The delayed and persistent rise of plasma ANF was correlated with the development of hyponatremia. One or more EKG abnormalities were found in 13 patients. Mean ANF values of patients with normal EKG(131.8_t48.7pg/ml) were significantly different from those with abnormal EKG(272.22 107.5ppJml). The changes of plasma ANF appeared unrelated to age, sex, clinical grade, CT grade, and bleeding site. The results of this study indicate that elevated plasma ANF is closely related with electrophysiological changes of myocardium and that the transitory myocardial ischemia might be the source of plasma ANF after SAH.


        뇌경색후 발생한 Cortical Spreading Depression과 뇌경색 범위에 관한 실험적 연구

        박윤관,이승민,김세훈,이기찬,주정화,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.3

        Cortical Spreading Depression(CSD) is a transient depression of neuronal activity that spreads across the cortical surface and is associated with profound changes in blood flow, extracellular ion concentration. Direct Current(DC) potentials and cell membrane potentials. One of the electrophysiological disturbance in the periinfarct surrounding is spontaneous occurrence of repeated CSD like DC shifts associated with increased energy demand. Due to restricted blood flow to the periinfarct border zone, elevated metabolic demand is potentially harzardous. So the authors designed this experiment to verify the correlation between periinfarct cortical spreading depression and ischemic volume following permanent middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats(n=27) were anesthetized with 0.5∼1% halothane, and artificially ventilated through a tracheal cannula. Arterial pressure, blood gases and body temperature were controlled. The middle cerebral artery(MCA) was occluded distally to the lenticulostriate branches. Measurements of CSD activity were made for 4 hours in each animal. Infarct volume was determined 6 hours later in 2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride(TTC)-stained sections. For 4 hours after MCA occlusion, the CSDs were found in all experimental animals with a range of 2∼9 times. Those CSDs wer of varying duration, : "small"(<1 min) and "big"(> 1 min) SDs and mean of total duration of SD was 10.5±10.3 min during 4 hours of MCA occlusion. Neuropathological evaluation of brain infarct in the rats, which had been allowed to survive for 6 hours after MCA occlusion showed a mean volume of 89.7±45.3㎣. Serial observation of duration of CSD showed progressive prolongation only in 8 rats. The rest of them(n=19) did not show any prolongation. Neither the prolongation of duration of CSD nor the frequency of CSD in the penumbral zone correlated with the volume of infarct. However total duration of CSD was slightly related with the infarct volume after 6 hours of the permanent MCA occlusion(r=0.414, p=0.0318).


        초기혈관조영술상 음성의 소견을 보인 지주막하출혈에 대한 임상연구 : Whether or not to Repeat the Angiography

        박윤관,정흥섭,이기찬,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1995 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.24 No.3

        In recent years there has been a tendency to abandon repeat cerebral angiography in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) if the inital angiogram is normal because prognosis is said to be excellent. Our experiences does not support such a conclusion. In 291 cases with subarachnoid hemorrhages(SAH), four vessel cerebral angiograpjhy was performed to investigate a source of the hemorrhage. The first four vessel study on admission revealed 234 cases(80.4%) of ruptured cerebral aneurysms. Fifty-five of 291 patients with primary subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) did not show vascular lesion in initial pan-angiography studies. In order to define the benefit of control angiography these patients were reviewed. Among 41 patients who underwent repeat angiography, a second angiography showed an aneurysm in 24(58.5%). Twelve of the twenty-four cases had aneurysms in the anterior communicating artery. But the age, sex, initial clinical grade and CT grade of patients with aneurysm in repeat angiography were indistinguishable from thoses of patients without aneurysm. Even in the patients who showed angiographic vasospasm in intial angiography, probability of revealing an aneurysm was not different from those without spasm. We conclude that repeat angiography is necessary in the cases of SAH with normal initial angiogram regardless of the CT findings and the presence of vasospasm.


        만성 뇌경막하 혈종 외막의 병리조직소견과 외막 투과성에 대한 연구

        박윤관,이기찬,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1995 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.24 No.4

        Permeability of membrane of chronic SDH is a unique characteristic. And various types of attenuation of chronic subdural hematoma(SDH) appearing on computerized tomography(CT) scans are related to the changes occurring as the result of recurrent bleeding. The authors have investigated the membrane permeability of SDH according to the histological changes of the outer membrane of chronic SDH. A consecutive seires of 19 adult patients with chronic subdural hematoma has been studied in respect to the post-operative subdural drainage after burr-hole craniostomy and closed system drainage. The subdural drain was kept for 5 days. The amount and the pattern of daily drainage were correlated with histological findings of the outer membrane. The outer membrane of chronic SDH was very rich in blood vessels and contains giant capillaries. One electron microscopic finding of giant capillaries was the frequent formation of gap junctions between adjacent endothelial cells. Numerous red or white blood cells was spilling into the interstitial space of the outer membrane. In positive cases to both membrane hemorrhage and surface clot, total amount of drainage was significantly different from the cases without these findings(p=0.0263). In cases without membrane hemorrhage, the presence of migrating inflammatory cell was well correlated with total drainage amount(p=0.028). From these findings it is suggested that endothelial gap junction of macrocapillaies might play an important role in permeability of the outer membrane. But the recent episode of bleeding could act as a barrier and decrease the permeability actually. After resolution of fibrin clot infiltrated inflammatory cells which contribute to fibrinolysis would decrease and then the permeability would increase.


        Actazolamide와 Fluphenazine의 뇌척수액 생성에 대한 효과

        송준혁,박윤관,정흥섭,서중근,이훈갑,이기찬,주정화 대한신경외과학회 1993 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.22 No.10

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acetazolamide and fluphenazine on the formation of CSF. Studies were performed in 12 cats those were divided into 2 groups ; A-F group included animals received initial acetazolamide infusion and additional infusion of fluphenazine to the initial infusion and the F-A group for vice versa. The rate of CSF formation was measured at 3㎝ above zero outflow pressure by force transducer which connected to personal computer. After obtaining steady value of CSF formation rate, the drugs were infused intravenously according to the protocol. Base line CSF formation rate, 18.87±6.52μl/min, is reduced to 6.67±2.45μl/min after acetazolamide infusion and further reduced to 3.48±4.06μl/min after additional fluphenaxine. In fluphenazine group, the base line CSF formation rate, 16.34±4.58μl/min is reduced to 9.63±4.58μl/min after initial infusion of fluphenazine and further to 6.45±3.64μl/min, after additional infusion of acetazolamide. Mean reduction of CSF formation after initial intravenous infusion of acetazolamide and fluphenazine were 59% and 37% respectively. Although statistically insignificant, the CSF formation reduction in A-F group revealed more even and profound value comparing with that of F-A group. These date suggest that in addition to the effect of acetazolamide to reduce the formation of CSF, some other mechanism may exist in CSF formation that major tranquilizer exert the effect on CSF formation.

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