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      • 방한 외래고객의 호텔 귀빈층 이용실태 및 만족도 연구

        차석빈,윤은형 순천향대학교 사회과학연구소 2000 순천향 사회과학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This study conducted an empirical research to analyze the usage behavior and satisfaction level of the foreign customers staying at executive floors(EFLs) in 10 deluxe hotels. Research findings revealed that respondents sought information on the EFL mainly through their past experience and chain hotel network. Respondents themselves, friend/companion, secretary and co-operator in Korea were major influential sources in selecting EFLs. In importance and satisfaction comparison, statistical significance was shown in in-room service. Finally, employee personnel service was revealed as the most influential service category in terms of total satisfaction guaranteed for EFL customers, followed by lounge and in-room service, respectively.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        효모 세포벽 분해효소 생산균의 탐색 및 효소생산 최적조건의 조사

        차성관,최혜숙,김왕준,윤석후,김영배 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        담자효모 세포벽을 분해하는 효소 생산균의 탐색을 위하여 50여 토양시료와 방선균 1000여개의 미생물을 가지고 3차에 걸친 탐색작업을 실시한 결과 1차적으로 autolysed washed yeast 배지 위에서 투명한 생성크기로 493개 균주를 선발하였으며, 이 균주들을 2차적으로 생효모 한천배지 위에서의 투명한 생성 크기로 117개 균주를 선발 하였다. 선발된 균주들을 가지고 용해활성도의 측정방법을 이용하여 최종적으로 St-1702 균주가 선발되었고, St-1702 균주는 동정 실험결과 잠정적으로 Streptomyces eurythermus 또는 그 유연균으로 동정되어졌다. St-1702 균주를 이용하여 효소생산 최적조건을 조사한 결과 최적배지 및 배양조건은 다음과 같았다 : freeze dried yeast 2% glucose 1%, K_2HPO_4 1%, MgSO_4·7H_2O, 1% peptone 0.5% (NH_4)_2CO_3 0.2% 초기 pH 값 7.0의 배지 및 30℃에서 3일간 배양. 최적배지에서 선발균주를 배양한 배양액을 이용하여 담자효모들의 원형질체 형성 실험을 한 결과 시중에서 구입된 효모 세포벽 분해 효소들보다 더 높은 원형질체 형성률을 보여 주었다. Thousand actinomycetes and 50 soil samples were used for the isolation of microorganisms producing yeast cell wall lytic enzymes. Among 493 strains producing large clear zones on autolysed washed yeast (AWY), 117 strains were selected on living yeast cell agar plates. With the method of lytic activity, one strain (St-1702) was selected, which was temporarily identified as Streptomyces eurythermus. The optimal condition for enzyme production of this strain was partially determined as follows: incubation of the strain for 3 days at 30℃ in the medium containing 2% freeze dried yeast cell, 1% glucose, 1% K_2HPO_4, 0.01% MgSO_4·^7H_2O, 0.5% peptone, and 0.2% (NH_4)_2CO_3 with pH 7.0. The protoplast formation of yeast by using the enzyme produced by this strain was compared with commercial enzymes.

      • 콩나물蛋白質의 營養學的 硏究

        梁且範,文南順,尹錫權 漢陽大學校 師範大學 1981 論文集 Vol.- No.1

        Nutritional evalution of proteins from soybean and soybean sprout and effect of methionine supplement to soybean sprout was studied by feeding albino rat. Sprague-Dawley strain of albino rats fed for 15 days with 5% (Group 1) and 10% (Group 2) level of protein from soybean, 10%(Group 3), 15% (Group 4) and 20%(Group 5) level of protein from soybean sprout, methionine supplement to soybean sprout (Group 6) and 10% level of protein form casein as a reference (Group 7). The results are as follows 1. Body weight gain was greater in soybean than soybean sprout in same protein level. Methionine supplementation increased weight gain significantly compared to soybean sprout alone. 2. By increasing protein level of soybean sprout, weight gain was increased significantly. 3. The more rat gained weight, the more rat in take food and there was significant correlationship between weight gain and food intake. 4. Protein intake was related to weight gain and there was significant positive correlationship between them. 5. PER was increased from 1.061 to 1.962 by adding methionine to soybean sprout, and PER increment was low by increasing the level of protein from soybean sprout in diet. There are no correlationship between PER and weight gain. 6. By adding methionine to soybean sprout, chemical score was increased. Chemical score showed significant positive correlationship with PER but not with weight gain. EAAI and RI was positively correlated significantly with PER.

      • KCI등재

        제4경추의 형태와 초경을 통한 성숙지표에 관한 연구

        이규홍,황용인,김윤지,박양호,백승학,차경석 대한치과교정학회 2008 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 측모 두부 규격 방사선사진을 이용하여 성장 중인 아동의 제4경추 형태를 경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도에 따라 분류하고 초경의 시기와 수완부 골 성숙 단계를 평가하여, 성장 중인 아동의 골격적 부정교합의 진단 및 악정형 치료를 위한 성장 시기 평가에 제4경추의 형태 변화가 진단의 참고자료로 활용될 수 있는지를 연구하였다. 11-14세 여자 환자 중, 같은 날짜에 촬영된 측모 두부 규격 방사선사진과 수완부 방사선사진이 모두 있는 81명을 대상으로 환자의 측모 두부 규격 방사선사진상 제4경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도에 따라 세 그룹으로 분류하였다. (Group A - 제4경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도가 1.05 mm 이하, Group B -제4경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도가 1.05- 2.07 mm 사이, Group C -제4경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도가 2.07 mm 이상)세 그룹에서 각각 제4경추 몸체부의 수직 길이, 수평 길이, 수직/수평 비율, 초경의 시기, 수완부 골 성숙 단계를 측정한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 평균 수완부 골 성숙 단계는 Group A가 SMI 5.67 ± 2.57단계, Group B는 SMI 8,73 ± 2.41 단계, Group C는 SMI 10.00 ± 1.47단계로 나타났다. GroupA에서 Group B, Group C로 갈수록 제4경추의 수직 길이, 수평 길이, 수직/수평 비율, 수완부 골 성숙 단계에 있어서 각각 유의하게 더 큰 값을 보였다. 본 연구대상 아동의 평균 초경 시기는 11.64 ± 0.92세를 보였다. 제4경추 몸체부 하연의 만곡 정도, 수직 길이, 수평 길이, 수직/수평 비율은 수완부 골 성숙 단계와 각각 서로 유의한 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 초경을 경험한 그룹이 초경을 경험하지 않은 그룹에 비해 제4경추의 수직 길이, 수평 길이, 수직/수평 비율, 수완부 골 성숙 단계에 있어서 유의하게 큰 값을 보였다. 연구 결과 측모 두부 규격 방사선사진상 제4경추 하연의 만곡 깊이가 2.07 mm 이상인 경우 성장의 완료 단계에 가까운 시기로 나타나 이 시기의 악정형적 치료는 큰 효과를 얻을 수 없을 것으로 사료된다. Objective: This study analyzed the morphologic changes of the fourth cervical vertebra body to determine the skeletal age of orthodontic patients during growth. Methods: Eighty-one female patients aged from 11 to 14 who had cephalograms taken on the same day were examined. The subjects were divided into three groups depending on the depth of the concavity of the lower border of the fourth cervical vertebra (Group A: less than 1.05 mm, Group B: 1.05 - 2.07 mm, Group C: greater than 2.07 mm). Menarcheal timing, SMI stage, length, width and ratio of length and width of the fourth cervical vertebra body were analyzed and the following results were obtained. Results: The average SMI stage of group A,B and C were 5.67 ± 2.57, 8.73 ± 2.41, and 10.00 ± 1.47, respectively. Length, width, ratio of length and width, and SMI stage were greater in group B than group A and in group C than group B. Mean menarcheal timing was 11.64 ± 0.92 years. Concavity depth, length, width, ratio of length and width showed a significant positive correlation with SMI stage, especially with the concavity depth. Conclusion: The results of this study propose a simple method for determining the timing of orthopedic treatment by measuring the concavity depth of the fourth cervical vertebra on the cephalogram.

      • Study of Fuzzy Control Algorithm of security Alarm System and Integrated System with PIC-Emergency Lamp Controller

        Suk-Am Yoon,Chong-Bock Park,Hyung-Sang Yoon,Jang-Gyun Choi,In-Su Cha,Won-Bae Kim,Myung-Hyun Cho 전력전자학회 1998 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this paper, we present the method that improve alarm security system using the electronic circuits added the emergency lamp by our proposed Algorithms. In conventional method the emergency lamp of warning & alarm system didn't work perfectly its performance because of battery with short life. For improving this problem we, using Periphera1 Interface Controller IC, designed the circuit added the emergency Samp for an warning & alarm system and for prevention against stopping the electric current, and compared our proposed method with conventional method.<br/> By designing the circuit to stop up over charge we can extend life of battery, use for a stoppage of electric current in emergency and according to the lightness around. Therefore we are very convenient and profitable in our life.<br/> In the future we will study the method to lower the cost of architecture for practical utilization.

      • Korean Paper Presentation 3: Resuscitation/Airway Management Trauma, Toxicology/Environmental Emergency : OK3-3 ; Initial Serum Ammonia as Predictor for Severe Complications in Glufosinate Poisoning

        ( Yoon Suk Lee ),( Dong Geon Lee ),( Yong Sung Cha ),( Hyun Kim ),( Jin Go ),( Tae Hoon Kim ),( Oh Hyun Kim ),( Kyoung Chul Cha ),( Kang Hyun Lee ),( Sung Oh Hwang ) 대한응급의학회 2014 대한응급의학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2014 No.2

        Glufosinate poisoning can cause severe complications at initial and also delayed manifestation of severe complications can make a treating glufosinate poisoned patients difficult. However, there are only few study about predictors for the serious complications and especially for the serum ammonia level, only case reports have been presented as a probable predictor of severe neurotoxicity. Therefore, we investigated the general characteristics, clinical presentations, and the factors that can predict severe complications in glufosinate poisoned patients. We conducted a retrospective review of 45 consecutive glufosinate poisoning cases that were diagnosed and treated at the emergency department of the Wonju Severance Christian Hospital between May 2007 and July 2014. The patients were divided into two groups: severe and non-severe group. The severe group is defined as patients with life threatening conditions (GCS <8, seizure, respiratory failure, and hypotension) Severe group were 29 patients (64.4%). Clinical courses included severe group after glufosinate poisoning were GCS <8 (27 patients, 60.0%), seizure (23 patients, 51.1%), respiratory failure (14 patients, 31.1%), and hypotension (2 patients, 4.4%). GCS <8, seizure, and respiratory failure, which are severe complications, appeared with latent period within 14 hrs, 34 hrs, and 14 hrs, respectively. The predicting factor of severe complications was initial serum ammonia. The optimal point of initial serum ammonia was 86 ug/dL [sensitivity: 72%, specificity: 64%, and area under the curve (AUC) 0.742]. Severe complications, such as GCS <8, seizure, respiratory failure, and hypotension, developed in 64.4% of glufosinate poisoning. The most common severe complication was GCS <8. The predictor of severe complications included initial serum ammonia level > 86 ug/dL.

      • 도난 경계 경보기용 비상등 컨트롤러의 설계및 알고리즘에 관한 연구

        윤석암(Suk-Am Yoon),박종복(Chong-Bock Park),윤형상(Hyung-Sang Yoon),최장균(Jang-Gyun Choi),차인수(In-Su Cha),김원배(Won-Bae Kim),조명현(Myung-Hyun Cho) 전력전자학회 1998 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this paper we present the method that improve alarm security system using the electronic circuits added the emergency lamp by our proposed Algorithms. In conventional method the emergency lamp of warning & alarm system was not executed perfectly its performance because of battery with short life. For improving this problem we, using Peripheral Interface Controller IC, designed the circuit added the emergency lamp for an warning & alarm system and for prevent from stopping the electric current, and compared our proposed method with conventional method. <br/> By designing the circuit to stop up over charge we can extend life of battery, use for a stoppage of electric current in emergency and according to the lightness around. Therefore we are very convenient and profitable m our life.<br/> In the future we will study the method to lower the cost of architecture for practical utilization.<br/> <br/>

      • 수질오염 측정장비를 이용한 자동 통보장치에 관한 연구

        윤석암(Suk-Am Yoon),윤형상(Hyung-Sang Yoon),이정일(Jung-Il Lee),임중열(Jung-Yeol Lim),김민(Min Kim),이기제(Ki-Je Lee),차인수(In-Su Cha) 전력전자학회 1999 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        These days the water pollution of lakes and marshes which are sources of city water in many districts is getting worse and worse. we present one method to supervise the water state of lakes and marshes. Using the water pollution measuring devices being sold in a market we designed an automatic inform system to check the pollution state of lakes and marshes directly away at the department of environment As installing this system at tributary rivers and streams, examiners and officers at the department of environment can observe the pollution degree everyday and take strong action against the pollution immediately.

      • 솔라셀을 적용한 수질오염 경보 시스템의 설계에 관한 연구

        윤석암(Suk-Am Yoon),최장균(Jang-Kyun Chor),윤형상(Hyung-Sang Yoon),김민(Min Kim),이기제(Ki-Je Lee),차인수(In-Su Cha) 전력전자학회 1999 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.7

        As the industry has been growing rapidly, the problem of environmental pollution has been on the rise seriously, In this paper, we used solar cells at the power supply unit of the equipment, which has been sold at present, for measuring the quality of water in order to complement the problem.<br/> Also, to get rid of the inconvenience that the examiners must go to the job site, check and collect the polluted water' we set the goal at designing the water pollution alarm system which measures the quality of water automatically using one-chip microprocessor and materializing the program,

      • The Auxiliary Power Compensation Apparatus for Urban Photovoltaic/Wind Hybrid Generation System

        Pil-Hyun Yoon,Se-Jun Park,Jeong-Phil,Yoon,In-Su Cha,Suk-Am Yoon,Jeong-Il Lee 전력전자학회 2004 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Photovoltaic energy and wind energy are highly dependent on the season, time and extremely intermittent energy sources. Because of these reasons, in view of the reliability the photovoltaic and the wind power generation system have many problems(energy conversion, energy storage, load control etc.) comparing with conventional power plant.<br/> In order to solve these existing problems, hybrid generation system composed of photovoltaic(500W) and wind power system(400W × 2) was suggested. But, hybrid generation system cannot always generate stable output due to the varying weather condition. So, the auxiliary power compensation apparatus that uses elastic energy of spiral spring was added to hybrid generation system for the present study. It was partly confirmed that hybrid generation system was generated a stable outputs by spiral spring was continuously provided to load.

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