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      • KCI등재

        Comparison of volatile organic compounds from uninfested and Monochamus alternatus Hope infested Pinus massoniana Lamb.

        Xiao‐Juan Li,Guang-Ping DONG,Jian-Min FANG,Hong-Jian LIU,Wan-Lin GUO 한국곤충학회 2017 Entomological Research Vol.47 No.3

        Monochamus alternatus is a destructive stem‐boring herbivore of Pinus massoniana, and the principal vector of pine wood nematode. To investigate the impacts of boring by M. alternatus larvae on the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their host trees, the VOCs from uninfested and M. alternatus larvae infested P. massoniana trees were observed using a gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer. We detected 12, 9, 18 and 14 volatile organic compounds from infested xylem, infested phloem, uninfested xylem and uninfested phloem, respectively. In P. massoniana xylem, the boring of M. alternatus larvae induced cyclosativene, and inhibited 4‐carene, humulene, styrene, α‐phellandrene, β‐myrcene, β‐phellandrene and γ‐terpinene. The relative amounts of camphene, copacamphene, longicyclene, longifolene, tricyclene and α‐longipinene were significantly increased, and the relative amounts of α‐pinene and β‐pinene were significantly decreased by the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae. In P. massoniana phloem, the boring of M. alternatus larvae induced 2‐bornanone, copacamphene, longicyclene and α‐longipinene, and inhibited 2‐carene, 4‐carene, styrene, α‐phellandrene, β‐myrcene, β‐phellandrene, β‐pinene, γ‐terpinene and ο‐cymene. The relative amounts of camphene, caryophyllene and longifolene were significantly increased by the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae. The results indicate that the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae changed both the sorts and contents of the VOCs from P. massoniana trees.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of differentially expressed immunity‐related genes in Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) larvae parasitized by Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae)

        Xiao‐Juan Li,Guang-Ping DONG,Jian-Min FANG,Hong-Jian LIU,Wan-Lin GUO 한국곤충학회 2018 Entomological Research Vol.48 No.4

        The pine sawyer Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a serious pest of several Pinus species, and the ectoparasitoid larvae of Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) is an important natural enemy of this pest. The transcriptome of M. alternatus larvae was sequenced using the Illumina platform and immunity‐related genes were specifically analyzed. De novo assembly resulted in the identification of 24 241 unigenes, with a mean length of 1122 bp, in unparasitized M. alternatus larvae and 23 807 unigenes, with a mean length of 1140 bp, for parasitized larvae. Removal of redundant unigenes resulted in 26 095 all‐unigenes, of which 16 959 (64.99%) showed clear homology with some of the known genes in the National Center for Biotechnology Information nr database. Parasitization had notable effects on the transcriptome profile of M. alternatus larvae. In all, 2702 genes were differentially expressed in M. alternatus larvae after parasitization, with 1491 (55.18%) upregulated and 1211 (44.82%) downregulated. Moreover, expression levels of immunity‐related genes in M. alternatus larvae were markedly altered in response to parasitization by D. helophoroides. In conclusion, the transcriptome profiling data, especially the discovered of immunity‐related genes, help illustrate the molecular mechanisms of parasitism between D. helophoroides and M. alternatus and provide new insights into developing immunity regulation‐mediated control methods of M. alternatus.

      • KCI등재후보

        特別寄稿論文 : 魏晉玄學的言意之辯與劉協意象論的關係

        김원중 ( Won Joong Kim ),유효홍 ( Xiao Hong Liu ) 한국사상문화학회 2009 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.50 No.-

        魏晉南北朝時期는 경학이 쇠퇴하면서 여러 가지 사상이 다시 대두하기 시작하였는데 특히 晉代에 玄風이 성행하면서 허무를 숭상하고 세상을 피하는 소극적 은둔사상이 신속하게 발전하기 시작하였다. 正始 年間에 王弼과 何晏을 비롯한 일련의 사상가들은 노장사상에 입각하여 유가의 경전을 해석하였으니, 우리는 이런 사상을 玄學이라고 한다. 이 현학은 통치자들 뿐만 아니라 상당수의 지식인들의 사유체계와 시대적 분위기를 반영하는 시대조류로 확인되어 죽림칠현이 출현하는 등 사회적 관심사가 되었던 것이다. 특히 이들은 노장 계열의 언어관, 즉 언어는 개인의 사상을 다 표현하기 힘들다는 명제를 적극 수용하면서 문학 창작에 있어서 언어와 사고의 관계에 관한 적지 않은 논의를 야기 시켰으며, 이런 관점을 우리는 言意之辯이라고 한다. 주지하는 바와 같이 劉協은 南朝의 齊梁年間에 살았으므로 이미 현학의 전성기가 지나간 시기에 해당되어 얼핏 보기에 이런 시대 조류와 무관한 시대를 살다간 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 그는 문학사상의 영역에서 현학의 적지 않은 영향을 받아 그의 대작 ≪文心雕龍≫에는 현학의 상당한 흔적을 찾아볼 수 있다. 물론 그의 주된 사상이 儒家思想이면서 道佛의 영향을 받은 복합적인 면모를 고려하면 더욱 그러하다. 유협은 이미 현학이 함축하고 있는 시대와의 불화에 주목하면서도 그 현학이 갖는 문학적 사유의 주요한 측면인 언어와 사고의 관계에 주목했다는 점이다. 역설적이지만 우리는 위진의 현학으로 야기된 문학의 좋지 않은 실제 창작스타일에 대해 유협이 매우 비판적이라는 점도 인정한다. 그러면서도 우리가 간과해서는 안 될 사안은 유협은 현학의 부정적 측면을 비판하면서도 그에 영향을 받은 당시의 작가들의 창작과 이론에 상당한 의미를 부여하면서, 특히 현학의 중심 화두이기도 한 言意의 문제를 적극 수용하여 문학 창작이론의 핵심 사안으로 삼았다는 점이다. 우리가 ≪文心雕龍≫을 보면 적지 않은 부분에서 玄理를 문학이론의 영역으로 끌어들여 자신의 문론을 전개하는 것을 보면 그가 문학 창작론의 첫머리인 `神思` 편을 중심으로 전개하는 `언부진의`론의 문제가 충분히 논의할 만한 가치가 있는 것으로 평가된다. 그가 이 책의 저술 동기에서도 말한 바있듯이 꿈에서도 공자를 볼 정도라는 그가 문학의 원론은 원도, 징성, 종경을 내세우면서 다시 창작론에서는 `言不盡意`론을 수용한다는 것은 모순적인 것으로 볼 수도 있다. 본고를 통해 필자는 유협이 말하고자 하는 意象이란 言、象、意 세 가지 가 반드시 유기적으로 융합하여 탄생한 것이라는 점을 주목했다는 점에 주목하면서, 유협이 言意關係에 대해 논의함에 있어 주로 혜康 등의 言不盡意論과 王弼의 得意忘言論을 기초로 삼으면서 歐陽建의 言盡意論도 고려하는 절충의 방식으로 이들이 자신의 의상론과 연계되어 있다는 사실을 검토하였다. 유협은 언어와 의상의 이원론에 입각하면서도 의상론에 있어서 언어의 작용과 효용이 매우 크다는 점을 확실히 인지하였던 것이다. 그 주된 관점은 주로 言意관계를 言、象、意라는 세 가지 측면으로 분리하여 "象"이 言意의 사이에서 갖는 中介性을 강조하고 있다는 사실도 본고를 통해 확인되었다. 유협이 말하는 "象"은 곧 意象이며 이는 문학 창작 중에 객관사물이 작자의 두뇌 속에서 존재하는 형상이다. 여기서"객관사물"이란 실체가 있고 구체적인 것이지만, 두뇌속의 형상은 비어있고 추상적인 것이다. 이 두 가지가 결합한 `의상`은 이 양자 사이에 존재하는 제 3의 공간이다. 이런 면에서 볼 때 유협이 의상의 작용을 중시하여 "獨照之匠, 窺意象而運斤"(<神思>篇)이라든지 "神用象通, 情變所孕"(<神思>篇)라고 한 것은 그가 언의지변과의 영향을 받은 것인 동시에 아울러 그의 의상론과의 관계를 입증시켜 주는 중요한 예다. 유협이 제시한 이론은 자칫 원론적인 면에서 그 한계를 드러낸다고 볼 수 있으니, 그가 문학창작의 실제적 과정 속에 존재하는 다양한 문제점에만 주목하고 그 실제적인 해결 방안모색에는 소홀했다는 점에 우리는 그 아쉬움을 지적하지 않을 수 없다. As all people know about it, Liu xie was largely affected by Profound learning which is included in his masterpiece Wen Xin Diao Long. Profound learning is His literature theory especially notes Confucian ideas and has comprehensive aspects in that Taoism and Buddhism had an effect on it. However, Profound learning had bad effects on literature and we can infer that Liu xie had critical perspective on this atmosphere. Namely, in unique circumstances of profound learning, Liu Xie was not included in these ideas and made this theory more comprehensive by taking advantages and complaining disadvantages among these ideas. Furthermore, when we read Wen Xin Diao Long, we can notice that he made his own literature theory by taking Profound learning in many sections. The viewpoint, which we cannot express own ideas, is main point of the theory of creating literature. Liu xie noted that Imaginative power of the author is comprised of language, image, idea. There is famous saying of Wang bi; When we acquire idea, we immediately forget language. Liu xie changed this to his theory of creating literature. The bottom line is that Liu xie segregated relation between language and image, then formed it as language, idea, and image. He emphasizes the connection between language and image. The image he says is verbal image and this is the formation existing in the brain of the author when creating literary works. In conclusion, objective subject author tries to express is tangible and concrete. Meanwhile, the image in the mind of the author is nonobjective. Liu xie regarded Verbal image comprised of the two as the third space between both things. We cannot help noting that he did not endeavor to find out actual method to solve but notice various problems.

      • Fenofibrate Increases Radiosensitivity in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma via Inducing G2/M Arrest and Apoptosis

        Liu, Jia,Ge, Yang-Yang,Zhu, Hong-Cheng,Yang, Xi,Cai, Jing,Zhang, Chi,Lu, Jing,Zhan, Liang-Liang,Qin, Qin,Yang, Yan,Yang, Yue-Hua,Zhang, Hao,Chen, Xiao-Chen,Liu, Zhe-Ming,Ma, Jian-Xin,Cheng, Hong-Yan,S Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.16

        Radiation therapy is an important treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). However, how to promote radiation sensitivity in HNSCC remains a challenge. This study aimed to investigate the radiosensitizing effects of fenofibrate on HNSCC and explore the underlying mechanisms. HNSCC cell lines CNE-2 and KB were subjected to ionizing radiation (IR), in the presence or absence of fenofibrate treatment. Cell growth and survival, apoptosis and cell cycle were evaluated. In addition, CNE-2 cells were xenografted into nude mice and subjected to IR and/or fenofibrate treatment. The expression of cyclinB and CDK1 was detected by Western blotting. Our results showed that fenofibrate efficiently radiosensitized HNSCC cells and xenografts in mice, and induced apoptosis and G2/M arrest via reducing the activity of the CDK1/cyclinB1 kinase complex. These data suggest that fenofibrate could be a promising radiosensitizer for HNSCC radiotherapy.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Value of 320-row CT Multisection Angiography and in Place of DSA as the Diagnostic and Treatment Way for Intracranial Aneurysm

        ( Xiao Hong Liu ),( Yi Huang ),( Ya Zhang ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2012 공학기술논문지 Vol.5 No.4

        To explore the possibility of 320-row multisection CT angiography (320MCTA) in place of DSA that could be as the only diagnostic and treatment way for intracranial aneurysm, 52 patients who have underwent 320MSTA and DSA, image quality of 320MSCTA and DSA were assessed according to surgical findings. Among of 54 aneurysms, 50 and 53 cases were detected by 320MSCTA and by DSA, respectively. The results showed that there were no statistical difference in detecting ability between 320MSCTA and DSA (p>O.05). Moreover, 320MSTA were superior to DSA in depicting aneurysm-wall calcification, parentartery, anatomic landmark surrounding aneurysm (p<0.05). In conclusion, 320MSCTA could displace DSA as the first selection in diagnostic and treatment way of intracranial aneurysm.

      • KCI등재

        Optimization of helicon wave current drive in HL-2M tokamak

        Liu Hong Bo,Liu Guan Nan,Sun Ai Ping,Xiao Zheng Yao,Li Xin Xia 한국물리학회 2022 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.81 No.5

        Helicon waves have been proposed for efcient of-axis current drive in high-performance tokamaks. The HL-2M tokamak will be operated with high plasma beta approaching to 훽N ∼ 4.0%, which provides a good platform to apply helicon wave system in the machine. Based on the helicon wave dispersion relation, efects of electron Landau damping and transit time magnetic pumping on wave absorption are analyzed according to the HL-2M plasma, and then, an optimized scheme of helicon wave parameter is proposed. The evolution of helicon wave electric feld and produced current drive are calculated by the AORSA full-wave code. It shows that current drive efciency of 100 kA/MW can be generally received in the machine. Moreover, the AORSA results are actively benchmarked with the ray-tracing code, and the results show a good consistency. Finally, the numerical convergence and the consumption of computation resources on grid point numbers in AORSA code are discussed.

      • Annual Financial Impact of Thyroidectomies for Nodular Thyroid Disease in China

        Liu, Xiao-Yun,Zhu, Li-Jun,Cui, Dai,Wang, Zhi-Xiao,Chen, Huan-Huan,Duan, Yu,Shen, Mei-Ping,Zhang, Zhi-Hong,Wang, Xiao-Dong,Chen, Jia-Wei,Alexander, Erik Karl,Yang, Tao Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.14

        A large proportion of patients with thyroid nodules in China undergo thyroidectomy in order to get confirmatory histology diagnosis. The financial impact of this modality remains to be investigated. To evaluate rationality of performing thyroidectomy without a routine FNA preoperatively from the economic perspective, we conducted a retrospective, observational study of all archival thyroidectomies with records of cost per stay (CPS), cost per day (CPD) and length of stay (LOS) from 2008 to 2013 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. We compared all the parameters between cancer and non-cancer thyroidectomies. We recruited 6, 140 thyroidectomies with valid records of CPS, CPD and LOS in this period. The CPS of cancer thyroidectomy was significantly higher than non-cancer thyroidectomy. The percentage of cancer thyroidectomy increased from 26.5% to 41.6%. The percentage of annual cost of cancer thyroidectomies rose from 30.2% to 45.2%. The LOS for cancer and non-cancer thyroidectomy decreased while the CPD increased in the past six years. The estimated national cost in 2012 for all thyroidectomies would be USD 1.86 billion with USD 1.09 billion for non-cancer thyroidectomies. We have witnessed great improvement in the healthcare for patients with thyroid nodules in China. However, given limited healthcare resources, currently thyroid FNA for more precise preoperative diagnosis may help to curb the rapidly increasing demand in healthcare costs in the future for nodular thyroid disease in China.

      • Adjuvant Radiotherapy after Breast Conserving Treatment for Breast Cancer:A Dosimetric Comparison between Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy

        Liu, Zhe-Ming,Ge, Xiao-Lin,Chen, Jia-Yan,Wang, Pei-Pei,Zhang, Chi,Yang, Xi,Zhu, Hong-Cheng,Liu, Jia,Qin, Qin,Xu, Li-Ping,Lu, Jing,Zhan, Liang-Liang,Cheng, Hong-Yan,Sun, Xin-Chen Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.8

        Background: Radiotherapy is an important treatment of choice for breast cancer patients after breast-conserving surgery, and we compare the feasibility of using dual arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT2), single arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT1) and Multi-beam Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (M-IMRT) on patients after breast-conserving surgery. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with breast cancer (half right-sided and half left-sided) treated by conservative lumpectomy and requiring whole breast radiotherapy with tumor bed boost were planned with three different radiotherapy techniques: 1) VMAT1; 2) VMAT2; 3) M-IMRT. The distributions for the planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) were compared. Dosimetries for all the techniques were compared. Results: All three techniques satisfied the dose constraint well. VMAT2 showed no obvious difference in the homogeneity index (HI) and conformity index (CI) of the PTV with respect to M-IMRT and VMAT1. VMAT2 clearly improved the treatment efficiency and can also decrease the mean dose and V5Gy of the contralateral lung. The mean dose and maximum dose of the spinal cord and contralateral breast were lower for VMAT2 than the other two techniques. The very low dose distribution (V1Gy) of the contralateral breast also showed great reduction in VMAT2 compared with the other two techniques. For the ipsilateral lung of right-sided breast cancer, the mean dose was decreased significantly in VMAT2 compared with VMAT1 and M-IMRT. The V20Gy and V30Gy of the ipsilateral lung of the left-sided breast cancer for VMAT2 showed obvious reduction compared with the other two techniques. The heart statistics of VMAT2 also decreased considerably compared to VMAT1 and M-IMRT. Conclusions: Compared to the other two techniques, the dual arc volumetric modulated arc therapy technique reduced radiation dose exposure to the organs at risk and maintained a reasonable target dose distribution.

      • KCI등재

        Formation and Characterization of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Silver Oxide Nanoparticles under Langmuir Monolayers of n-Hexadecyl Dihydrogen Phosphate

        Hong-Guo Liu,Fei Xiao,Hong-Guo Liu 대한화학회 2008 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.29 No.12

        Two-dimensional arrays of silver oxide nanoparticles were prepared by oxidation of silver nanoparticle arrays in air. The silver nanoparticle arrays were formed by illuminating the composite Langmuir monolayers of nhexadecyl dihydrogen phosphate (n-HDP)/ethyl stearate (ES)/Ag+ at the air-water interface by daylight. The average diameters of the nanoclusters is found to be 2.32 ± 0.89, 2.97 ± 0.78, and 4.94 ± 0.57 nm, respectively, depending on the experimental conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-vis spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) investigations indicate the formation of silver oxide nanoparticles. The possible formation mechanism of the 2D arrays should be attributed to the templating effect of parallel aligned linear supramolecular rows of n-HDP formed at the air-water interface.

      • KCI등재

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