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      • KCI등재

        [특집, 韓國文集(한국문집)과 漢學硏究(한학연구) : 韓中(한중) 文化(문화)의 교차적 이해 (1)] ; 滄江(창강) 金澤榮 壽序(수서) 연구 -韓(한),中(중) 知識人(지식인) 교류 연구의 반성적 검토를 겸하여-

        김우정 ( Woo Jeong Kim ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2013 民族文化硏究 Vol.61 No.-

        滄江 金澤榮(1850~1927)은 쇠망하는 조선을 등지고 망명을 택했고, 渡中 이후 명망가들과 교류하며 활발한 저술 활동을 한 까닭에 한·중 양국으로부터 공히 많은 주목을 받았다. 그러나 이에 관한 연구 중에는 중국 문인의 가르침을 받았다 거나 서구 문명과 유교 정신을 결합하여 근대화의 출구를 찾고자 한 계몽사상가로 변모하였다는 식의 일방적 수수관계로 규정한 사례도 보인다. 이 글은 김택영 이 지은 壽序를 통해 이러한 주장이 편향적임을 드러내고자 했다. 김택영은 24편의 수서를 남겼는데, 이는 조선의 역대 문장가 가운데 압도적으로 많은 양이다. 본래 수서는 상업이 발달한 중국 明代 江南 지역에서 유행한 통 속문의 일종이지만, 歸有光에 의해 應酬文字의 한계를 극복하고 문학적 생명력을 부여받았다. 김택영은 ‘震川의 아들’이라고 불릴 정도로 귀유광에 심취하였으므로 수서의 창작에 있어서도 많은 영향을 받았다. 그런데 그 특징을 살펴본 결과, 당 대의 현실과 내면 의식을 투영하거나 상인·부녀자 등 사회적 약자에 대해 애정 어린 시선을 보인 점, 일화를 통해 인물과 사건을 부각하는 수법 등 귀유광의 수 서와 닮은 점도 있었지만, 서사를 중심에 두고 의론을 착종함으로써 찬술 의도를 드러내거나 진지하고 엄격한 내용을 간결 명쾌하고 자연스러운 문체에 담아낸 점 과 같이 귀유광의 수서에선 잘 발견되지 않는 특징도 확인할 수 있었다. 또 귀유 광의 수서를 폄하한 曾國藩을 강하게 비판하였는데, 그 논리의 근저에는 문학을 학문에 종속된 것으로 보지 않는 태도와 『史記』의 ‘神韻’ ‘神味’를 준거로 삼는 창 작론이 있었다. 이는 기실 조선 문단에서 지속적으로 제기되어 온 것으로, 김택영 이 귀유광을 높게 평가한 것도 이러한 전통의 연장선상에서 이해될 수 있다. 김택영은 결코 19세기 조선이라는 시대와 공간을 이격하여 귀유광에게 가 닿은 것이 아니며, 봉건적 계급관념을 탈각하고 근대로 나아간 계몽사상가도 아니었다. 망명 기간 중 중국의 자유로운 학문 풍토의 영향을 받았지만 儒學과 단절 하지 않았고 서양을 新學을 부정하는 모습도 보였다. 김택영 학문적 특징과 문학 적 특징을 객관적으로 바라보려면 그의 학문과 문학의 형성에 영향을 끼친 한·중 양국의 모든 요인들이 균형 있게 고려되어야 마땅하다. Changkang Kim Taek-young (1850~1927) chose asylum, leaving declining Joseon dynasty. After defecting to China, interacting with men of repute, he did writing work. So, he drew attention from both Korea and China. But, among studies on this activity, there is a case that this was prescribed as lopsided receiving relation in the style that he changed into a philosophe who tried to seek exit of modernization, getting a lesson from a Chinese literary man or uniting Western civilization and Confucian spirit. This writing was intended to show these suggestions are deflective through Su-seo written by Kim Taek-young. Kim left 24 pieces of Su-seo, and these are overwhelmingly lots of quantities among all writers in Joseon. Originally, Su-seo is a kind of colloquial writing which was popular in the Jiangnan Region in Ming China where commerce developed; however, overcoming the limit of Eungsu letters by Gui You-guang, it was given literary life. Since Kim was absorbed in Gui You-guang as much as he was called “son of Jincheon(震川)”, Kim was influenced a lot by Gui in creation of Su-seo. By the way, after looking into the features of Kim’s writing, though there are similar points with Su-seo of Gui You-guang like reflecting reality and inner consciousness of Kim’s time, showing a fond look on second-class citizens such as merchants, women, etc., and standing out characters and events through anecdotes; by collecting arguments centered on narration, like presenting his writing intention or containing serious and strict contents in his simple and natural writing style, his own features that were not found out in Su-seo of Gui You-guang could be checked. Also, Kim criticized strongly Zeng Guo-fan who denigrated Su-seo of Gui You-guang. In the basis of Kim’s logic, there were an attitude that literature is not subordinate to learning and a creation theory that made “superb spirit(神韻)” and “superb taste(神味)” of Shiji(史記) as a standard. In fact, these were things that Joseon’s literary circles brought up consecutively, so the fact that Kim Taek-young evaluated Gui You-guang highly can be understood in this traditional extension. Kim did not touch Gui You-guang by dividing time and space called 19th century Joseon dynasty, and also he was not a philosophe who got rid of feudal class concepts and went forward into modern era. Though he was influenced by Chinese free learning characteristics during his exile in China, he did not break off Confucianism and showed a look to deny Western new sciences. If we look at academic and literary features of Kim Taek-young objectively, it is suitable that all factors of both Korea and China which influenced the formation of his study and literature should be considered evenly.

      • KCI등재

        16~17세기 근기(近畿) 지역 서인계 문인의 교류와 고문사(古文辭)

        김우정 ( Woo Jeong Kim ) 한국한문학회 2014 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        16~17세기 近畿 지역은 수도에 인접한 까닭에 정치적 이해관계가 복잡하게 얽혀있었고 새로운 학문이나 문학적 조류에 신속하게 반응했다. 三南 지방 등 다른 지역에 비해 유연하고 개방적인 학풍을 띠고 있었음은 물론이다. 이들은 주로 한강 이북에 반원형으로 분포하며 師承과 通婚을 통해 연대하며 정치와 문단의 권력을 장악했고, 黨色이 다른 문인들과도 활발하게 교류하며 한강 이남으로 세력을 확장해나갔다. 특히 東人보다는 西人에게서 이런 경향이 두드러지는데, 李珥로부터 金長生으로 이어지는 중간 단계에서 서인의 실질적 리더 역할을 했던 尹根壽와 李恒福 이외에도 趙翼의 豊 陽 趙氏, 鄭弘溟의 延日 鄭氏, 李廷龜의 延安 李氏, 趙緯韓과 趙絅의 漢陽 趙氏 가문 등 조선왕조의 砥柱라 할 만한 명문거족이 다수 포함되어 있다. 그런데 공교롭게도 이 들은 대부분 ‘古文辭’에 대한 관심이 각별했다는 공통점을 지니고 있기도 하다. 이는문장에 대한 기호 외에 서울과 경기 북부라는 지역성도 ‘고문사’의 출현에 중요한 요인으로 작용했음을 시사한다. 이 글은 바로 외적영향론과 내적 발전론 등 문학 내부의 문제에 가려져온 지역성이라는 문제에 주목한것이다. 고문사에 관심을 두었던 16~17 세기 근기 지역의 서인들은 한강 이북에 자리 잡은 윤근수와 이항복을 축으로 형성되 었으며, 金尙憲.張維.鄭弘溟.鄭曄.趙翼.金堉 등 효종 연간까지 유지되었다. 이 밖에 崔..柳夢寅.申欽.許筠 등 당색이 모호하거나 다른 문장가들과도 계파적 이 해관계를 뛰어넘어 교류하였다. 이들은 기호 산림만큼 뚜렷한 색채를 지니지 못했기에 사상사와 정치사 어디에서도 하나의 계파로 분류되지 않는데, 이는 이들의 활동공간이 었던 근기 지역이 개방적이고 유동적이었던 것과 일정 정도 관련이 있다. Geungi(近畿) area in the 16~17th century showed complicated politicalinterests and rapidly responded to new academic knowledge or literary trend because the area is near the capital. It was natural that the area was flexible and had open academic traditions compared to other areas like Samnam(三南) regions etc. They distributed mainly in northern part of Han river in half-round shape, tied through a teacher and marriage, held power of political and literary realm, actively exchanged with literary writers with different party color. So they expanded their power towards southern part of Han river. Especially, such tendency was prominent in the Seoin group rather than the Dongin group(東人系). Forexample, there were Yoon Keun-soo(尹根壽) and Lee Hang-bok(李恒福) who were actual leaders of the Seoin in the middle stage from Yi I(李珥) to Kim Jang-saeng(金長生); some famous families such as Poongyang(豊 陽) Cho of Cho Ik(趙翼), Yeonil(延日) Jeong of Jeong Hong-myeong(鄭弘 溟), Yeonan(延安) Lee of Lee Jeong-gu(李廷龜), Hanyang(漢陽) Cho of Cho Wi-han(趙緯韓) and Cho Gyeong(趙絅). Unexpectedly, they have a common point that most of them had keen interest in ‘retro style writings’. This implies that besides taste for writing, region of Seoul and northern Gyeonggi worked as an important factor in start of ‘retro style writings’. This writing gave attention on issue of region which had been kept behind inner problems of literature like theory of external influence,theory of internal development etc. The westerners with interest in ``retro style writings`` in Geungi area in the 16~17th century were formed centered on Yoon Keun-soo and Lee Hang-bok who stayed north of Han river. The Seoin such as Kim Sang-heon(金尙憲), Jang Yoo(張維), Jeong Hong-myeong, Jeong Yeop(鄭曄), Cho Ik, Kim Yook(金堉) etc. were the examples - the period maintained to the reign of king Hyojong. They exchanged with other writers such as Choi Rip(崔立), Yoo Mong-in(柳夢 寅), Shin Heum(申欽), Heo Gyun(許筠) etc. who did not have clear party color or were in different party going beyond interests of a party. The Seoin did not have clear color like Giho Salrim(畿湖 山林), so, they are not classified to a certain party in thoughts history and political history. This is somewhat related to that Geungi area was open and flexible.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 직무 스트레스 측정도구의 개발 및 표준화

        장세진,고상백,강동묵,김성아,강명근,이철갑,정진주,조정진,손미아,채창호,김정원,김정일,김형수,노상철,박재범,우종민,김수영,김정연,하미나,박정선,이경용,김형렬,공정옥,김인아,김정수,박준호,현숙정,손동국 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Background and Purposes: Over the past three decades, numerous studies performed in Korea have reported that job stress is a determinant risk factor for chronic diseases and work disability. Every society has its own culture and occupational climate particular to their organizations, and hence experiences different occupational stress. An occupational stress measurement tool therefore needs to be developed to estimate it objectively. The purpose of this study is to develop and standardize the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) which is considered to be unique and specific occupational stressors in Korean employees. Subjects and Methods: Data were obtained from the National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project: 2002-2004). A total of 12,631 employees from a nationwide sample proportional to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification and the Korean Standard Occupational Classification were administered. The KOSS was developed for 2 years (2002-2004). In the first year, we collected 255 items from the most popular job stress measurement tools such as JCQ, ERI, NIOSH and OSI, and 44 items derived from the a qualitative study (depth interview). Forty-three items of KOSS, in the second year, were retained for use in the final version of the KOSS by using Delphi and factor analysis. Items were scored using conventional 1-2-3-4 Likert scores for the response categories. Results: We developed eight subscales by using factor analysis and validation process: physical environment (3 items), job demand (8 items), insufficient job control (5 items), interpersonal conflict (4 items), job insecurity (6 items), organizational system (7 items), lack of reward (6 items), and occupational climate (4 items). Together they explained 50.0% of total variance. Internal consistency alpha scores were ranged from 0.51 to 0.82. Twenty-four items of the short form of the KOSS (KOSS-SF) were also developed to estimate job stress in the work setting. Because the levels of the subscales of occupational stress were gender dependent, gender-specific standard norms for both the 43-item full version and the 24-item short form using a quartile for the subscales of KOSS were presented. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that KOSS might be an appropriate measurement scale to estimate occupational stress of Korean employees. Further and more detailed study needs to be conducted to improve the validity of this scale.

      • 서울의 Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae 발생빈도(1994)

        김재홍,안진균,정성재,김영태,김중환,김시영,이석종,이홍렬,서호석,김경훈,권혁진,정우권,고우석,이용석,안필수,오준규,오용섭 대한화학요법학회 1996 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background : In recent years gonorrhoea has been panendemic and remains one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the world, especially in developing countries. Objective & Method : For the detection of a more effective therapeutic regimen and assessing the prevalence of Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhoeae(PPNG), Ive have been trying to study the patients who have visited the VD Clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul since 1980 by means of the chromogenic cephalosporin method. Results : In 1994, 168 strains of N. gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 109 (64,9% ) were PPNG. Conclustion : Our results suggests that the prevalence of PPNG in Seoul is still increasing.

      • KCI등재

        신흠의 시고수사(視古修辭) 와 이정구의 수의서사(隨意抒寫)에 관하여

        김우정 ( Woo Jeong Kim ) 근역한문학회 2010 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this paper compare Shin Hum(申欽 1566~1628)`s recognition on the prose and its character with Lee Jung-gu(李廷龜 1564~1635), that become known to what is called the four eminent writer in mid-choson. I think it provided me with what is the trend of literary society in late 16th~early 17th century. The four eminent writer have a representative position because the writer affiliated with Kim Chang-hyup(金昌協) wield strong influenced to literary society. In Kim`s phrase, Shin`s prose which the bring it into line with old style writings is in striking contrast with Lee Jeong-gu(李廷龜)`s prose which the have a description his own way, because It is caused by Shin idolized Ming`s restorative authors who had an effect on Choson`s literary circles. And He argued that some writer who is aim at the beauty of form endorsed Shin, another writer who is aim at the sound thoughts endorsed Lee. I can come to a conclusion that Shin has the wood on Lee from late 16th to early 17th century, subsequently, Lee has the wood on Shin after mid 17th century, through the review of Shin and Lee`s works.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병에 대한 리스페리돈의 효과 및 안정성

        이민수,김용구,김영훈,연병길,오병훈,윤도준,윤진상,이철,정희연,강병조,김광수,김동언,김명정,김상훈,김희철,나철,노승호,민경준,박기창,박두병,백기청,백인호,손봉기,손진욱,양병환,양창국,우행원,이정호,이종범,이홍식,임기영,전태연,정영조,정영철,정인과,정인원,지익성,채정호,한상익,한선호,한진희,서광윤 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.1

        연구목적 : 본 시험의 목적은 임상시험 시작전에 연구자들을 대상으로 PANSS Workshop을 통하여 PANSS, ESRS에 대한 국내에서의 표준화 작업을 구축하고 새로운 정신병 치료제인 리스페리돈의 효과와 안정성을 재확인하여 리스페리돈 사용에 대한 적정화를 이루는데 있다. 연구방법 : 1996년 4월부터 1996년 9월까지 국내 39개 대학병원 정신과에 입원중인 혹은 증상이 악화되어 입원하는 정신분열병 환자 377명을 대상으로 다시설 개방 연구를 시행하였다. 1주일간의 약물 배설기간을 가진후, 리스페리돈을 8주간 투여하였고, 기준점, 1주, 2주, 4주, 그리고 8주후에 평가되었다. 용량은 제1일에는 리스페리돈 1mg씩 1일 2회, 제2일에는 2mg씩 1일 2회, 제3∼7일에는 3mg씩 1일 2회 투여하였다. 이후 환자의 임상상태에 따라 임의로 증량할 수 있으며, 최대 일일 16mg을 초과하지 않도록 하였다. 추체외로 증상을 조절하기 위한 투약을 허용하였다. 임상증상 및 부작용의 평가는 PANSS(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale), CGI(Clinical Global Impression) 그리고 ESRS(Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale)을 사용하였다. 연구결과 : 377명중 343명(91%)이 8주간의 연구를 완결하였다. 치료 종결시점인 8주후 PANSS 총점수가 20% 이상 호전된 경우를 약물 반응군으로 정의할때, 약물반응군은 81.3%였다. 리스페리돈에 반응하는 예측인자로는 발병연령, 이전의 입원 횟수, 유병기간이 관련 있었다. 리스페리돈은 1주후부터 PANSS양성, 음성, 및 일반정신병리 점수상에 유의한 호전을 보여 효과가 빨랐다. CGI의 경우도 기준점에 비해 1주후부터 유의한 감소를 나타내었다. ESRS의 경우, 파킨슨 평가점수는 기준점과 비교해 투여 1주, 2주, 4주후 유의하게 증가되었다가 8주후 기준점과 차이가 없었다. Dystonia 평가점수는 1주후만 유의한 증가를 보였으며, dyskinesia 평가점수는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 혈압, 맥박수의 생명징후 및 일반 혈액학 검사, 생화학적 검사, 심전도 검사에서 유의한 변화는 없었다. 결 론 : 이상의 다시설 개방 임상 연구를 통해 리스페리돈은 정신분열병 환자에서 양성증상뿐만 아니라 음성증상 및 전반적인 증상에도 효과적인 것으로 사료된다. 보다 명확한 평가를 위해서는 다른 항정신병약물과의 이중맹검 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 또한 장기적 치료에 대한 평가도 함께 이루어져야 하겠다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of risperidone in the treatment of Korean schizophrenic patients. Method : This multicenter open study included 377 schizophrenic patients drawn from 39 university hospitals. After a wash-out period of 1 week, the schizophrenic patients were treated with risperidone for 8 weeks and evaluated at 5 points ; at baseline, and 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. The dose was increased from 2mg/day(1mg twice daily) to 6mg/day(3mg twice daily) during the first week and adjusted to a maximum of 16mg/day over the next 7 weeks according to the patient's clinical response. Medication to control extrapyramidal symptoms was permitted. The psychiatric and neurological status of the patients was assessed by PANSS, CGI, and ESRS scales. Results : 343(91%) of 377 patients completed the 8-week trial period. Clinical improvement, as defined by a 20% or more reduction in total PANSS score at end point, was shown by 81.3% of patients. The predictors of response to risperidone were associated older age, shorter duration of illness, fewer previous hospitalization. Risperidone had rapid onset of action ; a significant decrease of the total PANSS and three PANSS factor(positive, negative, general), and CGI was already noticed at the end of first week. For the ESRS, parkinsonism rating scores were significantly increased until week 4 comparing with baseline. Dystonia rating scores were significantly increased until week 1, and dyskinesia rating scores were not significantly changed during the study. Laboratory parameters including vital sign, EKG, hematological, and biochemical values showed no significant changes during the trial. Conclusions : This study suggests that risperidone is generally safe and effective against both the positive and negative symptoms in our group of patients.

      • 당뇨병 백서의 간세포에서 Glucokinase 활성도 및 유전자 발현에 대한 인슐린의 영향

        강성이,팽정령,서광식,안규정,우정택,김성운,양인명,김진우,김영설,김광원,최영길 경희대학교 유전공학연구소 1993 遺傳工學論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        목적 당대사의 조절 상태에 따른 생체 변화를 분자 수준에서 이해하고자 식이 조건을 달리한 정상 백서와 화학적으로 유도된 당뇨병 백서의 간조직에서 혈당수준과 인슐린치료 정도에 따라 나타나는 글루코키나제 활성도 및 유전자 발현을 분석하였다. 방법 스트렙토조토신 정맥투여 후 당뇨병의 유발을 확인하고, 인슐린을 1일 3회 3일간 복강내로 투여하여 상태를 안정시킨 후, 인슐린 투여군은 인슐린 투여 6시간이내에 그리고 인슐린 비투여군은 24시간 후 단두하여 채혈하고 복강을 열어 간조직을 채취하였다. 채취한 간조직에서 글루코키나제 활성도는 인산화된 포도당에서 NADH의 형성을 형광분광계로 측정하였으며, 글루코키나제 유전자 mRNA발현은 Northern 분석법을 이용하였다. 성적 정상 백서에서 공복상태와 식이를 섭취한 경우에 간조직의 글루코키나제 효소의 활성은 차이가 없었으나, 글루코키나제 유전자 mRNA 발현은 증가되었다. 당뇨병이 유발된 백서의 간조직에서 글루코키나제 효소의 활성 및 글루코키나제 유전자의 mRNA 발현은 정상 백서에 비하여 낮았다. 인슐린 투쳐 후 글루코키나제 효소의 활성 및 글루코키나제 유전자의 mRNA 발현이 증가되었고, 특히 혈당이 정상화된 경우에서 글루코키나제 유전자의 mRNA 발현이 증가도었다. 결론 인슐린에 의한 간조직에서 글루코키나제 효소의 활성 및 글루코키나제 유전자의 mRNA을 증가를 볼수 있었다. 당뇨병 백서에서 인슐린 투여 후에 혈당조절이 안된 경우 간조직의 글루코키나제 유전자의 mRNA 발현이 증가가 없는 것으로 보아 글루코키나제 mRNA의 발현에는 인슐린 이외의 다른 요소가 관여할 것으로 생각된다. The liver-specific hexokinase isoenzyme, referred to as glucokinase, is thought to play a key reglulatory role in hepatic glucose metabolism. The glucokinase gene is, therefore, of interest both because of its tissue-specific expression and because of the several regulatory processes that can be analyzed. The level of hepatic glucokinase activity appears to be determined essentially by regulation of the rate of enzyme synthesis, with insulin playing a leading role as an inducer. We investigated the role of insulin for the induction of glucokinase in the liver of diabetic rats. Experimental diabetes was induced by injection of streptozotocin 7 days before the experiment. Regular insulin was given by three days intraperitoneal injection at 8-h interval. The glucokinase mRNA in the liver was estimated by Nothern blot assay, as well as by fluorometric enzyme activity assay. Glucokinase activity was not reduced in the liver of normal fasting rats as compared to normal fed rats. And glucokinase activity was reduced in the liver of diabetic rats as compared to normal rats. In diabetic rats treated with insulin, glucokinase enzyme activity were increased. But glucokinase mRNA expression was only increased in normoglycemic diabetic rat with treated with insulin as compared to hyperglycemic rat. These data indicate that insulin stimulates hepatic glucokinase enzyme activity and mRNA expression. But other hormonal or metabolic factors may be contribute to regulation of glucokinase mRNA expression.

      • 혈액 투석 환자에서 중심정맥 협착에 대한 스텐트 삽입술 : Wallstent Placement

        임대승,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이정우,강정아,김정희,이민수,정준용,최시완,정진옥,성인환,이강욱,신영태 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2002 충남의대잡지 Vol.29 No.1

        Stenosis of central vein is a common complication arising after percutaneous subclavian vein catheter insertion performed for temporary vascular access in chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. There are several treatment methods for the condition like percutaneous angioplasty(PTA), stent insertion, and surgery, but recent trend is toward PTA and stents. Among the patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure from March 1993 to May 2002 and undergoing hemodialysis through AV fistula, the 14 Patients in whom central vein stenosis arose were selected for the study. A total of 28 percutaneous interventions(5 PTA and 23 stent placement) were performed, and restenosis rate and the time taken till the restenosis in de novo lesions and instant lesions were compared. All 28 cases were operated successfully. The 14 cases that received both anigioplasty and stent placement initially. (de novo lesion : 14 cases), Among the 10 cases with de novo lesion that followed up more than 1 year, 3 cases are currently undergoing hemodialysis without restenosis, and the remaining 7 cases have recurred stenosis with the mean time to restenosis of 10.9 months. In the 7 cases in whom stenosis recurred, 11 interventions were done(instent lesion: 11 cases). 4 of these were using only ballon angioplasty with 100% restenosis rate and the mean time of 3 months until restenosis. The remaining 7 cases were using both balloon angioplasty and stent placement, also with 100% restenosis rate but with the mean time of 12 months until restenosis, which was later than the group receiving only balloon angioplasty. In treating the patients with central vein stenosis, stent placement seems to be more advantageous over PTA in terms of restenosis rate and the mean duration of patency. In the case of instent lesion, inserting the stent for the second time after stenosis recurred lengthened the duration of patency compared to performing balloon angioplasty alone.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • HMG-CoA 환원효소 억제제에 의한 ICAM-1 유전자의 발현조절

        김현진,정효균,홍우정,김군순,조영석,김도희,채수흥,구본정,송민호,노흥규,김영건 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        Background : ICAM-1 act as one of major adhesion molecules in the atherosclerotic lesion. ICAM-1 expression is mainly regulated at the level of transcription and depend on IFN-γ signal transduction pathway in which the STAT1 transcrption factor is a critical intermediate. IFN-γreceptor not only initiates tyrosine 701 phosphorylation of STAT1 by Jak1 and Jak2, but also phosphorylates serine 727 through the activation of Raf-1/MAP kinases. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have anti-atherosclertic effects, beyond normalization of hypercholesterolemia, by directly acting on endothelial cells, macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors suppress the synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates such as geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate or farnesylpyrophosphate. These effects results inhibitors suppress the synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates such as geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate or farnesylpyrophosphate. These effects results inhibition posttranslational farnesylation and geranyl-geranylation processing of small GTP-binding preoteins and inhibition of normal signaling activities. Method : We made several 5'-deletion constructs of rat ICAM-1 promoter and analyzed the promoter activities by measuring the luciferase activity after transfection into ECV304 cells and smooth muscle cells. We checked the level of total and phosphorylated STAT1 protein by immunoblot analysis using specific antibodies. Results : Lovastatin inhibits IFN-γ-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in the ECV304cell. The cells pretreated with PD98059, MEKK inhibitor showed significantly low ICAM-1 RNA induction with IFN-γ stimulatio. IFN-γ induced phosphorylation of tyrosine 701 was not significantly changed by the pretreatment of lovastatin. But lovastatin suppresses IFN-γ-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/ERK2 which are responsible for the seine 727 phosphorylation in STAT1. Conclusion : We showed that HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, lovastatin, suppresses IFN-γ mediated ICAM-1 gene expression through the inhibition of transcription. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor suppresses IFN-γ-induced phosphorylation of serine 727 in STAT1 through the modulation of MAP kinases.

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