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        주요우울증이 근로자의 생산성에 미치는 영향 : WHO-HPQ(Health and Work Performance Questionnaire)를 이용한 예비연구

        김원,황태연,함병주,이준석,최병휘,김세주,서용진,강은호,우종민 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.6

        Objectives : Major depressive disorder (MDD) causes patients' distress and makes socioeconomic burden, both directly and indirectly. We used the concept of lost productive time (LPT) to estimate the indirect costs and calculated both absenteeism and presenteeism among workers with MDD. Mcthods : Depression group was recruited from workers visiting psychiatric outpatient clinic who had MDD without major physical or mental disorders (N= 106). Age and sex matched healthy control group was also recruited through advertisement (M=100). All participants completed a interview using WHO Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ), Job Stress Measurement Scale for Korean Employees, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Statistical analysis was performed with independent t-test or χ² test as characteristics of values (p=0.05). Results : The number of absence (0.94-day/month vs. 0.10-day/month, P=0.015) andthe numberofearly leaving (2.56-day/month vs. 0.24-day/month, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the depression group. Depression group evaluated their Perfor-mance level much lower than controls with significant value (5.16 vs. 7.62, P<0.001). In addition, depression group estimated their performance level during the last 4 weeks lower compared to the level of past 1-year (5.16 vs 6.63, P<0.001). The estimated costs of absenteeism in depression group were higher than controls by 2,520,000 Korean Won per year, and those of presenteeism were also higher by 4,880,000 Korean Won per year. The total costs of LPT in depression group were higher than controls by 7,400,000 Korean Won, which corresponds to 26% ofmean annual salary. In addition, the level of occupational stress, such as high demand and interpersonal conflict, was higher in the depression group. Conclusion : Major depressive disorder costs substantial productivity loss to workers and their company. Presenteeism imposes more time cost than absenteeism. Effectiveness trials are needed to devise cost-effective programs for the early detection and treatment of depression at the workplace.

      • 중·고등학교 학생들의 인터넷을 이용한 보건교육 요구도

        강복수,최연화,이경수,황태윤 영남대학교 의과대학 2004 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.21 No.1

        인터넷을 이용한 중·고등학교 학생의 보건교육 요구도를 파악하기 위하여 경상북도 경주시와 성주군에 거주하는 남녀 중·고등학생 624명을 대상으로 2003년 3월 5일부터 3월 28일까지 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 조사를 시행하였다. 조사 대상학생들의 90% 이상이 컴퓨터를 보유하고 있었으며, 지역별로는 경주시 지역 대상 학생들이 성주군 지역 학생들보다 컴퓨터 보유율이 다소 높았다. 컴퓨터를 보유한 학생들의 약 38%가 건강·의료 관련 인터넷 사이트의 접속경험이 있었다. 이메일을 이용한 보건교육자료에 대하여 중학생과 여학생들이 더 적극적인 의향을 보였다. 인터넷을 이용한 보건교육의 내용에 대해서는 남자 중학생이 건강습관, 성장발달, 질병예방 순으로 요구도 점수가 높았으며, 여자 중학생은 건강습관, 질병예방, 성장발달 순으로 요구도 점수가 높았다. 고등학생은 남녀 학생 모두에서 건강습관, 질병예방, 성장발달의 순으로 요구도 점수가 높았다. 건강습관과 관련된 내용 중에서는 남자 중학생은 '규칙적인 운동'을 여자 중학생은 '치아관리'에 대한 교육을 원하였고, 고등학생은 남녀 모두 '수면과 휴식'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 성장발달 및 영양교육에 대한 내용 중에서는 중·고등학생 모두 남학생은 '체력의 변화'에 대해서, 여학생은 '비만'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았고, 성교육에 대해서는 남자 중·고등학생은 '연령에 맞는 성역할'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았으며, 여자 중학생은 '피임과 가족계획'에, 여자고등학생은 '임신과 출산', '피임과 가족계획'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 질병예방 교육에 대해서는 남녀 중학생과 남자고등학생은 '암 예방과 관리'에 대해서, 여자고등학생은 '질병예방과 관리'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 안전교육에 대해서는 중·고등학생 모두가 '적절한 응급처치'의 요구도 점수가 가장 높았다. 습관성 약물에 관련 교육 내용 중에는 남자 중학생은 '흡연이 건강에 미치는 영향'에 대해서, 남자 고등학생은 '술이 건강에 미치는 영향'에 대해서, 여자 중·고등학생은 '청소년의 정서 불안'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 소비자 보건 관련 교육에 대해서는 남자 중·고등학생은 '보건 의료기관의 이용방법'에 대한 요구도 점수가 가장 높았고, 여자중학생은 '보건의료기관 이용방법'과 '의료보험에 대한 이해'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았고, 남자 고등학생은 '의료보험에 대한 이해'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 정신보건 교육에 대해서는 중·고등학생 모두 '스트레스 관리'에 대한 요구도 점수가 높았다. 환경보건 관련 교육에 대해서는 중·고등학생 모두 '환경과 건강'에 대한 요구도 점수가 가장 높았다. 인터넷 보건교육의 교육자료 제공 주기에 대하여 남학생의 50.0%, 여학생의 60.4%가 주1회를 요구하였으며, 교육 자료의 분량은 남학생의 40.0%, 여학생의 53.2%가 1쪽 분량을 원하였다. 이상의 결과, 연구 대상 학생들의 90% 이상이 컴퓨터를 보유하고 있었으며, 컴퓨터를 보유한 학생들의 약 38%가 건강·의료 관련 인터넷 사이트의 접속경험이 있었다. 인터넷 보건교육을 받을 의향은 남학생들이 여학생들보다 높았으며, 기존에 학교보건교육에서 시행하고 있는 교육의 내용 이외에도 수면과 건강, 피임과 가족계획, 안전교육, 암 예방, 스트레스관리, 대인관계 등의 내용에 대해서 요구도가 높아 이에 대한 보건교육자료의 개발과 보급이 필요하며, 인터넷을 이용한 보건교육을 위한 기초조사와 더불어 교육방법, 자료의 개발 등과 이메일을 이용할 경우 본인 동의의 절차와 관리 등에 대한 추가적인 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. Background: It is important to provide health education to students to ensure a healthy life. Using the internet for health education may be a way to overcome the practical barriers to health education such as time and content. This study was conducted to investigate the demands for health education using the internet. Subjects and methods: Six hundreds and twenty-four and male female students in middle and high schools, who lived on Gyeongju-si and Seongju-gun in Gyeongsangbuk-do province, were interviewed by means of structured questionnaires, from March 5 to March 28, 2003. Results: More than 90% of the subjects had their own computers, and nearly 38% of those possessing their own computers had accessed internet sites related to health and medicine. Middle school students and in particular, female students were more desirous for health education through e-mail. Regarding content, the three major topics which the respondents wanted to learn about were healthy lifestyles, growth and development, and disease prevention. In terms of the interval for providing educational materials, over half of the students wanted information once a week. Most of the students wanted to have the quantity of the material be one page. In addition, there were numerous additional topics requested by the students such as sleep and health, contraception and family planning, safety education, cancer prevention, emotional instability of juveniles, the utilization of medical care facilities, stress management, etc. Conclusion: The students had a desire for health education through the use of e-mail, and methods and materials should be developed for appropriate health education using the internet.

      • KCI등재

        정상인들의 다양한 자세에서 두부와 경부의 회전 동안 경부 표층 근육들의 사용 비율

        황태연 ( Tae Yeun Hwang ),송현승 ( Hyun Seung Song ),이남용 ( Nam Yong Lee ) 대한물리의학회 2016 대한물리의학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        PURPOSE: This study was conducted to compare the levels of usage of the superficial neck muscles during head rotation in forward head posture and in multimodal postures for improvement of cervical rotation movement impairment. METHODS: To acquire electromyography (EMG) signals from the sternocleidomastoid (SCM-M), upper trapezius (UPT-M), and the splenius capitis (SPC-M) muscles, 11 subjects practiced right rotation of the head in forward head postures (FHP), upright sitting postures (USP), upright sitting postures with supported arms (SUP), standing postures with the arms leaning against the wall (WSP), and four feet postures (FFP), respectively. RESULTS: The left SCM-M was used significantly more in the FFP compared to the FHP, but not in other postures (p<0.01). The left UPT-M was used significantly more in all postures other than the FHP. The right SPC-M was used significantly more in the FFP (p<0.001) and significantly less (p<0.05) in the SUP compared to the FHP. CONCLUSION: During the rotation of the head, although the usage of the SPC-M significantly decreased in SUP compared to FHP but the usage of the SCM-M and UPT-M did not decrease significantly in other postures compared to FHP. Further research is necessary to prove the hypothesis that special postures may reduce the activity of the superficial neck muscles during head rotation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        분체공학 유동충 재료 ( 무기 , 유기 , 고분자 ) : AC Impedance 를 이용한 알칼라인 건전지의 전기 화학적 특성 분석

        황규연(Kyu Yeun Hwang),황성민(Sung Min Hwang),고희찬(Hee Chan Ko),전병욱(Byung Uk Jun),여태환(Tae Whan Yeu) 한국화학공학회 1999 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.37 No.5

        To understand the dynamic behavior of an alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide battery, AC impedance analysis was performed with pulse discharged and self-discharged cells. To observe the variations of open circuit voltages and internal resistances of both positive and negative electrodes, the Hg/HgO micro-reference electrode was inserted between a separator and a positive electrode. While the internal resistance increased at the positive electrode dominated cell performance during pulse discharge, the internal resistance increased mainly at the negative electrode due to the by zinc corrosion during self-discharge.


        Memory Impairment in Estrogen Receptor α Knockout Mice Through Accumulation of Amyloid-β Peptides

        Hwang, Chul Ju,Yun, Hyung-Mun,Park, Kyung-Ran,Song, Ju Kyung,Seo, Hyun Ok,Hyun, Byung Kook,Choi, Dong Young,Yoo, Hwan-Soo,Oh, Ki-Wan,Hwang, Dae Yeun,Han, Sang-Bae,Hong, Jin Tae Springer US 2015 Molecular Neurobiology Vol.52 No.1

        <P>Estrogen has been known to reduce the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, exact mechanisms are not clear. We investigated whether estrogen can increase amyloid-beta (Aβ) degradation and affects Aβ-induced memory impairment in an estrogen deficiency model. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) knockout mice and wild-type mice were intracerebroventricular (ICV) infused with Aβ (300 pmol) for 2 weeks. Cognitive function was then assessed by the Morris water maze test and passive avoidance test. In addition, Western blot analysis, immunostaining, immunofluorescence staining, ELISA, and enzyme activity assays were used to examine the degree of Aβ deposition in the brains of ERα knockout mice. In our present study, Aβ was accumulated more in the ERα knockout mice brain and greatly worsened memory impairment and glial activation as well as neurogenic inflammation. These results suggest that estrogen may protect memory impairment by stimulating the degradation of Aβ and down-regulate neurogenic inflammation as well as amyloidogenesis.</P><P><B>Electronic supplementary material</B></P><P>The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12035-014-8853-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.</P>

      • SCOPUS
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Polarized Light Out-coupling in Backlight by Collimating the Beam into Lightguide Plate

        Hwang, Seong-Mo,Kim, Yeun-Tae,Nam, Seung-Ho,Lee, Sin-Doo The Korean Infomation Display Society 2007 Journal of information display Vol.8 No.1

        We developed a new configuration of polarized light out-coupling lightguide plate (LGP) in the LCD backlight. By collimating the light into the LGP, one linear polarization component experienced total internal reflection at the planar interface of LGP and anisotropic layer, whereas the orthogonal polarization was out-coupled along the normal direction through a birefringent layer and subsequent isotropic microstructures.

      • KCI등재
      • Brief , Intense TENS 자극이 신경전도 , 통증역치의 변화에 미치는 효과

        김태열,황태연,허춘복 대한물리치료학회 1994 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Purphose. This present study examines the effect of brief, intense transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation(BTENS) on sensory nerve conduction, electrical pain threshold, and two-point discrimination measured at the superficial radial nevre distribution in 20 healthy subjects. Subjects. Twenty volunteercs, (10females and 10 males(age range : 20-38 years : mean ± SD : 27.00 ±5.12), only subjects without prior traumatological and pathological were eligible to participated in this study, Methods. Nerve conduction were determined for the right superficial radial nerve. Electrical pain threshold were determined for the right wrist ipsilateral to the site of BTENS. Small disc electrodes were attached to the surface of the skin stradding the end of the radius. Square wave electrical pulses were delivered from an isolated stimulator through a constant current device at a frequency of 2 Hz(5 ms pulse width). Two-point discrimination. measured on the sensory distribution of superficial radial nerve, BTENS was delivered using a Max-SD(Medical design co.) portable battery powered stimulator. A cicular Ag/AgCl electrode in contack with hypertonic saline gel was attached to the lateral(radial side) surface of the forearm. Results. No significant effects were observed between stimulation methods in the prestimulation cyele(multi-way ANOVA repeated measures : distal latency ; F1.14= 0.332, amplitude : F 0.80=0.445, pain threshold : F0.06=0.940. 2 point discrimination : F1.50 = 0.236). Highly significant effects were observed time with the pretreatment and 6 posttreatment cycles(p$lt;0.01 ): Highly significants differences in nerve conduction and pain threshold were found using on multi-way ANOVA repeated measures among stimulation methods for each cycles(p$lt;0.01). Conclusion and Discussion The authors concludes that both nerve conduction and pain threshold changes are associated with therapy (stimulation)level of BTENS.


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