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      • KCI등재

        Geo-spatial approach with frequency ratio method in landslide susceptibility mapping in the Busu River catchment, Papua New Guinea

        Sujoy Kumar Jana,Tingneyuc Sekac,Dilip Kumar Pal 대한공간정보학회 2019 Spatial Information Research Vol.27 No.1

        With the exacerbated kinetic energy of high volume of flowing water, the middle and lower catchment zones of a rugged terrain often become more prone to landslide. Almost half of Lae city, the second largest city in Papua New Guinea falling in the lower end of the catchment remains variably vulnerable to landslides. The study deliberates on the mapping of landslide sustainability, utilizing the geographical data sets such as terrain aspect and slope, land use land cover, site soil-geology, distance from river and distance from existing fault lines as input data for frequency ratio analysis culminating in delineation of susceptible landslide potential zones within the catchment area. The location of previous and recent landslide occurrence zones within the study region were identified and demarcated by dint of high resolution Google earth imagery complimented with the data gathered through field visit. All the thematic layers were prepared and organised for assignment of weights. The calculated frequency ratio values were assigned as weightage to each factor class. By using the weightage sum and raster calculator spatial analyst tool in ArcGIS 10.2.2 the results was generated. The result was then verified with known landslide occurrence and the cumulative % graph was constructed through calculated values. Furthermore the area under curve was calculated and validated with the ground truth information.

      • KCI등재

        Identifying potential sites for hydropower plant development in Busu catchment: Papua New Guinea

        Tingneyuc Sekac,Sujoy Kumar Jana,Dilip Kumar Pal 대한공간정보학회 2017 Spatial Information Research Vol.25 No.6

        Identification of potential sites and then switching to hydro power saves the earth from the menace of emissions from fossil fuel, triggering climate change the world is currently agog with. Quantitative knowledge of the topographical setting along with the stream network within a river catchment is the key to identification of potential sites for hydropower plant development. For the present study, GIS and remote sensing technology were adopted for identifying potential sites for hydropower plant development in the Busu river catchment area. The river discharge was calculated with the help of average rainfall, soil texture, and the land use land cover data. The head was calculated using the SRTM DEM data utilizing focal statistical analysis tool in ArcGIS 10.2. Potential power output was calculated with the density of water and gravitational pull, and then through necessary integration the levels of power output at each site were indicated. Busu river catchment was found to be the most potential site for producing power up to 24 MegaWatt which was the maximum that was identified during evaluation and calculation. This method is suitable for initial screening only. Further in-depth feasibility study is needed to develop hydropower plant sites.

      • KCI등재

        Earthquake hazard assessment in the Momase region of Papua New Guinea

        Tingneyuc Sekac,Sujoy Kumar Jana,Indrajit Pal,Dilip Kumar Pal 대한공간정보학회 2016 Spatial Information Research Vol.24 No.6

        Tectonism induced Tsunami, fire, landslide along with the tremor-triggered-liquefaction are the common hazards experienced worldwide. Such hazards often lead to collapse of built-up infrastructures like roads, bridges, buildings apart from inflicting heavy toll on human life and properties. Momase region of Papua New Guinea is one such vulnerable stretch where the appropriate planning is paramount in safeguarding the life and infrastructures. The study sought evaluation and assessments of the level of vulnerability to earthquakes in Momase region. The output can be used as a tool to assist in appropriate site selection that will minimize the earthquake damage risk and also to assist in better and appropriate future construction design or planning at a site. For the present study, application potentials of GIS and remote sensing are utilized to evaluate and assess possible earthquake hazard in the study region. The influence of soil and geology as the media responsible for aggravating or mollifying earthquake waves are underlined as input. These are the media that influence ferocity of shaking intensity leading to the destructions during an earthquake episode. Therefore, the site-soil geology and geomorphology are assessed and integrated within GIS environment coupled with seismicity data layers to evaluate and prepare liquefaction potential zones, followed by earthquake hazard zonation of the study area. Multi-criteria evaluation with analytical hierarchy process are adopted for this study. The technology involves preparing and assessing several contributing factors (thematic layers) that are assigned weightage and rankings, and finally normalizing the assigned weights and ranking. The spatial analysis tool in ArcGIS 10, the raster calculator, reclassify and weightage overlay tools were mainly employed in the study. The final output of LPZ and earthquake hazard zones were reclassified to ‘very high’, ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’ and ‘very low’ to indicate levels of hazard within a study region.

      • KCI등재

        Demarcation of liquefaction zones and risk reduction in Fiji Islands from a geomatics perspective: a case study of Viti Levu Island

        Joeli Varo,Tingneyuc Sekac,Sujoy Kumar Jana,Dilip Kumar Pal 대한공간정보학회 2019 Spatial Information Research Vol.27 No.6

        Liquefaction induced by tectonism is lethal which warrants up-front risks reduction planning. It is one of the geohazards associated with seismic ground shaking or tremor which result in collapse of buildings, loss of lives and environmental disturbances. Numerous procedures have been employed to identify potential liquefaction zones. The present study aims at assessing the site-soilgeology of Viti Levu Island using the GIS and remote sensing techniques. Site-soil-geology, geomorphology and SRTM DEM data were the main sources of layers used to carry out such analysis using the Saaty’s analytical hierarchical process and ArcGIS multi-criteria analysis. In the ArcGIS 10.5 spatial analyst tool, the raster calculator, reclassify and weightage overlay tools were chosen for this study. The final result of liquefaction potential zone indicates the ‘low’, ‘moderate’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’ zones for spatial planners and decision makers to formulate policies. Emphasizing the preventative measures as proactive role rather than re-active role has been highlighted in this spatial physical planning exercise.

      • KCI등재

        Topographic, histological and molecular study of aberrant crypt foci identified in human colon in different clinical groups

        Shouriyo Ghosh,Brijnandan Gupta,Pavan Verma,Sreenivas Vishnubathla,Sujoy Pal,Nihar R Dash,Siddhartha Datta Gupta,Prasenjit Das 대한장연구학회 2018 Intestinal Research Vol.16 No.1

        Background/Aims: Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) are early microscopic lesions of the colonic mucosa, which can be detected bymagnified chromoendoscopy. Herein, we have investigated whether ACF identified in different clinical groups can be differentiated based on their characteristics. Methods: Macroscopically unremarkable mucosal flaps were collected from 270 freshcolectomies and divided into 3 clinical groups: colorectal carcinoma (group A), disease controls having known pre-neoplasticpotential (group Bc), and disease controls without risk of carcinoma development (group Bn). Topographic and histologic anal-ysis, immunohistochemistry, and molecular studies (high-resolution melt curve analysis, real-time polymerase chain reaction,and Sanger sequencing) were conducted for certain neoplasia-associated markers. Results: ACF were seen in 107 cases, out ofwhich 72 were left colonic ACF and 35 right colonic ACF (67.2% vs. 32.7%, P =0.02). The overall density of left colonic ACF was0.97/cm, which was greater than the right colonic ACF density of 0.81/cm. Hypercrinia was present in 41 out of 72 left colonicACF and in 14 out of 35 right colonic ACF (P =0.01). Immunohistochemical expression of p53 was also greater in left colonicACF than in right colonic ACF (60.5% vs. 38.2%, P =0.03). However, ACF identified among the 3 clinical groups did not show anydistinguishing topographic, histological, or genetic changes. Conclusions: Left colonic ACF appear to be high-risk based ontheir morphological and prototypic tumor marker signature. ACF identified in different clinical groups do not show significantgenotypic or topographic differences. Further detailed genetic studies are required to elucidate them further.

      • KCI등재

        Predictive factors for malignancy in undiagnosed isolated small bowel strictures

        ( Ujjwal Sonika ),( Sujeet Saha ),( Saurabh Kedia ),( Nihar Ranjan Dash ),( Sujoy Pal ),( Prasenjit Das ),( Vineet Ahuja ),( Peush Sahni ) 대한장연구학회 2017 Intestinal Research Vol.15 No.4

        Background/Aims: Patients with small bowel strictures have varied etiologies, including malignancy. Little data are available on the demographic profiles and etiologies of small bowel strictures in patients who undergo surgery because of intestinal obstruction but do not have a definitive pre-operative diagnosis. Methods: Retrospective data were analyzed for all patients operated between January 2000 and October 2014 for small bowel strictures without mass lesions and a definite diagnosis after imaging and endoscopic examinations. Demographic parameters, imaging, endoscopic, and histological data were extracted from the medical records. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to identify factors that could differentiate between intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn’s disease (CD) and between malignant and benign strictures. Results: Of the 7,425 reviewed medical records, 89 met the inclusion criteria. The most common site of strictures was the proximal small intestine (41.5%). The most common histological diagnoses in patients with small bowel strictures were ITB (26.9%), CD (23.5%), non-specific strictures (20.2%), malignancy (15.5%), ischemia (10.1%), and other complications (3.4%). Patients with malignant strictures were older than patients with benign etiologies (47.6±15.9 years vs. 37.4±16.4 years, P=0.03) and age >50 years had a specificity for malignant etiology of 80%. Only 7.1% of the patients with malignant strictures had more than 1 stricture and 64% had proximally located strictures. Diarrhea was the only factor that predicted the diagnosis of CD 6.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.10-38.25; P=0.038) compared with the diagnosis of ITB. Conclusions: Malignancy was the cause of small bowel strictures in approximately 16% patients, especially among older patients with a single stricture in the proximal location. Empirical therapy should be avoided and the threshold for surgical resection is low in these patients. (Intest Res 2017;15:518-523)

      • KCI등재

        Malignant Schwannoma of the Esophagus: A Rare Case Report

        Biswajit Mishra, M.D.,Kumble Seetharama Madhusudhan, M.D., FRCR,Ragini Kilambi, M.Ch.,Prasenjit Das, M.D.,Sujoy Pal, M.Ch.,Deep Narayan Srivastava, M.D. 대한흉부외과학회 2016 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.49 No.1

        Neurogenic tumors are the most prevalent tumors of the mediastinum, and schwannomas are the most common type of neurogenic tumor. Primary neurogenic neoplasm of the esophagus is uncommon and malignant schwannoma of the esophagus is extremely rare. We report a case of a 27-year-old female presenting with dysphagia and palpitations who was found to have a lobulated tumor in the mediastinum that was compressing the esophageal lumen. The tumor was successfully treated surgically without recurrence. The final diagnosis, on histopathological examination of the specimen, was malignant schwannoma.

      • KCI등재

        Are Truelove and Witts criteria for diagnosing acute severe colitis relevant for the Indian population?A prospective study

        Saransh Jain,Saurabh Kedia,Sawan Bopanna,Dawesh P Yadav,Sandeep Goyal,Peush Sahni,Sujoy Pal,Nihar Ranjan Dash,Govind Makharia,Simon P. L. Travis,Vineet Ahuja 대한장연구학회 2018 Intestinal Research Vol.16 No.1

        Background/Aims: Truelove and Witts criteria have been used to define acute severe colitis since the 1950s. However, hemoglobin(an additional criterion of the definition) levels in the general population in developing countries are lower than in the population of developed countries. We aimed to determine the relevance of Truelove and Witts criteria in the Indianpopulation. Methods: Consecutive patients with acute severe colitis satisfying the Truelove and Witts criteria, hospitalized ata single center between April 2015 and December 2016 were included. All patients received intravenous corticosteroids and 16 required colectomy. The hemoglobin levels at admission were subsequently excluded from the classification criteria, and the effect this had on the criteria for diagnosis was determined. Results: Out of 61 patients of acute severe colitis diagnosed according to the original Truelove and Witts criteria, 12 patients (20%) had 1 additional criterion, 33 (54%) had 2 additionalcriteria and 16 (26%) had 3 or more additional criteria in addition to 6 or more blood stained stools on admission. On excludinghemoglobin as an additional criterion from the Truelove and Witts definition, all patients still met the criteria for acute severecolitis. Conclusions: Truelove and Witts criteria can be used to define acute severe colitis in India, despite lower mean hemoglobinin the native population.

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