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      • KCI등재

        Needs of Novice Teachers and Directors on the Content of Inservice Education Program for Novice Early Childhood Teachers in Korea


        The purposes of this study are (1) to identify novice early childhood teachers` needs on the content of inservice education program and (2) to investigate ideas of directors of kindergartens and daycare centers on the content of inservice education for novice teachers in Korea. Sixty nine novice teachers and 71 directors of kindergartens and daycare centers participated in this study through questionnaire developed by the researcher. Conclusions drawn from the results of this study are as follows: 1) Methods of evaluation, teaching strategies, teaching social relationship, and professionalism should be selected as the essential content area for inservice education program for novice teachers. 2) Inservice education program for novice teachers should be planned and developed considering and reflecting both novice teachers` immediate needs and directors` objective ideas; 3) Further studies need to be done to identify novice teachers` needs in depth and to compare the needs of novice teachers on the content of inservice education program to those of experienced teachers.

      • Parental Perceptions on Parent Involvement in Korea

        Soyoun Bae-Suh 환태평양유아교육연구학회 2012 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.6 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate parental perceptions on parent involvement in Korea. Twohundred- thirty-two parents participated in this study by completing a questionnaire developed by the researcher. Majority of parents perceived that parent involvement is significant and necessary although they are not able to participate in all events of parent involvement due to reasons such as time conflict and be baby sitters. In addition, parents wanted for teachers to frequently inform their child’s progress, to contact them through various channels, and to respect their opinions in education for their child. Strategies to compromise the reasons hindering parental participation in parent involvement as well as suggestions to meet parental demands were discussed. Suggestions for further studies were also proposed.

      • KCI등재

        Implementing Multicultural Education for Young Children in South Korea: Early Childhood Teachers` Needs

        ( Soyoun Bae Suh ),( Heejeong Sophia Han ),( Soon Hwan Kim ) 한국유아교육학회 2015 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Vol.21 No.1

        This study examined the knowledge/skills early childhood teachers want to learn for implementing multicultural education for young children in South Korea. A total of 211 early childhood teachers participated in this study via a self-response questionnaire. The participants expressed a strong desire to learn more about understanding culture and multicultural education; planning, integrating, and implementing a curriculum for children from multicultural families; and collaboration and continued professionalism. Significant group differences were also found based on their educational level and years of teaching experiences. The implications of the findings include the importance of considering a stronger foundation and clearer direction for multicultural education at the early childhood education level as well as suggestions for early childhood teacher education in the South Korean context.

      • KCI등재

        Difficulties and Desires of Korean Parents in Educating their Children in the US

        ( Soyoun Bae ),( Jin Young Kim ),( Young Mee Lee ) 한국유아교육학회 2014 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to explore the difficulties and desires of Korean parents in educating their children in the US. Seventy-eight Korean parents participated in this study through the questionnaire developed by researchers. The findings were: (1) Korean parents have difficulties in educating their children in the US mostly resulting from the unfamiliarity of the American culture including the school culture and language barriers, specifically speaking and listening; (2) Korean parents mostly consult with other Koreans when facing difficulties in educating their children in the US, although they did also consult with their children’s teachers; (3) Korean parents desire specific types of support from teachers in terms of better communication with them and more attention to their culture and difficulties; and (4) Korean parents with their own experiences of schooling in the US had less levels of difficulties in educating their children in the US. Discussions, conclusions, and suggestions for further studies drawn from these findings were also stated.

      • KCI등재
      • COVID-19 Pandemic, Mental Health, and Play for Young Children during and after Pandemic

        Eunhye Bae,Soyoun Bae The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Ass 2022 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.16 No.1

        COVID-19 might not have severely threatened young children s physical health; however, it has had profound impacts on their sound development and mental health that could have long-lasting effects on their lives. It is not easy to foresee when this crisis will be over; yet young children’s development and learning cannot be stopped. Therefore, efforts to support young children, considering the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, must be made immediately. The purposes of this study are to review the existing literature on the effects of the pandemic on young children’s healthy development, and to revisit the value of young children’s play in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. This article begins with general directions for supporting young children during and after the crisis, followed by three sections including (1) impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on young children; (2) mental health and development of young children; and (3) play for young children during and after pandemic. Conclusions and suggestions for future research are provided.

      • KCI우수등재

        교육의 정치적 중립성의 헌법적 의미 회복을 위한 비판적 검토 - 교육입법, 교육행정, 교육판례 분석을 중심으로 -

        배소연(BAE, SOYOUN) 한국공법학회 2020 공법연구 Vol.48 No.4

        교육을 받을 권리는 대한민국헌법이 지향하는 문화국가와 민주복지국가의 이념을 실현하는 방법상 기초이자, 다른 기본권의 기초가 되는 기본권이다. 이를 실현하기 위해 헌법은 제31조 제4항을 통해 교육의 자주성과 전문성, 정치적 중립성을 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 보장할 것을 명령하고 있다. 이 중 ‘교육의 정치적 중립성’에 관한 해석과 적용이 교육에 관한 국가의 과도한 규제를 뒷받침하거나 초 중등 교원의 정치활동을 포괄적으로 금지하는 것을 정당화하는 수준에 그치고 있다는 문제가 있다. 특히 교육입법과 교육행정, 그리고 사법영역에서 교육의 정치적 중립성의 의미에 관한 기존의 소극적 해석과 편향된 운용이 반복되면서 문제가 재생산되고 있다. 따라서 교육의 정치적 중립성에 관한 교육입법 현황과 교육행정 차원의 운용 모습을 확인하고, 교육의 정치적 중립성에 관한 사법해석을 비판적으로 검토하는 것은 교육의 정치적 중립성의 헌법적 의미를 회복하기 위한 토대가 된다. 헌법이 추구하는 교육의 정치적 중립성은 ‘정당정치적 중립성’을 의미한다. 이것은 교육이 국가권력 또는 특정한 정치세력에 의해 지배되거나 도구화되지 않아야 한다는 것을 기초로, 교육내용과 교육방법이 종교적 종파성을 포함한 정당정치적 당파성을 드러내지 않아야 한다는 것이다. 무엇보다 헌법이 규정한 교육의 정치적 중립성은 교원의 정치활동을 금지하기 위한 것이 아니다. 헌법공동체를 유지하고 발전시킬 책임 있는 미래 세대는 정치교육을 포함한 교육을 받을 권리를 가지므로, 교육영역에서 정치적 요소를 배제하거나 논란이 될 수 있는 주제를 다루지 않는 소극적 방법만을 고수하는 것은 교육의 정치적 중립성의 헌법적 가치를 최대한 보장한 것으로 보기 어렵다. 궁극적으로 교육의 정치적 중립성을 보장하는 방법과 그 수준을 결정하기 위해서는 교육현장에서부터 교육영역에서 준수되어야 할 교육의 정치적 중립성에 관한 공동체 구성원들의 공감대와 사회적 합의가 필요하다. 이를 위해 교육입법은 ‘교육’의 정치적 중립성을 ‘교원’의 정치활동 제한 규정으로만 구체화하지 않아야 한다. 교육행정은 교육입법을 존중하되 재량의 범위에서 교육의 정치적 중립성을 보장하기 위한 교육행정권의 적극적 역할 또는 소극적 역할이 필요한 영역을 구별하여야 하고, 정치적 중립성에 관한 교육행정기관별 입장차이로 인한 갈등과 혼란을 최소화하여야 한다. 그리고 사법부는 교육의 정치적 중립성 보장이라는 명목하에 교육입법권과 교육행정권이 교육의 정치적 중립성의 헌법적 가치를 축소시키거나 훼손하고 있지 않은지 적극적으로 감시할 책임이 있다. Article 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea guarantees the right to education as a fundamental rights. This right is the basic right to realize the ideology pursued by the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, and the essential right to be the basis of other fundamental rights. To realize the right to education, the Constitution mandates through article 31(4) to ensure the independence, professionalism and political neutrality of education by law. Among them, there is a problem that the interpretation and application of ‘political neutrality in education’ is limited to supporting the nation’s excessive regulations on education or justifying the comprehensive prohibit on political activities of primary and secondary school teachers. The political neutrality of education pursued by the Constitution should be interpreted as ‘party political neutrality’. This means that educational content and methods should not reveal party political partisanship, including religious sectarianism, on the basis that education should not be dominated or tooled by state power or specific political forces. The current legal system, which wholly prohibit teachers from engaging in political activities, needs to be reconsidered in terms of harmonizing the political neutrality of education with the fundamental political rights of teachers. Ensuring the political neutrality of education is also an important task for educational administration. The political neutrality of education should not be used as a basis for indiscriminately defending or supporting the position of the central educational administration. The interpretation of the court and the Constitutional Court, which vaguely estimate the correlation between guaranteeing the political neutrality of education and prohibiting teachers from political activities, should be improved. There are inherent limitations for the court to present objective criteria for judging whether violates political neutrality of education. The judiciary should actively perform its function of monitoring and checking whether other state agencies are undermining or reducing their constitutional meaning, away from a passive interpretation of the constitutional meaning of political neutrality of education. After all, social consensus of community members must be made through the educational field and political process in order to determine how and level of political neutrality of education is guaranteed. The constitutional meaning of the political neutrality of education should be understood in terms of ultimately realizing ‘neutrality of education’ to insure the right to receive education.

      • KCI등재

        교육 주체의 헌법상 교육을 받을 권리 보장을 위한 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」 개선방안 연구

        배소연(BAE SOYOUN) 대한교육법학회 2021 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        장애인이 인간으로서 존엄과 가치를 가지고, 대한민국 국민으로서 헌법상 기본권을 평등하게 향유하기 위해서는 무엇보다 교육을 받을 권리를 실질적으로 누릴 수 있어야 한다. 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」이 특수교육에 관한 국가 등의 책임을 규정하고 있지만, 제정된 지 14년이 지남에 따라 시대변화와 특수교육의 현실에 따른 개정이 불가피한 시점이 되었다. 이에 그동안의 특수교육법 개정과정에 나타난 특징들을 검토하고, 특수교육의 당사자인 교육 주체별 관점에서 개선방안을 모색해본다. 먼저, 특수교육대상자의 교육에 관한 권리성을 강화하기 위한 목적조항의 정비와 용어 개선, 보호자의 의무와 책임 강화 및 특수교육에 관한 의견제시권 보완이 필요하다. 또 특수교육교원의 교육에 관한 권리와 의무를 구체화하고, 일반교원뿐만 아니라 보조 인력의 특수교육에 관한 이해도와 전문성을 높이기 위한 최소한의 교육 시행을 위한 법적 근거를 마련할 필요가 있다. 나아가 특수교육의 질적 향상을 위해서는 특수교육기관의 공공성을 높이고, 평생교육을 실현하는 관점에서 특수교육에 관한 국가 등의 책임 범위를 명확하게 하는 것이 중요하다. 이와 함께 신설될 국가교육위원회의 인적 구성에도 특수교육에 관한 전문성을 가진 위원이 반드시 포함될 수 있도록 관련 규정을 개선할 필요가 있다. In order for disabled people to have dignity and value as human beings and to enjoy the basic rights of the Constitution equally as a Korean citizen, the right to receive education must be the foundation above all. The “Act on special education for persons with disabilities, etc.” stipulates the responsibility of the state and local governments for special education, but it has been 14 years since it was enacted. Therefore, the revision that reflects the changing times and the reality of special education is inevitable. In this study, we reviewed the characteristics revealed during the revision of the Special Education Act and sought the direction of revision from the perspective of the education body, which is a party to special education. First, it is necessary to improve the purpose clause and to improve the right to education of special education subjects, strengthen the duties and responsibilities of guardians, and supplement the right to present opinions on special education. Furthermore, it is important to improve the quality of special education by specifying the rights and obligations of special education teachers, strengthening education on general teachers and auxiliary personnel, strengthening the public nature of special education institutions, and ensuring the scope of responsibility for special education. To this end, it is necessary to improve the relevant regulations so that the personnel composition of the new National Education Committee can include members with expertise in special education.

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