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      • KCI등재

        Clinical Manifestations and Genotype of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Diagnosed in Korea: Multicenter Study

        Kim Minji,Lee Mi-Hee,Hong Soo-Jong,Yu Jinho,Cho Joongbum,서동인,Kim Hyung Young,Kim Hye-Young,Jung Sungsu,Lee Eun,Lee Sooyoung,Jeong Kyunguk,Shim Jung Yeon,Kim Jeong Hee,Chung Hai Lee,Jang Yoon Young,Kwo 대한천식알레르기학회 2023 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Vol.15 No.6

        Purpose: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder that leads to secondary ciliary dysfunction. PCD is a rare disease, and data on it are limited in Korea. This study systematically evaluated the clinical symptoms, diagnostic characteristics, and treatment modalities of pediatric PCD in Korea. Methods: This Korean nationwide, multicenter study, conducted between January 2000 and August 2022, reviewed the medical records of pediatric patients diagnosed with PCD. Prospective studies have been added to determine whether additional genetic testing is warranted in some patients. Results: Overall, 41 patients were diagnosed with PCD in 15 medical institutions. The mean age at diagnosis was 11.8 ± 5.4 years (range: 0.5 months-18.9 years). Most patients (40/41) were born full term, 15 (36.6%) had neonatal respiratory symptoms, and 12 (29.3%) had a history of admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. The most common complaint (58.5%) was chronic nasal symptoms. Thirty-three patients were diagnosed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and 12 patients by genetic studies. TEM mostly identified outer dynein arm defects (alone or combined with inner dynein arm defects, n = 17). The genes with the highest mutation rates were DNAH5 (3 cases) and DNAAF1 (3 cases). Rare genotypes (RPGR, HYDIN, NME5) were found as well. Chest computed tomography revealed bronchiectasis in 33 out of 41 patients. Among them, 15 patients had a PrImary CiliAry DyskinesiA Rule score of over 5 points. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first multicenter study to report the clinical characteristics, diagnostic methods, and genotypes of PCD in Korea. These results can be used as basic data for further PCD research.

      • KCI등재

        An Understanding of the God of the Sufferers and Suggestions for Caring

        ( Sooyoung Sue Kim ) 한국목회상담학회 2016 목회와 상담 Vol.26 No.-

        이 논문은 폭력과 악용된 힘을 억울하게 겪으면서 고통을 받는 사람들이 하나님을 어떻게 이해하는지 고찰해봄으로써 피해자들에 대한 돌봄과 치유가 어떠해야 하는가를 살펴보고자 한다. 개인 인터뷰를 통해 수록된 한 여성의 이야기는 얼릴 때 가정에서 육체적이며 정서적 폭력을 경험했고 성장기 이후엔 영적 폭력에 시달렸던 피해자가 고통 중에서 하나님을 어떻게 이해하며 왜 하나님을 비난하려는지 그의 심리적 상태를 보여준다. 폭력과 악용된 힘의 피해자들, 특히 기독교인으로서 이런 고난을 경험한 피해자들은 자인하고 정의롭지 않은 하나님, 전지전능 하면서도 부정의와 폭력을 이 땅에 그리고 자신들의 삶에 허용한 하나님을 경험한다. 성경에 등장하는 욥의 이야기 역시 이유 없는 고난을 받는 욥이 하나님을 이해하려는 갈등과 투쟁의 결과를 보여준다. 예기치 않은 재난을 겪었고, 가족과 친구, 그리고 사회로부터 범죄자라는 냉소와 멸시를 받게 된 욥은 의인이 부당하게 겪는 고통 속에서 하나님을 갈망했고, 하나님의 무관심과 잔인함을 성토했다. 전통적인 기독교 신앙 속의 저지전능 한 하나님은 세상에 만연한 악과 그로 인한 인간의 고통 앞에 종종 이해할 수 없는 분으로 경험된다. 특히 피해자들의 이런 딜레마를 해결하는 것은 목회적 돌봄과 교회 사역에 필요하며, 필자는 이 딜레마의 해결을 위해선 하나님을 이해하는 핵심인 힘의 근본적 의미를 정복하고 지배하는 힘이 아니라 사랑과 설득의 힘으로 바꾸어야 한도고 제안한다. 따라서 이 논문의 주된 논지는 폭력과 힘의 악용을 경험한 피해자들을 돌보고 이들의 치유를 위한 중요한 부분으로 하나님에 대한 재이해를 해야 한다는 것이다. 전통적 교회나 신앙인들은 하나님을 비난하거나 하나님에 대한 반항과 저항을 저지하는 경향이 있고, 같은 입장에서 피해자들이 하나님을 대적하는 것이 바르지 않다고 가르친다. 피해자들이 당하는 고난은 자신의 잘못과 죄로 비롯되었다는 생각은 피해자들에게 또 다른 폭력이 된다. 그러므로 억압과 폭력의 현장에서 하나님과 씨름하려는 절규와 몸부림을 제한하는 것은 오히려 피해자들에게 권위적이며 폭력적인 하나님의 이미지에서 자유롭지 못하게 한다. 하나님의 크고 위대하심은 인간이 겪는 딜레마 속에서 억압 없이 하나님을 탐구하고 하나님에 대하여 질문하는 과정을 통해 얻게 되는, 고통의 결과이다. 필자는 피해자들의 하나님에 대해 좌절하고 비난하는 과정이 목회적 상담과 돌봄의 현장에서 받아들여지고 치유의 일환으로 환영되어야 한다고 제안한다. 그럴 때 피해자들은 하나님에 대한 인식의 전환을 이룰 기회를 갖게 되면, 사랑과 정의의 하나님을 재경험 할 수 있는 치유의 과정을 시작할 수 있게 된다. In this paper, I examine the understanding of God among sufferers who experience undeserved abuse and violence. The research provides informal individual interviews with Kim, a survivor of physical and spiritual abuse; the interviews show how victims understand God and why they tend to blame God. In the midst of agony, victims of abuse and violence, especially those who have Christian faith, experience a brutal and unjust God, the One with almighty power who has allowed violence in their lives. The stories of Kim and Job in the Bible, both of whom experience calamities and violent accusations from the community, reveal that, in the traditional Christian faith, the omnipotent image of God often appears to victims of abuse as being rigid, indifferent, and even violent. An omnipotent God, therefore, needs to answer human suffering with the state of evil and evildoers. To solve the dilemma in the context of pastoral care and church ministry, I suggest changing the core meaning of power from control to loving and persuasion. My main argument is that re-understanding God is the crucial part of care and recovery for victims of abuse and violence. People with traditional belief, however, often prohibit the victims from blaming God and teach them not be rebellious against God. Often, they believe that the victims’ sufferings result from their sin; thus, their advice turns into another act of violence to the victims. Prohibiting free exploration of God in abusive human life only contributes to the image of an authoritative and violent God. The greatness of God can be revealed in the circumstance where humans freely examine and question God in reflection on their suffering. I suggest that victims blaming God should be accepted and welcomed in pastoral caring and ministry. It helps victims reunderstand the God of love and justice to lead them to an epistemological shift toward the meaning of who they are and, consequently, helps them recover from their agony.

      • KCI등재

        [클라우드 컴퓨팅] 퓨즈 기반 pNFS 지원 메타데이터 서버

        김수영(SooYoung Kim),김홍연(HongYeon Kim),김영균(YoungKyun Kim) 한국정보과학회 2013 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        네트워크 환경에서 가장 범용적으로 사용되는 파일시스템인 NFS는 클라이언트 수가 증가할수록 I/O 병목 현상이 심각하게 발생한다. 이를 해결하기 위해 클라이언트가 직접 데이터 서버에 연결하여 I/O 처리를 병렬화한 NFS 버전 4.1 표준(RFC 5661)이 제정되었다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 pNFS를 지원하는 메타데이터 서버(MDS)를 사용자 영역에서 손쉽게 개발할 수 있도록 FUSE를 활용하는 방안을 제시하고 커널 기반 pNFS 지원 메타데이터 서버(pnfsd-lexp)와의 성능을 비교하였다. In network environment, one of the best used file system is the NFS(network file system). However if number of clients is increased, there is I/O bottleneck in the NFS server. To solve this problem, NFS protocol version 4.1 is proposed (RFC 5661). In the protocol, clients can directly connect and process I/O requests in parallel to some data servers, that is pNFS(Parallel NFS). In this paper, we propose methods to develop the metadata server(MDS) supporting pNFS in user space by using FUSE and compare it with kernel-level metadata server (pnfsd-lexp).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Postmortem mRNA Expression Patterns in Left Ventricular Myocardial Tissues and Their Implications for Forensic Diagnosis of Sudden Cardiac Death

        Son, Gi Hoon,Park, Seong Hwan,Kim, Yunmi,Kim, Ji Yeon,Kim, Jin Wook,Chung, Sooyoung,Kim, Yu-Hoon,Kim, Hyun,Hwang, Juck-Joon,Seo, Joong-Seok Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2014 Molecules and cells Vol.37 No.3

        Sudden cardiac death (SCD), which is primarily caused by lethal heart disorders resulting in structural and arrhythmogenic abnormalities, is one of the prevalent modes of death in most developed countries. Myocardial ischemia, mainly due to coronary artery disease, is the most common type of heart disease leading to SCD. However, postmortem diagnosis of SCD is frequently complicated by obscure histological evidence. Here, we show that certain mRNA species, namely those encoding hemoglobin A1/2 and B (Hba1/2 and Hbb, respectively) as well as pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (Pdk4), exhibit distinct postmortem expression patterns in the left ventricular free wall of SCD subjects when compared with their expression patterns in the corresponding tissues from control subjects with non-cardiac causes of death. Hba1/2 and Hbb mRNA expression levels were higher in ischemic SCD cases with acute myocardial infarction or ischemic heart disease without recent infarction, and even in cardiac death subjects without apparent pathological signs of heart injuries, than control subjects. By contrast, Pdk4 mRNA was expressed at lower levels in SCD subjects. In conclusion, we found that altered myocardial Hba1/2, Hbb, and Pdk4 mRNA expression patterns can be employed as molecular signatures of fatal cardiac dysfunction to forensically implicate SCD as the primary cause of death.

      • KCI등재

        Mortality Forecasting for the Republic of Korea

        Sooyoung Kim(김수영) 한국인구학회 2011 한국인구학 Vol.34 No.3

        이 연구에서는 한국의 사망력 추계를 위해 Li와 Lee가 그룹 인구의 일관성 있는 사망력 추계를 위해 제안한 Coherent Lee-Carter방법을 일본, 타이완의 자료를 결합하여 적용하고, 이 방법의 적합을 검증하였으며, Lee-Carter방법을 각각 적용했을 때와의 결과를 비교하였다. 세 국가를 하나의 그룹으로 작성한 이 방법은 세 국가에 각각 Lee-Carter방법을 적용했을 때에 비해 타이완의 기대수명 증가를 가속시키고 일본의 기대수명증가를 감속시키면서, 2050년 세 국가의 기대수명 범위를 6.8세에서 3.0세로 감소시켰다. 한국의 경우는 남녀전체의 기대수명은 크게 변화시키지 않았으나, 65세 이상의 기대수명 증가를 가속화시키고, 65세 이하의 기대수명증가를 감속화 시켰으며, 남녀 기대수명 차이를 서서히 감소시켰다. 이 방법은 한 국가의 사망력 추계를 위해 사망환경이 유사한 국가의 사망력을 결합하는 것은 장기간의 사망력 수렴뿐만 아니라, 단기간의 사망력 추계의 적합도 향상, 연령별 사망력 감소 패턴의 보정 및 한 국가 내 세부 그룹 인구의 일관성 있는 사망력 추계에의 응용 등 여러 가지 장점이 있음을 시사한다. This paper examines the performance of the coherent Lee-Carter method for the mortality forecasting for the Republic of Korea combined with Japan and the Taiwan Province of China as a group by comparing it with the separately applied Lee-Carter method. It narrowed the gap of life expectancies between three countries from 6.8 years to 3.0 years in 2050, with higher life expectancy forecasts for the Taiwan Province of China and lower ones for Japan than with the separate forecast. This method did not affect the sex-combined life expectancy forecast for the Republic of Korea, but it accelerated the mortality decline for ages 65 and over and decelerated It for the younger age groups, diminishing sex differentials of life expectancy at a slower speed. It suggests that the integration of regional mortality information into mortality forecasting of one country gives several advantages in terms of short run fit within each country as well as long run convergence between countries, a modification of the age pattern of mortality decline, and a consistent application of the forecasting of subgroups within a country.


        Appropriate model selection methods for nonstationary generalized extreme value models

        Kim, Hanbeen,Kim, Sooyoung,Shin, Hongjoon,Heo, Jun-Haeng Elsevier 2017 Journal of hydrology Vol.547 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Several evidences of hydrologic data series being nonstationary in nature have been found to date. This has resulted in the conduct of many studies in the area of nonstationary frequency analysis. Nonstationary probability distribution models involve parameters that vary over time. Therefore, it is not a straightforward process to apply conventional goodness-of-fit tests to the selection of an appropriate nonstationary probability distribution model. Tests that are generally recommended for such a selection include the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), corrected Akaike’s information criterion (AICc), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and likelihood ratio test (LRT). In this study, the Monte Carlo simulation was performed to compare the performances of these four tests, with regard to nonstationary as well as stationary generalized extreme value (GEV) distributions. Proper model selection ratios and sample sizes were taken into account to evaluate the performances of all the four tests. The BIC demonstrated the best performance with regard to stationary GEV models. In case of nonstationary GEV models, the AIC proved to be better than the other three methods, when relatively small sample sizes were considered. With larger sample sizes, the AIC, BIC, and LRT presented the best performances for GEV models which have nonstationary location and/or scale parameters, respectively. Simulation results were then evaluated by applying all four tests to annual maximum rainfall data of selected sites, as observed by the Korea Meteorological Administration.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> We compared the AIC, AICc, BIC, and LRT for nonstationary GEV models. </LI> <LI> Monte Carlo simulation was conducted for evaluating the performances of all tests. </LI> <LI> Under stationary conditions, the BIC shows the best performance (N>40). </LI> <LI> Under nonstationary conditions, regression lines for model selection were proposed. </LI> <LI> The results of simulations were verified through the application of observed data. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the determination of the optimal resolution for the application of the distributed rainfall-runoff model to the flood forecasting system – focused on Geumho river basin using GRM

        Kim Sooyoung,Yoon Kwang Seok 한국수자원학회 2019 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.52 No.2

        한국에서 현재 사용되고 있는 홍수예보모형은 집중형 강우-유출모형을 적용하여 유역의 유출을 계산하고 하도 및 저수지 추적모형 등을 활용하여 하천의 수위를 예측한다. 집중형 모형은 유역을 동질의 배수구역으로 가정한다. 따라서 유역내의 다양한 공간적 특성을 고려하지 못한다는 단점이 있다. 또한, 사용되는 강우자료도 지점강우를 활용하기 때문에 공간적인 분포를 자세히 고려하지 못한다는 한계가 있다. 따라서 홍수예보모형에 분포형 모형을 적용하기 위한 연구가 다양하게 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 GRM모형을 한국 홍수예보시스템에 적용하기 위해 모형의 다양한 해상도에 따른 유역유출의 결과의 차이를 분석하여 최적의 해상도를 결정하고자 한다. 모형의 격자가 너무 조밀한 경우 계산시간이 과다하게 되어 홍 수예보모형에 적용하기에는 적합하지 않다. 너무 성길 경우에도 분포형 모형을 적용하여 공간적인 분포를 파악하고자 하는 목적에 맞지 않게 된다. 본 연구의 결과로 유역유출 예측의 정확성을 만족시키고 홍수예보에 적합한 계산속도가 나올 수 있는 최적 해상도를 제시하였다. 유출량 예측의 정 확도는 Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE) 값의 비교를 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 도출된 최적해상도 산정 결과는 분포형 유 역유출모형을 홍수예보모형에 적용하기 위한 기초자료로 활용될 것이다. The flood forecasting model currently used in Korea calculates the runoff of basin using the lumped rainfall-runoff model and estimates the river level using the river and reservoir routing models. The lumped model assumes homogeneous drainage zones in the basin. Therefore, it can not consider various spatial characteristics in the basin. In addition, the rainfall data used in lumped model also has the same limitation because of using the point scale rainfall data. To overcome the limitations as mentioned above, many researchers have studied to apply the distributed rainfall-runoff model to flood forecasting system. In this study, to apply the Grid-based Rainfall-Runoff Model (GRM) to the Korean flood forecasting system, the optimal resolution is determined by analyzing the difference of the results of the runoff according to the various resolutions. If the grid size is to small, the computation time becomes excessive and it is not suitable for applying to the flood forecasting model. Even if the grid size is too large, it does not fit the purpose of analyzing the spatial distribution by applying the distributed model. As a result of this study, the optimal resolution which satisfies the accuracy of the bsin runoff prediction and the calculation speed suitable for the flood forecasting was proposed. The accuracy of the runoff prediction was analyzed by comparing the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE). The optimal resolution estimated from this study will be used as basic data for applying the distributed rainfall-runoff model to the flood forecasting system.

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