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      • The Concept of Innocent Suffering in the Ancient Near Eastern Culture: A Theological Reflection on the Case of Job

        ( Samson D. Dakio ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2019 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.19 No.-

        The subject of human suffering in general and that of the innocent person in particular is one of the most enigmatic issues in Scripture. Yet the concept of suffering constitutes one of the fulcrums of the Christian faith. Throughout the history of humanity, the question of innocent suffering seems to have left no culture indifferent. This study theologically reflects on the suffering of the man Job whose experience epitomizes all innocent suffering ever endured by mortals. The investigation has revealed that the concept of innocent suffering was not widely accepted in the ancient Near East since suffering was generally imputed to an antecedent offence. Leaning on Job’s ordeal, it is argued that the roots of a believer’s suffering are not always to be found in some antecedent sins committed by the sufferer. Thus, innocent suffering as depicted in the life of Job should be understood in the context of the ongoing Great Controversy.

      • Rethinking 2 Samuel 12:15–23: A Case against “the Death Positivity Bias” Phenomenon in Africa

        ( Samson D Dakio ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2020 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.22 No.-

        A penchant for the dead occupies a preeminent place in the belief systems of Africans. Though the phenomenon seems to be a worldwide challenge to the equilibrium of societies, the situation in Africa has become more critical, probably due to the general belief that the dead still have the potential to harm the living when the latter mishandle them. As a result of this, an inordinate attention has been given to the dead, through exorbitant funeral rites, at the expense of the living. In the attempt to change the status quo, this study has examined King David’s attitude in 2 Sam 12:15–23 and ascertained that his behavior towards the sickness and ensuing death of his son is antagonistic to the prevailing phenomenon of “the Death Positivity Bias.” Through a phenomenological approach to the passage under study, I argue that David’s attitude before and after the child’s demise must be the way forward. The focus must be on the living, especially those in dire straits. The study concludes, therefore, that David’s posture stands as a clear case against “the Death Positivity Bias” phenomenon in Africa.

      • Establishing New Converts in Church Planting: The Pauline Model

        ( Dakio Dawe Samson ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2012 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.6 No.-

        Church planting may be said to be as old as Christianity itself. However, the outstanding church planter seems to be Paul the Apostle who happened to earn the cognomen ``Second Founder of Christianity`` in Church history. However, the reality on ground is that church planters of today, unlike Paul, are not making it. Consequently, the study sought to unearth the reasons behind the accomplishments of Paul. This inquiry has made known that success or failure, in the realm of evangelism in general and church planting in particular, is contingent on the methods employed. Therefore, this paper argues that the key to church planting resides not only in spending longer periods with the new converts but also encompasses visitations of the evangelist, delegation of associates, appointment of elders, and writing of timely letters in order to provide the necessary spiritual mentorship.

      • The Ontology of the Ordained Person: A Theological Evaluation

        ( Robert Osei Bonsu ),( Samson Dawe Dakio ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2013 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.8 No.-

        Ordination is a significant concept in the history of the Christian Church. The urgency for denominations to formulate a theology of ordination shows that the issue has gone beyond scholarship and becomes a matter crucial to faith. In the absence of a biblical systematic theology of ordination, the quest to know what ordination confers to the ordained person remains problematic. It is in this context that should be understood the functional- ontological dilemma posed by the act of ordination. Through a theological survey, however, this study claims that ordination per se bestows nothing supernatural susceptible to change the ontological make-up of the recipient. Said differently, ordination is a human recognition of the calling of an individual through the laying on of hands that grants more prerogatives and thereby enables the beneficiary to function as an authorized representative of the Church.ABSTRACT-Ordination is a significant concept in the history of the Christian Church. The urgency for denominations to formulate a theology of ordination shows that the issue has gone beyond scholarship and becomes a matter crucial to faith. In the absence of a biblical systematic theology of ordination, the quest to know what ordination confers to the ordained person remains problematic. It is in this context that should be understood the functional- ontological dilemma posed by the act of ordination. Through a theological survey, however, this study claims that ordination per se bestows nothing supernatural susceptible to change the ontological make-up of the recipient. Said differently, ordination is a human recognition of the calling of an individual through the laying on of hands that grants more prerogatives and thereby enables the beneficiary to function as an authorized representative of the Church.

      • Global Crisis and the Search for a New World Order: A Biblical Response from Daniel 2:41-43

        Robert Osei-Bonsu,Samson D,Dakio 삼육대학교 미래사회와기독교연구소 2021 융합학문과 기독교 Vol.2 No.1

        The New World Order as a subject and its correlation with global crises is of current interest. Human life has been characterized by intermittent periods of upheavals and relative tranquility. Global crises are specific to each period of history. When crises erupt, there is always a need for a concerted way to resolve them. In modern times, significant crises such as World War I and II have put human existence in a state of hopelessness and meaninglessness. Such catastrophes have compelled world leaders to seek to implement a one-government agenda to assuage humanity s suffering. Attempts to curb such crises have created peace movements and organizations, including the United Nations and the European Union. Despite these intentional efforts to federate nations for a better world, unity and peace seem to remain a mirage. Through an exegetical approach, the study has proven that all attempts to unify nations under the banner of a peaceful global village seem to be bound to failure. Therefore, the study concludes that the past and present sequel of events worldwide agrees with biblical data. The book of Daniel is explicit that a one-world agenda is an illusion.

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